"It doesn't matter." Jiang Ye shook his head, not finding it difficult to answer Lian Yan's question.

"Now the only ones left in the mercenary group are me, Uncle Guo, and Aunt Huo. The rest..." People die for money, and birds die for food. Jiang Ye could also understand that they would defect to other mercenary groups for a better future.

In the final analysis, all this was caused by his lack of strength.

"Uncle Guo had his hands and feet disabled in order to save my father. Now he can only lie in bed. Aunt Huo injured her pubic area during a mission and her strength has declined."

"The tendons of the hands and feet are disabled, can it be cured by using the Myogenic Pill?" The Myogenic Pill is a fifth-level elixir. Not to mention the disabled tendons of the hands and feet, even if the hands and feet are cut off, they can still grow back.

"There are almost no fifth-level elixirs here." Jiang Ye looked a little more pained: "Fourth-level elixirs are already top-notch elixirs on the first floor, and fifth-level elixirs may only be found on the second floor."

But he is simply not strong enough to go to the second floor, and once he reaches the second floor, he can never come back.

Shu Jue and others all glanced at Shen Xingzhan.

Isn't this a coincidence? The alchemist has it ready-made here, but it hasn't reached the fifth level yet.

As for the damage to the Dantian, as long as the Dantian is not broken into pieces, taking a few more Myogenic Pills should be able to cure it, right?

Shen Xingzhan was so stared at that his scalp was numb.

"It's okay, Jiang...Brother, I believe that your Uncle Guo and Huo Yiji have their own destiny, and they will get better." Lian Yan carelessly put his hand on Jiang Ye's shoulder and patted it, looking like two brothers. It looked good, but Jiang Ye was not used to getting too close to others, so he shrank unnaturally.

But Lian Yan's strength was too great. After a long silence, he gave up resistance and lowered his eyes and said, "I'd like to lend you some good words."

Few people come to the mountains, which are overgrown with weeds.

Shu Jue and the others were harvesting spiritual plants from a pile of weeds. The geese were plucking their feathers to such an extent that Jiang Ye on the side was dumbfounded.

He had already obtained the traceless flower, and he only needed one for the mission. Lian Yan directly uprooted it, picked ten of them and stuffed them into his hand: "Take it, take it, they are all ownerless things, you are so polite."

After saying that, he turned around and collected all the traceless flowers: "Wuhu! What a great harvest!"

In the outside world, this Wuhenhua is rare. It is the "hemp powder" in the world of immortality. No matter how injured you are, just apply a little traceless flower juice to relieve pain immediately.

Another function is that it is the Mongolian sweat medicine in the world of immortality.

Take food or water with Wuhen flower juice added, and Nascent Soul masters can fall asleep when they come.

"Speaking of which, who picked all the traceless flowers outside?" Lian Yan muttered.

Didn’t I say that there used to be many traceless flowers outside the mountains?

Because they were closer to the center of the mountain range, Shujue suggested that Jiang Ye go out with them.

Jiang Ye thought for a while, didn't say anything, and just nodded lightly.

"What is that?" Walking further inside, Mu Qianqian saw something that seemed to be smoking inside.

Smoke curled up from the kitchen, making it look like someone was living in a house.

"They are demon villages. There are many in this mountain range." Jiang Ye explained, and he pointed to the distance: "The demons are different from us humans. Humans all live in towns, while the demons live separately. Yes, some villages may only have a few households, like the one in front, it should be a small village."

The demons are very competitive and disobedient to discipline. Compared with the demons in the world of cultivating immortals, the demons on the first level are like a piece of loose sand.

Shujue and the others took a closer look and realized that it was really a demon village.

This village looks very much like the Linshui Village Shujue once saw, except that there are very few residents.

A rough count showed that there were only about ten households.

Shu Jue closed her eyes, and her consciousness spread out, covering the village in just an instant.

Including the elderly and children, there are a total of forty-six demons in the village. Today seems to be a big day for the village, and every household is preparing for something. "That's..." Mu Qianqian looked at the bloody limbs on the ground and retched.

Several people calmed down and hid on different branches to watch.

Only then did they realize that the ingredients they prepared were all human flesh and blood!

"I'll go! Junior sister is right, these demons deserve to die! Regardless of age or gender, they deserve to die!" Lian Yan watched an old demon clan drink a cup of human blood, and after drinking it, he licked it with unsatisfied intent. Licking the rim of the cup.

Seeing the bright red color at the corner of the old man's mouth, he hardened his fists and sent a message to Jiang Ye: "Brother Jiang, haven't you noticed that there are fewer people in the town?"

"I found it." Jiang Ye nodded, "So if there is no one left, the house will be ransacked."

Lian Yan: "..." That's not what he wanted to ask at all!

"Maybe you just came here and it's hard to understand," Jiang Ye couldn't understand it at first, but gradually became numb: "There are only so many houses on this floor, and houses cannot be built by oneself, which means that the town can only accommodate so many people. People who have no place to live and are not strong enough will become food for monsters at night. Many people wish that the people who own houses would die so that they could take the houses as their own."

Some people will give out spiritual stones and rent them in other people's homes, but the fees are prohibitively high.

Not everyone can stay in the inn for several days like Shu Jue. The innkeeper is always good at choosing dishes.

Here, the fertility of monks is stronger than that in the outside world, so there is no need to worry about the population inside being reduced.

"The strongest ones in this village are the mid-stage Nascent Souls, the four Nascent Souls, and the rest are Golden Elixir and Foundation Establishment." Shujue sensed it and informed everyone about the situation in the village.

"Leave a few Nascent Souls to me, and I'll leave the golden elixir to you." She looked at the demon clan, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she could hardly suppress her murderous intent.

In addition to the demons, she also sensed that there were humans inside who were losing their lives.

It was two women and a child, and they were hopeless.

Shu Jue took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"Qianqian, let's set up a siege formation outside first. We can't let these demons escape."

"Okay." Mu Qianqian took the top-quality spiritual stone handed over by Shu Jue as the formation's eye, and began to set up the surrounding area.

Jiang Ye was startled: "Is this Senior Mu an array master?"

"Yes, Qianqian is a fourth-level formation mage. Don't worry, if we take action soon, no one of those demons will escape." Lian Yan squatted on the branch holding his sword, looking at the demons inside, and then My molars are almost broken.

Shen Xingzhan, on the other hand, took out a bunch of bottles and jars and said, "See what elixirs you need and take them yourself." These were all he had refined in the past few days, and all the spiritual plants in the storage bag had been consumed. It's almost there, I added a lot more today.

Jiang Ye was stunned again: "Is this Senior Shen the alchemist?" He looked at Shen Xingzhan, his eyes a little fiery.

"Yes, Xing Zhan is a fourth-level alchemist."

"Fourth level..." Jiang Ye's eyes darkened.

"Should we be able to advance to the fifth level in a few days, right?" Lian Yan thought for a while and added.

Jiang Ye suddenly raised his head and looked at Shen Xingzhan's eyes that were shining.

Jiang Ye: I will do anything for the elixir.

Shen Xingzhan: Are you willing to do anything? Then let's see if you dominate the first floor

Jiang Ye: "..." OK

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