LOL: You don’t want to be broadcast live on the entire network, right.?

Chapter 430: All opponents are weak! Criminal Master Chen Yiqiu

Chen Yi Qiu's Ornn counterattacked with an E skill and hit Sion, followed by a basic attack and harsh discipline, and the passive tentacle shot up, restoring blood!
Sion has no skills at this time. Seeing Ornn recovering, he already feels something is wrong. What should he do now? Continue to fight or run?

If you choose to fight, the next Q skill must hit, otherwise he will die.

After hesitating, Sean ran away!
Seeing this scene, Guan Zeyuan's jaw dropped to the ground, and he exclaimed: "Ah? Sion ran away! This Sion saw a lifeless Ornn and chose to run away! And he used flash to dodge the skill, so this wave of losses is huge."

Changmao continued, "That's right. The troll on the opposite side gave up a piece of jungle to gank the top lane. Normally, they should have exchanged jungles at level 1, but he used a trick and suddenly ganked the top lane. It was indeed quite sudden, but it didn't work."

In the MSI official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:
[Hahahaha, running away in panic? Is this the level of the opponent? ]

【Run, coward.】

[Illaoi is a pretty strong hero. He can fight two at level 3. 】

[He chose Sion as the jungler in the top lane and dared to go to the top lane to help GANK. He is also a talent. 】

[You've already chosen Sion, why don't you just give up on top lane? ]

[Is Chen Sheng so easy to catch? Boy!]

When Peanut saw that the opponent's jungler was killed and Chen Yiqiu was not dead, he was very happy: "Nice, there should be two more monsters in my lower jungle area. The opponent's jungler got himself killed, so I should have been the one to be killed."

"The opponent's mid lane has no TP." Li Xianghe's voice came.

In the middle lane, Li Xianghe beat the vampire back home. He can push a wave of soldiers into the tower, then go back for supplies and walk out, so that he can have an extra TP.

Peanut said, "Okay, at level 6, we'll go to the bottom lane and look for an opportunity to see if we can get past the tower."

Chen Yi Qiu's Ornn returned to the city for supplies, then TPed back to the top lane to continue to torture the opposing Sion.

It is easier to fight now with the equipment advantage. After pushing the line of soldiers over, we can torture the opponent in front of the defense tower.

Extracting the soul means a beating, and it can also continuously trigger the omen of theft.

The bottom lane was defeated at level 1, and now Top Esports is being tortured under the defensive tower.

Guan Zeyuan commented: "The situation in the bottom lane is the opposite of the top lane. The bottom lane is being tortured by the opponent. It is very uncomfortable now and there is no way to get out."

"The only good news is that Gala plays Ezreal, a hero with good ability to withstand pressure. Even if he is pressed under the defensive tower, he can still last hit and develop."

The game time is six minutes and Peanut's troll is level six.

The first wave was very damaging, but as the opponent's jungler failed to gank, Peanut stood up again!
"Brother Xianghe, let's go to the bottom lane and attack two by four. The opponent's middle lane has no TP." Xiaohuasheng asked the middle lane to push the line in advance. Now Li Xianghe has no pressure in the middle lane and the line control is in his hands.

Peanut's Troll entered the opposite jungle and first destroyed the true eye in the triangle grass.

FNC retreated to the bottom lane, and they still had to show respect when they saw the troll appear.

After removing the real eye, Xiaohuasheng pretended to leave, then immediately turned back and caught the enemy off guard!
The bottom lane took the opportunity to push the line of troops, and the line of troops entered the defensive tower.

Rita commented: "It seems that he is going to attack the bottom lane. The troll walked behind the defensive tower and placed a true ward. Karma TPed!"

At this time, the two players in the bottom lane of FNC were pushing the line frantically.

Peanut was determined to kill: "You can go up, help hold the tower."

Suddenly, Chen Yiqiu's voice came: "The opponent's top laner is gone, he has a big move."

However, Liu Qingsong's Tam had already hit Luo with his Q skill and was already holding the tower, and he was in a difficult situation!

Peanut's troll rushed in directly and used his ultimate skill on the opposite Kaisa.

"This is war!" Suddenly, the sound of Sion's ultimate move came.

Not only that, Olaf also rushed over from behind the defensive tower!

Changmao exclaimed: "FNC handled this wave perfectly. They seemed to have anticipated that the bottom lane would be dived, so Sion and Olaf were in position in advance. What should Top Esports do now? It seems like something is going to go wrong!"

EZ has already used the E skill to jump into the face to deal damage. The opponent's Kaisa flashed to avoid Karma's RQ, but was controlled by Karma's W skill and was killed.

The opposing Luo made a grand entrance, and the troll failed to flash away and was knocked away!
Olaf rushed forward and dealt a lot of damage, and Sion's ultimate forced Karma to flash.

"Retreat! We can't win!" Xiaohuasheng ordered his teammates to retreat and sell him out.

The hero Olaf is very powerful in the early stage and even the trolls can't withstand him.

So the mid laner and the duo retreated together.

"Be careful of vampires." Chen Yi Qiu's voice came again.

He was cutting off the minion line and clearing the jungle in the top lane, and he could only do these things without TP.

At the same time, I was also looking at the minimap. The opposing vampire had disappeared in the middle lane for some time.

So, EZ, Karma, Tam and Vampire collided head-on, and Vampire used E followed by his ultimate to hit three people.

"Don't fight, he has a blood pool." Li Xianghe knew that he couldn't fight back, and he would die if he was dragged down.

Caps' vampire had a clear target, he just kept attacking Tam who didn't have flash, and finally took Tam's head.

Changmao commented: "It seems like they lost a lot this time. FNC handled the situation perfectly. Although the mid lane didn't have the lane control, the jungler and top laner relied on early ambush and ultimate support respectively."

"Originally the bottom lane was going to explode, but now it's Top Esports that's exploding."

Rita continued, "The only good news now is that Ornn is well fed. He ate all three groups of wild monsters in the opponent's upper jungle area, then went to the middle lane to eat a wave of soldiers, and then returned to the top lane to develop. He didn't waste any economy."

At the game, FNC fans experienced a small climax in morale, feeling that there was hope for this game.

However, fans of Top Esports are not in a hurry. They know very well that the other players in Top Esports are at a disadvantage, so they will not do any harm. As long as Chen Yi Qiu's development is not affected, it will be fine.

Nine minutes into the game, Chen Yi Qiu consumed the opponent's Sion to low health in the top lane, and then went directly over the tower.

The opponent's Sion didn't seem to be planning to leave and stayed under the defensive tower.

Chen Yi Qiu first entered the range of the defensive tower and got stuck in position, then used his E skill Soul Trial to pull out Sion's soul. Almost at the same time, the opposing Sion activated his ultimate and crashed into him, as if he wanted to keep Chen Yi Qiu under the defensive tower!
Guan Zeyuan commented: "Sion's ultimate is coming! Illaoi didn't flash away, he chose to activate his ultimate on the spot and cross the boundary! Tentacle slammed, moved to avoid Sion's Q skill, and counterattacked with a Cruel Reprimand, and the tentacle slammed down! Sion was killed."

"It's a very easy solo kill. Illaoi's ultimate has a super armor effect when it passes through the boundary of faith, which can be used to offset the control. Now Sion can't fight in the lane and is just a punching bag."

The director turned the camera to the middle lane, and Caps's vampire in the middle lane was also badly suppressed and had to use his ultimate to clear the minion line.

Changmao commented: "I have to say that Caps' laning ability is really strong. You can see that his Vladimir was always being chased and attacked, but he was only behind by ten last hits, which proves that his basic skills are very solid."

Rit agreed: "That's right. After all, Caps is the trusted European king of magic. His personal ability is very outstanding. Now it depends on his performance in teamfights."

Fifteen minutes into the game, Chen Yiqiu finally pushed down the top lane tower. He deliberately didn't push it, but cut off the minion line in the back to lure FNC's players to gank the top lane. But for some reason, he stopped coming after the opponent's jungler was outplayed in the first wave.

Chen Yi Qiu cleared the upper half of the opponent's jungle area and went to get the Rift Herald at the same time.

The teammates were fighting with the opponent near the dragon pit.

FNC chose to take the initiative to fight for the little dragon. When the top players wanted to come up to fight for it, Luo suddenly activated his ultimate and rushed up, seemingly wanting to start a team fight.

Changmao commented: "Is it going to start? Luo... Luo... retreated? FNC just took the little dragon and ran away. We were fooled. FNC did it on purpose, pretending to start a team fight. They just wanted the little dragon!"

Rita analyzed: "It seems that FNC's current idea is to drag the game to the late stage. Their jungler has been farming and not ganking much, just providing vision. Now that they have got the little dragon, there is no need to rush, just take it slow."

Changmao: "But something is wrong in the top lane. After taking the Rift Herald, Illaoi was released in the top lane. Now there is only one Sion in the top lane. How to defend like this? It seems that Illaoi can ignore Sion and destroy the tower now."

At this moment, something unexpected happened.

The opposing Sion chose to push forward and guard the minion line and the Rift Herald outside the defensive tower.

Chen Yi Qiu was also very decisive. He pulled out Sean's soul and started beating him hard.

This Sion loses blood very quickly.

Rita explained: "Sion can't hold on any longer, but he still has his ultimate so he can use it to run away. He can use it to run back to the fountain from this position. Why isn't he running? If he doesn't run, he's going to die!"

Something outrageous happened. Sion didn't even use his ultimate or flash, and was killed by Chen Yiqiu. After his passive was triggered, Sion's passive attacked the Rift Herald crazily, and with the cooperation of the defensive tower, he quickly got rid of the Rift Herald.

Changmao smiled and said, "I understand. I understand what Sion is doing. He does it on purpose. After Sion uses his passive to stand up, his output is much higher than when he is alive."

"The basic attack has physical damage as a percentage of the maximum health, so he chose to be killed on purpose and then use his passive to clear the Rift Herald."

Guan Zeyuan was amused: "Can you still play it like this? You know what, he is worthless now. It doesn't matter if he dies once as long as he can defend the defense tower."

In the official live broadcast room, the comments began to fill up:

【Watch carefully, learn carefully, what is the God of War of the Undead. 】

[You can't win head-on, so you're just using tricks, right? 】

[If I were Chen Sheng, I would directly use a Death Book to humiliate the opponent.]

[It's a pity that there is no murder knife now, otherwise this Sean would be committing a crime. 】

[Chen Yiqiu, the master of crime, right? ]

Chen Yi Qiu was not in a hurry. Now that Sion had no ultimate skill, the next wave of soldiers would still destroy the second tower in the top lane.

However, Top Esports lost their bottom lane tower first, and the opposing duo disappeared in the bottom lane.

Liu Qingsong reminded: "The opponent's bottom lane has disappeared. It is estimated that they have switched lanes and may catch people again. Be careful."

Chen Yi Qiu chose to go to the jungle first, wait for the opposing duo to appear in the middle lane, then lead the troops to push the second tower in the top lane, and then switch to the bottom lane to continue leading the line.

Twenty minutes into the game, Chen Yi Qiu took a tower in the bottom lane and killed the opposing Sion twice.

Guan Zeyuan commented: "Now this Sion has started to play dirty. He keeps giving away his energy, which is worthless anyway, and then uses his passive to clear the minion line. You know what, there is really no way to deal with him."

Rita agreed, "That's right. Chen Sheng seems determined to play solo now. His teammates can't beat him head-on. Although the big devil's Karma has developed very well, he is still a Karma after all. If his teammates are not strong, his role will be very limited."

On the Top Esports side, Peanut, who was quite optimistic before the game, is really not optimistic now and is sweating profusely.

He originally thought it was a bully game. The opponent chose Sion in the top lane, and he chose Troll. During the team fight, he used his ultimate to absorb the Troll's double resistance, turning him into a god of war. With Karma's shield and acceleration, he was simply invincible.

Now, I’m being chased and beaten.

"We can't defend the middle lane tower anymore, let it go." Li Xianghe commanded calmly and led his teammates to retreat.

In the bottom lane, Chen Yi Qiu was already pushing the tower while taking the damage from the opponent's Sion. Ornn's W could be used to push and destroy the tower at a fairly fast speed.

After taking down the second tower on the opposite side's bottom lane, Chen Yi Qiu led his troops straight to the opposite high ground.

Chen Yiqiu commanded: "You hold on, I'll go to the high ground."

Li Xianghe responded: "It seems that the other side is planning to retreat. I should go back to find you."

Peanut volunteered: "I'll lead you guys to charge and leave the others behind."

Peanut's troll took the lead, and now he is the most ferocious except Chen Yiqiu.

Originally, the FNC players were going to move back a little and then return to the city.

Seeing that Top Esports’ players were catching up, the FNC players had to interrupt their return to the city and retreat.

Rita commented: "TOP suddenly chased and held back the front to give Chen Sheng a chance. The opponent's bottom lane high ground defense tower was about to be lost! Sion activated his ultimate and used it to clear the minion line!"

Guan Zeyuan continued: "This is urgent. The teammates can't go back. Sion can't defend alone. Moreover, without this defense tower, Sion will probably die!"

Just when the FNC fans at the scene were getting anxious and felt that FNC was going to be killed by a single push, suddenly, the four FNC players in front chose to fight back!

Luo turned around and flashed in a flash to control the troll, then followed up with a grand appearance to knock the troll away, and Kaisa turned around to output.

Liu Qingsong's Tam came up and swallowed the troll to protect it, but the Olaf on the opposite side chased him like a mad dog, attacking Tam crazily.

"We can't win, retreat!" Liu Qingsong used Flash and retreated under the cover of Karma.

Peanut's Troll also gave up his flash, and now it became a competition of who could run faster. In this regard, the Troll had an advantage over Tam. The Troll activated his W skill to speed up his mad escape.

Liu Qingsong's troll was in a miserable state, as it was caught up and killed by the opponent.

Changmao laughed: "Ah? Originally the troll was attacked, and Tam went to save him, but in the end Tam himself died and the troll ran away. This is harming people."

The FNC fans at the scene were already highly excited:
"There's a chance! There's a chance! Kill the big dragon!"

"As long as we kill the big dragon, we'll be in the bag!"

"It turns out that Top Esports can be defeated! We can beat Top Esports!"

"This is a big hope, hold on."

Many FNC fans were skeptical about whether FNC could beat Top Esports. Although they were a little helpless, they had no choice. But now, they see hope! (End of this chapter)

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