In fact, not only EDG's players gave up on the top lane, but their fans also gave up on the top lane. They only focused on the mid and bottom lanes, and ignored the top lane. They just cheered if the mid and bottom lanes played well.

Xiaohuasheng got the third blue buff. This time he chose to go to the bottom lane. He suffered a loss the last time he counter-jungled, so this time he chose to GANK the bottom lane.

As a result, just as he arrived at the bottom lane to ambush, Zz1tai's Pig Girl came over, and he successfully counter-ambushed!
Peanut chose to lure the enemy deeper into his territory and did not take action immediately.

After the policewoman and Braum on the opposite side pursued him in depth, he then turned invisible and went to find the policewoman.

At this moment, Ryze's ultimate skill appeared under the policewoman's feet!

"Ah?" Peanut was dumbfounded when he saw Ryze's ultimate.

Why is it three against four?

While he was hesitating, the invisibility effect of his ultimate skill disappeared, and he became the most dangerous one!
"We can't win, let's go." Liu Qingsong's command was very decisive, and he led Chen Wei to retreat all the way.

"Hey? Help me." Peanut was desperate. He was still thinking that Tam could save him, but Tam just ran away.

So Peanut died again.

EDG fans were excited and were posting comments like this:
[Why do I feel like Peanut is like this? ]

[You are called Peanut, right? ]

[Oh my god, is the factory manager about to succeed in his revenge? ]

【The factory is rising! 】

[Mingkai makes me feel so strange, Mingkai, what are you doing? 】

[From today on, we will attack and defend against aliens! 】

The director gave a close-up of the factory manager's expression. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he seemed very happy.

In fact, Peanut has always been his nightmare, and he feels scared every time he hears these three words.

I made the decision to come up for this game after gritting my teeth. I didn't expect the situation to be so good.

Fifteen minutes into the game, EDG took down Top Esports' bottom lane tower, and Chen Yi Qiu also took down a tower in the top lane.

The two sides switched lanes, Chen Yi Qiu moved to the bottom lane, and the duo moved to the middle lane.

Both sides fought around the Rift Herald, and EDG got the Rift Herald in a one-for-two exchange.

They released the Rift Herald in the middle lane and relied on their superior numbers to take down Top Esports' middle lane tower.

I remember the commentator saying, "The rhythm is wrong now. EDG is so powerful. I didn't expect this."

Rita: "But... if we look at the economy, Top Esports is even a little ahead, mainly because of the top lane vampire. Although everyone doesn't pay much attention to the top lane, the gap in the top lane is very large."

Twenty minutes into the game, Chen Yi Qiu's vampire pushed the second tower in the bottom lane.

The hero Vampire is not fast in pushing towers, and Chen Yi Qiu finds that Mouse is really abnormal.

Mouse bought a green armor and a Hexdrinker.

It is hard to imagine that these two pieces of equipment would appear on the same captain at the same time.

This caused a little trouble for Chen Yi Qiu, but it was not a big problem. The Book of Death was already full, and the benefits of continuing to kill the Captain alone were not obvious.

As for EDG, although they feel they have the advantage now, the vampire's lane pushing makes them a little uncomfortable.

Meiko asked, "What should we do with this vampire? If we don't take care of him, he might get on the high ground anytime soon."

Mouse quickly said, "You guys have to think carefully. If you come to catch vampires, the big dragon may be gone."

The factory manager took a look at Top Esports' lineup and said, "It's okay. They're slow in killing the Baron. We can catch them. Follow me to the bottom lane. You guys push the mid lane first."

Everyone on EDG reached a consensus that they had to catch the vampire and not lose the big dragon.

The EDG duo pushed the middle lane and went directly to the bottom lane from the jungle.

On the Top Esports side, seeing that the opposing duo had disappeared, Liu Qingsong gave a signal: "Vampire, be careful, I think the other side is going to catch you."

However, Chen Yi Qiu had already noticed the situation in the middle and he deliberately did not move.

Chen Yi Qiu continued to suppress the enemy in front of the second tower, and only retreated when he felt that the opponent was almost there.

Sure enough, the opposite policewoman ran over from behind under the cover of Braum, with Pig Girl on the side and Gangplank in front.

Mouse's captain directly threw out his ultimate move first!
Chen Yiqiu commanded: "Go and kill the big dragon."

"Ah? I can't finish it. My equipment is very poor." Chen Wei was playing EZ, and he was slow in killing Baron. Without equipment, he was even slower.

"Is one minute enough?" Chen Yi Qiu asked back.

"One minute?" Chen Wei was stunned. What did that mean? After the opponent ganked the bottom lane, it couldn't possibly take a minute to walk from the bottom lane to the Baron pit.

But he still followed his teammates to the dragon pit.

On the bottom lane, Chen Yi Qiu first attacked Zzazai's Pig Girl, fighting and retreating at the same time.

Pig girl has developed well this time and can withstand several sets of skills from the vampire.

Pig girl started with her Q skill, Chen Yi Qiu made a nimble move and was about to dodge it. Suddenly, Pig girl used her flash, Q flash to knock the vampire away, and followed up with her ultimate!

I remember exclaiming, "What a decisive Q flash! Zzitai has killed Vampire with this wave! Braum flashes to his ultimate, the policewoman puts down the trap, Gangplank uses his Q skill, flashes and attacks, and Vampire is about to be killed instantly!"

Chen Yi Qiu's vampire was controlled to the point where he could not move, so he chose to use his ultimate skill on the opposing Sejuani, Gangplank and Braum, but the policewoman was far away and could not be used.

Rita explained: "Is it going to be the first time that Qiu Shen dies this season?"

After the control effect on his body disappeared, Chen Yi Qiu's vampire charged the E skill, and the captain decisively used the flash to pull away to avoid being killed instantly by the vampire.

Chen Yiqiu chased after the Captain, and just when his E skill was fully charged, the vampire used his flash...

The policewoman died instantly!

The audience was shocked!

No one reacted, including the policewoman.

I clearly saw the vampire chasing the captain, but who could have thought that the vampire suddenly flashed back and killed the policewoman in seconds. It was too fast! Too sudden!
In the commentary booth, I remember exclaiming, "What the hell is this damage? Vampire E flashes red fury Q and kills the full-health policewoman in one second! Moreover, because Gangplank flashed away, he couldn't keep up with the subsequent damage. Vampire is still operating, he is operating!"

Rita continued, "He moved to avoid Braum's Q. Vampire used his ultimate to recover some health. Although it was very weak, there was no one on the opposite side who could deal damage!"

Chen Yi Qiu's vampire was like a swimming dragon, moving and outputing damage at the same time. Pig Girl used her Q and Chen Yi Qiu made a feint and tricked Pig Girl's pigs away.

On the other side, the Chinese woman from Top Esports was fighting the Baron. Although it was slow, no one came to harass her. There was only one Ryze left on the opposite side, and Ryze didn't dare to come over alone.

The four of them were watching Chen Yi Qiu's operation in the bottom lane. Chen Wei and Xiao Huasheng were stunned. Although Li Xianghe and Liu Qingsong were also surprised, they managed their expressions well and did not show it.

As Piglet's second Q skill missed, it was impossible to kill the vampire in this wave.

Vampire charged up his E skill, Braum flashed back, and Gangplank had already run away, leaving Zz1tai's low-health Pig Girl alone to face Chen Yi Qiu. With an E followed by a Q, Vampire killed Pig Girl and became a super god!

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling: [You like to catch Qiu Shen, right? Is it fun? ]

[No, why do you have to provoke him? Aren't you asking for trouble? ]

[This is how Qiu Shen operates. Watch carefully and learn well. ]

[Mouse likes to imitate Qiu Shen so much, why not try vampire in the next game. ]

[You guys want Mouse to die. If he can play vampires, is he still Mouse? ]

【The game is over! 】

On the other side, Chen Yi Qiu's four teammates were still fighting the Baron, which was indeed very slow.

However, if no one interferes, it can be defeated no matter how slow it is.

Chen Wei exclaimed: "Brother Yiqiu, is this what you meant by one minute? The time it takes for the opponent to be killed, resurrected, and walk over?"

Peanut said first: "You don't understand it now, do you? It seems that you need more practice."

Chen Wei exclaimed: "Brother Wanghu is still amazing."

Liu Qingsong complained: "You believe this?"

Li Xianghe exposed it on the spot: "He is just talking after the fact, don't take it seriously."

In the end, the Top Esports team finally took down the Baron.

The director gave a shot to the EDG members.

Just a minute ago, they were quite happy and optimistic, but now they suddenly become withdrawn.

I remember the commentator said: "With the Baron being taken by Top Esports, EDG seemed to be going far away. The game ended a bit suddenly. I felt that EDG had a chance, but why did they have to catch the vampire?"

Rita commented: "I guess it's because EDG also felt that they had a big advantage and could challenge, and that's it."

The five members of Top Esports returned to the city for supplies. Chen Yi Qiu took out his hat and got his three and a half items.

"Gather together in the bottom lane and prepare to end the game." Chen Yi Qiu commanded.

The five players of Top Esports pushed the line of troops from the bottom lane to the bottom of the second tower, took down the low-health second tower, and headed straight for the high ground.

The five EDG players defended on the high ground, and Lee Sang-hye's Zoe began to play, using skills to consume the opponent from the side.

Chen Yi Qiu's vampire put pressure on the front, going up and down, making EDG very uncomfortable.

Suddenly, Chen Yiqiuhong angrily rushed forward to put pressure on EDG, forcing them to move up. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zoe hit Ryze with a hypnotic bubble through the wall!
Ryze quickly retreated, and Braum jumped up and activated his shield to help block skills.

Seeing Braum use his shield, Chen Yiqiu commanded: "Tahm Kench, use your ultimate skill, and bring me in."

Liu Qingsong understood what he meant and used his ultimate skill on the spot, and the vampire jumped into Tam's mouth!
I remember the commentator said: "Tahm Kench used his ultimate. Where is he going to take Vladimir? Go around! These two people went around and EDG was double-teamed. They were too concentrated. Vladimir's ultimate hit five people. The blood pool avoided Braum's ultimate and Sejuani's ultimate, charged up the E skill, and EDG exploded!"

Rita continued, "EZ's ultimate swept over and hit three people. Mantis used his E skill to flash and close the distance. His evolved Void Stab slowed down three EDG players, and Ryze was killed instantly!"

The team battle was about to break out, and EDG was simply unable to resist. Even a pure meat tank like Sejuani had half of his health reduced by one set of attacks from Chen Yiqiu, not to mention the squishy ones, who were killed instantly.

"Harvest! Jump! Want to run!" Peanut's Mantis began to harvest. He evolved E and W. Assists allowed him to refresh his E skill. He jumped around, and those with low health would die if touched.


The sound effects of team wipe spread throughout Summoner's Rift, and in the end, EDG was wiped out!

I remember the commentator said: "With EDG being wiped out, the first game will be won by Top Esports. I have to say that EDG's performance in the early and mid-game was actually quite good, but they caught a wave of vampires in the bottom lane, which directly led to the end of the game."

Rita: "That's right, Qiu Shen can't be caught. When he lets you catch him, it must be when he is sure of it. But then again, if you really don't care about Qiu Shen, Qiu Shen can still end the game, so it's quite tangled."

The Top Esports team pushed the opponent down in one go and the game was over.

"Nice! Nice! We won!" Peanut was so happy.

Chen Yi Qiu took a look and saw that Peanut's record was 0-4. Although he seemed to be very active in team battles, in fact, he was only providing assists. His development was too poor, his output was not enough, and he could not get any kills.

Fortunately, he won this game. If he hadn't won, Peanut would have been ruined.

After all, Xiaohuasheng’s fame in LPL is largely due to his abuse of Zzaizhuang. Once he is avenged, he will definitely be liquidated.

"If you continue to be lazy during your training, you will definitely fail in the future." Chen Yi Qiu warned Xiao Huasheng.

Little Peanut scratched his head: "Brother Yiqiu is talking about..."

Although Xiaohuasheng is usually very naughty, he is also very persuasive, especially in front of Chen Yiqiu.

The EDG team has returned to the lounge and is moving very quickly.

After the players sat down, Zhu Kai began to analyze: "The early and mid-game handling of this game was very good. Mingkai grasped Xiaohuasheng's psychology and route of counter-jungling. In terms of laning, the middle and bottom lanes were acceptable, but the top lane was the only one."

Mouse touched his nose awkwardly. What else could he do?
I finally mustered up the courage to play a game of Captain, wanting to copy Chen Yi Qiu's previous playing style.

It turned out that I was thinking too much.

Zhu Kai continued, "I originally thought that your Captain had already been trained and could be used for a try, but now it seems that he is far from being good enough. So, you should not play in front of Reaper and switch to a more stable hero."

"Okay..." When Mouse heard about the more stable hero, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Stable? He knew this the best. Didn't he know how to be stable?

Zhu Kai began to arrange tactics: "In the next round, we will continue to break through their jungle area. Xiaohuasheng will definitely not accept it and continue to counter-jungle. You can arrange vision in advance and push the line in advance."

Soon, the short break was over and players from both teams came on the field again.

Entering the second game's BP.

EDG followed their own ideas and chose a weak Sejuani in the jungle, a Cho'jin in the top lane, banned Gangplank and Vladimir together, and also banned Shen.

So, Chen Yi Qiu drew his sword directly and chose Sword Queen!

I remember the commentator saying, "Here it comes! Qiu Shen's Sword Princess! This time... his Sword Princess actually has Omen of the Kleptomancy? My God, now Qiu Shen has Omen of the Kleptomancy, but he doesn't have any other talents? How perverted?"

Not only the commentators, but all the audience online were stunned. Chen Yi Qiu used Kleptomancy in all the games this season, no matter what hero, long-armed, short-armed, AD, or AP.

After entering the game screen, everyone discovered another horrible thing!

Rita explained: "Look at Fiora's starting equipment. He went straight out with Extraction. What's even worse is that he didn't even buy medicine! If he didn't forget, then he didn't treat the giant worm as a human."

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:
[You choose to be a jerk in the top lane, and you still want others to treat you as a human being? ]

【Dignity needs to be fought for with strength. 】

[If you are not good at playing, stand at attention and get beaten. Who told you to be bad? ]

[Assholes should be severely humiliated! ]

[This game will raise another big daddy. 】(End of this chapter)

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