After converting to Qingqing Dao, my little junior sister went crazy

Chapter 138 Late night secret conversation, Shu Jue takes action

Chapter 138 Late night secret conversation, Shu Jue takes action

The dark night is vast and boundless, and the bright white moon is like a round hole cut out by someone in the night. The full moon without impurities will appear every night.

There are no clouds or stars in the sky, only the full moon looking down at all living beings day after day without getting tired.

In the dark night, several dark figures sneaked into the city.

They were wearing black cloaks, and their entire bodies were hidden under the large cloaks. Their appearance could not be clearly seen.

"Village Chief, do we really want to go in directly?" They had already reached the point of entering the town. One of them flinched a little and stretched out his hand to pull the brim of his hat lower.

Through the moonlight, you can see the deep purple magic lines covering his hand.

The man he called the village chief turned around and glared at him fiercely: "If you don't want to come in, go back now! Don't get in the way when the time comes!"

If his strength hadn't been among the best in the entire village, the village chief wouldn't have wanted to take him out.

He is usually timid and timid, not like a demon at all.

Sure enough, bastards are bastards, and half of the human bloodline is worse than pure demons. I really don’t know what his bastard father did to fall in love with a human being.

are you crazy? Fall in love with your food?

The man he scolded seemed a little aggrieved. He gave him a submissive look and said in a low voice: "I didn't say I was coming..." He had been practicing at home and was taken out inexplicably.

"Tu Xue!" The village chief couldn't bear hearing his muttering: "If you talk too much, go back!"

Tu Xue, who was under the cloak, sighed: "Yes, village chief."

"So are you guys." The village chief clearly felt that the other demons were gloating about their misfortune. He turned around and glared at those people: "Don't think that I won't talk about you after I said Tu Xue! I tell you, if today Whoever does bad things, I will drain your blood and hang it on the big tree at the entrance of the village when you get back!"

The grinning people under the cloaks could no longer laugh.

Shu Jue and others were hiding in the dark, watching the demons disappear from under their noses after a few ups and downs, and their eyes couldn't help but feel a bit chilly.

How bold are these demons...entering the town with such arrogance? You really think that no one in the town is on guard, right?

Shu Jue made a gesture, and several people flew towards the entrance of the mountain range knowingly.

Now that the demons are advancing into the city, isn't it too much for them to take a stroll in the demons' lairs?

The two parties were heading in different directions.

Shu Jue easily found the lair of the demons by relying on the map.

At this time, everyone in the village from Nascent Soul and above had gone out. Shujue and the others suddenly broke in, and the remaining demons fled around like headless flies.

But with the formation master Mu Qianqian here, can they still be allowed to escape?

With her previous experience in setting up formations and her diligent practice, setting up formations to surround the demons was now a piece of cake for her.

Even after setting up those siege formations, she could continue to set up several more killing formations against the demons. She was full of energy and not tired at all.

Shu Jue raised the knife and killed the demons without any hesitation, as if she was cutting a carrot.

The other few couldn't bear to see the demon children in front of them, but when they thought of what Shujue and Jiang Ye said before, they gritted their teeth and finally dropped the sword. Keeping these children, they will become the chief culprits that harm the human race when they grow up, so it is better to eradicate them.

Those demons who entered the town did not realize that their home bases were being taken away. They entered the town and walked to the entrance of the mercenary union by the familiar route.

The door under the mercenary union is not closed at night because monsters cannot get in.

Several demons went directly to the third floor, which was now brightly lit.

"Coming?" Li Heng sat at the top. Tables and chairs had been set up beside him. He slightly raised his hands to several demons: "Sit down."

The village chief was not polite to him. He led several people to find their own seats and sat down, with a serious look on his face: "I'm afraid that if you don't come here, that dead girl from your human race will enter the village!"

"Li, don't forget what you promised me back then. If anyone in the human race knew about it, you said you would deal with it. Now that the other two villages are dead, you can tell me what you want to do. How to deal with it?"

There was anger in him.

Whether the people in the other two villages were alive or dead had nothing to do with him originally, but those people were dead, and now the knife was hanging over his head?

Li Heng looked at him, his expression unchanged: "Village Chief An, I think you haven't figured out the situation yet? In order to protect the town from your demons, I promised to donate humans to you. But now, this You are the only one big village left in the first-level demon race, and the rest of the small villages are no longer in danger. Are you sure you still want to talk to me in such a questioning tone?"

There was a smile on the corners of his mouth and between his eyebrows, but the smile did not reach his eyes.

The light words immediately stunned several demons present, and the blood from head to toe seemed to have solidified.

"What do you mean? Do you want to break the contract?" Village Chief An's face was gloomy, and murderous intent surged in his heart.

"Of course not, but you should also know that a Yuan Ying Dzogchen came in recently. She knows everything about us. She was also responsible for the things in the other two villages. And she and the few around her are not What simple characters, I don’t have the ability to deal with them.”

Li Heng's purpose couldn't be more obvious.

The appearance of Shu Jue and others gave him a sense of crisis, which became even stronger after Dai Linshan left the mercenary guild with Gui Teng.

He will never forget how hard he worked to get the position of president of the mercenary guild, so the first time he met Shujue, he became hostile to her, especially since she knew things he shouldn't know. .

"You said she is the Great Perfection of the Nascent Soul, so how can we be her opponents? Do you think that I, a late Nascent Soul, have the ability to kill her?" Village Chief An said with a cold face and an impatient expression.

Do you want them demons to pave the way for him? Don’t even think about it!

"Of course I won't let you face her in her prime. I will entertain them at Juyun Pavilion tomorrow. Then I will send someone to do some tricks in the food they eat, and I will ask you to help finish it off."

Li Heng couldn't take action in the broad daylight, so the blame could only be placed on the demon clan.

Anyway, the demon clan has not taken the blame once or twice. Will they care about it this time?

Village Chief An squinted his eyes, as if he was considering whether what he said was feasible. After a while, he nodded: "Yes, but after it is completed, you have to give me this amount every month."

He gestured with a number, and Li Heng couldn't help but sneer in his heart when he saw it. The old guy really didn't take any losses. He asked for ten people every month. Doesn't that mean that the quotas from the other two villages were given to his village?

 Shu Jue: Stealing a house



(End of this chapter)

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