Chen Yi Qiu's playing style puzzled everyone. After all, he is the number one top laner in history. If a rookie played like this, everyone would understand.

Chen Yi Qiu's Kled once again went forward to exchange blood with the opponent's Sion. Now Sion and Kled were both level two, and Kled's health had reached the bottom.

Sion activated his W skill to engage Kled in A-fight, and continued to use the minions to counterattack. After Kled hit four times, he seemed to be planning to retreat.

So Sion charged up his Q skill, and originally thought that this Q skill would not hit, but Kled actually walked in a straight line and was hit by Sion's Q, and Skaarl ran away directly!

This Sion's Q skill killed two minions, and Sion reached level three!

With an E skill, he slowed down Kled, and Sion rushed up and started punching and kicking him.

Wawa exclaimed, "That's impossible! Is Sion going to be killed alone? Chen Sheng is actually going to be killed alone, and it's so easy?"

Da Sima looked as if he had seen through everything and said, "I just said that his style of play will definitely not work. Sooner or later, something will go wrong."

Sion and Kled started to fight each other. Chen Yi Qiu fought and retreated calmly, and his courage value was accumulating rapidly.

Sion's next W skill CD is ready, and he instantly activates the W skill, preparing to use W to kill Kled.

After Sion releases his W, he needs to wait a little while before the damage is dealt and he chases forward first. Kled uses his Q skill to move backward, and Sion continues to chase. After the waiting time is over, Sion uses his flash W to take the kill...

Of course, this was just Sion's fantasy. The moment Sion used Flash W, Kled also used Flash. And he didn't flash backwards, but chose to flash towards Sion, and the two passed each other.

Miller exclaimed: "Kled and Sion used their flash at the same time. Sion failed to complete the solo kill, but Kled's position was very awkward. Was he going to go to the other side's house? He didn't choose that. He chose to go over and confront Sion!"

Wawa continued, "Kled was about to be killed by Sion, and was about to be killed... No, Kled's courage value was fully stacked. When Kled was about to be killed, Skaarl came back, and Kled regained his combat effectiveness!"

Chen Yi Qiu's Kled was almost fully recovered, the balance of victory was completely tilted, and the CD of the next W skill was also ready. Kled used four basic attacks to kill Sion and completed the single kill!

In the official live broadcast room, everyone started to brush the bullet screen:

[Oh my god, does it have to be so exciting? I almost thought Chen Sheng was going to be killed.]

[No one really thought that Chen Sheng would be killed alone, right? No way? ]

[This is the charm of Chen Sheng. He can always perform operations that no one can imagine at the most critical moment.]

[Everything is under control. It is impossible to be killed by a single person. ]

[This is just a fantasy. Chen Sheng deliberately let you have this idea so that he can fight back.]

In the commentary booth, Wawa analyzed: "This wave is really thrilling. Fortunately, Chen Sheng did not flip over. But I still have to say that this style of play is too dangerous. Chen Sheng should still be serious. I doubt he is serious."

Miller continued, "That's right. It's hard to imagine that those operations before the solo kill were actually performed by Chen Sheng. He must be in a bad state."

The director's camera was directed to the bottom lane, where Chen Wei's Kaisa was also under pressure. The opponent's Varus had very long arms, and could use his Q skill to consume the enemy from a long distance. Kaisa had no means of counterattack and could only rely on positioning.

In the middle lane, Doinb's Ryze pushed the line frantically, but Galio's pushing ability was stronger in the early stage. The situation in the middle lane was the opposite of the previous game, and Lee Sang-hyuk's Galio controlled the line.

So, after reaching level three and pushing the line of troops over, Li Xianghe's fake chat moved towards the bottom lane to put pressure on the bottom lane.

RW's bottom lane had been pushing the line, but suddenly a signal came from the middle lane, and the two had to retreat one after another to avoid being ganked by Galio.

Miller commented: "Top Esports' mid laner Galio began to relieve the pressure on the bottom lane, and Kaisa was able to catch his breath."

Wawa: "Both junglers are heading towards the middle lane. They have a good tacit understanding. It feels like a two-on-two battle between the mid and jungle."

Peanut's Shen came to the middle lane, and was separated from the Big Bird by a wall on the side.

The next wave of soldiers came, Galio came up and pushed the line mindlessly. Seeing this opportunity, Ryze controlled Galio with his backhand, and Sejuani approached from the side!

"Brother Xianghe, we can fight!" Little Peanut saw the opportunity.

The moment the opposite Pig Girl used her Q skill to attack, Galio activated Durand's Shield.

At the same time, a blue team TPs to the soldier.

Chen Yiqiu's voice came: "I'm coming."

Immediately afterwards, a red team TP was also sent to the middle lane.

Wawa commented: "There was a big fight on the road, and both top laners TPed over together. After Sion was killed in the last wave, he didn't even TP to the line. He is really a team player!"

Galio used Durand's Shield to control Sejuani, and Shen used his E skill hook to pull over the wall, kicked Sejuani unconscious, and then used a tactical sweep to slow her down.

Doinb's Ryze is dealing damage like crazy, but it's not enough. After using up a set of skills, he can only rely on basic attacks.

The moment Kled TP landed, Sejuani used flash to retreat, but Chen Yi Qiu was determined to kill him, so he used his E skill and followed up with his Q to Sejuani.

Sion is in a rather awkward position. He can only walk up and charge up his Q skill to try to knock Kled away.

But Sejuani had been pulled back by Kled's Q, and Kled followed up with four basic attacks. Shen flashed up to deal damage, and Sejuani was killed.

Miller commented: "Sejuani is gone first! Although the top laners came down together, the difference in their roles is huge. Sion can't do anything, while Kled can cooperate with his teammates to kill Sejuani. Now Sion and Ryze can only retreat."

Wawa continued, "In this laning match, both sides were relatively stable. Except for the solo kill in the top lane, they were all developing. Now it depends on who has the better support ability."

Chen Yi Qiu returned to the city for supplies, directly created Tiamat, and then returned to the top lane to continue developing.

Starting the laning phase again, Chen Yi Qiu’s fighting style was the same as before. He directly crossed the minion line and exchanged blood with the opposite Sion, and then fought by carrying the minion line.

Five minutes into the game, Chen Yi Qiu's Kled had beaten himself to low health again, but Sion was in much better shape than him.

Miller was confused. "Why? I don't understand why Kled always crosses the line to trade blood with Sion. Even if he has an advantage in equipment, he still loses. If he plays well, it won't be like this."

Wawa speculated: "Is it because he is not familiar with this hero? After all, he didn't play it much before. But he almost got killed by a single player once. He should learn from his mistakes."

Da Sima shook his head and said, "Young people nowadays, this is not the way to play the game. How can you fight against the opponent while holding the line of soldiers? Kled's advantages will be completely given back."

As Da Sima was speaking, Chen Yi Qiu's Kled went up to exchange blood again, but was beaten by the soldiers and his health was low, so Skarr ran away.

This time Sion did not act impulsively. Chen Yi Qiu's Kled continued to chase Sion. Sion chose to retreat because he had no skills to kill Kled, but he still lost half of his courage.

After driving Sion away, Chen Yiqiu chose to come back to finish off the enemy. When the next wave of soldiers came, Chen Yiqiu continued to finish off the soldiers, so his courage value rose. Until then, Wawa seemed to understand something:
"I understand! I think I understand! Indeed, it is a loss for Kled to cross the line of soldiers to exchange blood with Sion, but after Kled dismounts, if Sion cannot kill Kled, Kled will continue to stack courage points. As long as the courage points are full, it means he has another life!"

"Heroes like Sion don't have any active abilities before level 6. Now he can only watch Kled fill up his courage points. The health points Kled lost before are equivalent to no loss!"

As Wawa was speaking, Chen Yi Qiu's Kled's courage value was full, and Skarr ran back. Now Kled was at full health, while Sion was at low health.

The soldiers were pushed into the defensive tower by Chen Yi Qiu. Chen Yi Qiu's Kled chose to go over the tower directly, used the Q skill on Sion, and used the E skill to deal damage to the face. Sion could only fight back with his back to the defensive tower.

However, just as Sion was charging his Q, Kled used his second E to move to the back side. Sion's Q missed, and Kled continued to damage, killing Sion directly under the defensive tower!

Wawa exclaimed: "Kled completed a tower dive, can he get out? He can't get out, he was knocked down, the tower's hatred was reset, there are minions under the tower, Kled is safe."

Miller analyzed: "So this is Kled's idea. He trades blood without thinking. After he has beaten the opponent, he can get back on his horse and cross the tower. This doesn't seem to require any operation. It just requires understanding of the game and brains."

Da Sima was stunned. This was something he had not expected.

According to his understanding of the game, Kled's play just now was a crime, but this seemingly criminal play actually resulted in a solo kill by crossing the tower!

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:

[Oh my god, I learned something. I think my gold can be used too. This routine doesn't require any operation, just hands.]

【I stole it, and went back to the big score! 】

[Wait, this routine doesn't require any operation, but it does require brains, do you have it? ]

[Can you have some self-awareness? Is this something you can understand in your brain? ]

[Brothers, go back and ban Kled tonight, and don't let your teammates get it.]

The game continued. After Chen Yi Qiu completed a solo kill by going over the tower, he cut off a wave of soldiers and then went back.

Judging from the time, the opponent's jungler should be at the bottom, and Galio doesn't have TP, so he is safe even if he is dismounted.

In the bottom lane, Chen Wei is in a bit of trouble now. The opponent keeps pushing the line of troops to suppress him. Once he is pressed under the tower, it will be difficult to avoid the consumption of Varus. After all, Chen Wei still needs to last hit and cannot keep moving.

Suddenly, Peanut gave a signal to the bottom lane: "I have a big move to use."

Li Xianghe also gave a signal to the bottom lane: "I also have a big move, jungler takes the initiative, I will cooperate with you."

Shen and Galio's Sky Net combo was previously coordinated by Chen Yi Qiu and Li Xianghe, and now it is the turn of the mid and jungle. Xiaohuasheng is a little excited.

A new wave of soldiers came, and Xiaohuasheng chose to follow the line into the bushes in the bottom lane.

Li Xianghe's Galio is already in position, and Peanut takes action directly!
Wawa explained: "Salt uses his E skill to hook the wall, and approaches Varus to use his ultimate! Galio appears! The dragnet is here, and Varus seems to be gone... No, Tam eats Varus and flashes away from the Steel Shadow's ultimate. Is this still possible?"

Miller: "Salt's ultimate is not unsolvable. Galio's ultimate was also in vain, but Galio used his Justice Punch, Durand's shield taunted Tam, and teammates followed up with output. Wait! Sejuani is coming!"

"Zhu Li's ultimate controlled Galio. It felt like Top Esports didn't think enough. They didn't expect that Tam could break the ultimate of Shen, which resulted in Shen and Galio's ultimates being almost wasted."

"I'm here, you can chase them, you can chase them!" Doinb gave the signal to the bottom lane. He had already used his ultimate to the bottom lane, blocking the position of the Top Esports players from the side.

Galio flashed back with low health, and Ryze came up to control him and cooperated with his teammates to keep him.

"Charge!" Suddenly, the sound effect of Kled's ultimate move came.

When Doinb heard this sound effect for the first time, his heart skipped a beat: "No way?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the Top Esports team started to fight back. Although Galio was killed, there were still Ornn, Kaisa and Shen.

Ornn used his Q to slow down Ryze, and used his E skill to rush over and knock him up, but Ryze flashed back.

As soon as he flashed to the ground, Kledon was already in front of him.

"Block it! Block it!" Doinb frantically sent signals to his teammates. Kled's ultimate skill will automatically search for the nearest enemy hero.

But the teammates were busy with their own affairs and no one came to help block it.

Kled rushed to Ryze, used his Q skill, and started slashing. Kaisa followed up with damage, and Doinb's Ryze fell.

"No, why is Kled so fast? Did he come here early?" Doinb looked confused.

After killing Ryze, Chen Yi Qiu covered his teammates in fighting the little dragon, and then returned to the top lane to develop.

Peanut was still frightened: "Brother Yiqiu, your attack was just in time. If you hadn't come, we might have exploded."

Lee Sang-hyeok complained: "There was Tam on the opposite side and you actually gave your ultimate to the AD. I thought you were blocking his W CD, but it turned out you weren't. You wasted my ultimate."

Peanut scratched his head. "It was just a small accident. I only thought that I could win by using my ultimate to hold the opponent's AD. I forgot about Tam. I thought Shen's ultimate was unstoppable."

Liu Qingsong suddenly asked: "Didn't Chen Sheng tell you this when he taught you?"

Xiao Huasheng frowned. He couldn't remember. He was not sure whether Chen Yi Qiu taught him but he forgot, or he didn't teach him in the first place.

Eight minutes into the game, Chen Yiqiu's Kled pushed the minion line in the top lane and directly signaled to the middle lane: "Ryze in the middle lane can be killed, just give me the ultimate."

Li Xianghe kept his skills and waited to cooperate with Chen Yi Qiu.

On the RW side, seeing Kled disappear in the top lane, Doinb already sensed the danger: "The jungler is coming to the middle lane to counter-camp, the opposing Kled might come to catch me."

Now Sion's TP hasn't turned around yet, so Doinb can only rely on the jungler.

In the commentary booth, Wawa commented: "Kled is walking towards the middle lane. Is he going to catch Ryze? But Ryze is at full health, and Sejuani is right behind him. He definitely feels it."

Da Sima saw an opportunity to show off and quickly said, "Ryze's position is very close to the defensive tower. If Kled goes directly, he will definitely rush to the tower. This young man will pay the price for his impulsiveness."

As soon as Da Sima finished speaking, Kled activated his ultimate and rushed towards the middle lane.

Miller exclaimed: "Here they come, Kled is really charging, no way, the soldiers haven't even entered the tower, how can they charge?"

Even Wawa and Miller, who usually support Chen Yiqiu, were shaken. This move was too reckless. (End of this chapter)

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