When the time comes.

The abnormality that everyone was worried about still happened!

Just as Qin Yu looked away, she planned to use the method of gathering sand to form a ladder to quickly reach the top floor.

The flashing red light suddenly stopped.

"It's started! It's started!"

The red light on the left went out first, leaving the other two lights.

The red lights in the middle and on the right turn on and off in a relay manner after being fixed for three seconds.

After blinking repeatedly for ten seconds.

A chilling electronic sound sounded in the current area:
  [The imitator hates inactive guys, this will remind it of that not-so-good memory at all]

"Liar! No matter what we do, we will be sucked up!"

"Who will it be this time..."

The red light on the right finally went out quietly.

Only the red light that was still on in the middle made people feel indescribably weird.

As everyone moved into the bunker, they tightened their bodies desperately, fearing that any part of their body would be illuminated by the next red light.

Qin Yu was forced to be exposed to the red light because of the limited shielding power of the stone.

She discovered that there were a few invitees hidden under some rocks not far away who were just as unlucky as she was and didn't get a good seat.

But for some reason, when the red light shone on their exposed limbs, the panic on their faces almost reached its peak.

It feels like a seemingly ordinary red light hides some kind of fear that can be implanted into the human body.

Light materializes fear.

When the light shrouded their bodies, the all-pervasive terror weaved images in their minds that were enough to make them collapse.

She could feel the malice hidden in the red light trying to invade her consciousness.

Perhaps because her mental value is much higher than that of ordinary people, the distortion value of 100 in this area is not enough to cause any harm to her.

It seems that her guess is correct.

Whether it's destroying red lights or killing disasters, heading to the roof is the only way.

Some invitees with low mental values ​​or who were taken advantage of by fear let out heart-rending screams because their mental values ​​were constantly decreasing under the distortion.

She can't help everyone.

The current area has become a hell on earth.

Suddenly, a woman hiding under the rocks, her mental value dropped below 30 due to the continuous implantation of terror, and her body began to walk uncontrollably towards the entrance of the spiral pipe in the middle.

Her steps were extremely stiff, and her eyes were filled with deep fear of the entrance.

But the body could only move mechanically due to the call of the red light.

Just when the woman was about to move to the entrance, a strong suction force suddenly appeared, rolling up her body and pulling her in.

Women aren't the only people suction can affect.

The entire area also reverberated with the humming sound of wind due to the agitation of suction.

The bunker where Qin Yu was located was closest to the entrance in the middle, and she could clearly feel that the suction force was about to pull her in, including people and rocks.

No wonder no one is here...

Several sand ropes appeared out of thin air and were nailed into the wall. A few ropes were wrapped around Qin Yu's waist and stones.

Most of them are trying to tie up the woman who is about to be sucked into the entrance.

However, the sand rope collapsed quickly and weakly under the action of suction.

The woman screamed in despair and was quickly pulled into the pipe by the suction.


Qin Yu used the opportunity to take advantage of the suction and pounced at the entrance.

The worst case scenario is to repeat the same trick and break the pipe from the inside...

It was better than watching her die in front of him.

"What is she doing? Is she dying?"

As soon as one of Qin Yu's arms was sucked into it, it was grabbed by a pair of strong hands: "It's useless. These two pipes are different from the one you came up with. Once five minutes are up, the ones sucked into the pipe will be People, no matter what method they use, there is no way to survive... This is the rule of this level..." ˆ ˆ ˆ The voice was extremely familiar.

It’s actually Gao Shanyi!

Qin Yu looked back.

Because of the passerby's mask, he did not recognize her.

I saw him firmly grasping the protruding tip of the stone with one hand, and pressing the center of his body towards the safe area.

Probably because it could not bear the weight of two people, and the strong force that was still being inhaled was coming from the depths of the pipe.

The stone that was related to the lives of the two people also became slightly loose.

Urgent situation.

Qin Yu could only give up the idea of ​​saving people and inserted the shadow on the entrance as a resistance point to slow down the entry into the pipe: "How long will it take for the suction to disappear?"

Gao Shanyi raised his head and looked towards the top. The woman's figure became smaller and smaller in the spiraling pipe. It would take only a moment to come into contact with the scarlet light: "Three seconds at most."



Before Qin Yu could recite silently in her heart, the suction force that made the surroundings whirling suddenly disappeared within two seconds.

It all happened suddenly.

Just when she was about to look up, Gao Shanyi seemed to realize something, pulled her hard and shouted: "Hide quickly!"

Qin Yu didn't waste any more time, and the two of them immediately squatted down towards the rocks.

at the same time.

A fine mist of rain fell from the roof.

The air also becomes humid.

It wasn't until the rain and mist wet her exposed arms that she felt that the surroundings seemed to be filled with a very faint smell of blood that could not be ignored.

"Is this?" The unlucky woman who was sucked up and the rain and mist that appeared inexplicably, these apparently unrelated things, made her feel a little unusual.

Gao Shanyi's face was a little solemn, and his reaction was incompatible with the relieved invitees around him.

This made Qin Yu care more about the rain and mist.

"It's that woman..." He muttered amidst the murmurs of laughter around him, "She was minced."

  Qin Yu's eyes suddenly opened wide, and her chest seemed to be filled with a breath that could not go up or down.

"How long has this been going on?" she asked.

Gao Shanyi replied based on his feeling: "At least an hour."


In other words, at least twelve people died here...

"Is there a way up?" Qin Yu looked up to the sky again, "Or, during this period, have you tried other methods?"

From the words of the people around her and Gao Shanyi, she almost got two useful pieces of information:

Every five minutes, a death announcement will sound on time, and inviters defined as inactive will be sucked into the pipe.

How is the so-called "inactive" defined in this area?

Is it because all the invitees are hiding in the bunker and no one is walking around in this area?

This state of self-preservation would make Dream Cube think it is a condition for turning on suction?

However, based on previous experiences, she felt that asking the inviter to leave the bunker and become "lively" was more like a trap.

She told Gao Shanyi her guess.

Sure enough, the other party's answer and the tragic images from the past verified her thoughts.

Regardless of whether the inviter appears lively or not, when the allotted time comes, the suction force of strangulation is still unavoidable.

Initially, the idea of ​​leaving the bunker was mooted.

However, during the actual implementation process, it was discovered that even if the death notification cannot be circumvented, more innocent invitees will be sucked into the pipeline.

This kind of literal thinking only accelerated their death.

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