The bottom lane was being suppressed, and suddenly, Galio appeared!

Doinb's Galio rushed out from the side and quickly approached the two players in the bottom lane of Top Esports.

"Let's go separately." Liu Qingsong was quite calm. He knew that if they went together at this time, the final result would be death together.

The opponent’s first target must be Xia. Liu Qingsong walked towards the triangle grass and headed straight for the little dragon.

Sure enough, the opponent went after Xia and ignored him, Luo.

Wawa explained: "When disaster strikes, everyone flees. This wave of Xia is definitely gone. It all depends on who gets the kill."

Galio used his Righteous Charge to get close to Xayah, but Janna rushed over and slowed him down. Knowing that he couldn't get away, Chen Wei chose not to use Flash and was controlled by the opposing Galio. Kog'Maw came up and took the kill.

First blood bursts out, and the big mouth gets the first blood.

Doinb shouted excitedly: "Nice! Good job guys."

However, SMLZ is a rather reserved person, and Doinb's excitement did not cause any change in his mood at all.

On the Topbo side, Li Xianghe took the initiative to take the blame: "It's my fault. I thought he went back and didn't send you a signal."

Chen Wei quickly said, "It's okay."

The camera was turned to the top lane, where Chen Yi Qiu's EZ pushed Shen under the defensive tower to steal money, and constantly used the Q skill to trigger the theft omen.

Wawa explained: "Now we are entering the rhythm of EZ stealing money. He is having so much fun stealing. He has a blue bottle and a lucky bag. Is there another lucky bag? So fast?"

Miller sighed helplessly: "It seems that this really depends on one's luck. The last time I finished commentating Chen Sheng's game, I went back to try the Kleptomaniac talent myself. As a result, I stole a lucky bag in one game. I was really impressed."

Wawa and Miller looked at Da Sima together and asked, "Teacher Ma, what do you think of the talent Kleptomancy? Which heroes are suitable for this talent?"

Da Sima was stunned after hearing this, and then said something that no one could have expected: "What is the omen of theft?"

As soon as these words came out, the comments in the official live broadcast room were boiling:
[You two actually dared to ask him, you really asked the right person. ]

[Don’t you know that Mr. Ma never reads the game update instructions? ]

[Generally speaking, it takes about a year for Mr. Ma to know what has been updated.]

[That’s a good question. Don’t ask it next time.]

The game is still going on. Li Xianghe increased the pressure in the middle lane. He knew that if Galio could not be killed, his teammates would be in great danger. Doinb's sense of smell was very sharp and he could accurately control the opportunities for roaming.

"The opponent's mid laner is getting anxious. Jungler, come to the mid lane to gank us." Doinb started calling people. He had saved his flash, which could come in handy now.

So the prince walked towards the middle lane with double BUFF.

"There's vision over here, go around." Doinb gave a signal to the river above the middle lane.

The Prince entered the Baron pit, used his EQ combo to enter Top Esports' upper jungle area and then walked towards the middle lane, waiting for skills as he walked.

Wawa commented: "It's over. Top Esports' mid lane is also in danger. Prince chose to go around the vision. Now Faker thinks the top is safe, so he stands there. In fact, Prince is right behind him!"

The RW fans at the scene were excited. In their opinion, the meaning of catching and killing Chen Wei once and catching and killing Lee Sang-hyuk once are different. Killing Lee Sang-hyuk once is the real profit.

"Go!" Doinb ordered the Prince to take action, and at the same time used his E skill Justice Punch to approach Clockwork.

When Li Xianghe saw Galio playing like this, he knew that the jungler was coming, so he chose to use his W skill to speed up his retreat.

But I didn’t expect that the prince from the opposite side would come from behind!

The Prince uses his W skill to slow down Clockwork, outputs damage with a basic attack, and keeps his EQ.

Galio uses his W skill Durand's Shield to charge, and this Durand's Shield has caught up with Clockwork!
The next second, Clockwork and Galio used flash at the same time, and Clockwork was controlled!

Wawa exclaimed: "A very nice wave and flash, Galio's operation is full, Clockwork is controlled, Prince follows up with EQ, Clockwork can't hold on, his health is low... Wait for Sejuani to come, but it's useless even if Sejuani comes."

Da Sima took the opportunity to comment: "This is not the way to play the game. Clockwork didn't have good vision and was mindlessly pushing the minion line. He will definitely be ganked by the opponent."

Miller suddenly explained: "No, EZ is here too. Why is EZ here?"

Just when Clockwork was about to die, Sejuani and EZ sandwiched him from both sides.

Pig girl used her Q skill and flashed to stop Prince and Galio.

But it was still not enough. The opposing Prince used his Q skill to take down Clockwork. At the same time, Shen TPed to the middle lane and came to support!
"Kill Galio." Chen Yi Qiu's goal was very clear. Since the Galio on the opposite side didn't have flash, he naturally had to kill Galio first.

Sejuani's W slows down Galio, and she uses a basic attack followed by her E skill to control him. Chen Yiqiu's EZ follows up with output, and before the opponent's Shen TPs to the ground to support her, Chen Yiqiu's EZ takes down Galio first.

"Retreat." After completing the one-for-one exchange, Chen Yi Qiu chose to retreat back to the city for supplies, while Xiao Huasheng was responsible for taking over the middle lane.

Wawa commented: "It was a very timely support. If EZ hadn't come to support in time, Top Esports would have definitely suffered a big loss. One for one, and the opponent also paid TP. Why do they feel like they made a profit?"

Miller muttered: "The key is why this EZ would walk to the middle lane at this time?"

At this moment, the director gave the replay. Through the replay, everyone was shocked to find that after EZ pushed the line into the tower at level 3, he entered the opposite jungle and placed a ward.

After the prince finished killing the toad, his direction was discovered by the wards.

Wawa explained: "Then I know. Chen Sheng saw Prince heading towards the river, so he wanted to go over and check out Prince's location. He didn't expect Prince to gank the middle lane, and he was circling the vision. It can only be said that there was a bit of coincidence involved."

Miller: "But no matter what, it is very important for EZ to get the lane control in the top lane, otherwise he will have no chance to place wards and no chance to support the mid lane."

After replenishing, Chen Yi Qiu returned to the top lane to develop. Now he had the Tear of the Goddess, so he could use the mana as he pleased and had no shortage of it, just don't use E.

Chen Yi Qiu pushes the line of troops mindlessly. As long as the line of troops enters the tower, Shen will be in great trouble and must face the consumption of EZ's Q skill under the tower.

In fact, having your health depleted is not the most painful thing. The most painful thing is having your things stolen by EZ.

So Shen chose to come up and grab the lane rights with EZ. With the minions blocking him, he only needed to dodge EZ's W.

Suddenly, EZ used his W, and Shen chose to move, but he was predicted, and it looked like he caught it. EZ came up and tried to trigger Kleptomancy with a basic attack, but Shen activated his W skill and didn't let it trigger.

But it was useless. After Shen's W ended, Chen Yi Qiu's EZ used a Q skill in vain towards the river, walked forward and used a basic attack to output something, triggering the Kleptomancy Omen, and an extra eye was added to his body.

Seeing the Q skill being used in vain, Wawa laughed: "This EZ is really a mess. Doesn't Shen like to hide behind minions? EZ doesn't expect the Q skill to hit at all, so he uses Kleptomancy to steal money. He is not in a hurry. He is not in a hurry, but Shen is."

Miller looked at Da Sima and asked, "Teacher Ma, what do you think of this EZ top laner? It seems that EZ has developed well in this game. Even if there is one less front-line tank, it is not impossible to win."

Da Sima was stunned. He just said that EZ was not good in the top lane. If he started praising EZ now, wouldn’t that be slapping himself in the face?
So Da Sima said: "Don't think that EZ is having a great time suppressing the opponent now, that's not how you play League of Legends."

Wawa and Miller were dumbfounded. Da Sima actually doubted that Chen Yiqiu could not play this game? Who is Chen Yiqiu? The best top laner in history!
The game time reached five and a half minutes, Chen Yi Qiu's EZ was the first to reach level six and continued to push the line of troops to suppress.

"The Galio on the opposite side is level 6, you guys better be careful." Li Xianghe reminded his teammates.

The duo that was originally suppressing the opponent's bottom lane chose to retreat. Fortunately, Xayah still had flash, so even if the opponent caught the bottom lane, there was still room for operation.

"Brother Yi Qiu, I'll come to the top lane to help you counter-camp." Xiao Huasheng saw Chen Yi Qiu suppressing the enemy in the top lane and chose to go up to jungle.

The opponent's Shen doesn't have much health left. If he clears the jungle to the top lane, he will have a chance to cooperate with EZ to kill him.

The soldiers in the top lane entered the defensive tower, and Chen Yi Qiu used the Q skill to consume the enemy in front of the defensive tower.

Choose Shen to use W to resist the damage of EZQ and normal A and force the last hit.

Wawa commented: "Hey! What is Shen doing now? He has used his W now. What if Ezreal goes straight to him? He has so little health."

As soon as Wawa finished speaking, Shen's W disappeared, and Shen chose to retreat.

Chen Yiqiu's EZ chased forward, AQAWEAQ...

After Chen Yi Qiu's EZ finished using a set of skills, Shen's health was almost gone. At this time, Chen Yi Qiu was holding the tower. He chose to use his ultimate skill on the spot, ready to take Shen's head!

"Good opportunity!" Shen was waiting for this opportunity. He deliberately lured EZ to cross the tower just to kill him!

If we can kill Chen Yi Qiu, that would be a huge achievement, immeasurable!

Shen uses E and flash, taunts EZ and moves behind EZ at the same time, so that he can avoid EZ's ultimate, and then cooperates with the defensive tower to kill EZ, or at least replace him.

But this is just a beautiful imagination.

Wawa passionately explained: "EZ used his ultimate, Shen used E flash to counterattack and tried to kill him, but missed! EZ also used flash, what was this? EZ's R flash? EZ flashed back and the starting point of his ultimate also moved back, hitting Shen, killing him instantly! Shen was killed instantly!"

Miller was stunned: "I thought Shen was giving up, but he was trying to kill me. I thought EZ was going to be killed, but he was one step ahead! Shen was on the second floor, but EZ was on the fifth floor!"

Wawa looked at Da Sima and asked, "Teacher Ma, what do you think of EZ's performance this time? Was it amazing?"

Da Sima was also in a state of shock at first. This EZ show made him numb. But when someone asked him this, he had to change his words:
"This time... Although EZ got a solo kill, I don't think he deserves my approval. Now let me ask you a question: does EZ know where the opponent's jungler is? If he doesn't know where the opponent's jungler is, then it's just luck! You can't get far by relying on luck."

Hearing this, the comments in the live broadcast room instantly boiled over:
[Is the disease starting to happen? The classic question is where the jungler is. 】

[Although the operation was very good and the single kill was completed, it did not get my recognition! ]

[As we all know, it is useless to win the S-League championship without the approval of Mr. Ma. 】

【Teacher Ma is like this.】

The game was still going on. Peanut was amazed at Chen Yiqiu's performance and said, "Nice, brother Yiqiu! Oh! Nice!"

Although Xiao Huasheng often flatters Chen Yi Qiu, at times like this, he truly thinks Chen Yi Qiu's actions are amazing.

Xiaohuasheng was still celebrating when suddenly, something went wrong in the middle lane. The Prince flashed and used his EQ ultimate to control Clockwork, and Galio followed up with his ultimate.

Li Xianghe's Clockwork did not flash, so he was unable to operate in this wave, and was finally killed by the opponent's Galio.

"Prince has no flash and ultimate, and Galio has no ultimate." Li Xianghe reminded his teammates.

However, this wave is not over yet. After a GANK in the middle lane with the jungler, Galio followed the Prince to the bottom lane.

However, Top Esports' bottom lane retreated early and left no chance for the team, so Prince and Galio took the opportunity to take down the little dragon.

Wawa explained: "Here it comes. This is RW's most classic play style, a double roaming in the midfield and jungle. Once they get into this rhythm, it's hard to defend against them."

Miller agreed: "Yes, Galio is a mature system. In comparison, Top Esports' mid and jungle don't have much coordination and linkage, and their combination is not as good as the opponent's. In addition, Clockwork relies on development, so their early rhythm is definitely not as good as Galio's, so they can only drag it out first."

The game time was just over eight minutes, in the middle lane, Li Xianghe flashed out with less than a minute left, and the opponent's prince visited the middle lane again!
However, this time Peanut's Pig Girl was also there. The opposing Prince used his EQ double ultimate to control Clockwork. Galio used his ultimate, and as soon as he landed, Galio and Prince were hit by Clockwork's ultimate!
Immediately afterwards, Xiaohuasheng's Pig Girl rushed out from the side and controlled the Prince with one ultimate move.

Wawa commented: "RW's play this time was a bit formulaic. They chose to delay Clockwork's flash and didn't have a good time to catch him. But Peanut was not a fool. He counter-camped in the middle lane, and the Prince was about to be killed instantly!"

Suddenly, Miller became excited: "There is a big move. Shen's big move gave Prince a shield, and Prince did not die! On the contrary, Clockwork is in a very awkward situation now. Shen landed and taunted, and Clockwork was gone again!"

Da Sima explained: "You see, although EZ seems to have a slight advantage in the top lane, it's useless. Shen can support his teammates. This is a five-person game, not just about the laning phase."

Just as Da Sima finished speaking, suddenly, a precise barrage of bullets flew over, and the prince with low health was gone!
EZ took down the prince's head.

The situation suddenly became a bit awkward. This wave of one-for-one trade was actually not a loss at all. In fact, because of the use of the ultimate move, Top Esports actually made a profit.

However, Da Sima chose to be tough: "Not a loss! We made a profit! RW still made a profit. Now all the kills of this TOP team are on EZ. EZ is a hero that can't be carried."

Wawa and Miller were doubting their lives. They naturally knew Chen Yi Qiu's inferior Carrying ability, having seen it many times before, but Da Sima was so sure that it made both of them lose confidence, as if what he said was true.

Ten minutes into the game, Chen Yi Qiu's EZ had some fun in the top lane, and two lucky bags appeared on his body, but they were never used.

The director showed an economic panel, and an outrageous scene appeared. The first place in economy was Chen Yi Qiu, followed by RW's Kog'Maw, Jarvan IV and Galio.

As for the overall economy, the two sides are almost on par.

Wawa exclaimed: "This is the charm of Kleptomania. With so many kills behind, Top Esports' economy can actually be on par with RW. It's outrageous." (End of this chapter)

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