Chapter 118 Trading

Shu Jue quickly sent a message to them: "I am a human being from the human race. We are the same race. I will not harm you."

There was a guard in the yard outside, and Shu Jue didn't want to do anything to him yet, so he didn't want them to attract the demons.

Unexpectedly, even though they showed their identities as human beings, they were still panicked. Only then did Shu Jue notice that these people all had talismans on their bodies - talismans that were only found in the human race.

That's why she didn't sense the auras of these people when she used her spiritual sense to explore.

"Don't make any noise. If you listen to me now, I will rescue you later." Shu Jue made a silent gesture.

There were a total of eight people in this room, all of whom looked young. All of them had their hands and feet tied up, and had talismans attached to their bodies. They looked at Shu Jue with fear and a little hope in their eyes.

The smell of blood in the room had not dissipated, and the room was dark, but that didn't stop Shujue from seeing a brown stain on the ground that hadn't completely dried yet.

Her eyes darkened a bit, thinking about what those people outside were eating and the situation she perceived, and her breathing became heavier because of her anger.

"Now I ask you, and you just need to nod or shake your head when you answer, okay?"

In the darkness, she saw those people hesitated for a while and nodded.

"Were you captured by the demons?"

Several people looked up at her, as if hesitating whether to answer this question. In the end, they shook their heads one after another.

"Were you sold here by people from the town?"

Several people nodded.

"Do all the people in the city know about this kind of business?"*

This time everyone was silent, no nodding or shaking their heads.

Shu Jue guessed that they didn't know whether those people knew about it.

She sighed: "Since I promised to save you, I will definitely not leave you alone. But now, you need to continue to stay here and wait for me to come to you after I finish my work. Secondly, don't talk, don't talk to me Is it possible to attract the demons from outside?"

Several people nodded quickly, and one of the girls waved her tied wrists under Shujue's eyes, her eyes full of prayer.

Her skin was delicate, and the demon's rope was tied so tightly that the rope broke the skin of her wrists and even seeped into her flesh.

Shu Jue pondered for a long time, summoned the moon-drawing sword, and cut off the ropes on their wrists and ankles.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, an unreasonable voice sounded behind him: "You can't leave. Since you said you want to save us, you have to take us with you!"

"Amin, what are you..." The girl who was begging Shujue to untie the rope stopped her in surprise. She realized halfway through her words that she had also made a sound, and she glanced at Shujue cautiously.

Shujue's face instantly darkened and she looked at the person who spoke first, "Who asked you to speak!" She asked questions through voice transmission. Did this idiot do it on purpose? Does she treat the guard outside as a mute?

The woman named Amin was unconvinced and wanted to argue. Just as she was about to speak, the voice of the demon came from outside!

Several guarding demons outside entered the yard with weapons, and the footsteps gradually approached, mixed with curses.

The moment the door was pushed open, Shujue raised her hand and chopped off the demon's head with a sword.

The cursing stopped abruptly.

When the other three people saw this and were about to call for help, a few rays of cold light flashed past, and the three demons fell to the ground without breathing.

Shu Jue looked at the girl who spoke coldly: "Is this the result you want?"

"I...I...don't you save us? What will happen if the demons come in and kill us after you leave?" She stiffened her neck, her eyes wandering and did not dare to look at Shujue's face: "Besides, we are being fed Now that we have the elixir, we are just like ordinary people. What will we do if you don’t protect us?”

Shujue looked at her confident look and was stunned for a while. Instead, she laughed out loud: "Who told you that I would protect you? I said I would save you only because you obeyed the arrangements."    "Like it Are you following me? Come on, I'll take you away now."

Shu Jue took out the rope from the storage bag and tied her up directly: "I am going to kill the demons now. If you like to follow me so much, then follow me."

As soon as she heard that she was going to kill the demons, the girl's eyes widened and she began to struggle, but how could Shujue's strength be comparable to that of an ordinary person like her now? She couldn't break free from Shu Jue's grasp.

She could only scream for Shujue to let her go.

Shu Jue sneered: "Scream, just shout louder, it will attract other demons to you and make them pay for your screams."

The guards outside the courtyard changed their posts almost every half an hour. Half an hour was not enough for Shujue and the others to kill all the demons inside. The intrusion of outsiders could not be hidden for long.

Shu Jue was almost bored to death.

She looked at the other people who were hesitant to speak: "What are you still doing? Why don't you quickly find a place to hide and wait for the demons to catch you?"

Don't think she doesn't know what's going on in their hearts.

She directly stuffed an elixir into Amin's mouth. When the elixir entered his mouth, Amin became mute and looked at Shujue in horror with his mouth open.

"If you cause trouble again, I'll kill you." Shujue gave her a cold look, then carried her away.

The remaining people looked at each other.

They also didn't expect that Shu Jue really didn't care about them when he said he didn't care about them.

Now the corpses of several guards were lying in the yard. Once they were discovered, they really couldn't run away, but where could they go if they ran again?

The girl who begged Shujue to cut the rope glanced at the broken rope in the room and said, "I'm not leaving. There's no place to hide anyway."

After saying that, she walked back to the house, tied the rope back up, and huddled in the corner, as if nothing had happened.

Seeing this, the others only hesitated for a short while, then followed her lead and returned to the house.

When the demons realized something was wrong and came over, they found that there was only one person missing.

"It must have been that woman!" The leader didn't even think too much about why she had that strength. He only thought that she didn't take the pill that limited her strength.

"This damn human woman, a lowly insect, I'm going to kill her!"

The real murderer has now started his killing spree tonight with the girl named Amin.

"The human flesh is quite fresh today."

"Can it not be fresh? Let me tell you, the child's meat is very fresh, and the blood, have you drank it? It tastes really good."

"I just took a small sip, but the blood was still too little. I wonder when they will provide us with more humans..."

As soon as the man finished speaking, a gust of sword wind struck him, grazing his face and cutting off several strands of his hair.

"Who!" the man was furious.

The man next to him was not as good as him in cultivation and not as lucky as him. He was directly stabbed through the heart with a knife and died.

(End of this chapter)

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