Chapter 15

The elders outside were feeling embarrassed about the behavior of the disciples. The water mirror suddenly turned dark, and the scene in the sword tomb was invisible again.

In front of Shu Jue, the sword shattered and the disciple holding the sword woke up.

Although he did what he just did unconsciously, he has memory.

Thinking about the bastard things he had done, and then thinking about Shujue's ability to break the spiritual sword with two fingers...

"Gulu," he swallowed, his voice trembling: "This fellow Taoist, I'm really sorry just now, but can you listen to my explanation?"

Shu Jue ignored the ice spirit root who shouted "I still want to eat it" and said, "I know you were affected by the evil spirit on the sword. Don't worry, I don't blame you."

Seeing that she looked very talkative, the disciple breathed a sigh of relief. Just now he felt that his head was no longer on his neck.

"But..." Shu Jue pretended to be deep in thought, "Fellow Taoist, I see that you are young, have amazing bones, and are quite talented in saving the world. Do you want to do something earth-shattering?"

The surrounding disciples and casual cultivators were all still shouting and killing, but only the small corner where Shujue and the others were located was the quietest.

Not many people noticed that the sword was broken with bare hands, but some swordsmen noticed it!
The swords here are all old antiques that have been buried in the soil for who knows how long. They have basically developed spiritual consciousness, and the instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages drives them away from Shujue.

The disciple who attacked Shu Jue with a sword was a disciple from a small sect named Shen Yixiao.

After hearing what Shu Jue said about the important things, Shen Yixiao felt that his head was in danger again.

Shen Yixiao laughed bitterly, resigned to his fate and drew his sword.

Looking at the swords that filled the sword tomb, Binglinggen made an excited voice: "Eat! Eat! Eat!"

Shu Jue reached up and drew the sword while consciously communicating with it: "It's agreed, I'll be seven and you'll be three."

Originally she didn't want to draw the sword, but the Ice Spirit Root can purify the evil spirit and demonic energy on the sword and transform it into the purest spiritual energy.

She admitted that she felt shamefully moved when she heard this.

But she was too slow to draw the sword by herself, and she couldn't put the two girls Li Yinyin and Lin Nianjiao in danger. She could only enslave Shen Yixiao who had just pointed the sword at her.

The huge sword tomb was extremely noisy, with the sounds of swords clashing, yelling, and sword clanging all mixed together.

If it weren't for the fact that there were only human monks in this sword tomb, Shujue would have almost thought that this place was a demon battlefield.

She rolled up her sleeves, asked Lin Nianjiao and Li Yinyin to protect themselves, and then rushed into the crowd with a fire stick in hand.

Reiki, here she comes!

Over there, Chu Yunchen noticed something was wrong as soon as he touched the sword, and withdrew his hand in time.

"What's wrong? Senior Brother Yunchen?" Yu Mingli was always paying attention to him, and immediately stepped forward to care for him when she saw him frowning. "There's something wrong with this sword." Chu Yunchen's brows wrinkled into the word "Chuan". As soon as he touched the sword, he felt an indescribable tingling sensation in his palm.

As the disciples were affected by the sword, he pulled Yu Mingli aside.

Looking at his hand holding her wrist, Yu Mingli pretended to be shy, but she couldn't blush and could only lower her head.

"What's going on? System? There seems to be no such thing as Sword Tomb in the original plot?"

There was no white light in the desert, no teaming up between Shu Jue and Dan Sect's disciples, and no fighting between these disciples in the Sword Tomb.

The whole sword tomb was like a big fight. You cut me once and I stabbed you twice.

Fortunately, none of these disciples had used their spiritual power, and no one had died yet. But looking at the seriously injured disciples, Yu Mingli felt that they were not far away from death.

She tugged on Chu Yunchen's sleeves and said cautiously: "Brother Yunchen, shall we go help?" She pointed at the seriously injured disciple who fell on the ground, "Let's send him out while he is still alive?"

Most of the disciples signed up to hang their waistbands on their waists, and anyone could crush them with their spiritual power.

Under normal circumstances, crushing other people's reputations would not be allowed, but in this special case, this was the only way to save the lives of those people.

Of course, Yu Mingli could say this because she was sure that Chu Yunchen would not be hurt.

Because she knew that Chu Yunchen's strength was only at the peak of Foundation Establishment on the surface, but due to the particularity of the techniques he practiced, his actual combat effectiveness was comparable to that of the middle stage of the Golden Core.

Chu Yunchen looked at him with obviously complicated eyes.

Yu Mingli could guess that he must be shocked in his heart by his kindness.

Chu Yunchen os: Will this rookie junior sister be killed when I leave?
In the end, he hesitated and rushed into the crowd.

The sword tomb is a hundred feet high from the ground, and late-arriving disciples can hear shouts of beating and killing below before they get down.

I stretched out my head and took a look, my dear, there was really a fight going on down there, with white knives going in and red knives coming out, it was serious!
The disciples above looked at each other, but they still didn't go down.

At ten minutes at noon, the sun shone vertically into the sword tomb, as if the dark abyss suddenly lit up. The white sword light was dazzling, and some of the disciples who had been affected by their minds suddenly woke up. Looking at the long sword that was still bleeding in their hands, they suddenly felt He threw the sword away in horror.

Figures of one green and one pink were flying through the crowd, and wherever Shu Jue went, a spiritual sword turned into scrap metal, while Chu Yunchen was trying his best to send out those seriously injured disciples.

The elder who was drinking tea outside could not sit still when the first seriously injured disciple came out.

As the seriously injured disciples from each sect were sent out, the elder of the Dan Sect checked their injuries one by one, and then his face became a little ugly: "They are all sword wounds."

You've been told over and over again to stop, but what happened inside?They are killing each other, these little brats are rebelling against nature!
(End of this chapter)

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