Doinb, who was originally quite optimistic, suddenly felt that something was not right.

The other members of Top Esports did collapse, but the top lane did not collapse!
Now this EZ has such high output, long arms, and the skill hit rate is like cheating.

"Just start a team fight when you get a chance, don't get dragged down," Doinb commanded.

However, Chen Yiqiu would not give RW a chance to breathe. After taking down the small dragon, he immediately sent a signal to the big dragon: "The opponent wants to go home. We control the vision of the big dragon and force them to come over to join the big dragon team fight."

So the five players of Top Esports went straight to the Baron pit. The opponent's Kog'Maw, who was low on health, pushed a wave of soldiers in the middle lane before going back. Chen Yi Qiu saw all of this. He could estimate the time when Kog'Maw would go back and the time when he would come out.

In the Top Esports lounge, Guo Hao and Hongmi, who were watching the game, were extremely nervous.

Although Chen Yi Qiu handled the wave perfectly just now, RW was driven away and the little dragon was taken.

But this is not a decisive victory, now the opponent even has the advantage!

Hongmi commented: "Go straight to Baron? Very sharp awareness, but the development of Clockwork and Xayah is very average. Going straight to Baron will definitely not have enough time and will end up killing them instead."

Guo Hao was shocked: "Give it away directly? So serious? If we can't defeat it, it should be fine to retreat when the opponent comes."

Hongmi shook her head: "Impossible, a little bit tanky with only one Pig Girl, she will lose a lot of health when fighting the Baron. If the opponent comes over, you just leave, and the opponent can take over the Baron. If you can't win the team fight, the Baron will also be the opponent's."

Guo Hao suddenly felt a chill in his heart. He didn't expect the matter to be so serious!
All the Top Esports players rushed to the Baron pit and cleared all of RW's vision near the Baron pit.

"The opponents are going to give up! They are going to give up! It's too late to kill the Baron!" Doinb became excited. He also knew that Kog'Maw had gone back, but he was not in a hurry at all.

EZ is slow in killing Baron, and Xayah’s development is also slow because of her poor performance. As long as Top Esports kills Baron, it’s just giving it away!

The Prince used wild monsters to suck blood, and the top, jungle and support went over first. Doinb had a big move and could provide support at any time.

And Kog's Mouth has already reached the high ground and will soon reach the front battlefield!
Wawa felt uneasy: "Is Top Esports really going to kill Baron? I feel like it's too late."

Da Sima came to the conclusion directly: "We definitely can't fight the big dragon this time. If we do, Top Esports will lose. I'm telling you this."

However, just when everyone thought that Top Esports would go straight for the Baron, suddenly, everyone realized something was wrong.

Top Esports did not attack the Baron directly, but instead ambushed it!
At the moment when the four RW members gathered together, Chen Yi Qiu's EZ used his Q skill to hit the Prince who was walking in front. The Prince's first thought was to retreat.

However, an outrageous scene occurred. EZ actually moved forward and used his E skill to attack the Prince's face!
Miller exclaimed: "What is EZ doing? How can you use your E skill like this? Isn't this courting death?"

Da Sima commented: "If EZ dies, it won't be Top Esports going after the Baron, but RW will take the Baron!"

Originally, the Prince was retreating, but when he saw EZ using his E, the Prince counterattacked with two consecutive EQs!

Shen used his E flash almost at the same time, and Chen Yi Qiu's EZ was knocked into the air and then controlled!
Wawa couldn't understand: "Why didn't EZ use his flash? Chen Sheng couldn't possibly be unable to react, right?"

Galio used his ultimate on Prince, and just when everyone thought EZ would be killed instantly, suddenly, the light effect of Mercury's Band appeared on EZ's body. At the moment Galio's ultimate landed, EZ used flash and retreated.

Miller commented: "Mercury's Band? No, EZ doesn't have a Mercury's Band! Crucible! It's Liu Qingsong's Crucible! Galio's ultimate landed, Luo's ultimate went in to charm Galio, Jarvan II flashed and used his ultimate to trap EZ, and Shen's ultimate went to Jarvan II. It looks like EZ is still going to die!"

Chen Yi Qiu's EZ no longer has any displacement skills, and after being restricted by the Prince's ultimate move, he can only fight back on the spot.

Shen's ultimate skill landed, and he and Prince attacked EZ together.

"Attack!" Clockwork gave the ball to EZ, and with one ultimate skill, the two front-row opponents were severely damaged. Chen Yi Qiu's EZ relied on the Q skill to bring out the E skill, used the E skill to jump out of the Prince's ultimate, and turned back to continue output.

Miller suddenly felt something was wrong: "No, RW's damage is not enough! Without Kog'Maw, their damage is not enough. They can't kill EZ this time! We've been fooled, definitely fooled. EZ did it on purpose!"

The commentator also realized it later, and realized that although EZ took a lot of control, it didn't do any damage! The opponent didn't do any damage!

At this time, Kog'Maw had already arrived at the front, but his teammates were either dead or injured, and the team battle could no longer be won.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly!" Doinb ordered his teammates to retreat, as he could no longer escape.

Kog'Maw was spinning in place. He wanted to retreat, but all the opponents would die in vain if he moved.

At the moment when the big mouth hesitated, suddenly, EZ handed over the E skill to face the big mouth and hit it, and followed up with a Q and AWA...

Kog'Maw activated his W skill to counterattack, and Luo Qingwu flew in pairs to EZ. Shanda made his debut and wanted to knock Kog'Maw away, but Kog'Maw flashed to avoid him and wanted to damage EZ. Killing EZ could at least keep the dragon.

Unfortunately, Sejuani came over and controlled EZ, who took the opportunity to retreat and use the Q skill to output damage from a long distance, and Kog'Maw couldn't touch EZ at all.

Miller passionately explained: "Although Kog'Maw's damage output is very high, it takes some time for him to hit the front row. He is a squishy and can't withstand the damage. After being hit by EZQ twice, Kog'Maw was killed by Clockwork's QE. What a show! Another seduction!"


The sound of a team wipe was heard, and RW was wiped out!
Wawa commented: "This teamfight was too perfect! Could this be the legendary ADC starting a teamfight physically? When EZ used his E to jump up, I thought Top E was going too far, but who would have thought that RW's damage was not enough!"

Miller agreed, "It was definitely a seduction. Chen Sheng definitely did it on purpose. He knew that Big Mouth hadn't reached him yet and deliberately gave him a chance, causing a local five-on-four situation."

Da Sima was dumbfounded. This time he really thought that EZ had a big problem and made an operational mistake.

But who could have thought that they would turn defeat into victory in the end!
On the RW side, Doinb has become autistic, his talkative skills cannot be triggered, and he is silenced by Chen Yiqiu!

This time his IQ was being played with. Just now he was instructing his teammates to start a team fight if there was a chance.

Little did they know that EZ had figured out their mentality and deliberately gave them the opportunity to open it.

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:
[Holy crap, is this Chen Sheng's ability? Who said he has to be the front row and initiate a fight? Have you ever seen an ADC initiate a fight in person? ]

[The opponent's IQ was simply played with. We are not on the same level at all. 】

[I feel like if this game is overturned, the opponent will definitely lose their mindset. ]

[Who can stand this? ]

[Stop showing off, Chen Sheng, stop showing off, I'm a little scared! ]

The big dragon was taken by Topbo. Five Topbo players returned to the city for supplies and moved forward together in the middle lane.

Just as Chen Yiqiu got the red buff, Peanut's voice came: "Brother Yiqiu, come and get the blue buff."

Chen Yiqiu went to get the blue buff, but the moment he got the blue buff, he suddenly thought of something. Shouldn't this blue buff belong to Li Xianghe? Li Xianghe was playing Clockwork, so he also needed the blue buff.

So Chen Yi Qiu glanced at Li Xianghe. Li Xianghe had a blank expression on his face, but seemed unhappy.

Chen Yi Qiu could understand that the blue buff was like the face of the mid laner. If the jungler didn't give you the blue buff, it meant that he looked down on you and thought that you were not qualified.

Although Lee Sang-hyeok would not lose his temper or sulk about such things, as the world's number one mid laner, he would have some thoughts.

Chen Yi Qiu had just forgotten about this, otherwise he wouldn't have wanted this blue.

"There is also a blue BUFF on the opposite side, Xianghe, go and get it." Chen Yi Qiu said.

Xiaohuasheng realized it later and quickly helped Li Xianghe to get the blue buff of the opponent, and did not forget to say: "That's what I thought at the beginning."

The troops were pushed to the front of the opposite middle lane tower, and Chen Yi Qiu's EZ began to frantically look for opportunities to consume the enemy.

There is only one Kog'Maw on the opposite side that can cause damage, but Kog'Maw doesn't dare to come up and clear the minion line. If he is hit, he will easily die without flash.

Without anyone to clear the minion line, the defensive tower could not be defended. The middle tower was soon destroyed, followed by the second tower.

Top Esports threatened RW's mid-lane high ground, and Chen Yiqiu took command: "I'll fight to consume the opponent's strength, and we'll move forward depending on the situation."

Chen Yi Qiu kept throwing skills at the opposite high ground, hitting Galio's red BUF to slow him down, and then used another Q skill, hitting again and continuing to slow him down!
Wawa commented: "Ezreal is too fat, and Galio has too much magic resistance. Although he has started to replenish armor later, it is still not enough and he can't withstand Ezreal's damage at all."

Miller agreed: "Right, now either RW directly initiates the teamfight, or if they just drag it out and let EZ fight, they will be exhausted to death sooner or later."

Everyone naturally knows this. EZ has difficulty in moving, so he chooses to find Clockwork.

"Demacia!" The Prince's EQ and double-hit ultimate skill combined, and Li Sang-hyeok's Clockwork was trapped!
The Wind Girl gave a shield to Kog'Maw, and Kog'Maw went forward to deal damage.

Suddenly, the EZQ skill flew from the side and hit Kog'Maw, followed by a big move.

Kog'Maw could only turn around and move, but the next Q flew over again.

SMLZ found himself in an awkward position as his position was blocked by EZ. As long as he moved forward, he would be attacked by EZ.

"You protect Clockwork." Chen Yi Qiu commanded his teammates. Liu Qingsong's Luo came in to help with control. Clockwork used his ultimate to pull down the front row of the opponent and launched an explosive AOE.

Chen Yi Qiu's EZ used a basic attack to attack the front row, and the moment EZ got close, he used a Q. The big mouth tried to move, and was hit again!
The opposing Janna had to use her ultimate to help recover health, otherwise Kog'Maw would be shot to death by EZ's Q skill!
"I can't get through, pull it." SMLZ was helpless. He had good equipment and high output, but he had no chance to output at all.

Wawa commented: "It's this EZ again. After he got stuck in position, Kog'Maw couldn't come up to deal damage, and the teamfight became a one-sided crushing. Although RW finally killed Clockwork, the three frontline players couldn't hold on anymore, and EZ was reaping the rewards!"

Chen Yi Qiu's EZ harvested the battlefield and took down three heads in the front row. Kog'Maw had been severely injured by EZ and could only retreat with Janna.

"One wave, one wave is enough." Chen Yi Qiu commanded his teammates to end the game in one wave.

The middle lane high ground, then the front tower, the four players of Top Esports advanced rapidly.

Kog'Maw came out with Janna to try to stop them, but just as Kog'Maw was about to get close, before he was within the reach of a basic attack, EZ slowed him down with a Q. Kog'Maw tried to get closer using the S route, and EZ fired another Q and hit him again!

Doinb was anxious: "Don't use your skills, can you move a little? Where's your positioning?"

SMLZ is already sweating profusely. This EZ's Q is unscientific. It's like he can navigate and he almost never misses. Who can withstand it?

An outrageous thing happened. Kog'Maw failed to attack immediately, and after being hit by three Qs from EZ, he was taken away by Clockwork's QW.

The front towers fell one after another, and finally the base crystal. Miller commented: "As the RW base crystal explodes, let us congratulate Top Esports for winning this game!"

Miller continued: "RW handled the early game perfectly. The mid lane coordinated with the jungler's rhythm and helped the bottom lane gain a big advantage. I thought RW was going to win this game."

"But, at the critical moment, that man, Chen Sheng, stepped up. He completely disrupted RW's rhythm with a line swap, killed Doinb's Galio twice, and turned the tide by seducing the team. This is the strength of the No. 1 top laner in history!"

On the field, the Topsports team took off their headphones and returned to the locker room amid the cheers of the audience.

Hongmi came up and said, "It was a close call. The overall rhythm of the RW team was very good. If we hadn't interrupted the mid and jungle rhythm, we might have been snowballed to the end."

Chen Wei took the blame: "My problem in this game was that I didn't handle the laning phase well. Xayah and Rakan should have been easier to play against Kog'Maw and Janna."

Hongmi comforted him, "This is not your own problem in the bottom lane. The reason you had an advantage in the previous laning phase was mainly because you were caught."

Hongmi looked at Li Xianghe and said, "How do you feel? RW's mid-jungle synergy is very good. It must have caused you a lot of trouble."

Li Xianghe objectively commented: "They do have something we can learn from in terms of midfielder-jungle coordination."

After saying that, he looked at Xiaohuasheng, and his meaning was already very clear, the coordination between the midfield and the jungle was not enough.

Peanut quickly said, "No problem, Brother Xianghe, I'll go to the middle lane more often in the next game, and we'll also work together in the middle and jungle, and I'll help you destroy the opponent!"

Li Xianghe didn't think so: "You should follow your own rhythm. It's easy to make mistakes if you just coordinate for the sake of coordination."

Li Xianghe knows Xiaohuasheng very well. Now Xiaohuasheng mainly cooperates with Chen Yiqiu to play top and jungle. If the rhythm is forced to change to mid and jungle, problems will easily arise.

After briefly reviewing the problems in the previous game, the mid, top and jungle players began to rest, and the two players in the bottom lane were pulled to the computer by Hongmi to review some mistakes.

Chen Yi Qiu picked up the mobile phone from the table and suddenly found a new message, so he opened it and took a look.

It turned out to be a message from Lee Jae-wan: "You guys in the bottom lane don't seem to be doing so well. Do you still miss me and Bae Joon-sik? If we were playing in the bottom lane, we wouldn't be caught dead so many times."

Peanut came over to take a look and complained, "This guy is still so narcissistic."

Chen Yiqiu continued to look up and found that Li Zaiwan was also complaining about Xiaohuasheng: "Wangfu is still the same, he only knows how to hug. The big man in the top lane, Li Xianghe, has been caught like this, and he is still clearing the jungle!"

"West...he's not preparing for his own playoffs, why are we chattering here?" Peanut seemed very angry.

Suddenly, Peanut was stunned and burst into laughter: "Hahahahaha, I almost forgot, they were eliminated in the first round of the playoffs and have now returned home. Where are they fishing? Fishing and watching our game at the same time? No, this is killing me. I have to mock them back."

Xiao Huasheng quickly took out his cell phone and began to madly mock Li Zaiwan for being eliminated in the first round of the playoffs. The two of them had a great time arguing. (End of this chapter)

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