Chapter 130 Xuanniao asks for help

After hearing this, everyone in Guiteng who didn't know why was confused. Why did the boss sound like he was scolding a grizzly bear? what's the situation?

Grizzly Bear always had a smile on his face, as if Dai Linshan's words had no impact on his mood: "Why did Commander Dai say this? As the saying goes, if you don't do it for yourself, heaven will kill you. This is just following instinct."

Dai Linshan snorted lightly and did not intend to talk to him again.

But the grizzly bear continued: "Captain Dai, you have seen this situation now. Although this monster is seriously injured and has just given birth, its strength cannot be underestimated. Why don't we cooperate? It will be up to whoever owns the cubs when the time comes. ability."

"Cooperation?" Dai Linshan looked at him coldly: "The sun is out in the west today, and your dignified leader of the Grizzlies actually came to me to discuss cooperation?" She raised her voice specially, causing the already curious people to crane their necks to watch. .

Who is Grizzly Bear? The mercenary group is known as a poisonous snake. If they have no choice but to deal with him, the mercenaries would like to avoid him.

And he himself has a reputation that is not very good. He lives alone with the notorious group of people in the Fangs and does not communicate with other people in the mercenary group.

Today he actually invited people to cooperate in person? Something's wrong! Something is wrong!

However, before Dai Linshan could say anything, a ray of fire burst out from the hole, accompanied by a violent cry, and a wave of heat hit her face.

This time the tongues of fire were more raging than the last time, and they swept towards everyone as if they were conscious.

Then, a big red bird jumped out from the flames, galloped up into the sky, and finally stopped in mid-air. Its eyes were bigger than a human head and stared at the crowd unblinkingly. Its wings flapped, It brought a burst of heat.

"Is this... the eighth-level monster produced?"

The whole body seemed to be burning with blazing flames, and there were three wings on its tail trailing long behind.

"No...if this is a serious injury, wouldn't it be enough for us people to fill the gap between its teeth under normal circumstances?"

The discussion among the crowd was cautious, for fear that the big fiery bird would come to him.

Damn it, who said the monster about to give birth was seriously injured? You call this a serious injury?

Lian Yan swallowed: "Little Junior Sister, didn't you say there were three hours... It's only been less than half an hour, why did it come out?"

The big bird flapped its wings and circled back and forth in the sky, its eyes constantly looking at everyone.

It looked impatient, but it had no intention of attacking the group of people below.

"Is there a possibility... it's not the one that gave birth to the monster?" Shujue couldn't tell the gender of the monster, but she was sure that the big guy above was not the one that gave birth.

So the most likely possibility is that it is the mate of the monster that gave birth.

In terms of appearance, it looks somewhat similar to the black bird, and it can indeed be regarded as having the blood of the phoenix.

But - even if she uses the technique, she can't be its opponent.

The black bird seemed to have some scruples and did not directly release its pressure, but just hovering in the sky gave people the feeling of being out of breath.

"Little junior sister, what should we do now? Just run away?" Lian Yan felt a little frightened looking at its size. It didn't need to move its claws, it could just fall from the sky and kill a bunch of people.

Eighth-level monsters...he had never seen them before in the world of immortal cultivation.

Shu Jue shook her head: "No, let's check the situation first." The black bird didn't seem to have any intention of harming them. If it had any malicious intent, it would have taken action directly.

The most important thing is that no one has left yet. If they move now, they will definitely attract Xuanniao's attention.

The eighth-level monster was also a flying monster, and Shu Jue did not dare to compete with it in speed.

The black bird hovered in the air for a long time, until the pitiful chirping came from the cave again. It finally became restless and flew downwards, its wings flapping and bringing up huge winds, which made the people below almost unsteady. But at this time, how can they care about whether they can stand firm? The monster beast that was born is still in the cave, so isn't the one in the sky now an eighth-level monster in full bloom?

"Oh my God!" Some people were so frightened that they subconsciously raised their legs and ran away.

With him taking the lead, the originally frightened crowd turned into a mess, everyone screaming and wanting to escape from this dangerous zone.

This time it was Xuanniao's turn to be unhappy.

It was so merciful that it didn't do anything to these little ants, but they ended up howling like ghosts. What does that mean?

A mouthful of fire spurted out of his mouth, and the person who took the lead in escaping was burned to ashes.

The woods he ran towards immediately burst into flames.

Shu Jue and others were still in the woods when a fire suddenly fell down on them and almost burned them all.

Lian Yan couldn't dodge, and one of his sleeves caught fire, so he screamed and put out the fire. In desperation, they had no choice but to come out of the woods and walk to the open space.

The fire on Lian Yan's sleeves was extinguished by Shu Jue's water spiritual power, but he could no longer afford the clothes, and some wounds on his arms were also burned away. As a swordsman, he was not very afraid of pain, but when he thought of the unlucky guy who took the lead in running away and was burned to ashes, he couldn't help but cursed twice in his heart.

The black bird in the sky suddenly lit up when it saw Shu Jue and the others.

Its body slowly shrank under the gaze of everyone, until it became no different from the size of a normal human being.

Seeing that it seemed to be about to land, everyone panicked and gave way to a large open space.

Even the grizzly bear, whose eyes were full of calculations at first, was no exception.

In the face of absolute strength, all calculations are empty talk, but if he wants to plan, the big bird can beat him to a pulp with one claw, and the spiritual shield will not be deployed in time.

In the surprised and somewhat frightened eyes of Shu Jue and others, Xuanniao stopped in front of them.

Those eyes seemed to be full of human emotions, looking them up and down many times - to be more precise, they looked at Shen Xingzhan.

Shen Xingzhan was staring at it so hard that his scalp went numb.

A clear bird song sounded, and the black bird flapped its wings, turned around and walked towards the entrance of the cave. After walking a few steps, he turned back to look at Shen Xingzhan.

"What do you mean...ask me to follow you?" Shen Xingzhan's voice was filled with uncertainty.

Then, they saw the black bird nodding towards them!

So humane...Shu Jue turned to stone.

Several people followed Xuanniao step by step. Unexpectedly, after taking a few steps, Xuanniao chirped impatiently. It stared at Shujue and others with unfriendly eyes.

Obviously, it wouldn't let Shujue and the others in.

Shen Xingzhan bravely took a few steps forward: "This... senior, these are my friends. They are all very good people. Besides, senior, you are so powerful, how can we be your opponent..."

The black bird seemed to understand. Shujue even heard it snort, feeling a little arrogant, and then took the lead to walk into the cave.

(End of this chapter)

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