Chapter 278 Oops, I stepped on the trap
Only after making sure that she had landed safely did Fang Xiaocao slowly open her eyes. Taotie's playful ugly face came into her sight, making Fang Xiaocao realize belatedly that the person who caught her in the stinky embrace belonged to none other than Taotie.

Fang Xiaocao glared at Taotie, jumped out of Taotie's arms, and turned to look for the hummingbird.

Fang Xiaocao did not forget that just now in the air, the hummingbird suddenly let go of her.

That really scared Fang Xiaocao.

Fang Xiaocao thought that it was a hummingbird that fell.

Fortunately, when Fang Xiaocao turned her head, she saw the hummingbird standing beside her.

Completely intact, without any harm.


Fang Xiaocao breathed a sigh of relief.

Just be fine!
If the hummingbird fell into the quicksand pit and died there because of helping her cross the quicksand pit, Fang Xiaocao would die of guilt.

Tom on the other side of the river had been nervous the whole time. Now that he saw Fang Xiaocao and the hummingbird had landed safely, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as you are safe and sound!"

Tom muttered, and without waiting for Taotie, he threw back the rope of the flying claw, picked up the set of flying claws on the ground above Xiaocao, pressed the button, and shot the flying claw out.

The flying claw grabbed the crossbeam of the tomb passage with a clang and pulled it hard. After making sure it was firm enough, he ran up a few steps, jumped up, and flew to the other side swinging on the rope of the flying claw.

Taotie and Tom, each pulling a rope.

After pressing the button in his hand, he heard a "click" sound, and the flying claws that were originally holding two people and were very firm, automatically released in an instant, and returned to the hands of the two with a "whoosh".

Taotie and Tom put away their flying claws.

Stuffed into the backpack.

Seeing this scene, Fang Xiaocao blinked.

Curiously asked: "What are you going to do with the flying claws?"

"Don't we need it?"

Hearing Fang Xiaocao's words, Tom smiled slightly.

"Of course I have to put it away."

"First, we may need the flying claw on the road ahead. If we don't collect it here, what if we need it again?"

"Secondly, once you enter an ancient tomb, it's rare to return the same way, so it would be useless to stay here."

"Third, there may be pursuers behind us. If they see the flying claws, they will know that there is something wrong with the quicksand pit and will follow the claws to come over."

Tom deliberately spoke very bluntly just to increase Fang Xiaocao's knowledge.

After listening to Tom's words, Fang Xiaocao nodded thoughtfully: "I understand!"

After packing up the flying claws, Fang Xiaocao and the other three continued to move forward. With the previous experience of the quicksand pit, Fang Xiaocao and the other three also realized that the owner of the tomb was not as kind as they had imagined, but a real scoundrel.

He cheats people in many ways.

The layout of the quicksand pit was extremely insidious, with iron thorns and blades openly scattered on it, making the tomb robbers who came in think it was an open trap.

If someone were to fall for it and choose to ignore the iron thorns and blades and just wade through, then...

As many as there are, as many as there are will die.

Even an experienced tomb robber can be fooled and fall into a quicksand pit if he is confused for a moment.

It can be said that as long as the tomb robbers are not careful enough, no matter how many of them come, they will die in this quicksand pit.

Could someone who could set up such a vicious trap be a kind person?

The answer is obviously no!
Therefore, Fang Xiaocao and the other three became more careful.

Tom was still leading the way, Fang Xiaocao walked in the middle, Taotie and Hummingbird were responsible for covering the rear and protecting Fang Xiaocao, and were ready to rescue Fang Xiaocao at any time.

The lamps are still there on the stone walls on both sides of this tomb passage, and the lamps also contain mermaid oil.

This time, Fang Xiaocao didn't dare to move.

Ever since he learned about the horror of the quicksand pit, Fang Xiaocao felt that there must be something wrong with the mermaid lamp oil.

Maybe, just as Tom was worried, there must be something strange hidden in the oil of the merman lamps, either poison or drugs.

Otherwise, the lamp is connected to some mechanism.

Once someone is greedy, or like Fang Xiaocao is curious about the mermaid lamp oil, and touches the lamp or lights it, he will be in danger of death.

Thinking of this, Fang Xiaocao no longer had any curiosity about these lamps or the mermaid oil inside them.

Just choose it directly and stay away from it.

He even gave up the idea of ​​taking some mermaid lamp oil back for research.

She is so beautiful, she cannot die.


Tom, who was walking in front, froze in place.

next second!
There was a crisp "crack" sound from under Tom's feet, and a piece of stone slab under Tom's feet sank several centimeters visibly.

Seeing this scene, Fang Xiaocao was shocked.

She knew that Tom had stepped on a trap.

Anti-theft mechanism in the ancient tomb.

Fang Xiaocao's eyes quickly swept above her head and at the stone walls on both sides of the tomb passage, fearing that there might be arrow holes, flying stones, giant axes, or other deadly hidden weapons.

The Taotie and the hummingbird nearby were also shocked.

With extremely swift movements, the hummingbird instantly flashed in front of Fang Xiaocao and protected her behind him. He held a dagger in his hand and scanned the surroundings vigilantly.

Taotie quickly rushed to Tom.

"Old Tom, don't move!"

"Let me see what the mechanism is!"

Taotie shouted to Tom urgently.

As he said this, he squatted down at Tom's feet, staring at Tom's feet with his tiger eyes.

Among Fang Xiaocao and the other three, only Taotie had been to the tomb.

I also studied with an old tomb robber for a period of time.

Among the four people, he is the one who knows the mechanisms of the ancient tomb the best. Others don't know as much as Taotie.

As Taotie began to inspect, Fang Xiaocao and the other two subconsciously held their breath, fearing that the sound of their breathing was too loud and would affect Taotie's judgment.

Tom, who was stepping on the mechanism, had a pale face. If it was a landmine or something, Tom would not be afraid, because he was used to playing with those things and knew them well.

Even if he stepped on it, Tom was confident enough to remove the landmine under his feet.

However, this was the first time Tom had encountered an anti-theft mechanism in an ancient tomb. He had no idea what terrible mechanism would be triggered. Humans always have awe and fear of unknown things.

Although Tom is a top killer, he is also a human being and it is normal for him to be afraid.

This doesn't mean that Tom is a coward.

It's just a natural human physiological reaction.

Tom: You say I'm a coward, I don't accept that!

Whoever says I am a coward, go to a minefield full of mines and come back alive before you can talk about me.

"It's a bit troublesome!"

Taotie said with a serious expression.

Hearing Taotie's words, Fang Xiaocao and the other two felt nervous at the same time. Three pairs of eyes were focused on Taotie, waiting for his next words.

But Taotie just frowned, squatted at Tom's feet and said nothing.

This made Fang Xiaocao very anxious.

But he didn't dare to urge Taotie, for fear of affecting Taotie. After all, Taotie's judgment was related to Tom's life.

At Baozi's request, the author has done his best to add more chapters~

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