above the disease

Chapter 368 Ping An Rebellion

Chapter 368 Ping An Rebellion ()

The little mushroom was very angry.

Such a beautiful Zhuyuncheng, so many delicious and fun places.

Overnight, it became like this.

Bad guys ran out of nowhere and spread cholera throughout the city.

Logically speaking, the strong men in the Ping An Dao, those master-level plague exterminators, would quickly take action to eliminate these drug addicts.

"But... they're all gone."

"In Zhuyun City, the captain of the epidemic prevention center [Huang Xinglie] is missing."

The reason why Xiao Mushroom appeared here was because he was assigned a task by Zhou Zhi and went to meet Zhu Yuncheng's chief surgeon early.

But when I actually arrived at the office, I discovered that the chief surgeon was not in Zhu Yun.

"Is this why these people dare to attack Zhuyuncheng?"

Little Mushroom frowned.

The strength of a political system lies in the use of resources to build superpowers.

And without the leader, the remaining ordinary plague killers of Ping An Road seem to be unable to hold their own in front of the addicts, who are walking on the edge of darkness.

"But fortunately we are here."

"Little Mushroom is here, Zhu Yuncheng will be saved."

The girl looked forward.

Mycelium wraps around the small fist, forming a strong glove.

In front.

Hong Zhi’s face was stern.

The drug addicts on the ground are all the guys assigned by the Fireworks to attack them.

Although his strength is average, due to being contaminated with addictive substances, his spirit is high and he is not afraid of death.

In a life and death battle, whoever is not afraid of death will win.

Because of this, Zhu Yun's official anti-epidemic warriors were retreating steadily.

They were all killed, just now, in such a small incident?

"No, or...are there other plague exterminators hidden around?"

Hongzhi is also an official epidemic fighter. She knows very well that official epidemic fighters are pampered and privileged. In actual battles, they are better at following the organization and structure.

This is what is usually said, 'You only have so little money every month, what are you doing with your life?'

Xiao Mushroom's face was expressionless, as if he had completely understood the psychology of the bad guy in front of him: "Bad sister, stop looking."

"Are we the only ones here?"

The girl walked, waving her hands.

Inside the epidemic prevention center.

People are watching this scene.

"What happened to that little girl?"

"She doesn't even have a plague-killing knife, so what is she going to do?"

The plague exterminator looked extremely embarrassed.

The little girl outside has the courage, and people like me are all huddled in a place like this.

That frail little girl dared to step forward directly.

Isn't this just courting death?

Hongzhi looked serious and a little nervous.

As an underground plague exterminator, she has long passed the age of despising each other.

When you may die at any time, you must go all out in every battle.

This is because as an epidemic fighter, he is still like this even if he is infected with the epidemic now.

"There is no plague-killing knife, or is the glove on her hand her plague-killing knife?"

Hongzhi thought so and lifted up the iron chain on her body.

[Physical excitement level - beyond the limit]!

"No matter what, go to hell!!"

She didn't believe it.

Such a young girl.

Being able to survive in the hands of an experienced and powerful former official epidemic eradication warrior...


The blood flows.

The little girl wearing a cute cotton coat raised her fists stained with blood.

And behind the girl was a headless corpse.

In the freshest beef, the nerves between the muscles still beat.

Then what is in front of you is a fresh corpse.

Hongzhi's arm was still twitching, moving the chains on his body. .

After a few seconds, he fell directly to the ground.

Together with the [addictive substances] in the body, they were destroyed together.

Even the disease cannot be cured.

"What...who is that girl?"

"One punch, one punch to kill the red branch in seconds?" Xiao Mushroom did not show an overly happy expression.

Zhou Zhi said this to himself half an hour ago.

Zhuyun City is too big. There may be hundreds of people with abnormal strength entering the city.

The level of these people varies, but due to taking addictive substances, they become hyperactive and fearless of death. What is even more terrifying is that if [fungus] is not used to clean up, it will be like a human bomb. The disease will become worse in Zhuyun City.

Disease in the city and disease in the wild are two completely different concepts.

Xiao Mushroom thought so. At this moment, the door of the epidemic prevention center opened.

"Little... miss, are you sent by the headquarters for rescue?"

The plague exterminator was a little embarrassed. He was much older than the girl in front of him.

Little Mushroom nodded: "Don't worry, uncle, just hide, we will take action."

"As long as we are here, there will be no surprises."


Gu Zhun took a breath.


There were violent cheers.

His pony tail flicked, and he smashed [Lu Sheng]'s head to the ground with a bone pry.

"Thinking about it this way, I should be able to participate in the higher-level [Epidemic Wish] competition now."

The young man said this.

The spiritual energy in his body surged, and the bones made a crunching sound.

The anti-epidemic warriors at the rear could not help but be surprised.

I thought I was a student.

I didn't expect it to be so strong.

"Brothers, start fighting back!"

"Kill all these drug addicts!"



Zhou Zhi has already discovered it.

just now.

Throughout Zhuyun City.

There is no chief surgeon.

Yes, there is no master-level plague killer.

You must know that although master-level plague killers are powerful and rare, there are still some in prosperous cities like Zhuyun on Ping'an Road.

But according to Ma Hui, just a few days ago, all the official chief surgeons in the city received orders from Luo'an, the capital of Ping'an Road, to go to Luo'an for something.

"But if we really want to talk about the chief surgeon, there must be some. It's just that these people are unwilling to take action or are a little scared."

Zhou Zhi thought calmly.

Some large institutions in the city are wise to protect themselves under such circumstances.

For example, Shenwu Pharmaceutical and Life Bank, even if drug addicts attack the city, they will not attack the territory of these two forces.

Of course, the two giants housed a lot of people, that's all.

For capitalists, clearing these anomalies, a matter of little interest, cannot be done by themselves. This is what Xuanyuan officials need to do.

Moreover, no one can be sure that there is no master-level figure behind the abnormality of these fireworks.

There will be no plague killers at the chief sword level.

There shouldn't be anyone in this city who can defeat Little Mushroom.

If this is a chess game, then Little Mushroom is the strongest rook in Zhou Zhi's hands.

"The opponents here are the fireworks... they can be considered old rivals."

Zhou Zhi said softly.

Ahead, screams came from the fighting soldiers of the epidemic prevention center.

Two tall drug addicts rushed in like door gods.

They wore armor with barbs on their bodies, like wild bulls in the wilderness.

Ma Hui's face darkened: "[Bad Brother] is a prisoner detained in [Zhuyun Drug Rehabilitation Center]."

"They were also released and appeared to join the fireworks."

"Be careful, these two are very strong."

Ma Hui hasn't finished speaking yet.

Then he discovered that the cold young man beside him was missing.

Then, there is the front.

Holding a black and yellow plague-killing knife.

Zhou Zhi said calmly: "Leave these two people to me, Captain Ma."

(End of this chapter)

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