Mu Xincheng walked in surrounded by servants.

Before he reached the yard, he heard screams coming from here, one after another, which made people's scalp numb.

After walking in, he saw the scene in the yard clearly: a killing array was set up in the small yard with three rooms, and a group of servants were locked inside. The wind blade said, scraping off their skin and flesh with murderous intent, but again Not fatal.

The outside cannot be seen from the formation, but the scene inside can be clearly seen from the outside.

The ground was covered with blood, and the group of people were half-dead and still trying to avoid the attack of the wind blade.

And who is the person who set up this formation, you don't need to think about it.

Mu Xincheng has reached the age of marrying a wife. Taoist couples from aristocratic families do not pay attention to being in love with each other, but pay attention to being well-matched.

Today he went with his mother to propose marriage to the Li family, and the chosen wife was Li Wanwan from the Li family.

As soon as he came back, he heard that his sister had been sent to the back mountain by his grandfather, so Mu Xincheng was so angry that he came to the courtyard of the third room to lecture Mu Qianqian.

"Who do I think it is? It turns out to be the eldest brother." Seeing her parents being treated like this in the Mu family, Mu Qianqian couldn't help feeling resentful. Now that she saw Mu Xincheng, an unknown fire ignited in her heart.

As her father's biological father, the old family master Mu ignored his seriously injured son; as her father's biological brother, his uncle allowed the evil slave to bully the master without any control even though he could have stopped him.

This family made her realize the difference between the sect and the aristocratic family.

She spoke with a cold face, facing Mu Xincheng with a "get out of here if nothing happens" expression, and the impatience in her eyes was clearly visible.

Mu Xincheng was immediately annoyed: "Mu Qianqian! I am your eldest brother!"

He walked up angrily and reached out to grab Mu Qianqian: "Hurry up and remove this formation. When you get home, you are shouting and killing these servants. Do you still have any rules in your eyes?"

rule? Mu Qianqian looked at him with more and more cold eyes, and avoided his hand directly. There was no warmth in her eyes: "Obviously, I have no rules, and I don't understand the rules of your family. If the rules of your family are to condone evil, If you are bullying the master, I will take my parents and leave immediately."

She was serious about every word she spoke, not even a hint of joking. When she mentioned that she was leaving with the third-bedroom couple, Mu Xincheng's expression immediately changed.

The Sanfang couple could be taken away by Mu Qianqian, but they must not be taken away because of Mu Xincheng's words. If grandfather knew about it, he would most likely go to Houshan and Mu Lingxi without even thinking about it. Be a companion.

Mu Xincheng's face changed again and again, like a dyeing plate, extremely wonderful.

Mu Qianqian didn't care whether his face looked good or not. She wasn't very familiar with her peers in the Mu family, they just knew each other's existence, let alone showed any affection.

With a cold snort and an unfriendly gaze on Mu Xincheng, Mu Qianqian spoke: "If there is nothing to do, please leave. I will naturally tell the old family master what to do with these servants." The disgust for the Mu family has reached its peak. To the extreme, she didn't even want to call her grandfather now.

As a direct descendant of Dafang, when had Mu Xincheng ever received such anger? His lungs were almost bursting with anger, but because of Mu Qianqian's previous threat, he didn't dare to say anything. He brought the people here with great fanfare and left with them in dejection.

He even forgot that he came here to complain to Mu Lingxi.

Lian Yan, who was watching the whole process without making any sound, looked at Mu Xincheng's leaving figure and spat at him.

A little chick with red and green feathers at his feet imitated his example and pecked the air with its beak.

Lian Yan made a "tsk" sound and lifted the chick up. "Don't learn this." Shen Xingzhan gave the couple in the third room a rough inspection, but his brows became more and more wrinkled.

"What's wrong, Xing Zhan? Are my parents seriously injured?" Mu Qianqian felt even more uneasy when she saw Shen Xingzhan's expression.

A rough calculation shows that her parents have been in a coma for more than half a month. With the monk's strong body, how serious are the injuries if they have been comatose for so long?

Shen Xingzhan looked solemn: "Qianqian, your parents' injuries... are very serious, and there are toxins in their bodies. It is a chronic poison. I am not good at studying, so I can only tell that they have been poisoned for at least ten years."

It wouldn't matter if it was just a serious injury. After all, Shujue was seriously injured and her life was hanging by a thread at the beginning. She didn't wake up for more than half a month. But at that time, she was under the care of everyone. The sixth-level elixir seemed to be free of charge, as long as it was She ate everything that was good for her recovery.

But the couple in the third room was different. Not only were they seriously injured, they had no one to take care of them, and the medicine they used was the lowest potion.

It has been so long since the injury, but now I am just hanging on with a sigh of relief, and there is no sign of recovery at all.

The most terrible thing is that the chronic poison in their bodies seems to have begun to slowly penetrate into their hearts and lungs because of their serious injuries. If it takes a little longer, it will really be hopeless.

Mu Qianqian's eyes turned red.

She had not seen her parents even a few times since she was a child, but they often asked people to bring her things.

Because of her withdrawn temperament, Mu Qianqian has always been a loner in the sect and was treated as an alien. She would also be troubled by this when she was a child. She would write a letter in trust and give it to her mother. As expected, someone would give it to her next time. If you send something as a gift, there will definitely be a reply written by her mother.

Her father, like her, has a boring temperament and cannot comfort others, but when he knows that his daughter has been wronged, he will try his best to collect some gadgets for her to make her happy.

So for so many years, even though Mu Qianqian was no longer with her parents, she still felt no less love.

She originally wanted to wait until the matter in Phoenix Marsh was settled and go back home to tell her parents that she had made friends and that she was fine now.

But what waited for her after she came back was the faint and almost imperceptible rise and fall of the chests of the two people who had fallen into coma.

For the first time, Mu Qianqian began to hate the fact that she was born into a staid family.

If she had not been born into a noble family, she would not have been forced to separate from her parents since she was a child.

If she hadn't been born into a noble family, she wouldn't have found out so long after her parents were injured that the sect's messaging jade was much faster than those from those noble families. She would have rushed back to the Mu family as quickly as possible to take care of them, even if she disobeyed The sect ordered not to go to Phoenix Marsh anymore.

If she hadn't been born into a noble family, how could her parents have been left unattended after being seriously injured and still drinking the lowest potion!

Mu Qianqian gritted her teeth. Hatred made her whole body tremble and her hands and feet were cold. She held back the tears: "Shujue, I want to take my parents away from the Mu family."

Leave this cold and impersonal place.

She no longer has any hope for the Mu family.

"Okay, let's take them away and go to the elders of the Alchemy Sect for treatment." Shujue fed the couple life-saving elixirs to ensure that they could hold on for a while longer.

But their current state makes it difficult to move. Their bones, heart, and lungs are all damaged, and they don't have the water spirit roots to heal themselves like Shu Jue.

"Then take Yunzhou along with the bed." Mu Qianqian no longer intends to save face for the Mu family.

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