Chapter 286 A Dark Room

Tom smiled and opened the mini fridge.

Take out a tetanus vaccine from it.

Close the refrigerator quickly, for fear that it will slow down the flow of cool air and speed up the consumption of battery energy.

From the medical kit, find a syringe.

Inject tetanus vaccine into the Taotie.

Tom dropped the syringe.

"All right!"

“It won’t get infected!”

Tom said with a smile.

"But I don't know if there are other viruses in these naughty monkeys."

"We can just do a system check when we get back, no need to rush."

However, Tom's move scared Taotie.

After hearing what Tom said, Taotie breathed a sigh of relief.

"Your Highness, have you seen these monkeys? Where did they come from?"

Tom asked with a serious expression.

Tom did not forget his previous guess.

He wanted to see if someone was doing experiments here and the discarded chemicals had contaminated the monkeys.

If so, is that lab still there?
Who is doing the experiment?

These are the points that Tom is extremely curious about.


Fang Xiaocao nodded firmly.

"These naughty monkeys ran out from behind this wall. Suddenly, the wall made a rumbling sound and a crack appeared. I was scared."

Fang Xiaocao pointed at a wall and said to Tom.

Hearing this, Tom was stunned.

Look at the wall that Fang Xiaocao mentioned.

Eyes full of curiosity.

This wall can actually move.

Not only can it be opened, but it can also be closed.

Tom looked at Taotie and asked, "Taotie, do you know what this mechanism is?"

Hearing Tom's question, Taotie laughed, "That's easy. It's just a secret door. There could be a mechanism behind the door, or it could be a tomb. Since these monkeys can get out of the secret door, there's a high probability that there's a tomb behind it."

"This tomb is one of those that has no traps and is extremely safe. It may even have a passage leading to the outside, otherwise these monkeys would not be alive."

After hearing what Taotie said, Fang Xiaocao and the other two all showed surprised expressions.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Open the door quickly, let's go in!"

Fang Xiaocao said impatiently.

Taotie nodded, stretched out his big hand, and pressed hard on the stone wall that Fang Xiaocao mentioned.

next second!
There was a soft "click" sound.

A crack appeared in the stone wall.

Taotie raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly.

He placed his hand on the crack in the stone wall and pushed hard.

Amidst a dull rumbling sound.

A stone door that was wide enough for a person to enter sideways was pushed open by Taotie, revealing a dim tomb chamber inside.

Seeing this scene, Fang Xiaocao exclaimed in her heart that it was magical. She had only seen this kind of secret door in costume TV dramas, and this was the first time she had seen one in real life.

"Shall we go in?"

Taotie poked his head behind the secret door and took a look.

After making sure there was nothing inside, he turned to look at Tom and asked for his opinion. Generally, Fang Xiaocao's opinion could be ignored at this time. Whether to enter this secret door or not still had to be decided by Tom.

"No time, observe first!"

As he spoke, Tom took out a few glow sticks, broke them apart and threw them into the secret door.

The glow sticks Tom brought were the kind used specifically for outdoor adventures, and they glowed very brightly.

Throwing several of them into a dark room together is like lighting a high-wattage light bulb in the dark room, instantly illuminating the entire dark room.

Tom leaned out and scanned the scene in the dark room. Apart from some corpses and bones, and some rotten weapons and clothes, there was nothing else.

On the other side of the dark room, there was another identical secret door. That secret door was stuck by a rotten iron sword and did not close.

Otherwise, Tom would have no way of finding the secret door at a glance.

Tom thought it might be the monkeys who did it.

Those monkeys must have heard the loud noise of the floor tiles collapsing, so they ran out of the secret door, pushed open the secret door, and launched an attack on Xiaocao and the others.

After making sure there was no danger inside, Tom nodded: "Let's go in!"

"There is a secret door over there. Let's go check it out. Hummingbird, Taotie, stay alert and protect Her Royal Highness the Princess to prevent any unexpected incidents."

Tom made a little plan of action.

He walked into the secret door first.

Hummingbird followed Tom in.

Fang Xiaocao walked behind the hummingbird.

After leaving the Taotie Hall, he walked into the dark room.

He turned around and pushed the secret door closed again.

Tom squatted in front of the bodies and examined them.

These corpses are both new and old.

The most recent body was from the past two years.

They were all dried up into mummies.

It was covered with monkey bite marks.

Obviously, these bodies did not die in this dark room, but were dragged into this dark room by those naughty monkeys as food.

Tom blinked, stood up and looked at Fang Xiaocao.

"Your Highness, the most recent of these bodies died in the past two years. The cause of death was that his trachea was cut by a knife. The action was clean and neat. It must have been done by an expert who was good at using a knife."

"The oldest corpse has decayed bones. We can't tell its exact age, but we can be sure that it has been there for quite some time."

"Most of these corpses were probably dragged from various corners of the ancient tomb by monkeys as food. Except for the rotten skeletons, they should not have died in the dark room."

Tom spoke.

Fang Xiaocao nodded: "Yes!"

"So, what do I do next?"

"Should we go back to the tomb passage and continue along it, or follow these dark rooms?"

Fang Xiaocao blinked and asked.

Tom pondered for a moment and looked at Taotie.

"Taotie, you know a lot about ancient tombs. Based on your previous experience following tomb robbers, which way should we go? Which route is safer?"

Tom felt that at this time he should listen to Taotie, an experienced professional.

Although I have a good brain, I am definitely not as smart as the experienced Taotie.

Taotie smiled and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter which road you take, neither will be 100% safe, but I suggest you take the dark room route."

"The tomb passage outside has many traps, needless to say. If there are pursuers, they will definitely follow that tomb passage. As long as they are not confident, they will not find this secret door. If we take the dark room route, at least we don't have to worry about pursuers sneaking up on us."

Tom's eyes lit up when he heard Taotie's words.

"it is good!"

"Just go to the dark room!"

Tom made the decision immediately.

Fang Xiaocao naturally had no objection to Tom's decision, and Taotie had already made it very clear, so Fang Xiaocao naturally preferred to go the dark room route.

If you don't have to worry about being pursued, you're half safe.

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