Watching Taotie running quickly back the way he came, Fang Xiaocao sighed helplessly and sat down where he had just been lying.

Without Taotie around, Fang Xiaocao didn't dare to move, for fear of accidentally triggering a mechanism. Right here, she had just lay down and was sure that there was no mechanism.

The hummingbird stood aside, accompanying Fang Xiaocao.

Taotie reminded her before leaving.

Keep an eye on Fang Xiaocao in case something unexpected happens.

Taotie comes back and questions the hummingbird.

Taotie is a tough guy, a straight man who doesn't know how to be gentle with women. Hummingbird doesn't want to be beaten up by Taotie for no reason.

Without Fang Xiaocao, Taotie had no worries.

A distance of more than ten meters, a journey of a few seconds.

Soon, Taotie saw a huge pit.

Taotie estimated that it was about nine meters wide.

It is only about one meter smaller than the ten-meter pit that the old tomb robber saw, which is already very scary.

Taotie stood at the edge of the pit and looked into it, looking for any trace of Tom.

Soon, Taotie saw the rope of the flying claw.

Look down along the rope of the flying claw.

I saw Tom, hanging upside down on a rope, holding a black dagger and sawing the wooden pole of a spear.

Seeing this scene, Taotie smiled.

"I knew it, the disaster will last for thousands of years!"

"Nothing will happen to old Tom."

Taotie muttered with a smile.

He took out the terminal and sent a message to Fang Xiaocao.

[Taotie: Don't worry, Princess. Old Tom is not dead. He is trying to find a way out. I will go and help him. We will be back soon! ]

After reporting his safety to Fang Xiaocao, Taotie put away the terminal, stood on the edge of the pit, looked around, and found that there were not many spears on the edge of the pit. If he went down from here, he would find a foothold.

After making sure he could land safely, Taotie no longer hesitated, took off Tom's backpack, and found Tom's flying claw among the bombs.

Taotie aimed the flying claw launcher at the beam above his head and pressed the launcher.

With a "whoosh" sound, the flying claw shot out.

Amidst a shower of sparks, hold onto the beam firmly.

Taotie connected the flying claw rope to the tactical belt, grabbed the rope, and slowly slid down into the pit.

After landing safely, Taotie untied the rope on his tactical belt and pulled out a dagger from his waist.

Although the chance of there being living creatures in this kind of pit is not very high, Taotie still did not dare to take it lightly. What if there are some living creatures?

Ancient tombs are very evil.

There is a saying that goes, "Better safe than sorry"!
You only have one life, so be careful.

Taotie grabbed a spear and exerted force secretly.

Immediately, Taotie felt delighted.

There is a door that can swing!

Taotie smiled wickedly.

"In ancient times, Lu Zhishen uprooted a weeping willow tree. Today, I, Taotie, pull out a spear in anger to save someone."

Taotie grunted, held the dagger in his mouth, growled, and exerted all his strength with his arms.

The spear that was deeply stuck in the ground was pulled out completely by Taotie.

"What a nice spear!"

Looking at the two-meter-long spear in his hand that was shining with black light, Taotie couldn't help but cheer.

He tried the blade of the spear. Although it had been in the pit for hundreds of years, the blade was still extremely sharp, and the material was in no way inferior to that of his high-tech machete. Taotie was very satisfied.

He secretly decided to take a few spearheads out with him, return to the blacklist, and ask the department responsible for customizing equipment to attach a telescopic metal spear shaft to him for use as his regular equipment.

Definitely better than a machete!

At that time, with a machete in one hand and a spear in the other, I will kill gods if they stand in my way, and I will kill Buddhas if they stand in my way!
Taotie shook the spear vigorously with both arms. The spear shaft was very resilient and trembled three times with the strength of Taotie.

Now Taotie was even more satisfied.

The only downside is that it's a bit too long.

A two-meter-long spear cannot be used in the tomb passage.

Taotie danced with his spear for a while and looked at the forest of spears in front of him. A cold light flashed in his eyes and the muscles in his arms suddenly swelled up, wriggling like a running mouse.

"Ha!" Taotie growled and swung his spear with all his might.

The spears, with whistling wind, swept towards the forest of spears with the force of sweeping away thousands of troops.

There was a crisp sound of "click".

The forest of spears in front of Taotie fell down in an instant, but the spear in his hand also broke.

Taotie grinned, put the broken spear on the ground, stomped hard to break the broken spear shaft connected to the spear head, picked up the spear head, and put it into the square magazine pocket on his waist.

As for the magazines...

It was emptied a long time ago and I don’t know where it was thrown.

Taotie did the same thing and picked up a dozen spear heads before stopping with a feeling of being unsatisfied.

It’s not that Taotie doesn’t want to take a few more, it’s mainly because he only has a few pockets on his body for magazines.

There were a bunch of explosives in Tom's backpack.

Taotie didn't dare to put too much, for fear of exploding the bomb.

Taotie pulled out another spear and used the same sweeping move to sweep towards the forest of spears in front of him.

Taotie has to open a path to pick up Tom.

After clearing a path of about three or four meters, Taotie stopped and stretched his arms and legs.

Even the savage bull Taotie was exhausted. He had to break many spears before he could make his way through the three or four meters of road.

Taotie sat on the ground and rested for a while.

"Old Tom, I'm here to pick you up!"

He shouted at Tom at the top of his voice.


Tom, who was sawing the wood pole, paused, shook his head, stared with bloodshot eyes, and looked around: "Strange, am I hallucinating?"

"Why do I hear that silly voice of Taotie?"

Tom muttered, grabbed the rope of the flying claw, turned his body back, and relieved the discomfort of brain congestion caused by hanging upside down for a long time.

Taotie sat on the ground and listened attentively.

There was no reply from Tom for a long time.

Taotie scratched his hair and got up from the ground.

He yelled at the top of his voice, "Old Tom?"

"Are you still alive?"

"I'm here to pick you up!"

"If you're alive, just squeak!"

Tom, who had just turned around and was about to take a break, heard it clearly this time.

"Is the Taotie family really here?"

Tom blinked and muttered in confusion.

"Taotie, where the hell are you?"

Tom was so surprised that he was possessed by Li Yunlong and started cursing in Chinese.

Taotie was happy when he heard Tom's reply.

"I'm over here!"

Taotie pulled out a spear, raised it above his head, and waved it continuously to signal Tom.

"Stop shaking it, I see!"

cried Tom, seeing the spear.

"Old Tom, stop sawing wood."

"You don't need to be a carpenter!"

"Just wait patiently, I'll make a way to pick you up!"

Taotie shouted loudly.

Having said that, Taotie started working immediately.

Just raising his hand can sweep away thousands of enemies.

He casually threw away the broken spear in his hand, pulled out another spear, and continued to sweep through the enemy troops.

(End of this chapter)

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