Chapter 260 Beating for Half an Hour

Hearing the familiar curses coming from under the half snake head, Fang Xiaocao, Tom and Hummingbird looked at each other, all with strange expressions on their faces.

This is not a giant snake, but it’s okay!

It's clearly the indestructible cockroach that's causing trouble.

"Tom, rescue Taotie."

Fang Xiaocao said with a smirk on her face.


Tom nodded and responded.

"And then give him a good beating!"

Fang Xiaocao added with a fierce face.

Hearing Fang Xiaocao's words, Tom stopped.

He turned his head to look at Fang Xiaocao and smiled slightly.


"As you wish, my dear princess!"

Tom said with a smile.

Obviously, Fang Xiaocao was not the only one among the three people present who wanted to beat Taotie.

The hummingbird next to it is also getting ready.

Fang Xiaocao glanced at the hummingbird and smiled slightly.

"Hummingbird, you go too!"

Fang Xiaocao said quietly.

"Fight for half an hour!"

Fang Xiaocao added.

"As you command, my princess!"

The hummingbird smiled and responded happily.

Tom and the hummingbird looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

The two walked side by side, heading towards the still wriggling snake head.

Tom grabbed the snake's head and gave the hummingbird a look. The hummingbird understood, moved its hands and feet, and nodded to Tom.


Tom growled and flipped the snake's head off.

The snake's head was blown away by Tom's great force, and the Taotie trapped underneath stood up in an instant with a somersault. Before the Taotie could open his mouth to speak, the hummingbird, which had been ready to attack, flew up and kicked the Taotie in the face.


As Taotie said a word, a jade foot flew towards him and hit him in the left cheek. Taotie was hit hard and fell on his back.

"Who kicked me?"

Taotie, lying on the ground, cursed loudly.

Struggling to get up.

Tom smiled slightly, stepped on Taotie's chest, and pushed Taotie back to the ground.

"Hummingbird, hit him!"

Tom smiled and waved his fist, giving Taotie a black eye.

The hummingbird didn't hesitate to be polite to Tom. In line with the festive principle that good things come in pairs, it also gave Taotie a gift.

In an instant, Taotie got the same skin as the new national treasure.

Tom and Hummingbird used their hands and feet to beat the Taotie, making it scream and roll on the ground.

This time, Tom and Hummingbird were ordered to beat someone up, and they were going to beat them to their heart's content.

Fang Xiaocao was looking at a watch, a stopwatch.

If you dare to scare me, I will have to beat you for half an hour. Not even a second less.

One second later, I would never have gotten over this grudge!
Looking at the countdown on the stopwatch, when the half-hour countdown reached zero, Fang Xiaocao put away her phone: "Okay, stop calling!"

After hearing Fang Xiaocao's order, Tom and Hummingbird each gave Taotie a big kick, then stopped with satisfaction and pulled Taotie up from the ground.

Fang Xiaocao looked at the bruised and battered Taotie with satisfaction and nodded: "The shape is quite unique, I like it."

Tom and Hummingbird couldn't stop laughing, while Taotie looked at Fang Xiaocao with an aggrieved look on his face.

"Your Highness~"

"You don't love me anymore~" Taotie said pitifully.

"No love, thank you!"

Fang Xiaocao said with a smile.


"No love~"

Taotie looked as aggrieved as a little pug.

Fang Xiaocao smiled slightly and ignored Taotie.

"Tom, look at the treasure map and see what to do next."

Fang Xiaocao looked at Tom and asked with a smile.

Tom took out the terminal, took a look at the treasure map he had entered in advance, looked around, and compared it. After comparing it back and forth for more than ten minutes, Tom put away the terminal.

"Your Highness, let's go this way!"

Tom replied, pointing to a cave.


"open circuit!"

Fang Xiaocao nodded and signaled Tom to make the arrangements.

Tom nodded and kicked Taotie who was still pretending to be dead: "Get up, stop pretending to be dead, and go clear the way."

Taotie looked at Tom resentfully, sulking himself. He got up from the ground, picked up his gun reluctantly, and walked towards the cave that Tom pointed to.

His machete was bent by the explosion.

There is no other way but to use a gun.

Seeing this, Fang Xiaocao drew out his dagger: "Taotie, this is for you!"

Fang Xiaocao shouted and threw the dagger over. Hearing this, Taotie turned his head to look at Fang Xiaocao, just in time to see the dagger coming towards him. Taotie was startled, dodged the dagger, reached out and grabbed the hilt of the dagger.

"Thank you, Princess, for the dagger!"

Taotie said with a grin.

Fang Xiaocao rolled her eyes at Taotie and said, "Get lost!"

Taotie laughed, holding a dagger, and walked towards the cave happily.

Fang Xiaocao knew Taotie's personality. Compared to using guns, Taotie, this iron-headed man, preferred close combat with a knife. And she herself was not good at close combat, so there was no use for keeping the dagger. It was better to give the dagger to Taotie.

"Your Highness, let's go too."

Tom said with a smile.

Fang Xiaocao nodded: "Let's go!"

As he spoke, Fang Xiaocao took the lead and walked towards the cave.

Tom gave the hummingbird a look, and the hummingbird understood, nodded, and followed Fang Xiaocao, closely protecting her safety.

Tom stayed behind to cover the rest of the group, erasing any traces left by his group while setting traps to prevent anyone from following and being ambushed.

Taotie walked along the cave for about a kilometer until he saw three forks in the road. He then stopped, took out the terminal, and sent a message to Fang Xiaocao and the others behind him.

[Taotie: Nearly one kilometer away, there is no danger, and no signs of animal activity. There are three forks in the road ahead. Which one should I take? ]

Fang Xiaocao breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the message from Taotie. Although he knew there should be no danger and Taotie would have sent a message if there was any danger, he still walked cautiously. Now that he received the message from Taotie, he could finally walk with confidence.

As for how to go...

Fang Xiaocao said, how would she know.

It's Tom's job to find the way, not hers.

[Tom: Take the road on the right. It is marked on the treasure map. There is something on this road, but it is the only way to the treasure. Be careful.]

Soon, Tom sent a reply.

[Taotie: Got it! 】

After reading the text message sent by Tom, Taotie replied, put away the terminal, held the gun in one hand and the knife in the other, and walked towards the fork in the road on the far right.

On the road, Taotie was very cautious.

Now when Taotie thinks of the giant snake that tormented him to death, he still feels a lingering fear.

But I dare not be careless anymore.

If another giant snake of the same type came out of this cave, it would be extremely greedy.

After walking 500 meters along the cave on the far right, Taotie's expression changed. He squatted down, staring ahead with his bright eyes.

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