my armed maid

Chapter 24 23: An epoch-making revolution

Chapter 24 23: An epoch-making revolution

By streamlining the magic circle and making it smaller and more practical, a more portable magic weapon can be created.

The more portable magic weapon means that even ordinary people can use the most powerful power humans possess: spells anytime and anywhere.

This means that extraordinary power will not be monopolized by extraordinary people - it sounds simple, but this will cause a domino-like series of changes.

The reason why the Roland Empire was able to unify the human territory was largely due to the strong personal strength of Roland I and the huge order of extraordinary knights under his command.

This group of powerful extraordinary beings has no opponent on the battlefield, and this kind of force deterrence is the foundation of the Roland Empire's dominance.

This can also explain why after the death of Roland I, the entire empire instantly entered a period of turmoil - because the empire's most powerful combat force disappeared.

And what if alchemists had invented a portable magic weapon during the Warring States Period before the empire was unified?
When extraordinary power is not monopolized by extraordinary people, when extraordinary people are not absolutely extraordinary, after ordinary people pick up the magic weapon, they also have the capital to fight against the strong.

Roland I and his Order of Extraordinary Knights may not be able to complete the unification of the empire so smoothly.

After all, extraordinary people, especially powerful extraordinary people, are always a minority among the minority, and the number of mages among them is much smaller than that of knights.

But when ordinary people are equipped with magic weapons, they will transform into an army of tens of thousands of mages...

It is not even necessary for everyone to be equipped with magic weapons. Just pushing a few magic artillery tanks equipped with high-level magic to the front line for bombing can reverse the situation and change the situation of the war.

Of course, depending on the array spells it is equipped with, the magic guide can not only be used in war, but also in people's livelihood. There are so many uses that need not go into details.

In short, streamlining the magic circle is an eternal study that can last throughout the life of the magic circle alchemist.

It is also because of the obsession with the mysterious power of magic and the ideal and ambition to change the world that many alchemists throughout the ages have devoted themselves to the field of magic circles and studied them for a lifetime.

As for the Alchemy Society, rather than creating a new magic circle that can inspire new spells, they prefer alchemists to apply for research on "streamlining the existing magic circle."

Because it’s more practical and easier to sell—in other words, it’s easier to get your money back.

The research results of applied alchemists are alchemical products with extremely high practical value such as "ceramic steel". After the Alchemy Society funds them and shares the results, it can not only sell the finished products to interested buyers, but also directly sell the formulas.

The same is true for research results in pharmacy.

Among them, the research results of array science are the most difficult to realize——

If you are creating a new magic circle, there must be a lot of room for improvement and simplification in the early magic circles, and they may not have much practical value.

The practical value of the streamlined magic circle will be greatly improved.

If someone shrinks the "Sky Burning Flame" magic circle from seven meters to five meters or four meters, then the Roland Empire will be happy to spend a lot of money to buy new magic circles from him and the society to iterate its own alchemical weapons. upgrade.

At this time, the "Sky Burning Flame" is not only installed on fixed city walls, it can even be installed on tanks and used as a more aggressive mobile weapon to accompany the army.

The threat instantly rose to a new level.

Therefore, as long as it is confirmed that the alchemist applying for the research project is of sufficient level, Wilson will generally approve him to conduct research on streamlining the magic circle——

As long as the spell activated by that magic circle is practical enough.

And it just so happens that several wind spells related to flight are very practical spells.

In Nolen's design, the Valkyrie backpack that Yuna will equip will be equipped with the three spells of "acceleration", "levitation" and "flight" at the same time.

However, these flight spells are also the most difficult to put into practical use as magic weapons, and are currently a technical difficulty that alchemists cannot overcome.

There are so many alchemists who have studied magic formations since ancient times. I believe he is not the only one who covets the sky and is ambitious. However, in so many years, there has never been a single-person flying magic weapon with practical value.

The main reason is that it is still impossible to significantly reduce the area of ​​the flying magic circle, and controlling the direction of flight is also a long-standing problem.

Some spells do not require subsequent control, such as "Explosive Fireball". You only need to aim and activate. This spell is most suitable for magic weapons.

"Flying Technique" is different. It requires continuous activation and control of the direction of flight. This requires the magic guide to add a mechanism to control the direction, and the structure instantly becomes complicated.

Therefore, "Flight" was once considered to be one of the least suitable spells for making a magic weapon.

Can you imagine how much of a sensation the entire alchemy world would be if he suddenly took out the finished product of the Valkyrie backpack?

This will be an epoch-making alchemical weapon.

However, a proper shock is surprise, and a huge shock is fright, even fear.

He had shown his talents and talents without reservation, but was feared by the people around him, which eventually led to Rusty and him turning against each other.

This reluctance to look back on the past has almost become a psychological shadow for him.

So he needed to find a way to make his invention public in a way that was as acceptable to the world as possible.

As it is now, revealing to the Alchemy Society that he is streamlining the wind magic circle is the first step for him to stand out.

Through project research, leaking some trivial research results tied the Alchemy Society to his own interests, making him half a member of the Alchemy Society.

As long as the Alchemy Society and Wilson are connected, even if someone has evil intentions towards his research results in the future, he will have someone to check and balance and rely on.

"Simplify the "acceleration" magic circle..."

Wilson pondered, "Can you guarantee that the streamlined array can reduce the number of runes by more than [-]%?"

The essence of the magic circle is the written language of spells and the arrangement and combination of magic runes.

The number of runes required to draw the magic circle directly determines how streamlined and reduced the magic circle can be.

To use a more vivid analogy, the initial formation is a long sentence filled with modifiers:
"O pure and noble fire element, I request your response with my devout prayers. Gather in front of me and gather into a hot and violent fireball to blast away all enemies in front of you."

To simplify it a bit, it is:

"Fire elements, gather in front of me, gather into fireballs, and attack the target in front."

Compared with the former, the latter distills the key information and conveys almost the same meaning in fewer words.

In this analogy, the number of words can be roughly compared to magic runes. If there are fewer words (magic runes), the sentences (magic circles) will naturally be more streamlined.

Of course, the operation of the magic circle and the interaction of magic runes are far more complex and abstract than the choice of words and sentences. Sometimes it affects the whole body, making it difficult to simplify.

Basically every streamlining is successful if the number of runes can be reduced by [-] to [-]%.

The diameter of the current "accelerated" array is about 2.1 meters. If it can be streamlined again, it can be compressed to about 1.9 meters.

Such results are enough to satisfy the Alchemy Society.

Simplify it today, streamline it even more tomorrow.

Through the efforts of alchemists of past generations, over time, the structure of the magic circle can always be streamlined to perfection.

"Simplify the magic runes by more than [-]%?"

When Nolen heard Wilson's request, he rarely fell into deep thought. "What, no confidence?" Wilson smiled, "This is the Alchemy Society's minimum requirement for streamlining the magic circle."

In fact, the track of streamlining magic circles is very complicated. Almost all common magic circles have been tried by alchemists to simplify them.

As a newcomer who had just become an official alchemist not long ago, it was normal for Nolen to feel pressured.

"No, that's not what I meant."

Nolen shook his head, "I don't use the runes reduced by a few percent as the evaluation object. I like more intuitive and specific comparison targets - for example, comparing the diameter of the simplified magic circle."

He picked up a stack of documents in his hand and continued: "In my expectation, the diameter of the "acceleration" circle I have optimized will not be much longer than this document. "

Wilson was stunned.

He thought he heard it wrong. How long can a document be?Even if it's not too big, based on half a meter, compared to the original diameter of 2.1 meters, it's a dimension reduction blow!

A professional senior magic circle alchemist must dare to make judgments. After confirming that Nolen made no slip of the tongue, he refuted it neatly: "This is absolutely impossible!"

The alchemists of magic circle science have spent generations of efforts to simplify today's "acceleration" magic circle to a size of two meters. Even if you are a genius, you can just reduce it by one or two percent.

What's better now, just streamline it to half a meter?

Do you regard all those who came before you as fools?

"With the current system of magic runes, this is indeed impossible."

Nolen responded solemnly, "So I plan to create a new rune system. Under the platform of this rune system, it will be possible to reduce the area of ​​the magic circle to half a meter."

Many years ago, when he first began to study the perfect magic circle recorded in the Book of Omniscientity and Omnipotence, he discovered that the magic runes that constitute the perfect magic circle are completely different systems from the magic runes of this era.

The magic runes recorded in the Book of Omniscience and Omnipotence are more streamlined and efficient. Compared with the magic runes of this era, an inappropriate analogy is like the simplified Chinese characters and traditional Chinese characters in the previous life.

However, the simplified Chinese characters and traditional Chinese characters in the previous life had their own advantages and disadvantages, and there is no way to say which font is necessarily better.

But the magic runes of the new era completely crush the runes of the old era in all aspects.

Drawing the same runes requires fewer strokes, and sometimes one or two new runes can express the same meaning as a string of old runes combined.

Can the size of the final magic circle be the same level?

"...!?" Wilson was stunned.

What are you doing?It's just a streamlined second-order magic circle. Is it necessary to make it so big?
You think this generation of magic runes is too backward, so you just start from scratch and develop a new rune system?
I asked you to streamline the magic circle, but I didn’t ask you to be the founder of the new era of magic circle science!
"The second-level magic circle "Acceleration" will be my first test object for testing the new rune system. "

Nolen looked at Wilson and said slowly, "You should know very well what it means to the alchemy world if this test is really successful."

At some point, the carriage stopped at the entrance of the Alchemy Society, but the two of them were still sitting in the car and had not yet started.

Looking at Nolen with stern eyes, Wilson swallowed with some difficulty and responded in a hoarse voice: "Create a new rune system and streamline the "acceleration" circle to half a meter - are you sure you didn't just Are you kidding me? "

If what he said is true, then a revolution sweeping the entire alchemical world is about to come.

"Am I joking?"



"I'm very curious why you chose the Alchemy Society. If you just want to get research support, with the gimmick you throw out, there will definitely be a large number of forces who want to fund you to complete the test, and among them, the Society will never be the one with the highest price. that."

"Good question." Nolen smiled, "There are many reasons why I chose the Alchemy Society. One of them is that I want to return a favor to you."

"Favor?" Wilson was stunned for a moment, "I don't remember what favor you owe me."

"You wrote a letter of recommendation for me and gave me the opportunity to take the alchemist qualification examination."

Nolen said softly, "For you, this may be just following the rules and not thinking about it that much, but you did help me when I was still in power.

"To prove that you have a keen eye for people, I am going to share the results of this research with you - with this honor, I believe your status in the society will also rise."

"This..." Wilson's eyes changed when he looked at him, "Do you know how big and important this research result is?"

"Stop talking." Nolen joked, "If you continue to persuade me, I might regret it. I'd better fill out the application form for the project research as soon as possible."

Seeing that Nolen had made up his mind, Wilson said no more, took him back to the office on the second floor of the society, pulled out a form and handed it to him:

"Now that you've thought about it, apply."

In fact, he was still skeptical about what Nolen had just said.

It's not like he hasn't seen colleagues who like to brag, but he doesn't think Nolen is such a person.

It's just that Nolen's goal is too shocking. A cross-era, revolutionary research on magic circles is about to be born in the hands of such a young alchemist?

Anyone else would be surprised.

Before seeing the real finished product, he would not easily comment on it.

Nolen filled out the form in the office and handed it to Wilson. After confirming that he had completed the application process, he said goodbye and left the Alchemy Society.

Just now Wilson asked him why he chose the Alchemy Society. In addition to "repaying the favor", he also wanted some reasons that he had carefully considered.

First, the Alchemy Society is a neutral organization. It does not have a clear position and tendency like Harrison and the City Lord's Mansion.

Even if he becomes an insider of the Alchemy Society, he can still maintain a considerable degree of freedom, which is something that many alchemists value.

Second, the reputation of the Alchemy Society is guaranteed, and there are many colleagues in it.

Many famous alchemists have collaborated with the Alchemical Society and have produced outstanding research results.

When he becomes famous within the society, he can use this opportunity to get in touch with the top alchemy circles in the Roland Empire and get to know more famous alchemists.

This is also good for yourself.

The third is that the research topic I applied to the society was not to "create a new rune system", but to "streamline the second-order magic circle and "accelerate it". "

This means that the core technology is still in their own hands, and the streamlined "acceleration" array will become a bait to catch the society.

Because this is written by a completely new rune system, even if I give you the drawing, you won't be able to understand it and can only copy it.

The people in the Alchemy Society are all crazy experimenters who are obsessed with research. Seeing this epoch-making magic circle, why don't you beg me to give them lessons?

You see, isn’t this the relationship between supply and demand?

 Thanks to book friend 20210710082005095 for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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