LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 421 The Day the Broken Sword is Reforged! The Day the Knight Returns!

Kim Jong-soo chose to give up struggling, and this giving up was mainly in terms of BP and tactics.

It is impossible to surpass Top Esports in BP, because whether BP can have an advantage is largely determined not by the coach's intelligence, but by the player's hero pool.

If the team members' hero pool is unlimited, even a very mediocre coach can still guarantee an advantage in every BP.

On the other hand, if the players' hero pools are completely suppressed, even the smartest coach will not be able to gain an advantage in BP.

On the other hand, Top Esports was relatively relaxed. Peanut has already started discussing what will happen after the game:
"Are we going to have dinner after the game? What should we eat? I haven't had a big meal in a while. The training has been very hard during this period."

Guo Hao smiled and said, "There will definitely be a feast. I have already ordered it. However, if you have your own ideas, you can bring them up and I can re-order them."

Peanut was thinking about what to eat, and Li Xianghe complained: "Wangfu, the game is not over yet, can you focus a little bit."

Hongmi said: "Everyone hold on a little longer, and try to end the next battle and win 3-0."

"From the first two games, IG can't do anything to us. We just need to stay stable and play at our own pace."

Chen Yi Qiu took out his cell phone and looked at it, then started to resist the pressure.

Everyone in the Anti-Pressure Bar is discussing this game now.

The animated picture of the team fight with the pentakill just now has gone viral.

Anivia used her ultimate to kite and torture the five IG players. Jackeylove's policewoman was the most classic. She could not move an inch in the Anivia's ultimate and finally had to fall down helplessly.

There was also the last wave of blocking the fountain, and the five IG players continued to lose blood in the fountain.

If the ice wall hadn't been gone, IG would have been killed by the fountain if things had continued like this.

The following comments are very interesting:
[Torture, crazy torture! I would like to call him the Torture King.]

[I feel like this hero is a fountain-killing magic weapon, hahahaha, I want to learn how to lead girls. ]

[That’s enough. If I can’t win in the laning phase, I’ll be beaten by the opponent. ]

[Is there no one who can stop Chen Sheng now? He can use any hero to play in the top lane. ]

[Why doesn't my Ice Bird have this feeling? What's wrong? ]

[It's not the hero who is wrong, it's the people who are wrong. 】

At the same time, in the LCK region, inside KZ's training room.

Although the spring season has ended, the KZ team did not take a holiday like before, but chose to continue training.

All the players and coaching staff gathered in the conference room to watch the game.

The LPL game footage is playing on the screen in the conference room, and it is now break time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, coach Sin said: "The second game has been played. Judging from the current situation, IG is definitely not a match for Top Esports, which means that our biggest opponent in MSI is Top Esports."

Hearing this, everyone in KZ looked at each other in bewilderment.

In the spring season, KZ crushed their opponents all the way and had no rivals in the LCK, and was basically beaten one-sidedly.

After winning the spring championship, LCK placed all its hopes on KZ.

Ever since SKT's mid, top and jungle joined LPL, the LCK management has not slept well.

Fans ask every day why SKT’s mid, top and jungle players were let go. What if LPL takes advantage of this opportunity to rise?
But the LCK management can't do anything about it. This is an internal matter of the SKT team and there is no violation. Do they still have to interfere? This is breaking the rules.

So after KZ's rise, LCK Xuan'er spent a lot of effort to package KZ. KZ was described as the founder of the next dynasty, just like SKT before, giving LCK fans a psychological support.

However, all this comes at a price. With so many people optimistic about the team, if it fails to win in the end, the backlash will be very serious.

"Now, tell us whatever you want to say and we'll discuss it," Sin continued.

The first to speak was the ADC Rat King: "I think this Top Esports team is not as good as the previous SKT. At least SKT's bottom lane is very stable and much stronger than their current bottom lane."

Support GorillA agreed: "Right, now Top Esports' bottom lane solo can hold its own. Unless teammates come to help, it's almost impossible to gain an advantage."

"When they were able to gain an advantage in the bottom lane, it was because of the help from the mid, top and jungle. In that situation, the Korean server could have won by just picking two random players. After all, the help from their mid, top and jungle was too great."

Sin nodded slightly: "It is true that their bottom lane has always been criticized, but we must also see their recent progress. We can't assume that their level will remain unchanged."

"If they go through another summer season, it will be even harder for them to handle the S-League. Now is the best opportunity. We must seize the opportunity in this MSI."

The Rat King was full of confidence: "Nothing else matters, our bottom lane is definitely an advantage."

Sin looked at the three players in the mid lane, top lane and jungle: "You can't tell the difference between the mid lane, top lane and jungle. Do you have anything to say? Although their bottom lane is the breakthrough point, the current version is not the bottom lane. It is still not very stable to win the game simply by breaking through the bottom lane."

The three brothers looked at each other, and BDD said, "I am looking forward to playing against Faker-senpai."

BDD is known as Little Faker in LCK and is considered the most likely successor to Lee Sang-hyuk.

For him, every match with Lee Sang-hyuk is precious and an opportunity to break through himself.

Top laner Rescal spoke up: "I don't think the strength of the top laners in the LPL can be compared to our LCK."

"Although Reaper continues to be strong in LPL, I think he may have become weaker, after all, the strength of the region is not good enough."

Although Chen Yi Qiu has left the LCK region, he has played in the LCK for two years and won two S championships. According to LCK rules, Rescal needs to respectfully call him "senior."

Sin asked back: "If it were you, and you were facing his top laner Anivia, what would you choose?"

This statement silenced Rescal. Who playing top lane would consider how to fight against Anivia?
After some hesitation, Rescal said, "I think Anivia should be used to counter Vampire. If I don't play Vampire, he definitely won't choose Anivia. It's not so useful against other heroes."

Hearing this, everyone in KZ felt a little embarrassed. This was a bit too much.

But no one exposed him because they were all teammates and should give him some face.

Moreover, Rescal is a new player, and it is a bit too much to ask a new player to be able to deal with the world's top laner.

Sin advised: "Rescal, I think you should prepare a few more special heroes. From Reaper's games, we can see that he never sticks to the version and chooses whatever he wants."

"We also need to work hard in this area and not be restricted by the version. We must change our previous thinking."

Rescal nodded, and it was unclear whether he understood or indicated that he was not under pressure.

Sin looked at the jungler CUZZ and said, "How do you feel about the jungler?" CUZZ had a dark skin and a serious expression.

Although he is just over sixteen years old, he always gives people a feeling of being old-fashioned.

CUZZ responded: "I have no pressure."

Hearing this, everyone in KZ was shocked.

No pressure? Although Xiaohuasheng is the weakest in the top jungle system of Top Esports, he sometimes even lags behind.

But that's just because Top Esports' mid and top are too strong, making Xiao Huasheng look weak.

In fact, Xiaohuasheng is definitely a world-class jungler now.

CUZZ continued: "I have figured out his jungle thinking. I can basically grasp what he wants to do and where he wants to be."

Sin has no doubt about this, because CUZZ plays with his brain. He is not the kind of jungler with strong operation skills. This is completely opposite to Xiaohuasheng.

Xiaohuasheng is not very good at thinking, but he is very strong in operation and dares to fight.

Sin said: "If we can gain an advantage in the jungle, we can greatly weaken their dominance in the middle and top. This is also a direction. In short, we need to focus on targeted training in the next period of time. We must win this MSI!"

At the LPL game scene, after a short break, the third game is about to begin!
In the commentary booth, Wawa commented: "Welcome back. The upcoming match is the third match between the two teams. In the first two matches, Top Esports won both without any danger. Now the pressure is on IG. I wonder if they can come up with anything new."

Miller analyzed: "From the current situation, there is still a gap in overall strength. In this case, IG may need to take shortcuts. If they act recklessly, they will definitely not be the opponent. IG's mid and top players have a deep hero pool. It depends on whether they can give us a surprise in this game."

The players from both teams came on the stage and took their respective positions, and the third BP began.

In this game, IG continued to choose the red side, and Top Esports was on the blue side.

Hongmi reminded: "They want to take the counter position on the fifth floor, probably for the middle and upper, so we should pay attention."

Chen Yiqiu responded, "It's okay. I also want to see if they can come up with something new to challenge me."

To Chen Yi Qiu, the league championship meant nothing, even the MSI championship meant nothing. What he cared about most now was whether he could compete with masters and whether he could be challenged.

It would be even better if someone could suppress him in lane and make it difficult for him.

Wawa commented: "In terms of banning, IG chose to ban Anivia, Sejuani and Kaisa."

"It seems that the Ice Bird in the last game left a deep impression on them, and they didn't come up with any solution."

Miller analyzed: "I think this is the case. In this game, IG chose the red side, allowing Top Esports to take the blue side. The blue buff on the blue side is in the upper jungle area, and Anivia can also get the blue buff if she goes to the top lane, so the blue side cannot give Top Esports the opportunity to choose Anivia."

Guan Zeyuan suddenly understood: "Hey, you know what, it makes sense. We saw it in the last game. If Ice Bird doesn't have the blue buff, it's actually very difficult to gain an advantage in the laning phase. It consumes too much blue."

"Top Esports banned Draven, Caitlyn, and Fiora. The bottom lane is still under pressure. We must limit IG's bottom lane."

Entering the hero selection stage, Top Esports locked on the Prince on the first floor of the blue side.

It's IG's turn to choose, IG locks on Lee Sin and Varus.

Wawa commented: "Top Esports got Galio and Nightmare on the second and third floors! The mid, top and jungle have already come out. Are they so strong? Prince, Galio, Nightmare, this is a system that RNG often used before."

Miller agreed, "That's right, but this system was previously used against defensive teams, such as Samsung. If it is against a team that is strong in fighting, it's hard to say. This combination is very weak without the ultimate move."

At this moment, IG locked Minotaur and Tsar on the third and fourth floors.

It was Topbo's turn again. Just when everyone thought that Topbo would choose an ADC in the bottom lane, suddenly, Topbo showed the Ziggs and locked on.

Seeing the bomber being locked, the audience was shocked:

"What's going on? Isn't Galio already here? Did you make the wrong choice?"

"What is Top Esports doing in the bottom lane? They can't even choose a hero?"

"I think we'll have to reopen it. They're really talented people."

"It's not enough that I play badly, I also made the wrong hero choices. If this doesn't work, let me go to Top Esports to play ADC."

"I said, is there a possibility? I mean maybe, Top Esports did not make the wrong choice. Is that what they think?"

Immediately afterwards, Top Esports locked onto the Gem Knight on the fifth floor.

Wawa was upset: "Still choosing? Top Esports is still choosing heroes, which means the Ziggs on the fourth floor didn't make the wrong choice. What does that mean? Which lane should Ziggs play? They don't have an ADC."

Miller forced an analysis: "Although there are two AD damage dealers, Nightmare and Jarvan, I feel like you can't rely on these two heroes in teamfights. Is Jarvan the top laner with three items? Specialized for continuous damage? I feel like he's still far inferior to ADC."

Guan Zeyuan: "I think it's like this. Chen Sheng can play a marksman top laner. He could obviously choose an ADC in the top lane, but he chose the Prince, which is very strange. It feels like he is playing randomly."

The director gave a close-up of the IG players. Kim Jong-soo, the coach, was spreading his hands, which meant that he didn't understand and couldn't see Top Esports' lineup, so he let the players choose for themselves.

In the official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:
[I understand. This is Chen Sheng's last act of kindness. He chose a lineup that could never win and let IG win.]

[It's understandable, right? IG are all new players, and they are all very talented. If they were to shave their heads, their mentality would explode and their careers would be ruined.]

[Ah? Is this really the case? Chen Sheng is so gentle. I am crying.]

[That's definitely the case. This lineup is not something that ordinary people can come up with, except Chen Sheng.]

[The gentleness of the No. 1 top laner in history warms the hearts of IG players. 】

[That’s enough. What will you say if Top Esports wins? ]

Now most people have already accepted that Top Esports lost this game, and that it was intentional. This was for the future of the new players in IG. Some people were even moved by this. Of course, Chen Yi Qiu never thought about this.

Just as everyone was discussing, suddenly, IG showed Riven on the fifth floor!
"The day the broken sword is reforged, the day the knight returns."

Riven is locked!

In the commentary booth, the three commentators were stunned for a moment.

Wawa exclaimed: "What's going on? What's going on? IG actually brought out Riven on the fifth floor? Is this Riven playing against Prince in the top lane?"

Miller held his head in his hands, feeling unbelievable: "There are actually people using Riven in the game, my God, are they so confident? It feels as outrageous as Anivia in the last game."

"But, in the last game, Chen Sheng played Ice Bird. He is Chen Sheng! Who are you?" (End of this chapter)

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