my armed maid

Chapter 67 64: The blood-thirsty white raven

Chapter 67 64: The blood-thirsty white raven (second update)
The next day, the various squads of the Knights were lined up at the city gate, ready to go.

After successfully defending the city yesterday, the morale of the army has greatly increased. After a good night's rest, everyone has adjusted their body and mind to the best condition.

The victory of this war is close at hand, and there is no confusion in everyone's eyes, replaced by the belief that victory will be achieved.

At this time, five chariots filed out of the city gate and stopped in front of the army.

Ryan, wearing a full set of knight armor, was inspecting these five newly modified "new chariots" outside the city with Evelin and Nolen.

Last night, Ryan was sure that the grassland people had retreated and were no longer able to launch a siege attack, so he ordered the city defenders and logistics to install five new city defense magic cannons on tanks overnight.

The original chariot only played the role of attracting firepower and covering the combatants' attacks. The more advanced ones were also equipped with defensive magic arrays. Their main task was protection, and there were few means of active attack.

But the new tank that was jointly improved by Ryan and Evelin was different. They fixed the magic cannon in the carriage and extended the gun barrel from the window dug out on one side.

When fighting, you only need to lay the tank sideways and aim the barrel at the opponent. The magic cannon hidden in the carriage will give the enemy a big surprise.

"Evelin, you stay in the city, Nolen and I will set off first." Ryan got on his horse and said goodbye to Evelin.

The reason why Nolen will go with the army is because White Raven will serve as the reconnaissance position for this battle.

Once the white raven in the sky captures the enemy's movements, the black raven, which is connected to its mind, will promptly transmit messages to the ground troops and guide them to make correct decisions.

"Yes." Evelin waved her hand, "Waiting for your good news!"

After saying goodbye, Nolen got into the high-end black carriage specially prepared for him. The carriage was located in the center of the large army and was guarded by the strongest knight squads at all times.

In the carriage, he took out the black raven mask from his arms. After putting it on, he quickly established a soul link with Yuna.

"Has all the equipment been inspected?" he asked, "Is it ready to go?"

In the yard of Nolen's workshop, Aisha had already helped Yuna put on all the Valkyrie equipment. She winked at Yuna and gave a thumbs up.

Early this morning, a piece of cut vermilion-level magic crystal was delivered from the City Lord's Mansion, and she had already installed it in her backpack in advance.

At this time, the Valkyrie backpack is at the peak of its performance.

Through soul resonance, Yuna can clearly sense that all the spiritual pathways in the backpack are operating normally.

She held the beam cannon in her left hand and the magic gun in her right hand, nodded and said:

"Everything is ready. Yuna Askar and Valkyrie are equipped with flying wing types and are ready to attack at any time."

"Let's go then."

After receiving Nolen's message, Yuna's mind moved. The flying wing thrusters and the four-speed acceleration circle under her boots were fully activated. In an instant, she took off into the air and flew towards the outside of Linfeng City.

At the gate of the city, the Knights and the defenders all showed heartfelt smiles when they saw the back of the white raven flying through the sky.

Some even waved their arms towards her and cheered enthusiastically.

With the white raven here, today will be another day of winning the battle.

"The white raven... the symbol of Linfeng City's will."

Ryan looked up at the sky with deep eyes, "Let me see how high these borrowed wings can fly."

The departure horn sounded on the city wall, and the knights' large army set off from the city gate, and together with five chariots, headed in the direction of the retreat of the prairie people.

From now on, every piece of land invaded by the grassland people in the past two months, Linfeng City will take back every inch of it, without any room for bargaining.


After more than an hour of roving flight, Yuna quickly completely searched the area west of Linfeng City and determined the specific direction of the prairie troops.

This place is already close to the border of the Western Front. They were probably frightened by the "Sky Burning Flame" dropped by the white raven from the sky last night. They actually retreated more than a hundred kilometers overnight and are now reorganizing on a flat ground. rest.Behind the large army is the living camp for non-combatants of the Lebus tribe, whose members are mainly women, children, the elderly and children.

There are a lot of them, nearly 4 to [-] people. It is estimated that this is the entire remaining population of the Lebus tribe excluding the combat troops.

Their entire clan has migrated from outside the border area, and it seems they plan to stay in the west of the grassland.

"Really, it seems they are still lucky." Nolen couldn't help but sneer.

When the war began, they slaughtered villages, ate human flesh, and did all the most unscrupulous things.

Now that they have lost the fight, they still want to stay in a room in the host's house. What are they waiting for?
Are you waiting for the master's mercy?
That's not called pity, that's called turtle.

Compassion for the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

"When are you going to do it, Nolen?"

Yuna held the beam cannon high in the sky and pointed at the stronghold of the prairie troops in the distance.

At a distance of nearly a thousand meters, although it is impossible to aim accurately with this posture, the stronghold is so large that a casual shot can kill many unlucky people.

"No, don't rush to do it. The magic cannon is equipped with a "destruction beam" this time. Don't waste its precious shooting times. Find high-value targets before taking action. "

Nolen said solemnly, "You wait in the air first, the ground troops will be here soon."

For this attack, Yuna's main backpack was replaced with a vermilion-level magic crystal. Even if the magic power required for long-distance flight was removed, it could still guarantee the release of up to three sixth-level spells.

But the vermilion-level magic crystal is extremely rare, and this is the only treasure of the Bayhart family.

In other words, this is the only time in this war that the White Raven can cast high-level spells three times in a row.

You must cherish every opportunity to take action.

At this time, they had almost pushed the prairie people to the border. At the end of the road, the leaders of the prairie people and the remaining strong men were inevitable and would be forced to show up.

That's when she pulled the trigger.

"……I see."

Yuna lowered the muzzle of the gun, took out the telescope and looked down at the prairie stronghold below.

For some reason, she felt a little anxious.

It has been almost a month since White Raven intervened in the war. During this time, she has experienced many battles, killed countless prairie knights, and personally pushed them step by step into the abyss of defeat.

Now there is only one step left to completely eliminate them, but until now, she has not found her enemy on the battlefield.

The young leader of the prairie people, who had bronze skin and wore brightly feathered leather armor, once led an army to massacre her village, kill all her relatives, and cut off her own legs.

He took away all the good things she once cherished. From that day on, she swore that she would kill him.

At that time, he was a powerful sixth-level knight, a being that she could not match.

But now he is the undefeated White Raven. Even if he dares to touch a seventh-level knight, there is no doubt that he has the strength to kill a sixth-level knight.

But where is he?
Where did he go?

Is he already dead, or is he hiding in the stronghold, waiting for you to dig him out?

A blood-thirsty white raven hovers quietly in the sky, silently looking for the opportunity for revenge.

(End of this chapter)

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