Having said that, Taotie paused.

He didn't continue speaking, but poured kerosene into the metal gauntlet, took out the match handed to him by Tom, struck a match, and threw it into the gauntlet. A single spark can start a prairie fire, and the weak flame of the match touched the kerosene and instantly exploded.

A raging fire ignited inside the gauntlet.

Soon, black smoke rose from the flames.

There was also a burnt smell of protein.

"Taotie, didn't you say it was poisonous?"

"Come here quickly!"

Fang Xiaocao retreated while shouting at Taotie.

"That's no problem at all!"

Taotie said with a smile.

As he spoke, Taotie unscrewed the bottle of alcohol.

He poured alcohol on his arm, struck another match, and threw the match on his arm covered in alcohol as Fang Xiaocao exclaimed.

In an instant, flames burst into flames from Taotie's arms.

"Taotie, what are you doing?"

Fang Xiaocao exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Princess. It's okay."

Taotie endured the burning sensation on his arm and said to Xiaocao with gritted teeth.

Fortunately, the alcohol that Taotie poured was not much.

It was soon completely evaporated by the flames.

Even so, Taotie's arms were red and covered with blisters.

"This corpse-controlling Gu is most afraid of fire."

"Fire is the nemesis of these strange bugs."

"If it is contaminated with corpse-controlling insect eggs, only by burning them with fire can all the eggs be burned to death to ensure that they will not become the incubator of corpse-controlling insects."

Taotie looked at the blisters on his arms and smiled.

Fang Xiaocao's body trembled when she heard Taotie's words.

I was really scared!
Hummingbird took out a medical kit and walked over to Taotie.

"Shall I take care of it for you?"

Hummingbird whispered.

"Well, thank you!"

Taotie nodded and responded.

"Apply some burn ointment and bandage it for me."

"We are in the tomb now. We can deal with any danger at any time. Bandage it to prevent infection. We can deal with the rest when we get back."

Taotie said in a deep voice.

The hummingbird nodded to show that he understood.

Hummingbird applied medicine to Taotie, took out gauze and cotton cloth for bandaging, and wrapped Taotie's arm.

Taotie tried and moved his arms.

It's painful, but it doesn't affect my activities.

"Thanks, Hummingbird girl!"

Taotie thanked the hummingbird again.

Hummingbird nodded: "You're welcome!"

After dealing with the eggs of the corpse-controlling Gu on his body, Taotie started talking and talked about the corpse-controlling Gu.

"As the name suggests, the corpse-controlling insect was refined by the Jiuli tribe. It is a poisonous insect that can control corpses. It is often placed in tombs to activate the accompanying corpses and act as an anti-theft mechanism. The eggs of this beetle can be dormant for countless years in a low-oxygen environment after being refined. Once they come into contact with oxygen in the air, they will hatch immediately."

"To set up the corpse-controlling Gu, there must be a corpse."

"The corpses to be buried with the deceased will be pickled with a special liquid medicine beforehand, and the coffin will also be filled with this liquid medicine, which can not only play a role in preservation, but also activate the newly hatched corpse-controlling Gu."

"As for how the corpse-controlling Gu turns corpses into zongzi, and how it controls the zongzi to attack tomb robbers, I have no idea."

"The corpse insect, whether it is an adult or an egg, is afraid of fire. If it comes into contact with fire, it will die. However, the stench produced by burning is highly toxic. If people smell it, they will feel dizzy and unconscious at the very least, or even fatally!"

Taotie told Fang Xiaocao and the other two everything he knew about the corpse-releasing Gu.

After listening to Taotie's story, Fang Xiaocao and the other two were stunned. Fang Xiaocao was horrified at the terrifying corpse Gu, while Tom kept exclaiming, "It's amazing!"

The hummingbird was also secretly shocked. China is indeed a land of vastness and rich resources. It really has all kinds of magical things. Suddenly, Fang Xiaocao realized that something seemed wrong. After thinking for a long time, he finally remembered and shouted, "Wait! Where did these corpse-controlling Gu come from?"

"We have come all this way, but we haven't seen it?"

Hearing Fang Xiaocao's words, Taotie smiled bitterly and shook his head: "These corpse-releasing Gu should be the eggs sealed in Tao Yong. When we passed by the tomb just now, we must have accidentally touched something and released the corpse-releasing Gu."

Fang Xiaocao was stunned when he heard Taotie's guess.

It rang out immediately, and he kicked Tao Yong.

Knowing that she had caused trouble, Fang Xiaocao blushed and said embarrassedly: "It seems that I was the one who released the corpse-releasing Gu..."

Fang Xiaocao told how she bumped into Tao Yong, hurt him, and then angrily kicked Tao Yong a few times.

"Your Highness, this is not your fault."

"As the saying goes, ignorance is not a crime. I didn't expect that this ancient tomb in the Central Plains would contain a thing called corpse-releasing Gu, which is only found in the Miaojiang ancient tombs."

Taotie smiled and spoke in a comforting tone.


Fang Xiaocao felt guilty and apologized to Taotie.


"it's okay no problem!"

Taotie waved his hands hurriedly.

"Taotie, there are so many Tao Yong in that tomb. Could it be that every Tao Yong has the eggs of the Corpse Gu?"

After learning about the horror of the corpse-controlling Gu, Tom frowned and showed a worried expression.

"Hard to say!"

Taotie said.

"I'm not sure whether all of those Tao Yong have the corpse-controlling Gu, but I think there must be some, because there are eighteen sarcophagi in that tomb, but only one Zongzi came in just now."

Taotie said in a deep voice.

Tom nodded. "I'm only worried about whether the seventeen bodies in the sarcophagi have come back to life. If they all come back, it will be difficult to deal with one of them. If they all come back together..."

Tom hadn't finished speaking yet, but Fang Xiaocao and the other two understood what Tom meant.

"What should I do?"

Fang Xiaocao asked worriedly.

"Why don't we go back and take a look?"

Hummingbird suggested.

Tom frowned and shook his head.

"No, it's too dangerous!"

Tom rejected Hummingbird's proposal.

“We still have to go back and take a look!”

"But, Your Highness the Princess and Miss Hummingbird, don't go back. Tom and I will be fine."

Taotie on the side spoke up.

"If those corpses are turned into zongzi, Taotie and I will chop them all up and burn them all. That will be the end of it. Even if we can't defeat them, it won't be difficult for the two of us to retreat."

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Taotie said in a deep voice.

Tom's eyes lit up when he heard Taotie's words.

"Just do it."

Tom laughed.

Fang Xiaocao blinked and nodded.

"Okay, you two can go back and take a look."

"Hummingbird and I will be waiting for you here!"

Fang Xiaocao very much agreed with Taotie's proposal.

Those corpse-releasing insects and rice dumplings are really dangerous.

If it is not resolved, we might be besieged.

The four of them are in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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