Wawa commented: "Zhu Mei made a move! Can QR hit? Snake Girl reacted quickly, and he chose to move forward. Although he was not controlled, it was very embarrassing for him. Clockwork followed up with QW!"

"Cassiopeia still has her ultimate. He used W to stop Clockwork from getting close. He wanted to run away. Sejuani came over from the side. Cassiopeia used her Q skill. Sejuani turned around and moved, but she didn't dodge. Did he think Cassiopeia would use her ultimate?"

Peanut didn't expect that he was fooled again, but it didn't matter. The snake girl had no way to go, so he continued to get closer.

Suddenly, the snake girl turned around again, and this time she really used her ultimate move!

Miller commented: "Zhu Mei is controlled, but it doesn't matter, Faker's back is back, never petrify Lee Sang Hyuk!"

After Snake Girl controlled Sejuani, she chose to go all out and used all her skills on Sejuani, but her own health could not be sustained. Clockwork used a Q to kill Snake Girl and then flashed up and took her away with two basic attacks.

Almost at the same time, a Debang military flag fell from the sky, and the prince rushed out!
Ning's Prince EQ knocks Sejuani away and uses basic attack to deal damage.

Li Xianghe gave the prince a kill mark: "You can fight, I will give you a shield."

"The opponent's bottom lane is gone." Liu Qingsong's voice suddenly sounded.

Xiao Huasheng and Li Xianghe became alert, and a hook flew from the blind spot and hit Sejuani, and Thresh flew over!

Moreover, this Thresh also has a Draven with him.

Guan Zeyuan passionately explained: "IG's bottom lane came to support, and Prince's ultimate was used on Clockwork, but Clockwork didn't have flash! Draven took the head of Sejuani first, and then they went to find Clockwork, but he was gone, Draven got a double kill!"

"Hahahaha, Draven should be banned." Draven was very happy after getting a double kill.

The situation suddenly changed, IG surpassed the opponent economically!

Guan Zeyuan continued to commentate: "This game is very chaotic. The two sides kept switching lanes, the jungler was always looking for opportunities, and now the bottom lane has also joined in. Although Top Esports' mid and top laners are very strong, two fists can't beat four hands. IG has a great chance of winning this game."

Eight minutes into the game, Xiaohuasheng came to the top lane again. He knew that Jayce had no flash, and that Jayce was again severely injured by Chen Yiqiu's Lucian.

So after the soldiers entered the tower, Xiaohuasheng chose to go directly over the tower. As a result, just as he approached Jayce under the defensive tower, the Prince appeared.

"You can fight!" Xiaohuasheng was determined to kill. After getting close, he chose the Q skill to knock Jayce away and followed up with his ultimate.

This time, Jayce had no room to maneuver and was controlled by Sejuani.

Chen Yi Qiu's Lucian keeps up with the output!
Ning laughed: "No, you dare to do this?"

The Prince used two EQ combos to hit Sejuani, and then used his ultimate to frame Sejuani and Lucian.

"I tried my best." After Rookie's Jayce used a set of skills, he was killed by Lucian. However, Sejuani was also low on health and couldn't get out, so he was killed by Jarvan.

The two sides traded one for one.

Ning no longer had any skills and couldn't keep Lucian.

Wawa commented: "It feels like a win. Even though it was a one-for-one trade, Jayce lost his minion line, and the kill was taken by Jarvan. His kill was taken by Lucian."

Ning's Prince helped to clear the minion line, Chen Yi Qiu harassed in front of the defensive tower, and Prince was consumed by Lucian every time he made a last hit.

Now Ning understood the feeling of being on the same line as Rookie and Chen Yi Qiu.

"This person is really annoying. He is always right and insists on making me click. If you have the guts, just beat me to death." Ning was a little annoyed.

Rookie quickly said: "Don't be impulsive, he still has a big move."

He was worried that Ning would use his EQ to attack him. Ning has that kind of personality and he can be very impulsive sometimes.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lucian used his ultimate!

At this moment, the prince has less than half of his health left, and if he is hit by the ultimate skill, he will die instantly!
"Go, don't fight!" Rookie warned repeatedly.

Ning retreated, and Lucian chased forward, taking on the output of the defensive tower and continuing to use his ultimate move.

Ning was forced to use his EQ combo and retreat, but Lucian followed up with his E skill!

"No?" Ning suddenly felt something was wrong. His movement was useless because Lucian adjusted very quickly.

Lucian's last ultimate was fired, just in time to take down the Prince.

"Just one second, just one second, I'll be there in a flash!" Ning was furious.

Rookie sighed helplessly: "You are courting death by being so arrogant in front of him, aren't you?"

After reading it, Guan Zeyuan expressed his confusion: "What is the prince doing? Is he forcing one on Lucian? He doesn't need to die in this wave."

Wawa commented: "I can only say that Ning is like this. He plays very aggressively and can often find some tricky opportunities, but his chances of passing up are also inexplicable. It's a double-edged sword."

Everyone was paying attention to the top lane, when suddenly, bad news came from the bottom lane. Jackeylove's Draven got another kill and killed the Minotaur.

Chen Wei took the initiative to take the blame: "Oh my god, I got hooked by the opponent this time."

Liu Qingsong: "It's okay, just sell it directly at this time, don't hesitate."

This time, Liu Qingsong sacrificed himself in order to cover Chen Wei's retreat.

IG's bottom lane went to fight the little dragon, and the comments in the official live broadcast room were boiling:

[It's because you can't beat IG's bottom lane. You've been bragging for so long, and this is it? ]

【IG won this game by relying on the bottom lane. 】

[If IG wins, the MVP will definitely be this Kaisa. ]

[Choosing Kaisa in front of Jackeylove and not banning his Draven? Isn't this just giving yourself away? ]

[I will kill each kid with three knives in a moment. 】

The game time was eleven minutes. Chen Yi Qiu seized the opportunity in the top lane. While Jayce's flash was not ready yet, he used the E skill to fight Jayce. Jayce counterattacked with a set of skills and pushed Lucian away with a Thunder Clash.

But Lucian still has his ultimate! Give him his ultimate, Holy Lance Baptism!
Jayce gave himself a speed gate, Lucian flashed to follow, turned off his ultimate, and fired two basic attacks to get the kill!
Peanut exclaimed: "Nice! Brother Yiqiu, nice! Then we can take this Rift Herald. I'll help you push the top lane tower."

Chen Yiqiu responded: "No need, I can push the first tower, so I can save it for pushing the middle and bottom towers."

Xiaohuasheng chose to fight the Rift Herald alone and got the Eye of the Herald. Chen Yiqiu pushed down a tower in the top lane, returned to the city for supplies, and took out the first big item.

Wawa commented: "Lucian is very strong now, with three people in his hands, but he seems to be a little worse than Draven. Now Top Esports has to find a way to stop this Draven."

Chen Yi Qiu chose to go to the middle first, and Xiao Huasheng followed closely.

Entering the opposite jungle area, Chen Yi Qiu found that the wild monsters in the upper half of the jungle had refreshed, but he did not see the figure of the Prince.

"The prince on the opposite side is probably downstairs." Chen Yi Qiu reminded.

Peanut suggested: "Let's go down the middle."

So the bottom lane gave up defending the bottom lane tower, and Chen Yi Qiu and Xiao Huasheng attacked the middle lane together.

However, the troops in the middle lane could not be pushed forward, and the snake girl seemed to sense the danger.

Li Xianghe's Clockwork used his ultimate, but Cassiopeia flashed to avoid it. Pig Girl's ultimate was twisted away by Cassiopeia's positioning, but she was slowed down. Chen Yiqiu's Lucian used his E skill to face-attack. Cassiopeia turned around and used her ultimate. Chen Yiqiu and Li Xianghe turned around together. Peanut didn't react in time and was petrified.

Lucian used his ultimate skill and took the snake woman's head.

Wawa laughed and said, "Whoever is petrified will be embarrassed. There is no doubt about the reaction speed of Chen Sheng and the Great Devil. Peanut has made a fool of himself."

Miller agreed, "If everyone is petrified, that's fine. If no one is petrified, that's fine too. I'm just afraid of situations where you can't escape even if others can."

"Top Esports chose to release the Rift Herald and take down the middle lane tower. The laning phase should be over."

Guan Zeyuan: "However, Top Esports also gave up their bottom lane tower. Now the economy of both sides is evenly matched. It feels like both sides have a chance."

On the Topbo side, Li Xianghe asked: "Are you going to go to the top lane or should I go to the top lane?"

Now that the laning phase is over, the duo will switch to the middle lane to develop. Now Chen Yi Qiu and Li Xianghe must figure out who will lead the top lane and who will lead the bottom lane.

Chen Yiqiu responded: "We won't change. I guess the other side thinks we will change, so they won't change."

Little Peanut was stunned: "What do you mean? It's really confusing."

Li Xianghe joked: "This is still too complicated for you, just brush your wild."

Soon, Jayce appeared in the top lane. Just as Chen Yi Qiu thought, he came out of the bushes and continued to fight with Jayce, pushing the line of troops towards the second tower.

Rookie was a little helpless. He bet that Top Esports would change lanes so he didn't change it himself, but he didn't expect that Top Esports didn't change either.

Seventeen minutes into the game, Chen Yi Qiu took the second tower in the top lane, while his own first tower in the middle lane was taken by the opponent.

Twenty minutes into the game, IG took down Top Esports' second tower in the middle and headed straight for the high ground.

Liu Qingsong began to ask for help: "If you don't come back to defend, the other side will go to the high ground."

Chen Yiqiu commanded: "You can join the team, I am developing well now."

Li Xianghe responded: "I'm coming."

So two groups of ten people gathered together in the middle lane, and a team battle was about to break out.

"I want to consume the opponent's health." Li Xianghe's Clockwork is very brave. He uses the advantage of his long arms to use QW to consume the opponent's health. He will hit whoever stands in front.

Suddenly, Baolan's Thresh turned around and threw a hook.

Li Xianghe moved confidently and passed by!

Wawa exclaimed, "Oh! I almost won. The big devil is very brave. The economy has been flat for two years now. If someone makes a mistake, it is very likely that everything will be lost."

After Thresh's hook missed, he was slowed down by Clockwork's QW. Peanut's Sejuani used Q to close the distance and activated W to continue slowing down. He didn't get completely close and kept a distance.

Kaisa follows up with W, and Minotaur is ready to make a move.

Baolan had no choice but to give up Flash and retreat.

As a result, IG's overall formation is not as good as Top Esports, and the five players of Top Esports continue to press forward!
Chen Yiqiu commanded: "You can open it, or you can open the auxiliary one!"

So Peanut Pig Girl directly threw out her ultimate skill and hit Thresh, and Thresh was controlled!

The Minotaur stepped forward and used the WQ combo, knocking the opponent away!
Clockwork QW, Thresh's health is running low!

Suddenly, The Shy's snake girl flashed forward...

Wawa exclaimed: "Cassiopeia flashed forward with R, Sejuani and Alistar were all controlled, and a W cut off the subsequent pursuit. Although Thresh was gone, Alistar and Sejuani were also in danger."

Guan Zeyuan passionately explained: "Draven started to chop, one axe, two axes... the damage was very high, Minotaur activated his ultimate, and Prince's EQ combo knocked two people away, causing the armor-breaking effect. Draven chose to attack Sejuani first, but Sejuani couldn't stand it! Draven is too fat!"

"Lucian is baptized by the Holy Lance, Cassiopeia moves, Clockwork follows up with QW, Kai'Sa QA, Cassiopeia has a golden body!"

A team fight was about to break out, with both teams attacking the front line.

When the CD of Minotaur's next WQ was about to arrive, Liu Qingsong suddenly turned around and flashed with Q!
He originally wanted to knock Draven away, and then use W to push Draven back.

But he was pushed away by Jayce's Thunder Attack, and could only choose to push Draven away.

Li Xianghe's Clockwork was framed by the Prince's ultimate and could not cooperate with the Minotaur.

So after the Minotaur's ultimate ended, Draven took the kill.

Guan Zeyuan passionately commented: "Draven is invincible! No one can limit Draven now. The two sides exchanged the front row, and IG has the advantage!"

Suddenly, Kaisa's W hit Draven. Draven was not afraid at all. If Kaisa flew over, he would be killed instantly.

"Chen Wei, Xiang He, cooperate." Chen Yi Qiu suddenly gave the order.

The two understood each other.

Then an incredible scene happened, Kaisa directly used his ultimate skill to enter the field!
"I come back for those who can't come back."


"Kill him instantly!" Jackeylove was about to kill Kai'Sa instantly. It only took three hits! Three at most!
Suddenly, the moment Kaisa landed, Draven, Cassiopeia, and Jayce were pulled together, and most of their health was lost!
Wawa exclaimed: "Kai'Sa brought the ball into the field and used Clockwork's ultimate to hit three people. Oh my god! Lucian flashed WAAEAA... Draven gave up his flash, but didn't use a basic attack to follow up and killed him instantly! Draven was killed instantly!"

Miller continued, "Jayce and Cassiopeia counterattacked, trying to replace Lucian. Lucian continued to output damage, and he was still outputting damage. His E skill was refreshed, and he pulled and moved. Cassiopeia's Q missed, and Jayce's cannon missed, but he was still operating..."

Miller shouted at the top of his lungs, and flames continued to spurt out of the double guns in the hands of Chen Yi Qiu's Lucian. At the same time, his body moved gracefully, moving back and forth, shuttling between rain of bullets and various skills. It seemed very thrilling, but in fact it was all under control!

The sound of team wipe resounded throughout Summoner's Rift, IG was wiped out!

Guan Zeyuan was horrified: "Ah? You can't even beat this wave? You can't even beat this wave? You can't even beat Draven with his explosive output?"

Miller commented: "Draven's damage output is indeed very high, but Top Esports' three Carries are too good, which reminds me of the shadow of SKT's three Carries in the past! Although Kai'Sa couldn't win the laning phase and was beaten, his role in teamfights is still there!"

Wawa agreed, "Right. Now the three Cs can choose to go directly to the Baron. Lucian has lifesteal and Clockwork can provide shield. I think there is a chance!"

The director began to replay the team battle just now, and everyone saw a lot of details.

Clockwork didn't use his ultimate after Kai'Sa landed, but when Kai'Sa was still flying in the air!
Wawa exclaimed: "This is how the big devil operates! Clockwork's ultimate has a little delay. If he chooses to use it after Kai'Sa lands, the opponent will definitely be able to react!"

"So, he chose the most difficult operation and didn't give the opponent any chance to react!"

Miller continued, "That's right. Lucian's damage was also very timely, causing Draven to die even though he used Flash at the first opportunity. It's amazing. The three of them are of one mind!"

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:
[Who said Kai'Sa is useless? Stand up! ]

[You just have to be brave enough to fight and show off. It’s okay if you lose. Just don’t be a coward. ]

[What a familiar feeling! Could it be that Top Esports is also about to start a dynasty? ]

[My mom asked me why I was kneeling down to look at my phone. Wow, this is such a show...] (End of this chapter)

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