LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 387 Peanut, in the days without Li Zaiwan, you have to take on the responsibility of being f

In order to be able to line up with the Top Esports members, the audience tried their best and gave out all they had.

Chen Yi Qiu pulled four teammates into the room, then selected the free-for-all mode to start the game.

While waiting in line, Chen Yi Qiu chose to pull everyone into the voice chat to facilitate communication.

"Hello, can you hear me?" Chen Yi Qiu greeted.

Teammates responded one after another.

Soon, the five people got their turn in line.

Entering the BP interface, Chen Yi Qiu got EZ in this game, Li Xianghe played Ornn, Xiao Huasheng played the nurse, Chen Wei got Shen, and finally Liu Qingsong got Werewolf.

Seeing this lineup, Peanut didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Our lineup is so rubbish, use the dice quickly!"

Chen Wei asked weakly: "Brother Yiqiu, do you want to play Shen? I will play Ezreal."

Chen Yiqiu responded: "It's okay, I can play EZ."

Chen Wei was stunned after hearing this. What he wanted to say was not that Chen Yi Qiu couldn't play EZ, but that he himself couldn't play Shen!
Chen Wei was embarrassed on the spot. What should he do now?
The teammates started using dice, and Li Xianghe's Ornn was replaced by Lucian.

When Liu Qingsong's werewolf turned into Sean, his face immediately turned black.

Peanut's nanny turned into Sona.

"Why are all my random heroes female support heroes? Can't I just change to another one?"

Chen Yiqiu joked: "Maybe it's because of your temperament. Your temperament is more feminine, so I chose to assign a female hero to you."

In fact, the character that Xiaohuasheng COSed today is also a female hero, Nidalee, also known as Nidalee.

This was his own choice. In order to make the COS more realistic, he even piled something on his chest, which looked quite realistic. Chen Yiqiu couldn't understand it, but was greatly shocked.
Soon, everyone ran out of dice and the lineup was determined:

Chen Yiqiu: EZ
Lee Sang Hyuk: Lucian

Peanut: Sona
Chen Wei: Ornn

Liu Qingsong: Sean
After the lineup was determined, Li Xianghe analyzed: "We lack AP output in this game."

Chen Yiqiu responded: "It's okay, the people on the other side might all be crispy."

Little Peanut: "I will be at the back to give you health and speed. I will leave the rest to you."

Chen Yiqiu reminded: "Sina is actually a hero who can easily trigger Kleptomancy."

After hearing this, Peanut understood and immediately changed it to a sign of theft.

Entering the reading screen, Chen Yi Qiu, Li Xianghe and Xiao Huasheng are all omens of theft!
The opposing lineup is Malphite, Gnar, Rek'Sai, Jarvan, and Noxus.

Five melees!

"Ah..." Seeing the opponent's lineup, Peanut felt a headache.

Although there are three squishy heroes on his side, he is the only one who has no displacement ability. Plus, he is very fragile, so he will definitely become the target of the opponent's concentrated fire.

He could already imagine the scene of five big men rushing towards him together.

In Chen Yiqiu's live broadcast room, the barrage has exploded:

[Hahaha, how do you fight this? As long as the opponent is tanky, you can't beat him.]

[This is the Cleaver Team. There is no way they can win. ]

[The main reason is that this version of EZ cannot produce AP, otherwise it is still playable. 】

[I'm on the opposite side! I'm playing as the Stoneman! Hahahaha, I got the first place! ]

[Ah? Someone come and unplug his network cable. I won't allow him to have so much fun! ]

[I didn’t get the chance to queue up. I spent a thousand dollars to rent an account. Wow…]

[Brothers, come on, try to win! ]

Entering the game screen, as soon as Chen Yiqiu came out, the opponent began to madly brush everyone:

Hand of Noxus: "Hahahaha, there are so many squishy guys among you. I'm going to chop them up. I'm not talented enough. I'm the Noxian Guillotine!"

Lost Fang: "Don't listen to him. This one depends on me. God Qiu, if I perform well, can you give me a chance to work in your club? Sweeping the floor is fine, as long as I can be with you guys."

Prince of Demacia: "Faker, I am your fan and have been watching your games since S3."

Void Burrower: "Why do I feel like all my teammates are spies? Can we really win this game? Can we win?"

Lava Monster: "Reaper, I am your fan. I want to give birth to a child for you. I will raise the child myself. Please."

When Chen Yi Qiu saw these words, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. If it were normal times, he would have simply blocked them and focused on playing games.

But now it's live broadcast time, so let's keep it for the sake of the show effect.

The comments in Chen Yiqiu's live broadcast room continued to explode:

[Is this a female stone man? The other people on the other side are in luck. ]

[The other four people on the opposite side seemed to have not yet realized the seriousness of the problem. ]

[No way, buddy, the stone man is quite abstract, and it’s a female? ]

[Oh wow, the MVP in this game is probably the Stoneman, but he is the MVP here. ]

When they arrived at the line, Chen Yi Qiu led his teammates to rush forward without seeing the soldiers coming.

The five people headed straight towards the opposite defense tower.

However, when I was halfway through, I didn't see the person on the other side appear.

Chen Yi Qiu felt something was wrong, so he used his EZ's Q skill to shoot towards the opposite bush.


Although there was no vision, the Q skill disappeared before it reached the maximum distance, proving that it hit the target!
Immediately afterwards, a Noxus flashed out and delivered a ruthless Iron Hand!
This ruthless iron hand hit four people, and Chen Yi Qiu's EZ used the E skill to pull away, turned around and fired a basic attack to trigger the theft omen, and stole a bottle of red medicine.

"Run!" Peanut's Sona used flash to retreat.

By then the opponent was determined to kill. Rek'Sai dug a tunnel and flashed to knock up, Prince used his EQ combo, Stoneman flashed up to output, and Gnar used his E skill to hit the face. For a moment, four strong men were hiding on Sona!
"Ah...why are they targeting me?" Xiao Huasheng was dumbfounded. Why was he, a Sona, being targeted like this?
So Peanut's Sona was killed instantly, and Chen Yi Qiu and Li Xianghe attacked and stole things crazily.

Ornn and Sion were responsible for knocking up. Sion knocked up three people with one Q skill. Ornn followed up with Q and E to knock them up again. The three opponents flew around in the sky and never came down.

Chen Yi Qiu was secretly happy. The hero EZ is just like the Captain. His Q skill can directly trigger the Kleptomancy Omen without the need to follow up with a basic attack.

In the end, the two sides fought a one-for-five exchange, with the opponent using five people to replace Peanut's Sona.

Now Peanut was unhappy: "Since the other side is targeting me, I will just stand behind him. I don't believe the other side can touch me."

The five opponents died together and came out together. At this time, the military line arrived. Chen Yi Qiu's EZ stood in front, looking for an opportunity to Q people.

In order to ensure that he has enough mana, he has Tear of the Goddess when he goes out, so the mana supply is very sufficient.

The first Q, the second Q, the third Q...

Chen Yi Qiu observed the opponent's movements and continuously used the Q skill.

The opposing Noxus seemed to be very confident in his positioning. He deliberately did not hide behind the minions and was exposed to Chen Yi Qiu's EZ, and as a result, he was hit by three Q skills in a row.

Void Burrower: "Is this person an undercover agent? Is he deliberately using skills to boost EZ's economy?"

Chen Yi Qiu's EZ continued to kite the opponent and output crazily. Seeing that Chen Yi Qiu was having so much fun, Li Xianghe naturally wanted to come up and join in. He used the W skill and went forward to hit Noxus twice.

This Noxus used his ruthless iron hand, but it was in vain! Lucian turned around and showed off to him. After clearing the line of soldiers, Chen Yiqiu led his teammates to suppress the opponent, pressing them under the defense tower and consuming them crazily.

Soon, Chen Yi Qiu swiped out a lucky bag, and then the second one.

Little Peanut muttered, "Brother Yiqiu seems to have better luck than others. How come you are always getting lucky bags, but I don't have any."

Chen Yiqiu responded: "Under the same probability, the more times you do it, the more you get. Isn't that normal? I have been triggering the theft omen, but you have triggered it too few times."

Xiao Huasheng understood what Chen Yiqiu meant. He chose to approach the opponents under the defense tower, first used skills and then attacked...

At the moment when Peanut delivered a basic attack, the opponent's Noxus started sprinting and rushed over!
"Wait a minute! I'm just touching it, why are you so excited?" Xiao Huasheng was panicked. In order to trigger the omen of theft, he used the E skill to speed up. Now without speed, he couldn't pull away at all.

So the opponent's Noxus came closer, and he pulled Sona back with a Ruthless Iron Hand. The Prince followed up with a two-combo EQ, and the others followed suit with output. Peanut's Sona was killed instantly by the opponent!
However, the opponent gave all the skills to Sona, so there were no skills to limit Chen Yi Qiu and Li Xianghe, and the two of them harvested like crazy.

This time it was one for three, and the opponents were closer to the defense tower, so not all of them died.

Peanut went crazy: "Okay, okay, the other side is targeting me on purpose, I get it, I'll go tanky! I don't believe they'll still target me!"

Little Peanut immediately produced a red crystal.

In Chen Yiqiu's live broadcast room, the barrage of comments exploded:

【Hahahaha, he’s anxious! He’s anxious!】

[The other party is indeed a bit rude, which is understandable. 】

[I hope Peanut is not going to be defeated. 】

[Don't worry, Peanut, we have brothers to guide you.]

[Peanut is so cute when he's angry! 】

While five people were playing the Abyss Royale together, screenshots of the five people COSing had spread throughout the anti-stress forum.

#Reaper is so handsome, his sword demon is amazing.

#This is the real sword demon!

#Little Peanut’s Leopard Woman, take it and play with it.

#Guys, I'm done.

#Faker’s Tsar is also very handsome, the old emperor.

#You know what, Faker’s temperament really matches that of the Tsar.

The game was still going on. Under Chen Yi Qiu's fierce bombardment, the health of the opponent's tower was low. At the same time, the five opponents gradually reached level six.

So, while Peanut came up to trigger the omen of theft, suddenly, the Stone Man rushed over with a big move.

"Hey!" Peanut's flash was not on cooldown yet, and he was hit hard.

What was even more terrifying was that the four remaining people on the opposite side seemed to have discussed it in advance. They threw snowballs together, hitting Peanut and flying over together.

Noxus used his ultimate to get the kill, triggering Blood Rage!
Guo Hao, who was watching the battle from behind, became excited: "Run! If one person is furious, the whole family will die!"

However, just when everyone thought that Noxus was about to start slashing.

Sion used his ultimate to knock the elemental over. Ornn used his Q skill and his ultimate, then used his E skill to turn around and knock the elemental over. He then used W and the second stage of his ultimate to knock the elemental back.

Sion uses a fully charged Q skill to knock the opponent up.

Everyone saw this Noxus flying in the air, unable to use any skills, and was always being knocked into the air until he was finally killed.

Guo Hao laughed miserably: "This Noxus is too pitiful. I thought he was going to show off."

Chen Yi Qiu's EZ and Li Xianghe's Lucian cooperated with each other, and the two shooters harvested crazily. In the end, it was another one for five, and the one who got hurt was always Peanut!
At this time, Chen Yi Qiu already had more than 4,000 gold coins on him, but he was not dead, so there was no need to go back to buy equipment.

Xiao Huasheng suddenly had an idea, and he sent a message to everyone: "Whoever kills the first person to kill EZ will be rewarded with 10,000 yuan."

Xiao Huasheng thought that Chen Yi Qiu's EZ must go back to buy equipment.

Otherwise, you will soon be unable to defeat anyone, so start the game in advance and make the opponent more active.

However, his little trick has been seen through by Chen Yi Qiu.

Chen Yiqiu said, "You don't think you can only go back to get equipment if you are killed by the enemy."

Little Peanut was stunned and thought, isn't that right?
Suddenly, he realized how naive he was, but it was too late.

While the opponent hadn't come out yet, Chen Yi Qiu's EZ went straight to the front of the opponent's second tower to give away a kill.

This way you can die and still get equipment!

Once the equipment is made, the damage will be completely different.

In the end, Chen Yi Qiu was not killed by the opponent once and led his teammates to victory.

Xiaohuasheng's Sona died six times and almost became a ghost.

After the game was over, Peanut seemed unconvinced, saying his record was the worst: "No, this one doesn't count. My hero is too rubbish. Let's play another one."

Lee Sang-hyuk joked: "There are no rubbish heroes. It all depends on the summoner's ability."

Soon, the second person in line came up and I went in to take a look.

In this game, Peanut plays Mundo!
Lee Sang Hyuk plays Nami.

Little Peanut laughed miserably: "Brother Xianghe, it seems that your luck in this round is not very good."

"Brother Yiqiu, you...ah? Brother Yiqiu, why can you play such a hero? Xerath!"

In this game, Chen Yi Qiu got Xerath, one of the true gods in the base brawl!

Chen Yiqiu shook his head: "I don't know either. The system gave it to me to play, so I played it."

Peanut yelled, "This isn't fair, this system isn't fair!"

He changed his mind and said, "However, Brother Xianghe is more unlucky than me, so it's okay. At least Mondo is more fun than Nami."

Now Peanut felt mentally balanced.

The next second, something he didn't expect happened. Zeratul was transferred from Chen Yi Qiu to Li Xianghe!
The two exchanged heroes! This is not over yet. Chen Yiqiu did not use the dice in the last game, but he used it this time, and Nami turned into Draven!

"Ah? Why? Brother Yi Qiu, why do you want to switch with him and not with me? You are too biased!" Little Peanut protested loudly.

Chen Yiqiu scratched his head: "You didn't say you wanted to switch with me, how would I know you wanted to switch."

Peanut immediately requested to exchange with him: "I'm going to exchange with you now. Come on, give me Draven. I can play Draven."

Chen Yiqiu decisively refused: "I don't have any dice. If I have dice, I can change it. If I don't have dice, I can't."

"Ah?" Little Peanut was about to cry.

In Chen Yiqiu's live broadcast room, the comments were crazy:
[Look at this unlucky kid, why are you always the most unlucky? ]

[I can only say that some things are destined. ]

[Peanut, don't cry, come to your brother's arms. ]

[I declare that Peanut is the comedian of Top Entertainment. ]

[Peanut, without Lee Jae-wan, you have to be funny and bring joy to everyone.] (End of this chapter)

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