After hearing this, Chen Yi Qiu began to mourn for Xiao Huasheng, hoping that his little body could handle it.

Yu Shuang reminded them, "You two, we are about to start the interview. Stand next to me."

So Chen Yi Qiu and Li Zai Wan stood up, the director moved the camera over, signaled the host to get ready, and then the interview began.

Yu Shuang said: "Congratulations to Top Esports, the Spring Season Champion from the LPL region, for winning the opening match of this MSI. Now we have invited Top Esports' starting top laner Reaper to accept our interview, as well as his SKT support player, Chen Sheng's former comrade-in-arms, Wolf, to accept our interview."

In the MSI official live broadcast room, the comments were boiling:

[What's going on? Isn't this the Korean Wolf Warrior? Why is he here? ]

[This guy didn't seem to come to MSI this year, what's going on? 】

[SKT can't even make it to the playoffs, do you think he can come? ]

[Sure enough, SKT can't live without Chen Sheng, just like the West can't live without Jerusalem. ]

[This old guy seems to have gained weight again. It really can't be done without Chen Sheng's supervision. ]

Everyone was joking, and Yu Shuang started asking questions:
"The first question, this question needs to be answered by Chen Sheng, why did you choose the hero Illaoi? Netizens are very curious, is this hero very powerful?"

Chen Yiqiu responded: "I choose my hero based on the lineups of both teams. Whether a hero is powerful or not depends on many factors, such as the lineup of the opponent and the lineup of my team."

Yu Shuang asked: "Then Chen Sheng, how do you think ordinary players should choose their heroes when they are in RANK?"

"Well..." Chen Yiqiu was about to give a long speech, but suddenly changed his tone: "Having fun is the most important thing. Just play the hero that makes you happiest."

Hearing this, the audience laughed:

"Chen Sheng is really understanding. He knows that ordinary players are weak. It's useless to say more."

"Chen Sheng has a high EQ. He didn't directly say you're a loser. He just had fun."

"Yu Shuang doesn't really think Chen Sheng can teach us, right? It's not that simple."

Yu Shuang continued to ask: "The second question, this question needs to be answered by Wolf. As Chen Sheng's former comrade-in-arms, how do you feel about meeting him at MSI and being interviewed together?"

Lee Jae-wan replied: "I feel pretty good. I am also happy to see them enter the MSI and compete for the championship on stage."

Yu Shuang asked: "Will Wolf miss the time when we fought side by side?"

Li Zaiwan responded: "Of course, we often contact each other privately, and we usually share some interesting things."

After Yu Shuang laid the groundwork, she threw out a difficult question: "Then you should consider coming to LPL to develop. After all, you have three old teammates here. You can even consider joining Top Esports."

After hearing this, Li Zaiwan hesitated for a moment before saying, "I still prefer LCK, so..."

Li Zaiwan smiled, and the meaning was very clear.

At this time, in the lounge of Top Esports.

Hearing what Li Zaiwan said, Peanut breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

He was really worried that Lee Jae-wan would say he wanted to come to LPL, or even join Top Esports, and then he would be held accountable for mocking Lee Jae-wan all day long.

At this moment, Chen Wei's voice came: "Brother Wangfu, are you hot? Why do you feel sweaty now?"

Peanut quickly pretended to be deaf and dumb: "Ah? What? No, did you see it wrong?"

Chen Wei didn't ask any more questions.

Just then, Yu Shuang announced the end of the interview.

Xiao Huasheng immediately became alert. He wanted to see if Chen Yiqiu and Li Zaiwan would leave together after the interview, and whether Li Zaiwan would follow Chen Yiqiu.

However, no similar related shots were seen, and the director directly cut the live broadcast to the interview seat.

"Hey..." Peanut felt something was wrong, so he stood up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom."

Then he sneaked away.

Soon, Chen Yi Qiu brought Li Zai Wan back to the Top Esports lounge.

Guo Hao stepped forward and said, "Welcome, welcome."

"Hello, Manager Guo Hao." Li Zaiwan shook hands with Guo Hao.

"Hello, Coach Hongmi." Then it was Coach Hongmi.

Then, Lee Jae-wan found Lee Sang-hyuk: "Sang-hyuk! Long time no see, Sang-hyuk!"

As soon as Lee Sang Hyuk stood up, Lee Jae Wan grabbed him in a bear hug and he immediately felt like he couldn't breathe.

"You seem to have gained weight again." Li Xianghe suddenly complained.

"Ah? How can you say that? I'm... strong, you know." Li Zaiwan defended himself.

Li Zaiwan noticed Chen Wei and Liu Qingsong next to him, so he came over to say hello: "You must be Chen Wei and Liu Qingsong, the bottom laner of Top Esports."

Chen Wei and Liu Qingsong both stood up and shook hands with Li Zaiwan.

Li Zaiwan continued: "I have watched all your games. You are very talented. If you train hard, you should have a chance to win the S-League championship."

Hearing this, Chen Wei was flattered and quickly responded: "Thank you, actually... I am quite a drag."

Liu Qingsong appeared to be much more confident.

Li Zaiwan looked around and suddenly found that someone was missing: "Where is Wanghu? Where did he go?"

When the word Peanut was mentioned, Li Zaiwan's tone and expression changed, like a volcano about to erupt.

Li Xianghe said: "He went to the bathroom, probably deliberately avoiding you."

"Hey, going to the bathroom? He's dead!" Li Zaiwan smiled and walked out of the lounge in a hurry and went straight to the bathroom.

Chen Yi Qiu did not go over to watch the fun, and let them solve it themselves.

Li Xianghe shouted: "We still have a game later, don't go too far, show mercy."

However, there was no response from Li Zaiwan.

However, Li Xianghe thought that Li Jaewan would not go too far.

Chen Yi Qiu took out his mobile phone, checked the current public opinion on the Internet, and went straight to resist the pressure.

#Top Esports’ current condition is not very stable. They are always at a disadvantage when playing against FNC.

#逆风? Is this how you view逆风? How can Chen Sheng be逆风 when he is developing so well?

#As long as the middle and top lanes don't collapse, it will be a smooth ride for Top Esports.

#I think it’s acceptable if the mid lane collapses, because Chen Sheng is there to back it up.

#Chen Sheng is so strong now, who can give him some pressure?

#The hero pool is unsolvable. With the hero's advantage and his operation, no one can help.

On the other side, in the KZ locker room, although they will play the next game against TL, all the KZ players are thinking about is Top Esports.

Coach Sin said: "Now that Top Esports' first game is over, what are your thoughts? Feel free to discuss."

CUZZ was the first to speak. He looked at Rascal in the top lane and said, "Do you have any heroes in the top lane that can deal with Illaoi? I think there should be some. This hero is not invincible in the laning phase."

Rascal hesitated for a moment before answering, "Illaoi is indeed not a hero that is difficult to defeat in laning. If I am given a second choice, I have many heroes that can fight him in laning."

However, just when everyone thought they could breathe a sigh of relief, Rascal said again: "But the problem now is that no one knows how deep his hero pool is. He will choose different heroes in every game, many of which he has never chosen before."

After hearing this, everyone in KZ felt that things were a bit difficult.

Sin looked at BDD in the middle lane: "In the middle lane, Karma seems to be very strong in this version. Do you have any solution to deal with it?"

BDD said: "Actually, I practiced Karma quite a lot."

His meaning was very clear, he planned to play Karma.

"Jungler, CUZZ, what are your thoughts now? Facing Peanut, if we choose a Karma in the middle lane, the jungler will definitely need a hero with the ability to carry the game, rather than just setting the pace." Sin looked at CUZZ.

CUZZ seems to be quite confident: "I can play a lot of heroes. Peanut played in LPL for a season and doesn't seem to be as sharp as before. Maybe he can be a breakthrough."

On Top Esports' side, after a short break, the second game began to play on the screen, Kingzone vs. Liquid.

There was a sound of footsteps, and Xiao Huasheng and Li Zaiwan came back.

Li Zaiwan pinched Xiao Huasheng's neck and brought him in.

Little Peanut had a frightened expression on his face, and it looked like he had been punished.

"Brother Yi Qiu, save me!" Xiao Huasheng asked Chen Yi Qiu for help.

Chen Yiqiu spread his hands: "I can't beat him either, how can I save you?"

Peanut said quickly: "You don't have to hit him, he will definitely let go if you just say a word."

At this moment, Li Zaiwan let go of his hand and said, "The second game is about to start. I have to go back to watch the game. I will come to see you later, if there is a chance."

"Yeah." Li Xianghe nodded.

So Li Zaiwan left and Xiaohuasheng regained his freedom.

"This is too much. They actually came to our Top Esports lounge to arrest people. They simply don't take Brother Yi Qiu and Brother Xiang He seriously." Xiao Huasheng began to use tactics to sow discord.

However, this trick didn't work on Chen Yiqiu and Li Xianghe. Chen Yiqiu said, "Why did you mess with him? She's already twice your age."

Hongmi greeted, "The match between KZ and TL is about to start, let's take a look at their situation first."

So everyone gathered together to watch the game and see what level KZ is at now.

Players from both teams came on the field, and the five KZ players seemed quite confident.

Lee Sang Hyuk asked, "Who is CUZZ? I heard he's pretty good."

Peanut pointed at a boy wearing glasses on the screen and said, "That's him."

Although CUZZ looks a little immature at this time, his eyes are extremely sharp and it is obvious that he is not a simple character.

Overall, except for the bottom lane, the KZ players are quite young.

As for TL, the five TL players seemed to be under a lot of pressure, and the gap was obvious before the game even started.

The final result was not surprising at all, TL was defeated.

CUZZ used various tricky angles to catch people in the early stage, and cooperated with Rascal in the top lane to catch Impact and turn him into a super ghost.

Li Xianghe muttered, "Yeonyong seems to be rarely caught like this. His usual playing style is quite steady. It seems that Kingzone is really good."

Peanut agreed: "Well, this guy's ganking ideas are pretty good. Moreover, he seems to have a good grasp of the distribution and timing of the wards. He always ganks when the wards disappear, and the opponent can easily catch him if he is a little careless."

Xiao Huasheng looked at Chen Yiqiu and asked, "How is it, Brother Yiqiu? You must be under a lot of pressure now."

Chen Yiqiu said calmly: "It feels okay."

Then he asked back: "Besides, shouldn't you be under a lot of pressure? In this game, KZ's jungler played well."

Peanut chuckled and said, "It's okay. I'll help the middle and top lanes. We can fight two against two or three against three."

The third game was between FW and the wildcard team, and the top players were not even interested in watching it.

However, since there was nothing else to do, I decided to take a quick look.

The result was amazing, FW was actually on par with the wildcard team!
The battle between the two teams was very fierce. From the beginning to the end, they kept exchanging kills but could not end the game.

The game lasted for forty minutes before it ended, and everyone in Top Esports was dumbfounded.

Xiao Huasheng complained: "I saw that FW didn't seem to be interested in scheduling a training match with us, so I thought they were very good, but now it seems... I don't think they are that good either."

Li Xianghe shook his head: "I'm not familiar with them, I don't know."

In the fourth game, it’s the turn of Top Esports to take the stage!

Hongmi said, "In the next game, we will play against TL. Although this team is not as good as FNC, it is also quite strong. We can't take it lightly."

Although Hongmi said this, everyone could tell from his expression that he was not that serious.

Peanut said, "Aren't we going to fight Yanyong? Brother Yiqiu, you take good care of him in the top lane and let him see the strength of SKT's third generation top laner!"

At the game scene, in the commentary booth, Wawa and Miller were ready.

Wawa commented: "Okay, the fourth game of the day is about to start, with Top Esports from the LPL region facing TL from the LCS region."

Miller continued: "From a hard power perspective, I think the gap between the two teams is quite obvious. Unless there is a miracle, I don't think TL has a chance of winning the game."

Wawa said: "I think the biggest highlight of this game is the top lane. The first-generation SKT top laner is facing the third-generation SKT top laner. Maybe they have a good relationship in private, but when they are on the court, they are the first-generation and the third-generation. It's hard not to have some thoughts, right?"

Miller agreed, "That seems to be true. As an Impact, he definitely wants to prove himself in front of Chen Sheng. And for Chen Sheng, he must not be at a disadvantage against the veteran."

As the two were talking, the contestants from both teams came on stage.

As he appeared on stage, Chen Yi Qiu glanced at TL and found that Impact was also staring at him.

After arriving at their respective seats and adjusting the equipment, the competition began.

In this game, Top Esports is on the blue side and TL is on the red side.

Entering the BP phase, Chen Yiqiu chose to choose a hero on the first floor this time: "I'll choose Ornn."

Hongmi naturally had no objection, but Xiaohuasheng did: "Ornn? This hero is useless, isn't it? This is not your style, Brother Yiqiu. Are you deliberately showing mercy? Don't want to embarrass Yanyong?"

Chen Yiqiu complained: "What are you thinking about? Ornn is a very strong hero, you know?"

While Chen Yi Qiu was speaking, he directly locked down Ornn on the first floor.

The commentator was stunned: "Ah? Ornn, why is it Ornn? Can Chen Sheng play Ornn?" (End of this chapter)

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