LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 413 If you shake, I shake too! Let's shake together!

Chen Yi Qiu took out his phone and took a look. Sure enough, the situation on IG was similar. There were already photos online, and many fans chose to follow IG's bus to the scene.

Suddenly, Peanut pointed at the back of the car and shouted, "Look, what are they doing? Are they following us on purpose?"

Chen Yi Qiu looked back and found that there were dozens of cars lined up behind the bus, and the number was increasing. Each car had the TOP team logo on it.

You know what, it's quite impressive when dozens of cars drive together.

Chen Wei was stunned: "I don't think I've ever seen such a scene before."

Peanut muttered, "I've played in LCK for so many years and never seen this. You LPL fans are the ones who know how to play."

But the good times didn’t last long. As everyone was heading to the scene, suddenly, several police motorcycles appeared with horns honking, shouting through loud speakers: “Go! Don’t block the road. Go quickly!”

So the huge convoy was dispersed. It had to be dispersed, otherwise it would cause traffic jams and even traffic accidents.

Although it didn’t happen in the end, the scene was already very grand. Someone posted the video on the Internet, which caused heated discussion:

[Is LPL so active now? 】

【To be honest, I really like this kind of e-sports atmosphere. 】

[This is what competition is all about, it should be passionate! ]

[Wow! I regret not going to the LPL live game. 】

So, the fans accidentally created an advertisement for LPL.

At this time, in Ponytail's office at Fujii headquarters, Ponytail was closely following the situation of the game.

"Report the situation." Ponytail picked up the coffee from the table and took a sip.

"The LPL search index is now skyrocketing, approaching 90% of last year's spring finals."

Hearing this, Ponytail perked up and recovered to 90%!
This is very good news. It’s just around the corner and will surpass the previous popularity.

"At the same time, overseas attention has skyrocketed, exceeding the attention of last year's spring finals by 300%."

"More than 300%?" This was something Ponytail had not expected. If you look at it comprehensively, wouldn't it have exceeded the popularity of last year?

But if you think about it carefully, Top Esports’ current mid, top and jungle players are “world-class players” who have attracted a lot of attention worldwide, far more than anyone else in the LPL.

Therefore, they are now playing in the LPL Spring Finals, which will inevitably attract the attention of many overseas viewers.

From this perspective, the most dangerous stage of LPL has passed, and it has achieved the process of falling down and getting up from S7.

Success and failure are all due to Chen Yiqiu.

The loss to Chen Yi Qiu in S7 led to the decline of LPL. Now, LPL is relying on Chen Yi Qiu to revive. The next step is to create new heights, which still depends on Chen Yi Qiu.

On the other side, the Top Esports team had already arrived at the competition venue. They went into the lounge, put down their belongings, and Chen Yi Qiu found a place to sit down and rest.

Coach Hongmi said: "I believe this year's competition will be more intense. It is the biggest challenge we have encountered this season. Although we have played against IG before, the gap between IG at that time and now is very large."

"Of course, with our current strength, there is no need to be afraid of them. I just hope you don't take it lightly and take it seriously."

Peanut responded, "Don't worry, coach. We are ready. Let them come!"

Lee Sang-hyuk quipped, “It seems someone almost fell for it yesterday and leaked our tactics.”

Hearing this, everyone at TOP couldn't help laughing. Xiao Huasheng's incident had already been posted online by netizens in the live broadcast room at that time. Now everyone knows that Xiao Huasheng almost fell into the trap of online romance.

"This kind of thing...please just forget about it, thank you!" Peanut bowed to everyone, it seemed that he was really embarrassed.

On the other side, in the commentary booth, Wawa, Miller and Guan Zeyuan were ready.

Wawa tried to ask, "Brother Guan, which side do you plan to support today?"

Guan Zeyuan hesitated for a moment, then said, "I think it's a 50-50 chance. Everyone has a chance."

Miller asked, "Fifty-fifty? There's still a difference, right? Brother Guan, don't be shy. If you want to support a certain side, just say so."

Guan Zeyuan made a decisive choice: "I think IG is quite strong now. Their top laner may be able to compete with Chen Sheng. Their bottom lane is a little stronger than Top Esports, and their jungler is not inferior."

Hearing this, Wawa and Miller nodded, looked at each other, and through eye contact, they seemed to have reached some kind of consensus.

Seeing that the two were silent, Guan Zeyuan asked back: "Then which side do you support?"

Miller touched his neck and seemed very hesitant: "We... feel that Topsports is a little stronger."

Wawa echoed: "My opinion is similar to Miller's. I choose Topsports."

Guan Zeyuan smiled and said, "Then you must have made a mistake today. IG will definitely win."

However, Wawa and Miller also laughed. The more firmly Guan Zeyuan supported IG, the more certain they were that Top Esports would win.

At this moment, the director reminded: "The live broadcast will start soon, please get ready."

So the three of them put away their playful smiles and looked at the camera together.

At this time, the popularity in the LPL official live broadcast room has exceeded 300 million, and five sub-rooms have been opened to divert the traffic.

The audience started to brush up on the barrage:
[It's so lively, are there any friends from the United States? ]

【Friends from island countries, come here. 】

【LCK fans, assemble! 】

【This is the European Support Group! 】

Unlike previous LPL finals, the number of overseas viewers for this final was unusually large.

They even formed their own spectator groups and had crazy discussions in them.

They naturally came for the three players from Top Esports, Zhong, Shang and Ye.

After the host made a brief opening statement, he said, "Now, let's welcome both contestants with the warmest applause!"

The audience who had been waiting for a long time became restless:
"Tao Bo! Tao Bo! Tao Bo!"

"Reaper! Reaper! Reaper!"

"Ahhh The shy is here!"

"Jackeylove, I want to give birth to a baby for you!"

Chen Yi Qiu brought all the Top Esports players to the field, and the scene reached its climax again. Apart from cheers, no other sounds could be heard.

The five players of Top Esports lined up in a row, and everyone's data appeared on the screen, starting with Chen Yi Qiu, top laner, jungler, mid laner, ADC and finally support.

Wawa explained: "This season, Chen Sheng has achieved a terrifying statistic of 38% of his average output per game. This is not a version where the top laner is very strong. This statistic can only be described as terrifying."

Miller continued, "That's right. You have to know that Chen Sheng's teammates are Peanut and Faker. It's not easy for him to have such a high output ratio." Guan Zeyuan explained, "But then again, the result of the high output ratio of the mid, top and jungle is that the output ratio of the bottom lane is very low. Top Esports' bottom lane has the lowest output ratio among all the teams entering the playoffs."

Immediately afterwards, welcomed by the host, the five starting players of IG came on stage!

The leader is none other than The shy!

The IG fans at the scene also worked very hard and cheered wildly.

The data of the five IG players appeared on the big screen.

Wawa laughed as soon as he saw it: "IG is a very unique team. They have a lot of kills and deaths. The number of kills can be compared with Top Esports, and the number of deaths can be compared with the last few teams."

"It feels like they are the kind of team that doesn't care about life and death, just to have fun."

Miller continued, “That’s a bit imprecise. After all, they have been winning all the time. They only lost to Top Esports before, and that was before they were fully formed. But their style of play is indeed quite reckless. Even when they have the advantage, they often give up one or two waves.”

Guan Zeyuan commented: "I personally feel that IG's style of play is to train the players' individual abilities. Think about it, if the game is normal, they can easily win with their abilities after they have an advantage and snowball."

"It's meaningless to win the game too easily, right? Give up one or two waves to the opponent and increase the difficulty for yourself. With this kind of training, the individual abilities of IG players surpass Top Esports."

After hearing this, Wawa and Miller didn't know how to respond. At first they thought Colonel Guan was playing a role and was joking.

However, Colonel Guan's serious expression indicated that if he really thought so, it would be a bit troublesome. Wawa and Miller did not think so.

In the official live broadcast room, IG fans have already started to make fun of it in the barrage:
[Something is wrong, brothers. Colonel Guan seems to support us today. Aren't we in danger?]

【Ah? Support us? Why? Go support Topsports. 】

[Who wants his support? Isn't this a rip-off? ]

[Colonel Guan, you'd better consciously support Top Esports, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless. ]

[The game hasn't even started yet, but the IG players' keyboards are already leaking milk. Who can handle this? ]

Wawa explained: "Okay, now that the players on both sides have debugged their equipment, let's start the BP for the first game. In this game, Top Esports is on the red side and IG is on the blue side."

"In terms of bans, IG chose to target the bottom lane, banning Xayah, Varus, and Ezreal. It was very targeted, banning three ADCs, but Kaisa was released. This is a bit strange, because in the semi-finals against RW, Gala's Kaisa played quite well."

Miller continued: "I guess IG has a way to deal with it, while Top Esports targeted the jungle and mid positions, banning Zac, LeBron and Kha'Zix."

"Now that we have entered the hero selection phase, all of Chen Sheng's heroes have been released. Of course, The Shy's hero pool is not restricted either. You know what, their hero pools are very similar. I feel pretty comfortable with both of them now."

Guan Zeyuan commented: "IG helped Ning grab the Jarvan IV on the first floor, and then it was Topbo's turn. Topbo locked onto Sejuani and Alistar on the first and second floors."

Immediately afterwards, IG locked down Jayce and Thresh on the second and third floors.

After Jayce was chosen, the fans on IG at the scene started to get excited:

"Here comes IG's Jayce, swinging from mid to top, I just want to ask you if you are afraid!"

"The opponent must be dizzy. Where on earth is this Jayce hitting? I don't understand. Hahaha!"

"Rookie's Jayce and Shy's Jayce are both excellent. The opponent's mid and top lanes have at least one way to explode."

"You never thought that IG would be in a good position now."

In the commentary booth, Wawa explained: "IG used this tactic in the spring season. They directly showed Lucian and looked at which lane was easier to play, mid or top, and then they would go that lane, confusing the opponent."

Miller agreed: "Indeed, there are not many teams that can flexibly swing between the mid and top positions. It requires too much from the players, and only a team like IG can pull it off."

At this moment, Topbo made a choice and locked Lucian and Kaisa on the third and fourth floors!
Guan Zeyuan analyzed: "If Kaisa and Lucian are thinking together, then it proves that Lucian must go mid and top. In this version, Lucian going to the bottom lane itself is not good. Is Top Esports planning to play the same way?"

Miller: "You know what, Chen Sheng and the Great Demon King can both play Lucian. Now both sides are in a state of shaking each other, and it depends on who can catch the other side's line."

It was IG's turn to make a choice. The director gave a close-up of the IG players. At this time, coach Kim Jong-soo was saying something quickly, and it seemed that the BP was a bit stuck.

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:
[You like to swing, right? It seems like everyone can do it. 】

【With his average personal ability, Top Esports has never surpassed anyone. 】

[No, why would anyone think that Top Esports, with the world's top mid-level players, would be afraid of a so-called swing? ]

【Then let's swing together and see who will suffer in the end. 】

[That's about it. Don't cry if you get beaten by IG later. ]

Before the game even started, fans of both sides were already engaged in a fierce battle on the barrage, neither side giving in.

At this moment, IG got Draven and Cassiopeia on the fourth and fifth floors.

After these two heroes were locked, the IG fans at the scene became excited:
"Everyone knows Jackeylove's Draven."

"I feel like all three lanes of Top Esports are going to be destroyed. IG is not going to give them any chance to survive."

"That's enough. Who's going to beat who?"

“IG’s battle to establish its prestige!”

"Rookie has brought out his Snake Lady. He is very confident. He is suppressing the opponent on three fronts."

On the Top Esports side, Chen Wei already felt the pressure when he saw the opponent's bottom lane combination.

Liu Qingsong comforted him: "It's okay, we just need to develop in the lane, you are better than Draven in team fights."

Chen Wei nodded, but he was still nervous.

Li Xianghe asked: "Lucian, are you going to use it or should I use it?"

Chen Yiqiu asked back: "How about your Lucian against Cassiopeia? Can you gain an advantage?"

Li Xianghe responded: "It's just so-so. Lucian has been weakened a lot now and is not as strong as before."

Chen Yiqiu made his choice: "Then choose another one, Lucian is for me."

"Give me a note."

So Top Esports locked on the clockwork on the fifth floor!
Wawa explained: "Since it's Clockwork, then Lucian will play top lane, but it's hard to say what the lineups of both teams are right now, maybe it can still be swayed."

Time passed by minute by minute, and everyone stared at the big screen, wanting to see whether the two sides would continue to play tricks.

The time has come to the last twenty seconds, and you can no longer change heroes after the twenty seconds have passed.

Just when everyone thought the lineup was finalized, IG swapped Jayce and Snake Lady, with Jayce going to the middle lane and Snake Lady in the top lane!
The lineup was finalized:

Red side Top Esports: top lane Lucian, jungle Sejuani, mid lane Clockwork, ADC Kaisa, support Alistar.

Blue side IG: Top single Cassiopeia, Jungle Prince, Mid single Jayce, ADC Draven, Support Thresh. (End of this chapter)

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