After the miracle doctor was reborn, he won the hemp with space

Chapter 595: Another chapter of confidence comes

Jiang Xian still remembered the negotiation because he thought that since the other party came to him, it meant that he was very important.

Although Jiang Wan is no longer his daughter, in terms of blood relationship, in the eyes of outsiders, they are still father and daughter. If he, the father, personally identifies Jiang Wan, the gold content cannot be compared to that of outsiders.

So he must play a very important role, otherwise the other party would not be so willing to spend money to bribe him with such a heavy gift.

Jiang Xian put forward his request in a timely manner. Although he was a bit greedy, who asked them to ask for something from him? Jiang Xian was sure that the other party would not give up on him, because he played a vital role in this link, and the other party would definitely Promise him, and he opens his mouth like a lion.

Meng Yan sneered, "Okay, then it's settled. I still like to call you Prime Minister. I appreciate your talent, your courage, and your ability. Then we can happily agree, My people will come to you when they need you, Prime Minister, and I hope you will not forget what you promised."

It was just a verbal promise, and Meng Yan agreed very readily. Who said that he must do this after it is done?

Anyway, it was just a verbal agreement, and what to do in the future was a matter for the future. Meng Yan laughed at Jiang Xian for being too stupid and naive, and it was better to ask for money to get it, but he only wanted an empty position.

Since it was so easy to say, she agreed first. Anyway, she was just using them. After using them, when her purpose was achieved, she would get rid of them all.

Meng Yan thinks that time travel is actually quite good. In his previous life, he was too conservative in being bound by laws and regulations. Now that he has time traveled, many things can be solved boldly. In this age when human life is not valuable, power is much more valuable than human life. It just happened to satisfy the evil thoughts in her heart.

After sending Meng Yan away, Jiang Xian looked at the two boxes of gold and silver jewelry in the courtyard. He felt that his previous sense of superiority had returned. God had given him another chance. He was really going to make a comeback.

He will still be the prime minister in the future. With so much money, what kind of job will Jiang Xian do? He just has to wait. There is more money than he can spend, and he will soon return to the position of prime minister.

Jiang Rushun led Jia back from outside. The two of them were in a good mood today. They ate at a restaurant outside. After eating and shopping, they came back and saw Jiang Xian standing in the yard.

Unlike before, he would just stay in the study as soon as he came back. When he came back, he was able to bump into Jiang Xian, and Jiang Xian's expression was very proud and radiant, a bit like when he was the prime minister, and there were still people in the courtyard. There are two large boxes.

Jiang Xian also saw Jiang Rushun and her daughter. He was no longer submissive, "You two will enjoy it. You can eat in a restaurant outside without caring about your own father being hungry at home. I really raised a filial daughter." .”

Then he approached Jia Shi step by step, "You are just a concubine of mine. Who allowed you to leave the house without my permission? Why do you think that you have the ability to disobey me when you see that your daughter is becoming successful?" Order, you are just my concubine, no matter what my status is, you must remember that you are my concubine, who would allow you to step out of this door without my permission!"

Jiang Xian poked Jia's shoulder with his finger. Jia's body was already weak, so she stepped back after being poked by him, relying on Jiang Rushun to support her from behind.

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