Chapter 300 Behind the Secret Door
After wiping the blood off the dagger on the fire-tailed pig's corpse and putting it back into the scabbard at his waist, Fang Xiaocao turned and looked at Wan Xiaozhou, who was already dressed and carrying his backpack.

Although his face was still a little pale, his eyes were still bright and he did not look seriously injured.

"Take his equipment with you!"

Fang Xiaocao pointed at the corpse of the fire-tailed pig and spoke clearly to Wan Xiaozhou.

Wan Xiaozhou nodded, unzipped the Firetail Pig backpack, stuffed the equipment scattered on the table into it, zipped it up, and picked it up in his hand.

The other samurai swords and guns were carried on his back.

"Your Highness, it's done!"

After finishing the cleaning, Wan Xiaozhou said with a smile.

"let's go!"

Fang Xiaocao nodded with satisfaction.

After taking a final cold glance at the corpse of the fire-tailed pig, Fang Xiaocao walked out the door without looking back.

Although this Fire Tail Pig is also considered a master.

But Fang Xiaocao despised the men of the Great Han Country from the bottom of her heart. They were obviously grown men, but they were even more effeminate than her, arrogant and ignorant, which made Fang Xiaocao feel sick. She really didn't want to waste her mental energy to hypnotize such a disgusting person.

Taking Wan Xiaozhou out of the room, Fang Xiaocao continued to look for the hummingbird.

Originally, with Wan Xiaozhou as his helper, Fang Xiaocao could go to the operating room and see whether the wall behind was the pawn shop's corpse disposal passage.

But they also felt that the hummingbird would not go too far, so they might as well find it and go check it out together. If it really was a corpse dumping passage, the three of them could leave directly. If not, it must be hiding something, a secret that could not be told. If there was any danger, one more person would mean more help, so as to avoid a disaster.

Searching along the corridor, Fang Xiaocao soon saw a hummingbird looking for something at the end of the corridor.


Fang Xiaocao called out softly to the hummingbird.

The hummingbird immediately stopped and looked at Fang Xiaocao.

When Hummingbird saw Fang Xiaocao, he smiled slightly, but when he saw Wan Xiaozhou behind Fang Xiaocao, he instantly became alert and touched the gun at his waist.

"Don't be nervous, we're on our own!"

Noticing the hummingbird's vigilance, Fang Xiaocao smiled.

"Hummingbird, let me introduce you."

"This is Wan Xiaozhou, one of our own. He was ambushed after entering the mountains and was separated from us. I didn't expect that he would be imprisoned here."

"Xiao Zhou, let me introduce you to Hummingbird, a new companion. Give the samurai sword in your hand to Hummingbird!"

Fang Xiaocao smiled and introduced Fengniao and Wan Xiaozhou to each other.

"Hello there!"

"Hello there!"

Hummingbird and Wan Xiaozhou looked at each other, nodded to each other, and said hello to each other.


Wan Xiaozhou took off the samurai sword and threw it to Hummingbird. Hummingbird reached out to catch the samurai sword. With a "swish", the samurai sword came out of the sheath. Hummingbird danced with the sword and felt that it was quite smooth. He nodded with satisfaction, put the samurai sword back into the sheath, and looked at Wan Xiaozhou: "Thank you!"

Wan Xiaozhou smiled slightly: "You're welcome."

"Hummingbird, did you find something?"

Fang Xiaocao asked curiously.

Fang Xiaocao saw the hummingbird tapping on the wall just now.

Hummingbird shook his head. "No, I just couldn't find the body dumping passage in the pawn shop, so I wondered if there was a secret door in the wall like in the ancient tomb."

"That's it..."

Fang Xiaocao was a little disappointed.

Fang Xiaocao thought that the hummingbird had discovered the secret door just like her.

"You didn't notice it, but I did."

"The secret door is in that operating room. It should be the passage where the pawn shop dumped the bodies. Let's go check it out together and find it."

Fang Xiaocao smiled mysteriously.


The hummingbird's eyes lit up.

"Of course!"

"Let's go!"

"Let's go and take a look together!" Fang Xiaocao said confidently.

Fang Xiaocao and the other two came to the operating room together.

"The secret door is in this wall. Let's look for it together."

Fang Xiaocao pointed at the wall and said.

Wan Xiaozhou and Hummingbird nodded together.

Start banging on the wall.

Fang Xiaocao was looking at the furnishings in the operating room.

See if there are any accessories that look out of place.

That might be the mechanism to open the secret door.

five minutes later!

"Your Highness, I found it!"

Just when Fang Xiaocao was feeling a little self-doubtful, An Xiaozhou suddenly shouted.

Fang Xiaocao was delighted and looked at An Xiaozhou.

Wan Xiaozhou pressed a light switch on the wall. With a "click", the shadowless lamp above his head did not light up, but the wall made a "rumbling" sound, and little by little, a passage that could accommodate two people walking side by side opened up.


"Go in and take a look!"

Fang Xiaocao said happily.

"Your Highness, let me lead the way!"

Hummingbird volunteered.

"Well, be careful!"

Fang Xiaocao nodded and agreed.

To enter an unknown territory, one naturally needs someone to explore the way. She certainly cannot do it alone, so she can only let Wan Xiaozhou and Hummingbird be the pioneers. Wan Xiaozhou's condition is not very good, so Hummingbird is naturally the first choice.

With Fang Xiaocao's approval, Hummingbird drew his gun and dagger and walked into the secret door first.

Without waiting for Fang Xiaocao's instructions, Wan Xiaozhou took the initiative to walk in the second place, following behind Fengniao. Fang Xiaocao pulled out a dagger and walked at the end.

This formation can ensure that Fang Xiaocao can be the first to evacuate the dark room if any danger occurs ahead.

There is also a similar switch inside the secret door.

Fang Xiaocao pressed the switch and the secret door closed automatically.

To the naked eye, there is no visible gap at all.

Fang Xiaocao was not surprised at all.

Because she was outside, she also didn't notice that there was a gap in the secret door.

It's normal to think about it. For a mysterious force like a pawn shop, being rich is the most basic requirement, and they often possess some black technologies that are difficult for ordinary people to understand.

With money and technology, it's not surprising to create anything.

Not to mention a small secret door.

The road behind the secret door is a downward passage.

There were no steps, and if the passage was covered with anti-slip grooves, Fang Xiaocao suspected that the three of them would slide down directly like a slide.

Looking at the road going down, Fang Xiaocao secretly guessed the location of the pawn shop.

If this passage leads to the rat's nest that was burned down by Tom and his friends, then this passage extends downwards, which means that the pawn shop is above the rat's nest.

The pawn shop should be located halfway up the mountain.

But Fang Xiaocao couldn’t judge.

The pawn shop has no above ground buildings.

Fang Xiaocao was not naive enough to think that the three of them were above the surface. Even if their current location was above the man-eating rat's nest, it could only be an underground building.

The passage is not vertical, but full of curves.

It's winding and round.

Every ten meters or so, there is a bend.

But no matter which way you turn, you are still going down.

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