LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 428 Jin Minwo: Different treatment? Chen Yiqiu: Better character

While Zhao Enjing was stunned, the elevator door closed and she was sent away.

Chen Yi Qiu brought Jin Minwo to the door of the room and opened it with the room card.

Jin Minwo followed Chen Yiqiu in, looked around the room, and commented: "I found that your room seems to be better than mine, the decoration is very exquisite, I feel like I am being treated differently."

Chen Yiqiu responded: "Maybe it's because... I have a better character?"

Jin Min-wo said coquettishly: "So conceited..."

"As I expected, it's a mess. Let me help you tidy it up." Jin Min-wo opened Chen Yi Qiu's closet and began to help Chen Yi Qiu organize his clothes.

In this regard, Chen Yi Qiu is indeed more casual. He just throws it in. He can find it when he wears it anyway.

Jin Min was humming a song while tidying up, and seemed to be enjoying it.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Chen Yi Qiu turned on the computer in the room and logged in to play ranked games.

Just then, the phone rang. Chen Yiqiu took it out and saw that it was a message from Xiaohuasheng: "Brother Yiqiu, the coach asked you to go to bed early tonight and not overwork. Get enough rest. We still have training tomorrow."

Chen Yi Qiu sighed helplessly. This kid must be reporting false military intelligence again. Hongmi didn't have the heart to joke with him.

The next morning, after everyone in Topsports got up, they all received a message from Hongmi in the group: they would start training after breakfast, and he was going to arrange training matches with teams from other regions.

So after a quick wash, everyone went out together to have breakfast.

Arriving at the restaurant on the second floor of the hotel, everyone found a place to sit down and began to order food. At the same time, Peanut asked:
"Coach, who did we find to play the scrimmages with? Which division?"

Hongmi responded, "It has not been decided yet. Which division's team do you want to play against? Different divisions have different styles and different understandings of the game version."

Peanut was thinking about it when Caps came over with two people. After a simple greeting, he got straight to the point: "We are going to go back after breakfast to prepare for training. Can I make an appointment with you guys?"

Hongmi thought it was good and was about to ask other people for their opinions.

Before he could even utter this, two more groups of people came over and stated their purpose: they were also here to arrange a training match.

This is not the end. After these two groups, another group came and wanted to arrange a training match with Top Esports. The reason was very simple. Top Esports was very strong and had the top mid, top and jungle players.

Although for them, there is little hope of defeating Top Esports.

But I can learn a lot by playing training games with Top Esports.

Originally, Redmi thought that it might be necessary to see if others had time, but now it seems that it is not necessary and you can just pick one yourself.

Peanut muttered, "Are we so popular?"

Liu Qingsong commented: "Strong people are welcome everywhere."

However, Chen Yi Qiu found that there were two teams that seemed uninterested in this, one of which was KZ.

The KZ people were eating in the distance, glancing over here from time to time, with no intention of coming over at all.

The other one is FW, and this team seems to have some opinions about Top Esports.

When they came to eat yesterday, other teams came over to say hello, but FW and KZ remained indifferent.

KZ is understandable. After all, the two sides are the biggest rivals. If they play the training game seriously, they will expose their cards to the opponent in advance, but if they are not serious, then it will be meaningless.

And this FW... do they also think they are a strong contender for the championship? So they also want to hide something? I don't think so.

After breakfast, Top Esports went back to play three games with FNC, but found that it didn’t take long, so they continued to play with other teams.

In the afternoon, all teams were arranged by the authorities to shoot at the competition site, mainly to shoot some materials for making promotional videos.

The whole process was not easy. Different teams had different roles, and Top Esports felt like the protagonist and spent the most time on it.

That night, the play-in round ended, FW and EVS were confirmed to enter the group stage, and the six teams in the group stage were determined, namely:

The schedule for the group stage has been determined, and it is very simple to say. Each team will play two rounds with other teams. In theory, each team will play ten games, and a points system will be adopted, with the top four teams advancing.

Of course, after ten games, there may be a tie, then it depends on the win-loss record. If the record is a tie, then an extra game will be needed.

The next afternoon, at the MSI competition site, the audience seats were already packed before the game even started.

The venues in Europe are not as big as those in LPL. This time the organizers obviously underestimated the number of spectators, and tickets are hard to come by online.

In the backstage lounge, the Top Esports team is resting and waiting for the game to begin.

This was the first time for Chen Wei and Liu Qingsong to play in an international competition. Both of them were a little nervous, especially Chen Wei, who always felt his hands were shaking.

Seeing this, Chen Yiqiu comforted him, "Chen Wei, don't be nervous, keep calm. Especially at times like this, you should keep calm and treat it as a RANK fight."

"Being a RANK fighter?" Chen Wei took a breath of cold air, seemingly unable to imagine it.

Peanut came over and said, "Brother, I'll teach you a trick. When the game starts, just think like this: if you can gain an advantage, then do it. If you can't, that's okay. Someone will help you win. As long as you think like this, you won't be nervous."

After hearing this, Li Xianghe complained: "So you have always thought this way, no wonder you sometimes send a wave for no reason and then smile frivolously."

Little Peanut scratched his head and grinned, "If I don't send them off, how can Yiqiu and Xianghe look so powerful? Right? If I kill all the opponents, what will the brothers do?"

Chen Yiqiu couldn't hold it in any longer: "Okay, if you really have this ability, I'll be your supporting role, and you just have to kill as many as you want."

Li Xianghe echoed, "Yeah, that's what I thought too. I'll choose a support hero in the middle lane and be your bodyguard."

Peanut admitted his fear: "Stop! I was just kidding, don't take it so seriously."

Chen Wei was amused, but after doing this, he did feel a lot more relaxed.

Chen Yiqiu took out his phone and started playing. At this moment, he saw Xiaohuasheng sent a message in the SKT group: "Hey, Li Zaiwan, where are you? Why can't I see you? I'm at the MSI site, where are you?"

It was obvious that he was actively provoking, and Yin Yang Lee Jae Wan did not come to MSI.

Soon, Li Jae-wan posted a photo. From the photo, he seemed to be in a very lively place with a lot of people, like a concert.

However, Chen Yiqiu noticed the stage in the distance. There were ten computers on it. Wasn't this the MSI competition site? The layout was exactly the same!
Peanut didn't seem to notice this, and he continued to mock: "Where are you watching a concert? Are you in a bad mood? You actually went to a concert, hahahaha, don't you want to play games? Don't you want the MSI championship?"

At this time, Li Xianghe popped up: "Isn't this the MSI site? You are here too?"

Chen Yi Qiu looked up at Xiao Huasheng, who was staring at the screen of his mobile phone at the moment. He was probably imagining what Li Zai Wan would look like after being irritated by him.

Suddenly, Peanut's smile froze, as if he realized the seriousness of the matter. Chen Yiqiu looked at his phone and saw a message from Li Zaiwan: "Wanghu, wait for me! I'll come over and take care of you!"

Xiao Huasheng suddenly looked at Hongmi next to him and asked, "Coach, I want to ask a question. If he is not a participant in this MSI, can he come into the lounge?"

Hongmi thought for a moment and responded, "Are you a professional player? If so, and you have some fame, then you should be able to come over. The staff will let you in. Do you have a friend who wants to see you? I can ask for you."

"No! Don't let him come over!" Xiaohua was anxious, probably because he thought of what terrible things Li Zaiwan would do to him.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Li Zaiwan still didn't show up, and Xiao Huasheng was scared half to death.

Suddenly, Guo Hao said, "It's almost time, get ready to go on stage, everyone, I wish you a great start!"

On the other side, at the LPL division commentary booth at the game site, Changmao, Guan Zeyuan and Rita were ready.

Guan Zeyuan commented: "Dear viewers, you are watching the first group match of the 2018 League of Legends Mid-Season Invitational. The opening match will be between TOP, the spring champion from the LPL region, and FNC, the spring champion from the LEC region!"

Changmao continued, "Top Esports doesn't want us to introduce them too much. They have the strongest mid, top and jungle in the entire league. Their opponent, FNC, is also our old friend. They are the champion team of S2 and have been active in the world competition for many years."

Rita began to analyze: "Both teams are very dominant teams in their respective regions. Although there is a certain gap between FNC and Top Esports in terms of strength on paper, this comparison is not very objective, after all, it does not take into account the differences in regional styles."

At the competition venue, at the invitation of the host, Chen Yi Qiu brought all the Top Esports members to the stage!

Chen Yiqiu walked in the front, and below the stage, cheers were overwhelming:

"Tao Bo! Tao Bo! Tao Bo!"

"Reaper! Reaper!"

"Chen Sheng! I'm your fan!"

Chen Yi Qiu originally thought that most of the fans who came to watch the game would be locals, but at a glance, many of them were Asian faces.

I guess many of them are international students who have come here from surrounding countries.

Chen Yi Qiu also saw that some of the cheering boards had the schools they were from written on them, and they were all from famous universities.

After all the Top Esports players appeared on stage, it was FNC's turn.

The five FNC players came to the field and it was quite lively below, since this was their home field after all.

It is indeed a good idea to arrange the home team and the most popular team to play the opening game, which can attract the greatest number of audiences.

However, Chen Yiqiu suddenly thought of a question: what if the home team loses the opening game? This is indeed an embarrassing question.

Chen Yi Qiu quickly came to his seat and began to debug the equipment.

After both sides are ready, BP begins!

Guan Zeyuan commented: "Well, after the game started, Top Esports was on the red side and FNC was on the blue side. As for bans, FNC chose to target the top lane and banned Shen, Fiora, and Jayce. It seems that they were very worried that the top lane would be destroyed, leading to a loss in the game."

Changmao continued: "However, I personally feel that banning the top laner is not a good way to win against Top Esports. From the LPL game situation, we can see that Chen Sheng is really not afraid of being targeted."

Rita: “But back on topic, if you were the coach of FNC, would you choose to release Top Esports’s Shen and Fiora?”

Changmao didn't even think about it: "Of course not. This is the embarrassing part about facing Chen Sheng. If you let him out and lose the game, you will be blamed. Then someone will definitely ask you why you didn't ban him. But actually banning him won't have any effect. Chen Sheng's hero pool is too deep."

Entering the selection stage, FNC on the blue side locked on Sion on the first floor.

When everyone saw this Sean, they understood.

The audience booed:
"Sion? Isn't this hero just a punching bag? Just give in?"

"You want a gun on the first floor when you're playing Sion? Chen Sheng definitely won't play this kind of thing."

"The top lane is useless. This game can only depend on the performance of the mid and bottom lanes."

"I feel like we should sacrifice the BP of the top lane. We will definitely lose the top lane anyway, so we should fight for the middle lane so that we can pick it later."

It was Top Esports' turn. Guan Zeyuan commented: "Top Esports got Troll and Tam in the first and second floors. Tam is quite strong in this version. Moreover, Tam can counter Sion's teamfight to a certain extent."

Rita continued: "Yes, then FNC locked Olaf and Kaisa on the second and third floors. This can be regarded as a steal for Kaisa. I remember Gala played Kaisa very well."

"Then, Top Esports got Karma and Tam on the third and fourth floors. So this Karma played in the middle lane."

Changmao analyzed: "Karma is indeed very strong in this version. I see a lot of people playing her in high-end ranked games. She has both damage output and functionality, and she has almost no natural enemies in the laning phase, so she can suppress any hero."

Guan Zeyuan took the opportunity to brag: "This is the strength of Faker. Not only can he choose heroes that can carry himself, but he can also choose functional heroes to help his teammates gain an advantage. He is versatile."

It was FNC's turn to choose, and FNC locked Vampire and Luo on the fourth and fifth floors.

Seeing this scene, Changmao was a little surprised: "Vampire? This should be the mid-lane Vampire. I personally feel that it is difficult to play against Karma. Vampire is relatively weak, and Karma is very strong. I can only say that Caps is very confident in himself."

As the three were talking, the director had already given a close-up of Chen Yi Qiu. Now only Chen Yi Qiu's top laner had not been confirmed.

The whole world is focusing on this!
After seeing the opponent's lineup, Chen Yiqiu made a bold choice: "Leviathan Priest, Illaoi."

"Oh! Illaoi? Is it really Illaoi? It seems like no one has used this hero in the entire spring season." Xiaohuasheng exclaimed.

Lee Sang-hyuk is used to it: "No one else has used Ice Bird in the top lane, it's not normal."

Little Peanut muttered: "That's true, Brother Yiqiu is such a terrifying existence!"

Hongmi had no objection. He chose to trust Chen Yiqiu's judgment: "Then take it."

So Liu Qingsong locked onto Illaoi on the fifth floor, and the lineups of both sides were determined:

Red side Top Esports: top lane Illaoi, jungle Troll, mid lane Karma, ADCEZ, support Tam

Blue side FNC: top lane Sion, jungle Olaf, mid lane Vladimir, ADC Kaisa, support Rakan.

Seeing the lineups on both sides, Guan Zeyuan's eyes widened:

"Illaoi...? Is it really Illaoi? Top Esports picked him? Oh my god, is this just for show or do they really think this hero is awesome?"

Rita shook her head and said, "I don't understand. I paid special attention to the update notes of the latest version, and there was no mention of Illaoi in it, which proves that she has not been enhanced. Then why can I play her now?" (End of this chapter)

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