After coming out of the domain, they encountered no other troubles on the road. Shujue and the others first reported that they were safe on the messenger jade, and then settled down to practice in the capital.

Qingluan and Shujue still signed an equality contract, and even the contract between Huo and Xuanniao was not canceled. Mu Qianqian and Lian Yan also signed an equality contract with the egg they were holding when they left the inheritance tower. This big family can be regarded as Settled in the world of immortality.

There is no way to solve Tu Xue's hair yet, so he can only let him wear a curtain hat with his long hair standing up, covering his entire face. If anyone asks, they will say that his face is damaged and it is difficult to show it to others.

Tu Xue didn't have any objections to this solution. He was like an obedient puppet. He would do whatever Shujue and the others asked him to do.

He was like this when he was in the Demon Clan. He would do whatever Village Chief An asked him to do. Of course, he had never done anything that harmed the human race, nor did the Demon Clan know how to "handle food". Let him do it.

Previously, because of his strength, he had been working as a thug in the village. Whenever a dispute broke out between the village and other villages, he would be the first to rush out.

Tu Xue didn't talk much, and was usually as silent as a mute. Shujue and a few people occasionally talked to him, but his answers usually didn't exceed ten words.

However, before leaving, Dai Linshan secretly told Shu Jue that Tu Xue was dull due to her living environment and told them not to mind too much, so Shu Jue didn't care too much.

After all, Tu Xue's eyes had a little more sparkle after coming out of the domain. Those eyes could not hide their curiosity and joy when they saw Yunzhou and everything around them. This is already good, isn't it?

Yunzhou traveled unimpeded all the way to Phoenix Swamp and landed outside the swamp.

Phoenix Swamp is a swamp that was formed many years ago. It is said that beneath the swamp here is the burial place of Black Phoenix.

The phoenix is ​​regarded as auspicious, but the black phoenix is ​​just the opposite. Because it contains poison from head to toe, it has been regarded as an unlucky thing by everyone for thousands of years.

The mud in this swamp is like a black phoenix. No matter how strong a monk is, if he is contaminated even a little bit, he will be poisoned. Within an hour, the place where the mud is contaminated will start to fester until the whole person is dissolved by the poison. , this process takes less than a day.

In the end, only a skeleton will be left of the poisoned person.

It is said that there was once a powerful man who transformed into a god because he did not believe in evil and was contaminated by mud. In the end, in order to save his life, he had to cut off half of his own arm. He was even a swordsman, so what is the difference between cutting off his right hand and taking half of his life?

After that, no one dared to risk their own safety on how powerful the silt toxin was.

The swamp of Phoenix Swamp is divided into "outer swamp" and "inner swamp". As the name suggests, Shujue and the others have to pass through only a small outer swamp, while the inner swamp is at the innermost place and is strictly guarded by the disciples and elders of each sect.

"This is really strange. There are swamps all around, but there is a road here." Lian Huo felt very strange as he walked on the road. This path is narrow, only wide enough for one person to pass through, and there are swamps on both sides, as if you will fall if you are not careful.

However, there is only one way through the swamp. Flying is prohibited in the sky. No matter how high or powerful you are, you can only walk through it honestly.

Several people quickly crossed the path, and their sight suddenly opened up.

Ahead is an open plain, with disciples wearing sect costumes coming and going, performing their daily patrol duties.

Shu Jue had just entered a few times when a disciple noticed them. The disciple, wearing the clothes of the Dan Sect, walked up to them and cupped his fists and raised his hands: "Are these fellow Taoists disciples sent by various sects? We have been waiting for a long time. Please come with me."

It can be seen that the houses here were built later. They seem to be temporary constructions. The buildings are not very exquisite. When you go in, you can see that they are very simple.

A relatively large room with nothing in it except tables and chairs. Several elders were already waiting inside.

"Good boy, thank you for your hard work." The person who spoke was Elder Hong from Qing Hong Sect. He said that Yuan Ying's Dzogchen cultivation, gray hair, long beard, and kind-hearted look on his face were quite... With a bit of celestial spirit, his eyes fell on Tu Xue and he hesitated for a while before asking: "This is..."

"Elder Hong, this is Tu Xue, a casual cultivator we rescued on the way. He is injured on the face and cannot show it to others, but you can rest assured that he is trustworthy."

Elder Hong nodded: "I see. You are here this time..."

He leisurely told the whole process of the disappearance of Elder Zhou and others, and then told them about the current situation of the seal.

Elder Zhou led a group of disciples on patrol that day and went to the sealing point in the west, but inexplicably later, not even those disciples came back.

The elders suspected that the seal was loose and some demons came out to kill them. However, when they checked the seal, they found that the seal had not changed at all; each sect also sent messages one after another to confirm that they were all still alive.

Several living people just disappeared out of thin air. After so many days, they still have no clue.

The mission of Shu Jue and the others was actually to verify that there was no problem with the seal, and to check if there were any demons among these people.

At this time, listening to Elder Hong's words, Shu Jue's brows furrowed sharply, and she asked Yin Yue in her heart where on earth these people had gone.

"We have to go to the sealing place and have a look." Yinyue's voice was a little tired.

She has been teaching Su Yan these days, and now Su Yan is equivalent to the strength of the middle stage of divine transformation, and has truly become a ghost king who can suppress one party.

She has seen Shu Jue's growth during this period. Although her cultivation has not changed much, her strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

It seems that the fourth spiritual root has a faint tendency to be generated, and the spiritual power consumed is much greater. This also causes her cultivation to remain at the early stage of the golden elixir on the surface.

Shu Jue had some thoughts in her heart, and she looked at Elder Hong: "Elder Hong, why don't you take us to the sealing point in the west?"

"That's okay." Elder Hong thought for a moment, then stood up and said to the other elders, "I'll leave this place under your care."

Before coming here, Shu Jue thought that the so-called seal was just a specific location, but after seeing the seal with her own eyes, Shu Jue was shocked.

The so-called seal covers the entire edge of the swamp.

A golden barrier visible to the naked eye divides this place into two sides. There seems to be sparkling water above the barrier. Looking up, the huge golden dome seems to cover the sky. When you turn your head and look around, wherever the wind blows, there will be waves. Golden ripples.

"This is the sealed land in the west." Elder Hong's voice sounded a little heavier and seemed a little older when he said these words.

Shu Jue looked in the direction he pointed, feeling deeply shocked.

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