my armed maid

Chapter 56 54: ALL IN

Chapter 56 54: ALL IN
Knight Commander Ryan is the backbone of the army. His appearance stabilizes the morale of the defenders and also shatters Reiner's conspiracy to continue destroying the barrier mechanism.

In the classification of extraordinary people's strength, the sixth level is a threshold that distinguishes ordinary extraordinary people from high-level extraordinary people, and the eighth level is also a threshold for the cultivation of high-level extraordinary people.

Take the eighth-level knight as an example. The eighth-level knight can use coercive aura to intimidate the opponent. At this time, Reiner was suppressed by Ryan's coercion. He could only exert [-]% of his total strength. He was also surrounded by the defenders and had already lost. the possibility of escape.

Although he had no intention of escaping, in the last ten seconds left for him, he originally planned to destroy the barrier mechanism.

However, due to the obstruction of the White Raven, he failed to complete the final mission.

"Traitor, you will pay the price for what you have done." Ryan drew his sword.

Reiner was speechless, and before he died, his expression was also calm.

Perhaps he knew early on that there was no turning back when he became Linfeng City's spy. The day he launched the rebellion would be his death.

He turned his head and looked outside the city. There was a vast army of prairie people there, and his father and younger brother must also be in that army.


He smiled and said softly, "Have I made any contribution to my compatriots in my life?"

As he finished speaking, the sharp sword blade scratched his neck.

Blood spurted out, and Ryan raised Reiner's head high and shouted sternly: "The traitor is dead. The command of the city defenders has been handed over to the Knights. Everyone obeys my orders and prepare to resist the enemy attack!"


Under Lane's command, the defenders regrouped.

On the other side, Yuna limped and picked up the magic gun on the ground, preparing to take off and leave.

In the close confrontation with Reiner, although the lower body prosthesis was not scrapped on the spot, it was also damaged to a considerable extent. Luo Zhen had to replace it with a new one when he returned.

"Wait a minute." Ryan noticed that she was about to leave and walked over quickly.

This was the first time he had seen the White Raven with his own eyes. This was an undefeated legend who had been active on the front lines of the battlefield for a long time and was quite popular among the Linfeng army.

It was the same thing just now. If the White Raven failed to stop Reiner in time, once the barrier mechanism was destroyed, the consequences would be disastrous.

Ryan's eyes glanced at the mysterious white raven mask on her face, seeming to guess her true identity under the mask.

And when he noticed that the white raven's lower limbs had a slightly weird sense of disharmony due to the fierce battle, he seemed to have remembered something, and a surprised look appeared on his face:
"White it you?"

A woman with limited legs and feet, but good at fighting, and related to a mysterious alchemist.

He could only think of one person in his mind, and that was a student he was once proud of. She was also the chief of this class of the Knight Academy——

Una Askar.

"No, I can still fight!"

"What's the point of dying? It's just an escape to deceive yourself!"

"I want revenge. I will use everything I have to get revenge. If I have teeth, I will bite them. If I have hands, I will tear them apart. If I have sense, I will plot against them. I will let them taste the feeling of family destruction!"

When he was questioning her in the principal's office that day, Yuna's almost hysterical tone left a deep impression on him.

He originally thought that this was just Yuna's words to vent her anger, and he didn't take it to heart at the time, but now she is back.

She transformed into a white raven, helping Linfeng's army win battles one after another, and thwarting the attacks and conspiracies of the prairie troops.

"I see your determination."

His serious face softened quietly, "It seems that you have found your own way forward."

Yuna knew that Ryan recognized her, and she whispered: "It's time for me to go." Before Ryan could continue, she pressed the joystick, and the white raven soared into the sky and quickly disappeared into the sky.

High in the sky, she took off her mask and drank the suppressive potion. Then her body trembled, and the sickly rosy face instantly turned pale.

What a risk, he was almost squeezed out by the Liberation Potion.

She doesn't want to take off her mask in front of others, and she doesn't want to take drugs in front of her teacher. Maybe she also has the intention of showing off.

Heroes always have to appear mysterious and powerful in front of outsiders.

The side effects of the medicine made her vision go black. She drove the No. [-] Unit unsteadily and flew to the east of Linfeng City. Nolen's carriage was waiting for her at the city gate.

With the help of the flying wing thrusters, she flew extremely fast. Not only did she fly back and forth between the Linfeng Hills stronghold and Linfeng City, she also stopped Reiner from sabotaging the city wall. At this time, the Knights set out to fight. The troops have just returned and arrived at the city gate in the east.

On the carriage, Nolen welcomed her return. Luo Zhen on the side helped unload her equipment. He carried Yuna, who was almost exhausted, to the seat and fed her a tube of tonic.

"I'm still a little late."

Yuna took a breath, "When I arrived, those city defense cannons had been destroyed."

"No, you've done a great job." Nolen shook his head, saw her adorable pale face, and reached out to touch her head.

"Have a good rest and leave the rest to me."

"Well..." Yuna lowered her head, closed her eyes and sat on her seat and stopped talking.

At this time, Evelin rode up to the carriage, opened the curtain of the window and asked eagerly:
"I saw the White Raven coming back. What happened in the city? Why were several forts on the city wall blown up?"

Unlike Nolen, who was able to know the information that White Raven saw at the first time, she did not know the situation in the city at this time and the news that the prairie troops to the west were about to attack the city.

Nolen briefly told her the current battle situation and said in a deep voice: "We need to quickly bring the knights to meet with Captain Ryan.

"Although the city defense magic cannon has been destroyed, the magic circle barrier is still there, and the remaining half of the knights have returned in time. Even if the whole prairie army attacks the city, we should be able to temporarily resist their attack.

"Just buy me a little time, and I can repair the magic cannon on the city wall, and the White Raven can recover and get back into the fight.

"At that time, relying on city defense weapons and air superiority, we can use this opportunity to eliminate all their combat power in one fell swoop and completely eliminate this long-buried hidden danger from the grassland!"

Yes, he's thinking not just about defense, but about winning.

The grassland people did not hesitate to sacrifice the precious chess pieces they had buried for more than ten years, just to play this wave of ALL IN that staked the fate of the entire family.

Once they fail to attack, their vitality will naturally be severely damaged, and there is even a risk that Linfeng City will take the blame.

Okay, you like stealing houses, right? You like ALL IN, right?

In this case, let's hurt each other.

Let’s see which one is faster, you siege the city, or I am faster in making weapons.

The spy you worked so hard to cultivate spent more than ten years destroying five city defense magic cannons. If I take action, guess how long it will take to rebuild them all?

Not only did he rebuild the city defense magic cannon, but he also had more strategic magic weapons. He didn't have the resources to build them before, but it was different now.

When Linfeng City was willing to use all its strength to provide him with resources, he was also willing to provide Linfeng City with some indispensable help for its victory.

Only in times of war do weapons develop faster than ever before.

Let me use the alchemy of the new era to shock the enemy with some small "technology".

 Thanks to DECO28 for the tip.

  I’m so busy at work these days that I don’t even have time to type. It’s so tiring to work part-time QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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