Seeing that the audience seemed to want to know who was stronger, Chen Yi Qiu began to analyze. He thought about it first and recalled the games between IG and RNG this season.

Suddenly, Chen Yi Qiu discovered a problem. This season's IG... seemed to be stronger than he remembered, especially The shy in the top lane.

In his memory, although IG performed very well in the regular season in the 18th Spring Split.

But in the playoffs, IG was no longer able to perform well, mainly due to lack of experience.

The current IG does not give people this feeling. The shy in the top lane is improving faster than expected.

If we talk about the difference between the world now and before the time travel, Chen Yi Qiu himself is a variable!
In the world before the time travel, there was no such person as him. In the LPL at that time, the top laner position was the biggest shortcoming. The top laner could only play tank heroes and could not play solo or warrior heroes.

Therefore, it is reasonable for The shy, who grew up in this environment, to progress more slowly. Of course, this slowness is relative to his current state.

If you look at it this way...

"The two teams are almost evenly matched now. It's hard to say who can win." Chen Yi Qiu gave the answer.

If someone else said this, there would definitely be a barrage of curses. After all, it sounds like nonsense, and everyone wants an accurate answer.

But when Chen Yiqiu said this, the comments showed a different picture:
[Ah? So close? I think we need to play all five games.]

[If nothing else, it was definitely worth it for me to buy a ticket to watch the game. ]

[Who do you want to fight with more, Chen Sheng? ]

[I think it’s more interesting to play against IG, play against RNG, and bully Letme. Although it’s easy to control, it’s boring. ]

[That’s true, Letme is just a punching bag. ]

Chen Yiqiu responded: "Personally, of course I want to play against IG. The previous IG was not in its complete form and had not yet been run-in. Now it feels like it is almost there. The fight with IG will probably be very intense, even tragic."

The audience in the live broadcast room all took it seriously. After all, there were not many teams that could make Chen Yi Qiu say such words.

Chen Yi Qiu was queuing up when his cell phone suddenly rang. Chen Yi Qiu picked up the phone and took a look. It was a new message.

After unlocking the screen, Chen Yiqiu opened the message and took a look. It was from the bank: "Your savings card with the last digit **** has received 298..."

When Chen Yi Qiu saw this number for the first time, he thought he was dazzled and wondered if he had seen one or two numbers.

So he blinked his eyes, moistened his eyeballs a little, cleaned them, and looked over again, and found that it was really 2.9 million! Even for Chen Yiqiu, this was a huge sum of money.

His annual salary at Top Esports is only 100 million yuan, which is almost three years' salary!
At the same time, Chen Yiqiu received a message from coach Kkoma: "The official has distributed the bonus for the champion skin. Please check it. You should have received it."

It turns out to be the champion skin dividend, so much?
Chen Yi Qiu felt a little magical.

Three hundred million in dividends, how many units were sold?

With the idea of ​​giving it a try, Chen Yi Qiu searched: SKT champion skin sales.

I didn’t expect there was actually news, and it was released today. Fujii announced the sales of the champion skins. Chen Yi Qiu’s skin had the highest sales, exceeding 10 million sets!
From this perspective, the dividend for one set is more than twenty, close to thirty.

It’s not bad. The sales volume exceeded Chen Yi Qiu’s expectation. He originally thought it would be at most a few million sets.

"Ahhh!" Suddenly, Chen Yi Qiu heard Xiao Huasheng's scream. He turned around and found that Xiao Huasheng was holding a mobile phone and laughing while watching it.

People who didn’t know would think he had won some big prize.

Chen Yi Qiu could already guess what it was. It must be a dividend from the champion skin, so he was very happy.

Li Xianghe's voice came: "Wangfu, you are too loud, can you be quieter?"

Peanut quickly said, "Brother Xianghe, look at your phone. Look at your phone quickly."

Li Xianghe was fighting in a team at the time. He chose to finish the team battle first, and then picked up his mobile phone to take a look when he returned to the city.

"" Li Xianghe suddenly shouted.

Peanut laughed and said, "Hahahaha, Brother Xianghe, you are the same, aren't you very excited?"

As a result, Li Xianghe said: "I was busy looking at my phone and was attacked by someone."

At this time, Li Xianghe's game screen had turned black and white.

Peanut stood up and walked behind Li Xianghe and asked, "Brother Xianghe, can you let me see how much you have... Wait a minute, Li Zaiwan and Bae Junzhi are chatting in the group!"

Chen Yi Qiu opened the group and took a look, and found that it was true.

Li Zaiwan sent a message: "You all received the text message, right? I'm going to make a fortune. How much did you receive?"

Lee Jae-wan also specifically @Bae Jun-sik, it seems that he does not intend to speak first.

Pei Junzhi answered directly: "I received 10 million."

"Hahaha, only ten million? Bae Jun-sik, are you so miserable?" Li Jae-wan began to mock directly.

"You see, it's because you jumped to the LCS that your fans are very disappointed in you. If you had stayed in LCK or SKT, you would never have gotten 10 million." Lee Jae-wan complained crazily, feeling resentful about Bae Joon-sik's "betrayal."

As a result, Bae Joon-sik sent out a message: "Dollar, I mean US dollars."

After these words were spoken, Li Zaiwan fell silent.

Seeing that Li Zai Wan didn't say anything, Xiao Huasheng asked directly: "Li Zai Wan, tell me how much you have. You asked first, but others have already told you why you didn't tell them?"

Li Zaiwan chose to ask back: "How much do you have? You go first."

Peanut seemed very confident, and he responded: "A little more than Bae Joon-sik. If converted into US dollars, it should be 13 million US dollars."

Li Zaiwan fell silent again. Chen Yi Qiu could already imagine Li Zaiwan's helplessness and anger.

Li Zaiwan couldn't accept that he was outdone by Peanut.

Peanut pressed the issue, "Look, if you had come with us, you definitely wouldn't have only had this much. Let me guess, you should have... five million dollars? Five million should be more, it can't be less than five million."

Li Zaiwan said quickly: "Five million is definitely there, how could there not be five million."

Peanut seemed to have an idea in mind: "If you say so, then it is at most seven million, no more than seven million, am I right?"

Li Zaiwan stopped talking again, it seemed that he was guessed right.

Pei Junzhi expressed his envy by using his real name: "That's great. A lucky man has 13 million. Then Xianghe and Yiqiu must have at least twice as much."

Chen Yi Qiu glanced at Li Xianghe, and Li Xianghe also looked over.

Li Xianghe sent a message in the group: "There is no need to ask about this kind of thing, everyone disperse, I am playing ranked, and you just killed me."

Peanut refused to give in: "Brother Xianghe, no, we have already told you that you must not run away. If you really can't, tell me secretly."

Little Peanut put his ear close to it, and a few seconds later, he screamed again: "Ah! So much? It's... so much money, it would be great if it was mine!"

Chen Yiqiu also became curious: "How much did you react so strongly?"

Xiaohuasheng chose to post in the group: "Xianghe said that it would be 30 million dollars if converted into US dollars."

Li Zaiwan made a black question mark emoji and added the text: "Wang Defa? Thirty million, or in US dollars? How much is that? If I had that much money, I would stop playing professionally and go back to live in retirement. I would buy a house with a garden in Seoul and hire two servants, one to sweep the floor and one to cook..." Chen Yiqiu laughed and complained: "Why do you have to have a separate person to cook? Is it because you have a big appetite?"

After hearing this, Peanut laughed like crazy and added insult to injury: "Hahaha, lies don't hurt people, the truth is the sharpest knife!"

Li Zaiwan immediately retorted: "Wangfu, shut up! I will crush you to death!"

Peanut responded, "I believe this, really."

Pei Junzhi suggested: "What about Yiqiu brother? How many Yiqiu brothers have? You should have the most."

Chen Yiqiu thought about it, and then responded: "It should be more than 40 million US dollars."

Little Peanut exclaimed: "Oh! Brother Yiqiu, 40 million US dollars, that's incredible. Can I spend all this money in my lifetime? I don't think I can spend it all."

Chen Yiqiu seemed to understand what Xiaohuasheng was thinking and teased, "How about I give you some?"

"Okay!" Peanut's eyes lit up immediately.

"I'm kidding." But Chen Yi Qiu was just kidding.
"Oh." Little Peanut sighed. Although he knew from the beginning that Chen Yi Qiu was probably joking, he still wanted to give it a try. What if the joke suddenly turned into reality?

Chen Wei and Liu Qingsong, who were playing ranked games nearby, suddenly felt uneasy.

Although they also received salaries of over a million, it was outrageous for rookies like them. For ordinary rookies, it would be good to have 200,000 or 300,000 in the first year.

However, compared with these three, especially compared with Chen Yi Qiu, it is not worth mentioning at all.

Suddenly, Liu Qingsong grabbed Chen Wei's arm.

"What's wrong?" Chen Wei was startled.

Liu Qingsong said with a serious expression: "I want to win the championship this year, and I also want to have my own champion skin."

Liu Qingsong used a commanding tone, the kind that could not be disobeyed.

"Okay, I'll try my best!" Chen Wei nodded repeatedly, almost patting his chest to make a promise.

Liu Qingsong patted Chen Wei on the shoulder: "I'm optimistic about you."

After hearing such "encouraging" words, Chen Wei was not happy. Instead, he felt a lot of pressure, because Liu Qingsong's tone made him feel that if he didn't win the championship in the end, he might... die!

Killed by Liu Qingsong himself!

It was early morning and Chen Yi Qiu was ready to rest. The three Nakagawa brothers got up together in tacit understanding and prepared to return to the villa.

Passing behind Chen Wei and Liu Qingsong, Chen Yi Qiu found that the two were extremely serious and were playing together. They provided information and gave instructions to each other while operating.

"Very hard-working." Li Xianghe agreed.

Peanut said: "I saw the purest desire for money."

Chen Yiqiu said, "Let's go, don't disturb them."

The next day, the match between RNG and IG began, and everyone at Top Esports gathered in the conference room to watch the game.

After all, the winner will be Top Esports’ opponent in the finals, so we should still take it seriously.

Hongmi said: "RNG and IG are both excellent teams. We should pay enough attention to them. The two teams are similar in strength and should show all their cards. This is an advantage for us."

Peanut muttered: "Overall, I feel that RNG is stronger. RNG's bottom lane is very stable, while IG's bottom lane is sometimes strong and sometimes confusing."

Lee Sang-hyuk seems to have a different idea: "I think IG is stronger, especially in the mid, top and jungle. Whether it is individual strength or coordination, they are better than RNG. RNG basically gave up on the top lane."

Liu Qingsong and Chen Wei did not express their opinions and chose to be listeners.

So Xiao Huasheng looked at Chen Yiqiu: "Brother Yiqiu, what do you think?"

Chen Yiqiu's answer was simple: "I think it's a 50-50 chance. I can win."

Peanut muttered, "Isn't that the same as not saying anything?"

However, after the game started, things developed as Chen Yi Qiu predicted, with the two teams going back and forth.

You win a game, I win a game, and we win alternately.

The shy performed very well in the top lane, but when he was targeted, he died very quickly.

As for the bottom lane, it is basically RNG's advantage. One reason is that RNG's bottom lane is better in terms of coordination. The other reason is that RNG's bottom lane is basically the last one to come and has a considerable advantage in heroes.

So, the two sides fought until the fifth game!
At this point, the Top Esports team had already been watching for three hours, and they felt a little tired just from watching the game.

Peanut commented: "Their abilities are very close. It feels like if one of them performs a little worse, they will lose to the other."

Chen Yiqiu responded, "That's normal. Both teams are very good at snowballing. As long as they seize the opportunity, they can press forward step by step, quickly snowball and win the game."

The fifth game begins and the war song sounds.

Suddenly, IG did something fancy.

First he pretended to be the Vampire on top, then suddenly took out a Gangplank, becoming Gangplank on top and Vampire in the middle. This was not over yet, as both of them carried Kleptomancy at the same time.

Seeing this, Peanut exclaimed: "Ah? Isn't this our routine? How did they learn it?"

Hongmi: "Competition is a process of mutual learning. Only teams with strong learning ability can go further."

It’s not just Xiaohuasheng who thinks so. In the official live broadcast room, the comments are all:
[What is this? TopBet? ]

[Why do I feel like I've seen this gameplay before? ]

[Is this IG? You know what, IG and Top Esports are a bit similar, the individual abilities of the mid-level and top-level players are both very explosive.]

[Moreover, the junglers are all carnivorous junglers, and their fighting style is very fierce. 】

After entering the game, IG's bottom lane was targeted, and Karsa ganked the bottom lane frantically.

However, although RNG had more kills, the economic gap did not widen, and IG's mid and top players were stealing money crazily.

So, when it came to the team battle stage, RNG did not seem to realize that they actually had no advantage and played rather recklessly. In the end, they were taught a lesson by the IG mid and top players, and failed at the last hurdle.

In the end, IG defeated RNG 3-2 and advanced to the finals!
The director gave a close-up of the five IG players, looking very powerful, and then the five RNG players looked lonely. The contrast was obvious.

Xiaohuasheng suddenly felt the pressure: "This IG seems to have something, really, I feel like they are a threat to us."

Chen Yiqiu teased, "I noticed that you seemed very relaxed during training recently. I thought you were confident of winning, but it seems that you are not ready either."

Peanut patted his chest and promised: "Brother Yiqiu, don't worry, from today on, I will step up my training, and we will definitely win!"

Hongmi greeted: "Now that I've finished watching the game, to be honest, I'm a little surprised. I thought IG would be eliminated by RNG due to their lack of playoff experience, but I didn't expect them to do it."

"Anyway, now that our opponent has been identified, all that's left is targeted training. Let's start now." (End of this chapter)

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