my armed maid

Chapter 1 Prologue: Chief Sir

Chapter 1 Prologue: Chief Sir

"Knights" are extraordinary human beings. They can absorb magic power to temper their bodies, and have physical fitness and combat abilities far beyond ordinary people.

The Roland Empire attaches great importance to the cultivation of "knights". Everyone who can absorb magic power and possess the talent of a knight will be sent to the knight academy in the local city-state for further education.

All talented reserve knights gathered in the Knight Academy. In order to encourage everyone to compete with each other, the Knight Academy established a knight ranking——

The strongest knight in the academy is called the chief of the knight academy.


Roland Empire, Linfeng City, Linfeng Knight Academy.

The genius had just dawned, and the early morning practice field welcomed its first guest.

A girl wearing a college uniform and a golden ponytail came for morning exercises. As always, she was the first to arrive today.

She stretched her body meticulously, completed her warm-up exercises, and then began to practice boxing.

The girl was only about 1.6 meters tall, with a gentle and beautiful face, and a thin and light body. But when she gathered her momentum and started punching, her seemingly thin body burst out with extremely powerful power. !

Her eyes were like a torch, and the magic power was flowing crazily in her body following the established trajectory. Every time she punched, there was a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

The sandbag in front of her was made of special alchemical materials. A punch on it would not only cause it to shake at all, but would injure itself.

Every time the girl punched it, the sandbag shook violently and made a muffled sound. Not only did her punch speed not slow down due to the reaction force, she even hit it faster and faster!
Not to mention ordinary people, even ordinary knights cannot do this.

In other words, no other student at Knight Academy could do this.

Only she can do it.

So she is the head of the academy.

Another punch was thrown out, and the sandbag screamed and was thrown far back.

The girl put her hands away, took a deep breath, and exhaled a breath of blazing white air.

"Clap clap-"

There was a crisp sound of applause behind her. She turned her head and saw a girl of similar age walking towards her with a smile.

"As expected of the chief lord, his skills are indeed impressive."

"Don't call me know I don't like this title." The girl looked helpless.

"Why, Yuna. The title of Chief is an honor that many students dream of."

"I'm not used to it, it's so noticeable."

Yuna explained in a low voice, "It always feels a little weird for classmates to call me this."

As she spoke, she picked up the training sword from the weapon rack on the side and started practicing with the sword again.

The girl sat on a bench nearby, holding her chin, watching her training in boredom, and then talked to her:

"You do morning exercises two hours early every day. Aren't you tired?"

"Not tired."

"Do you really want to become the chief and work in the city lord's palace?"

"That's not true, right? I have to train seriously when I get to school - that's what my parents told me."

Naturally, this childish answer was not approved by her. She kicked the pebbles under her feet, thinking that if she didn't tell the truth, forget it.

Yuna's life experience is not a secret in the academy. She was born in Ganlin Village, a rural village outside Linfeng City. After accidentally discovering that she had the talent to become a knight, she was sent to the knight academy in the city for further training.

"Extraordinary beings" actually have a certain lineage theory. If the ancestors are "knights", the probability of their children being "knights" will be much greater.

Most of the students at the Knight Academy are from Linfeng City, have a certain amount of knight blood, and often come from wealthy families.

Compared with them, Yuna is an out-and-out country girl. Even if she is lucky enough to have the talent of knight, she is just an "ugly duckling" among the swans.At first, this ugly duckling from the countryside was naturally ostracized by the aristocratic coterie in the uptown area.

She always eats alone and trains alone. She doesn't talk much and seems to be introverted and autistic.

But whenever it comes to the final test, her strength always surprises people.

When she held the sword and entered the fighting state, her whole demeanor changed. She defeated all opponents along the way, and all rumors and slanders about her were shattered in the face of her undoubted strength.

This ugly duckling finally became the chief of the academy, which I have to say is really a great irony.

Is this her talent, her luck, or her hard work?No one can tell.

She only knew that there must be something extraordinary about Yuna's ability to grow from an unknown country girl to the chief adult of the academy. This was why she wanted to get close to Yuna.

Yuna works so hard in knight training. Is she trying to become stronger and not let others bully her?
Or do you want to win the respect of others for the sake of a position that is admired by thousands of people?

Or is it to live a luxurious and wealthy life instead of living a hard life in the countryside?

But now when she asked her question, Yuna just told her stupidly——

"You have to train seriously when you get to school - that's what my parents told me."

What an honest answer!It fit her stereotype of country people.

No wonder she was still alone after becoming chief.

This dull guy who only knows how to study hard and always thinks about his hometown in the countryside has nothing in common with the other students!
Thinking of this, she lost interest in the chief lord.


As the sun rose, more and more people gathered on the training ground.

Yuna finished her morning training and left the training ground during the peak period.

After returning to her dormitory and taking a shower, she headed to the teaching building to prepare for her first class. She happened to meet her equestrian instructor on the way.

Yuna bowed to him politely. The instructor smiled kindly and was about to leave. Suddenly she remembered something and turned around and asked, "Yuna, your hometown is in Ganlin Village, right?"

"Yes, teacher, what's wrong?"

"Ah, that's it. Last night, the scouts outside the city sent news that a prairie force had invaded the border fortress and seemed to be heading inland.

"Prairie people's activities in the border fortress are becoming more and more frequent, and it may no longer be safe outside the city.

"I remember that Ganlin Village is near the border fortress, right? You have always said that you would take your family to settle in the city after graduation. Now that you will graduate in two months, why not take this opportunity to take them over first? .”

Yuna thought seriously for a moment, then nodded: "You're right, I'm going to take a day off and bring my parents back first. I hope it's still enough time."

"It shouldn't be so fast." The instructor smiled, "Over the years, the prairie people have occasionally harassed the border fortress, but they were mainly for probing, and they have never done anything as outrageous as looting a village, nor have they. Will want to start a war with the Roland Empire."


Yuna said goodbye to the instructor and began to prepare for going out.

She put on a brand new knight's armor, and on the left chest of the knight's armor was a knight's badge symbolizing the status of a knight.

She carried a sharp knight's sword at her waist and sat on a tall maroon horse.

The red cloak with the emblem of the Knight Academy squeaked behind her. Yuna raised the reins slightly, and the horse under her raised its head and neighed, galloping away from the city.

Yuna Aska, she is the chief of the Linfeng Knight Academy, a 16-year-old fifth-level knight, the favored child of God.

She wasn't interested in becoming chief, but she knew her family would be happy for her to be chief, so she became chief.

Now, she was going on a long trip, filled with this honor, to bring her family back to the city in all glory.

 The heroine's side story and the prologue of the story, the main text is in the next chapter

(End of this chapter)

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