Chapter 116 Fighting against Yao Zhu

The wind whistled like a low whine, and the snow became heavier and heavier, mixed with tiny ice beads, which made people feel painful when they hit them.

The long sword in Yu Mingli's hand buzzed, and her long hair fluttered wildly in the wind and snow.

Yongzhu recognized the long sword in her hand at a glance, and the evil red light flowed in her narrow eyes: "This sword of yours... is the Xuanyuan Divine Sword? It actually exists?"

The top ten artifacts have always been regarded as things that only exist in legends, but now they have appeared in real life. Yongzhu licked his lips and narrowed his eyes.

This divine sword cannot display its true strength in the hands of a human bug.

"Since you were kind enough to give me the divine sword, I will leave you intact." Yuzhu stood in the air, looking at the people below, with only indifference and cruelty in his eyes: "As for the others... I will kill you all. Tear it into pieces and feed it to my lovely mount..."

"Yunchen, you take them away, and I'll stop you." Yu Mingli lowered her eyes, and her black pupils gradually expanded, almost covering all the whites of her eyes.

Xuanyuan Sword is not a product of this world, and this body cannot withstand the "power" on the sword.

"Xu Li, I won't leave you alone." Chu Yunchen handed the high priest to Su Chiqing to take care of, and he stood side by side with his sword.

The girl's aura was completely different from before. She was chased away by low-level monsters when they first met... Chu Yunchen was stunned for a moment, but he quickly recovered.

No matter what she was hiding or why she was hiding it, he only knew that for a moment she was standing in front of him with her sword, and that was enough.

"Okay! Okay! You two are not afraid of death, so let's start with you -" He smiled ferociously, with demonic aura overflowing from his body, and his whole body was surrounded by dark red demonic aura.

His pupils suddenly dilated and he suddenly moved.

The majestic breath hit his face, making people panic and almost breathless.

I saw the afterimage flickering, and in just one breath, Yong Zhu appeared in front of Yu Mingli, his right hand turned into a claw, and he grabbed her neck.

Yu Mingli's breathing was turbulent for a moment, she closed her eyes and raised her sword to block it. The long sword was placed in front of her face and collided hard with that hand!

"Xingli!" The moment Xingzhu attacked Yushuangli, Chu Yunchen didn't care about anything else and directly activated the skills in his body, stabbing Xingzhu in the back with a sword.

There was a crisp "clang" sound, and the long sword seemed to be pierced with iron ore. It had clearly pierced the fabric, but it was difficult to move forward against the skin of Yongzhu's back.

Not even a scratch on the skin!

On the contrary, Chu Yunchen's tiger's mouth was so painful that he almost couldn't hold the sword.

Is this the existence above the gods?

Yu Huangli raised her hand to wipe away the blood that overflowed from the corners of her lips. She clearly had her eyes closed, but she could feel the bloodlust in the eyes of the man opposite her, as well as his ant-like expression.

He was about to slap Chu Yunchen's heart with a palm, but Yu Mingli's movements were a moment faster than his, and he mobilized the spiritual power in his body to directly hit the palm!

[Host, if this continues, you won’t be able to delay time for them, you will die! 】The system's voice was extremely anxious. It helped Qiang Yuhuangli improve her cultivation, briefly raising her cultivation to the middle stage of divine transformation, but the strength of her body did not increase accordingly.

The weak body of the alchemist has been strengthened a lot after the host entered, but this does not mean that she can fight against the demon!

Yu Mingli took ten steps back and felt a stinging pain on her wrist. She felt as if she had been pricked by needles all over her body. Her lungs were burning with pain, and she almost let go of the sword.

She calmly swallowed the blood that surged up in her throat, her long eyelashes trembling slightly: "Help me block the pain." 】 【Host! You are crazy! I'll take you away. Let's not care about this world. Anyway, the plot has collapsed. The world will collapse when it collapses. How about we leave? You will really die if you do this! ] The system's voice was a bit sharp, and it felt that the host must be crazy.

Having walked through so many worlds with her, it has never seen its host so crazy.

Why? Doesn't it mean that she won't risk her life for some unrelated people?

Doesn't it mean that even if she is the heroine, even if she has a good impression of the heroine, she will leave directly when necessary?

[System, you don’t understand. 】Yu Mingli took a breath, but it felt like a century had passed. In the ice and snow, she was covered in sweat, and her long hair was sticky on her face.

She came from Blue Star, which was a beautiful place, but one day it suffered a disaster due to the arrival of the Zerg.

That day, her mother, a powerful leader of the human race, stood in front of countless weaklings just like she did today. Those people in the Lan tribe really looked like me back then.

[Just think of it as a whim. 】

She worked hard to complete tasks and earn points, just so that one day she could return to Blue Star and kill all the Zerg.

But you can't turn back time, and what you lost can no longer come back.

Yu Mingli opened her eyes, and the black color that occupied her entire eye socket was extremely strange.

She held the sword in both hands and pointed it at Yao Zhu - If you could see it, would you be proud of me? Mother. The children who could only hide behind you and be protected now have the ability to protect others.

Everyone in the Lan tribe had already lost consciousness and collapsed on the ground. The old high priest's old body was covered by a cloak, and the crutch she was holding was covered with frost. Su Chiqing was taking care of her. she.

With Yong Zhuo staring like this, Yun Zhou couldn't start at all. The two parties were in a stalemate. The few people below forced themselves to release their spiritual power to offset the pressure a little.

Fortunately, the pressure was not released against them, otherwise they would not be able to protect these ordinary people.

"Cough..." The high priest coughed suddenly. Su Chiqing looked over and saw that she had woken up at some point. Her face was gray and her breathing was somewhat rapid.

"Grandma Priest! Hold on, I'll get you the elixir!" Su Chiqing hurriedly rummaged through the storage bag, but the old man just shook his head at her.

She stood up shakily on crutches and looked at the two opposing sides under Yun Zhou.

"Are you Tao Tzu?" The old voice came from under the cloak, plain and calm.

This voice made Yongzhu slightly startled, and he realized that there was actually an old woman who was awake. He snorted, "Old man, do you know me?"

"Old lady, I am the 139th generation priest of the Lan tribe, and I have seen your portrait." The high priest did not panic because of the murderous aura all over his body, "The Lan tribe was originally created to seal your demon clan. Health. Now, go back to where you belong."

(End of this chapter)

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