Li Yinyin had already planned to close her eyes and wait for death, but she didn't expect that the expected fist did not fall on her body. Instead, a piece of fragrant clothes gently covered her body.

The woman's soft voice came, and Li Yinyin couldn't hold on any longer and passed out.

The puppet itself was not of a high level and had no self-awareness. It had no other advantages except that it was stronger. The disciples of the Qing Hong Sect were able to deal with it in a few clicks.

The female disciple in the cave directly picked up Li Yinyin and carried her coat horizontally and walked out: "This fellow Taoist Yinyin has a lot of wounds on her body. I just gave her a pill, but to be on the safe side, let the alchemist Let's see."

Li Yinyin's spell lasted all day and night. When she woke up, it was already dusk, and the disciples of Qinghong Sect had already returned to the sect.

Elder Fang from the sect specifically checked her body and found that she was frightened and had some skin injuries, but was not seriously injured.

As for the reason for the coma, it is thought that it was caused by the spiritual energy being sealed and the physical exhaustion while avoiding the puppets.

When he heard that she woke up, Lin Dingzhi rushed over as soon as possible.

According to the disciples who found her, Li Yinyin was almost silenced, presumably because she had seen the true appearance of the demons who captured her.

"Yin Yin, if you think about it carefully, have you ever seen that person in the sect?" Elder Zhou's whereabouts are unknown, and his life and death are unknown. His most beloved young apprentice suffered such injustice in the sect. Lin Dingzhi did this. The sect leader cannot leave it alone.

If the demon can be found out, he will be handed over to Li Yinyin to deal with it personally.

Because she had been locked in the cave for a long time without seeing the sun, Li Yinyin's face showed an unhealthy paleness. She clutched the quilt tightly and frowned slightly, "I think that person looks familiar. His back looks familiar, but his face I've never seen that."

She had been through hell for a while, and her whole body was still weak.

Several times she wanted to stay in the cave forever.

Li Yinyin asked someone for paper and pen. After a few strokes, a lifelike character appeared on the paper.

"He is probably - well... about the same height as Elder Yu, and has a small mole on the back of his neck." Li Yinyin was worried that she had no reference, when Elder Yu opened the door and came in, bringing with him the newly refined elixir.

She gestured and her eyes suddenly widened.

"What's wrong? Yinyin, did you remember something?" The change in her expression was so obvious that it was difficult for Lin Dingzhi not to notice.

Li Yinyin stared at Elder Yu, opened her mouth, and seemed speechless for a moment.

The moment Elder Yu pushed the door open and came in, in her mind, his figure strangely overlapped with the man who captured her!
  No, how could it be Elder Yu...

Elder Yu is an alchemy cultivator. The man's strength is not low, and his murderous aura is also very strong.

Li Yinyin was silent for a moment, bit her lip, and asked: "Elder Yu... Dare I ask, where were you during the time when I was arrested? What were you doing?"

After saying that, the whole room was silent.

Everyone's eyes fell on Elder Yu, and he had just arrived after practicing the elixir. He had not yet figured out the situation. His expression was confused and did not seem to be fake: "Why are you all looking at me like this? And Yinyin asked "These words..." Why do they sound so strange?

Elder Chen, who was standing next to him, also said: "Yin Yin, are you mistaken? I don't know Lao Yu very well. He will never do those things. And during the period when you were missing Day after day, he never stopped busy in the sect."

No one in the entire sect dared to deny Elder Yu's alchemy prowess.

A large part of the elixirs used by the sect for personal use come from his hands.

After hearing Elder Chen defend himself, Elder Yu finally understood what the situation was like.

Is his relationship being doubted? Elder Yu looked magnanimous: "Yin Yin, I have been in the alchemy room during the time you disappeared. Even if I came out later, it was with Ming Li. As for the man you mentioned who kidnapped you, I think I should be able to explain .”

Almost immediately he remembered what Yu Mingli had mentioned about the person who pretended to be him and deceived Shu Jue's mother's affection.

He can guarantee that he has never done those things, and he does not suffer from the wandering spirit syndrome.

In the early years, Elder Yu had only two hobbies in life, one was his wife and the other was alchemy.

Later, when his wife passed away and Yu Mingli was left alone, he gave all his love and what he had learned throughout his life to his daughter.

When refining alchemy, he wished he could break the twelve hours a day into twenty-four hours. Where would he find the time to do those little tricks?

After listening to Elder Yu's explanation, the scene fell into silence again.

Even though he was still alive and being impersonated by demons, Elder Yu was the number one person in the world of cultivating immortals.

He was even miserable when his own daughter suspected him before.

"Let's see, Yin Yin, you are resting here to recuperate these days. The person whose puppet was destroyed should feel it. Now that he knows that you are still alive, he will attack you again if you don't keep it safe." Lin Dingzhi thought for a moment, Li Yinyin was settled first, and then he called several trustworthy elders to discuss how to deal with this matter...

Watching them leave one after another, Li Yinyin let out a long sigh and took out the communication jade.

Elder Fang had already unlocked the seal in her body when she was unconscious, and now she can use the Communication Jade.

As soon as I opened the messaging jade, countless messages popped up, and the messaging jade kept ringing.

Li Yinyin looked at them one by one. Those who sent her messages included Elder Zhou, Shujue, Yu Mingli, and some classmates with whom she had good relations.

From the messages, Li Yinyin learned what happened in the past few months.

The leader of the Feiyue Sect was replaced by the demons, and the demons set up a teleportation array on the human race... everything is going on, and just hearing it makes people feel frightened.

I originally thought that there were only a few demons and demon spies in the world of immortality, but I didn’t expect that the entire world of immortality had already become a sieve!

Li Yinyin even noticed something was wrong from her master's message.

I heard that Master went to Phoenix Marsh. Although she never replied, Master would send her messages every once in a while, or tell her something about what he had encountered, or ask her how her cultivation was progressing.

The chat interface stayed on the last message he sent, and the time was displayed thirteen days ago.

The uneasiness in Li Yinyin's heart gradually amplified: Could it be that the master has encountered some trouble?

Li Yinyin pursed her lips and reported to them one by one that they were safe.

She had to take good care of herself quickly, otherwise she wouldn't be able to help.

Yu Mingli was gradually approaching her destination at this time. After staying on the Yunzhou for so long, the scenery below was the same and she had long lost interest in admiring it.

Just as she was leaning on the railing in a daze, the message jade rang.

The person who sent the message was Li Yinyin. The message was short and had only two words: "Peace."

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