One day, after forming a contract with the old god,

Chapter 224 224 Half a pound versus 82

The end result is that the money collected cannot be refunded.

Raven could either resign herself to her fate and continue waiting for a bed.

Either admit that you are dumb and say goodbye to him forcefully.

Gu Yuyu was angry when he heard this and wished he could teach that man a lesson now.

Gu Yu was still calm: "How much money did you give him in total?"

"Seven million," said the raven.

"Then we don't need to suffer because of this matter." He comforted, "People like him are just bullying you because you have no power. But, humans, sooner or later, you have to pay back what you have to do for hanging around. I will find someone to give it to him right away. Learn a lesson.”

"Yes, he's really a bully! He must be given some color." Gu Yuyu was so angry that he drank two glasses of ice water before he could barely suppress the anger in his heart.

Gu Yu comforted Raven while arranging the matter to his brothers: "Raven, we are not sad. If the sky falls, I will still be able to bear it. There is no obstacle that cannot be overcome. Didn't he say that there are no beds and he won't give them to you?" Do you need to go through hospitalization procedures?"

"Today, I'm going to let him see what it means to have someone outside the world and a world outside the world!" Gu Yu dialed the number of Zhang Ziming, the second-generation rich man, with ease.

A few minutes later.

"Ah...what about that? Didn't you move your old man out? I wonder if they can't deny him face when they hear his name...?" At this time, Gu Yu blew his fingers confidently, But inside, I was sweating because I was nervous.


"You can't do it even if you mention it?" Gu Yu's face suddenly became a little worried, "I said Ziming, you can't do it either. You didn't tell me before, are you okay in this place?"

"Among these brothers, I am most optimistic about you. Why can't you handle such a small thing now?" He tried to pressure the other party to think of another solution.

Zhang Ziming's voice on the microphone was a little nervous, as if he didn't expect that he would also hit a wall one day.

He was afraid that Gu Yu's impression of him would be greatly reduced because of this incident, so he quickly explained: "Brother, it's just a coincidence. This happened with the fifth department. I heard from insiders that the fifth department encountered an unknown incident yesterday. Someone attacked, and the murderer is still not found..."

"I heard that the director of the Fifth Division has failed and is receiving treatment at Aishi Hospital." Zhang Ziming lowered his voice and said, "Brother, you also know how special the Fifth Division is.

The federation is worried that that person will retaliate today. Now the entire hospital is clean and completely reliable. All the others were expelled, not targeting my family, but everyone. It was really not that I was doing things poorly. "

The head of the fifth division was attacked?

The murderer is unknown and still at large?

Gu Yu narrowed his eyes and secretly decided to tell the boss about this.

"How long will martial law last?" he asked.

"'s hard to say." Zhang Ziming said honestly.

Gu Yu's heart sank.

Raven's mother's illness cannot be delayed. If she delays for one day, the risk will be greater.

He couldn't gamble on slim odds in this kind of thing.

His silence made Zhang Ziming uneasy, and he said cautiously: "Brother, are you anxious?"

"Nonsense, if you're not in a hurry, why should I be looking for you?"

"Then...should I ask my doctor to come over and take a look at you first?"


Just when he was ready to be scolded.

Gu Yu suddenly asked in a deep voice: "Is it reliable?"

When Zhang Ziming heard that there was a chance to remedy the situation, he quickly said: "Don't worry, brother, he is absolutely reliable. He even saved my old man's life."

Although there is no guarantee that Raven's mother's illness will be completely cured, it can still slow down the progression of the disease.

This also buys them some valuable time.

"Okay, let him come over." After Gu Yu said that, he hung up the phone.

However, the crisis has not been resolved.

After thinking about it, it seems that I can only trouble the boss.

Fortunately, Qin Yu did not take back her avatar, and they could occasionally communicate briefly through the avatar. The clone, aware of his intention, floated down from the square corner and started sharing perspectives.

Qin Yu, who was rushing home at this time, had a completely opposite picture in his mind.

After Gu Yu explained the situation, the clone made an OK gesture.

Their conversation just came to an end.

I originally thought that the boss would have to put some effort into this matter, but I didn’t expect that he agreed so readily!

Qin Yu's image in his heart instantly became a little taller.

People say there are gods in the world, so Qin Yu is the god in his heart.

Qin Yu, who had goosebumps everywhere: less flattery and more work.

Gu Yu (loudly): Got it!

Qin Yu:......

Thank you for not replying directly to me.


Qin Yu was trying to establish a connection with Lu Xiuli through the mountain ghost copper coins, but because of the raven incident, she simply went straight to the topic.

After Lu Xiuli sensed her request, he quickly built a new fate realm in the area.

"Congratulations, you successfully passed the primary election." Lu Xiuli said without hesitation after appearing.

"You are too insincere." Qin Yu said with a thief smile, "Just talk and don't practice the tricks. Now is your chance to repay your kindness."


Lu Xiuli seemed to have expected that she would encounter difficulties, so he followed suit and said, "Tell me how to repay her kindness."

When she saw the other party relenting, she knew that the matter at Aishi Hospital was 80% stable.

Sure enough, after she finished speaking, Lu Xiuli readily agreed and said that it was not difficult.

"However, my friend's situation is a bit special. There is a vicious person who always wants to cause trouble for her..."

"Don't worry, Aishi Hospital is not an ordinary hospital, and it is under martial law because of the incident in the fifth branch. No one dares to shoot at this time." Lu Xiuli saw that she breathed a sigh of relief, and added, "Of course , after the martial law is over, it will be equally safe, and your friends will not be in any danger."

Qin Yu nodded. Seeing him sending someone to pick up Raven's mother, the big stone in her heart was completely removed.

She raced against time to reveal the information Xia Wanning shared with her, including:

The Federation, with the help of Shanyi Technology, deliberately selected the Experimental Middle School as the venue for the primary election. The actual purpose was to frighten the opposition and give them a heavy blow.

Lu Xiuli was not surprised by this: "It's an old trick, Qin Yu, this is just the beginning, if we can't end it all before them, we will also be defined as the opposition.

By then, our situation will be very passive, and it will be even more difficult to reverse it. "

Although there was a trademark smile on his face, the sharpness in his eyes was a true reflection of his heart.


Why hadn't I noticed before that he still had the attributes of a black-hearted boss?

She roared inwardly:

Don't rush me, I'm already working overtime to catch up!

Not to be outdone, she said: "If the leader opens his mouth, his subordinates will run away and lose their legs, so you have to give some strength!"

We can't let her do everyone's work by herself!

She's going on strike!

Lu Xiuli smiled, tilted his head and said, "We are quite capable. Otherwise, who do you think gave you the stability you have now?"

Qin Yu: "..."

Tsk, look at his face.

Okay, pretend I didn’t say that!

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