above the disease

Chapter 156 Group Chapter Personnel Zhou Zhi

Chapter 156 Group Talker Zhou Zhi ([-])
In a place like Xinliang, it is rare to be able to kill the leader of the Lupus family so quickly, at least among the official ranks.

"The lupus erythematosus on her body has been cleaned up very well...there must be no symptoms at all."

Fang Hui looked at the corpse and said, "The murderer must have received Xuanyuan's orthodox epidemic eradication education. Do you want to listen to my analysis?"

Zhou Zhi did not answer Fang Hui.

He stood up slowly and looked at the people: "Do you want to listen to my analysis?"

Fang Hui: "?"

Young Master Ascaris narrowed his eyes and was silent for a while. He found that this did not make Zhou Zhi feel more embarrassed at all, but made Zhou Zhi's image even more unpredictable in front of these family cadres.

"First, it's the hospital."

Zhou Zhi looked at Huan and said calmly.

Xuanyuan's hospital system, Zhou Zhi's epidemic prevention center, and even the political and bureaucratic fields have always been relatively separate and even relatively independent.

They have only one mission, which is to contain the epidemic, treat patients, and connect with the medical school to research new epidemic eradication techniques and new diseases.

It is precisely because of this that they present themselves with high prices and a proud image.

Currently, the six countries classify hospitals into seven levels.

At the beginning, the [Central Hospital] where Qiu Ti served as the director was the lowest level hospital. Its role was to prevent and contain primary diseases, and to interfere with the spread of diseases to a certain extent.

The top is the orthodox third-level and sixth-level, inherited from the [Dragon Falling Dynasty].

One B, one A, two B, two A, three B, three A.

Above, arranged from lowest to highest.

The higher the level, the stronger the plague fighter and the more advanced the plague eradication technique.

Zhou Zhi remembered that Qi Chongxiao had told him that the hospital [Quitian Hospital] where [Down syndrome] patient Feng Tang ran out was in Dadu and specialized in housing all kinds of high-level mental patients, psychiatrists, and even A physical disease monster.

"We shelter, we treat, we protect" is the declaration of this world hospital.

"The hospital exterminators in Xinliang have the ability to do it, but they won't do it."

Juan whispered.


Fang Hui continued to speak, but at this moment he rolled his eyes and stopped talking.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Zhi didn't care at all and didn't pause at all.

"The second thing is what I told you before, either [parasite] or [Chen family's chief surgeon]. However, judging from the scars, I am more sure that it is the Chen family's chief surgeon."

Young Master Ascaris was a little angry: "Hey, do you want to be a [forensic doctor]?"

"Do you want to see if I can hold the plague-killing knife?"

"Do you want to see if these idiots around here can hold the plague-killing knife?"

"Hey...why do they believe you so much? Have you done any valuable analysis?"

Zhou Zhi didn't care.

With the disguised strength and momentum, and this unexpected joy
These guys will only become more and more convinced of Zhou Zhi.

Of course, there is a more critical point.

That is, Zhou Zhi himself suffered from lupus erythematosus, and the patient's family traveled underground. To a large extent, it relied on poor information.

Suffering from lupus erythematosus, it means that Zhou Zhi knows how to deal with these people's weaknesses, such as [sunlight].

What's more, now, there are still powerful enemies waiting around outside.

"The Chen family is the chief surgeon?"

Juan's face was solemn: Then, Mr. Zhou, what should we do now?
In a world where epidemics are eradicated, the combat power of the chief surgeon is a threshold that cannot be crossed.

It is a natural chasm in the true sense.

"How to do it."

Zhou Zhi glanced at the four cadres of the Lupus family in front of him.

These four people, taken individually, are quite strong.

[Lupus Erythematosus] One effect of the epidemic is that it can improve physical fitness.

"[The Dysentery Family] will have an internal meeting tonight at the head of the family's residence, [Heshui North District]."

"Just in time... bring all the troops."

Zhou Zhi said: "From now on, you will treat me as the person in charge of the family and just listen to my orders."

Hong Du wanted to say something, but was stopped by Zeng Ji.

"I said, I will clean up the Qingliang underground in a very short time and prove my worth to Qi Chongxiao."

Zhou Zhi glanced at the clock on the wall and listened to the ticking sound, "You... the most important thing is you, you don't have many choices."

Not much hindrance, night, ten o'clock.The Lupus family has already prepared its troops.

There are more than fifty field workers infected with [Superficial Lupus Erythematosus] and four official-level cadres. This is the strength of most of the Lupus Erythematosus family.

Except for some people who have to maintain the operation of the industry on the surface, most of them are already here.

"Xuanyuan's domestically produced [Flying Python]... although it can be considered a luxury car, the bumpy feel is still a little different from [Tianjun]."

Zhou Zhi and Juan were riding in a car, and he seemed to be evaluating the car.

"Mr. Zhou, compared with [Tianjun], [Flying Python] has the advantage of being more resistant to construction, and its performance is also more inclined to off-road."

Juan explained.

Zhou Zhi nodded. Even Yu Jinhai's father, the dealer, could afford a low-end Tianjun. As the leader of the underworld, Huan could do it even more easily.

Juan's driving was more stable. Zhou Zhi did not think that the female driver's posture and skills were worse, but there was no doubt that Zeng Xie's driving skills were poor.

"By the way...what are we going to do?"

Zhou Zhi closed his eyes and took a nap: "You are killing people, what else are you doing?"

"But...but the power of the Dysentery family is almost the same as ours. After the eldest sister was killed, it is stronger than us, not to mention the [Parasite] behind the Dysentery family..."

Within Zhou Zhi's body, Fang Hui raised his non-existent hand: "It has nothing to do with me, kill as you please, kill as you please."

"The parasite guy said it doesn't matter."

Zhou Zhi said: "It's just a host, it doesn't have much meaning."

Juan's expression moved slightly.

This sentence reveals one thing.

Did Zhou Zhi know that parasite?

Or is it that everything Zhou Zhi said was a lie?

In fact, Juan had never believed the man in front of him.

"Killing people with a borrowed knife, causing civil strife, and making the three major families fight each other, that's what he wants to do."

Juan had already told other cadres in advance, and even had an affair with members of the dysentery family in advance.

This so-called family feud will be nothing but a...completely useless exercise.

The motorcade passed under the Health Gate.

Under the night.

The inspection team from the Epidemic Prevention Center also pretended not to have seen the abnormal convoy.

"Well, it's really time to clear things up."

Zhou Zhi said lightly.

Follow the river in the middle.

Go all the way north and arrive at [Heshui North District].

And lupus erythematosus family resident is different.

Here, there are things like excrement everywhere, which looks extremely disgusting.

Various white sticky substances were twisted and exuded a fishy smell.

Juan was used to this.

[The Dysentery Family] is indeed like this.

However, we have obviously arrived at the dysentery family's headquarters, why is there no one here?
The station is somewhat empty.

The smell is red, white, sticky and frozen.

"The smell of blood is very strong... and... corpses?"

Behind him, Yuan Feidao opened his eyes wide.

Several bodies poured down behind the smelly houses.

"Infectious disease..."

Zhou Zhi had a faint smile on his face.

This low-level infectious disease has only advantages and no disadvantages for the [Black Death] it carries, and it even has no way of affecting it at all.

"What about people?"

Zhou Zhi walked forward, and in the dark night, the young man's voice sounded softly.

"I am the talker of [Lupus Erythematosus Family], you can call me Zhou Zhi."

There was an odd silence and an unusual swallowing sound.

(End of this chapter)

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