After converting to Qingqing Dao, my little junior sister went crazy

Chapter 120 Let me see what’s different about you demons

Chapter 120 Let me see what’s different about you demons

Red light suddenly appeared, forming an almost transparent red wall around them.

Outside the red wall, there was calm and calm. Within the red wall, several wind blades attacked the demons at the same time. The attack was like a dense network and there was no way to avoid it.

The demon who led the way didn't understand until his death why he still didn't escape.

Obviously those two human races promised to leave him a way to survive...

Outside the formation, demons occasionally passed by, but they did not notice anything strange around them; while the demons inside the formation were dodging in embarrassment, and those who were exhausted were mercilessly strangled by the formation.

The physical strength of the demons is limited, but the formation will not stop as long as there are spiritual stones running.

Seeing the blood of the demons flowing all over the floor, Lian Yan felt a sense of pleasure in his heart.

He wanted to see this scene the moment he saw the demons treating humans as food. This result was what the demons deserved.

Shen Xingzhan and Mu Qianqian squatted outside the village. When they saw the bonfire in the village gradually dimming, they knew that Shujue and the others had taken action.

"These demons are really disgusting."

Seeing the scene of the demon holding a human hand and chewing it, Shen Xingzhan felt physically uncomfortable and almost vomited, his face was as white as paper.

He had heard that demons cannibalize humans, but he thought those were just rumors. He believed that demons tortured humans.

Today, when he saw the demons treating people as food, Shen Xingzhan thought of his master.

The little old man who raised him but was killed by the demons, what kind of torture did he suffer at the hands of the demons before his death?

Shen Xingzhan looked in the direction of the demon village and could almost imagine how happily Shujue and the others killed the demons.

He looked down at his palms, which were red and blistered from sword practice. The master said that these hands were made for refining elixirs, but he felt that they were not just for refining elixirs.

One day, his figure will appear in the army that kills the demons.

In the village, Shujue was sitting leisurely in the village chief's house. She even took out a tea set from her storage bag to drink tea. Her unhurried look made Amin very anxious:

Can't you see the killing intent in the village chief's eyes? Why are you still thinking about drinking tea?

Of course Shu Jue knew that the village chief had murderous intentions towards her, but so what? As long as she is not anxious, others will be anxious.

By the time there were footsteps at the door of the house, Shujue had almost finished drinking a pot of tea.

As soon as the demons came in, they saw Shu Jue and the woman who was tied and thrown aside. Wasn't it the one they were looking for everywhere?

One of the demons became angry immediately, and he didn't even care that there was a stranger next to him - the village chief didn't say anything. This human race must be the same as those people.

He stepped forward and raised his hand to slap Amin on the face.

Unexpectedly, before his hand touched her, it was blocked by a sharp sword.

Facing the anger of the demon man, Shujue raised her eyebrows slightly: "I'm still here, and it wouldn't be good for you to attack my fellow tribesmen, right?" There was a faint cold light in her dark apricot eyes. She looked at the man, and the aura around her Danger.

The man's eyelids twitched and he subconsciously took a step back. The place where he was standing suddenly became filled with dust!

"Oh, I'm sorry, it was cut crookedly." Shujue pulled out the sword and looked at the dust on the silver sword, feeling a pain in her heart.

The village chief's house is not paved with stones, it is all soil, and the moon-inducing sword is covered with dust when he touches it with his sword.

She put away the moon-inducing sword and took off the snow-covered belt from her waist.

"What do you mean by human race?" Shujue tapped his fingertips on the snow, and his eyes swept over the several demons one by one.

It was obviously just a normal look, but several demons felt an unfriendly killing intent in it.

"Whose subordinate are you? Has he ever taught you that you have to keep your tail between your legs in our village?" The violence in the village chief's eyes flashed, and his eyes gradually turned red.

As he spoke, several demons moved forward, with a faint tendency to surround Shu Jue.

Unexpectedly, Shu Jue didn't seem to notice their murderous intention, but instead smiled: "Who do you think I am? I don't know who can control me on this first level."

She has only been on the first floor for a few days and has few acquaintances. Who can control her?

"Ha... don't tell me if you don't want to. You just cut off your arm to make amends with him." The village chief glanced at Shujue's arm and said sullenly: "Maybe you don't want to cut off your own arm. It’s okay to leave the arms and the whole body.”

The moment Shu Jue made her move, the village chief confirmed that she only had the strength of the golden elixir.

Originally he was worried about whether she had any reservations, but after confirming that Shu Jue was not their opponent, the village chief's attitude immediately changed.

The eyes he looked at Shu Jue gradually became hot and salivating.

In the eyes of the demons, those with better talents taste more delicious and their blood is more delicious.

All the products sent in the town are defective products, how can they be as good as the one in front of you?

"I think there is another option that is more suitable." Shu Jue held the snow tightly and raised the ugly fire stick: "I think this place is quite good. I will bury you here. What do you think? ?”

"Presumptuous! Catch this human race!"

"I think you are the one who is so presumptuous!" Shujue waved away all the demons that were coming towards her with a stick. The strength of Yuan Ying's Dzogchen was fully revealed. She looked at the demons in front of her, and the murderous intent was no longer hidden in her eyes. : "You deserve to die if you feed on human flesh and blood."

The momentum around him suddenly exploded, and the room and walls couldn't bear it, so they exploded and turned into powder.

Amin was tied up and couldn't hide away, and dust fell all over her, choking her and making her cough.

When she came to her senses again, only two of the four Nascent Soul stage demons were left!

When the other two demons saw Shu Jue's Nascent Soul Great Perfection strength, they tried to escape, but Shu Jue saw through his intention and smashed their heads one by one with a stick. The red and white blood flowed all over the floor. The fishy smell spread and was nauseating.

Shu Jue looked at those things with an expression of indifference he had never seen before: "Seeing that you treat humans as food, I thought you were different from humans. It turns out that you all have the same things in your head?"

She turned her head and stared at the village chief and another demon man - the demon who was almost killed by her sword because of attacking Amin.

"Let me see if your hearts are different from those of the human race - otherwise, how could you come up with such an idea."

She moved suddenly, and only a pink afterimage could be seen.

Before the village chief even had time to say anything, he felt a strong wind blowing towards him. Subconsciously, he grabbed the man next to him and blocked him in front of him.

There was a soft "Puff" sound, and something warm splashed out and fell on his face.

As soon as the village chief let go, the demon man's body fell down.

Looking at Shu Jue, his throat was tight and he couldn't say a word. An unprecedented sense of crisis made his scalp numb.

(End of this chapter)

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