After passing by the inheritance tower, Shujue talked to Yi Qiubai about the domain.

Speaking of this, she couldn't help but think that she was still in debt for half a token. When she thought about whether she could summon all Wan Yanqing's relatives and friends, her head was as big as a bucket. What if the tokens are gathered together and the gate to the ghost world is opened, but in the end it is found that those people have no souls anymore, I don’t know how Wan Yanqing will get so crazy that he kills himself!

"By the way, Second Senior Brother, have you seen Third Senior Brother? Why hasn't he come back yet?" Logically speaking, Third Senior Brother should have come back earlier than them. Why is there no news yet?

"I don't know, maybe there is an opportunity like you, right? Junior sister, don't worry too much. Although Beizhou is an array master, he is close to the sixth level and has the ability to protect himself." Yi Qiubai thought Shu Jue was worried about Yan Beizhou, so she comforted him.

Shu Jue: How can I use the formation without Third Senior Brother? Woohoo...

At this moment, Yan Beizhou, whom she was thinking about, was struggling to survive.

He was sent by Pei Xingmo to the place where Buddha was painted, which was exactly the opposite of Linbei Border City where Chu Yunchen went.

The snow in the northern border city never melts, and the place where Buddha is painted is as hot as a steamer. Ordinary people can't bear the temperature.

Originally, Yan Beizhou and the others planned to observe and observe outside before leaving. However, they noticed unusual movements inside and finally had no choice but to go in to find out.

There were two formation masters, two alchemy masters, three sword cultivators, and one weapon refiner and talisman master among the team. Bei Zhou was acquainted with these people who were having the banquet.

As soon as they entered the place where Buddha was painted, several people took a step back due to the heat inside, sweating like rain.

They quickly covered themselves with spiritual energy shields to isolate themselves from the terrifying temperature outside.

"No, Bei Zhou, there's no way we can continue like this. At this level of consumption, we probably won't be able to stay here for even half an hour." Chi Qingdie wiped the sweat from her forehead. Even if it is covered by a spiritual shield, the temperature is frighteningly high.

At a glance, everything in sight was filled with loess, filled with the bones of various monsters. It was like paving a road at their feet, everywhere they went.

What struck a few people as unbelievable was that there was actually a house here.

It was the dirtiest building, low and without windows inside.

One of the alchemists in the team curiously put his head in and looked around, then retracted his head within a second: "That's weird, the temperature inside is quite normal?"

"How is that possible! It's so hot outside, will it only get hotter inside this small room? It's still stuffy."

"If you don't believe it, try it yourself!"

The questioning teammate walked over, followed his example, stuck his head out, and after a while, he pulled his head back with a look of disbelief: "It's true! It's so cool inside! Can we stay here tonight? This Isn’t there a place to stay?”

He was a little excited, but soon, Yan Beizhou's words were like pouring cold water on his head, making him calm down immediately.

Yan Beizhou: "If there are monsters or demons at night, we can only wait to die in this small house." He tried it, and he didn't know what kind of soil this house was made of. It was hard. Gotta be scary.

It felt hard, not like soil at all, but like the hard shell of some monster.

At first Yan Beizhou found his idea ridiculous, but soon he couldn't laugh anymore.

Because he guessed it right. There really is a fifth-level monster hidden under that earthen house!

It's not just the mud house. Looking around, those raised houses and the exposed vegetation unique to the desert area all have monsters hidden underneath.

Yan Beizhou and others were chased away by the monster.

At first, because they had to use their spiritual power to support the shield, a few people ran away blindly. Later, they found that there were more and more chasing groups behind them, and their speed gradually became faster. They had to free their hands to fight back.

The cost is huge consumption, and the naturally restored spiritual power is simply not enough.

A few people could only take pills and consume them while running.

Chi Qingdie was puzzled. There were so many monsters hidden in a place where even the dog looked disgusted.

And this is a plain, there is no place to hide.

Several people were chased all night, until the first ray of sunlight rose on the horizon. The monsters chasing after them seemed to be under a spell. Their movements were frozen for an instant, and then they looked at each other in shock. Among them, it slowly sank into the ground, and only inconspicuous-looking small mud houses and some common desert vegetation were left on the surface.

Seeing this, the exhausted people finally couldn't hold on any longer and sat down on the ground.

But they didn't sit on the floor for long before they got up again.

The reason is nothing else. The soil under your butt is too hot!

"Why is this ghost place so weird?" Chi Qingdie rolled up his sleeves with one hand, grabbed his sword with the other, and cursed.

Over the years, she has entered not ten but five secret realms, and she has never seen such a strange one.

The surface is cracked loess, as if it has suffered a drought, but the vegetation is only found in the desert. The most important thing is that there are monsters hidden underneath.

The strange-looking monsters were different from those Chi Qingdie had seen before. She had never seen them even in those books that collected lists of monsters. They looked like some novel species.

I was chased away by monsters at night and basked in the sun during the day, without any shade.

Only when the sun came out did a few people realize that the temperature actually dropped last night, but they really didn't notice it. Moreover, even after the cooling, the temperature was still much higher than the outside temperature.

"No, when will this continue? Why don't we stay in the small earthen house during the day? They should only come out at night." Another sword cultivator looked at the alchemist who spoke, with a bit of joking in his eyes: " How do you know they only come out at night? Why don't you try it first?"

The alchemist immediately shut up and stopped talking.

"I discovered that this is no longer a question of whether there is a place to stay." Chi Qingdie looked at the desolate and unfamiliar scene around her, feeling for the first time that her powerful memory was useless.

Yesterday, I was chased by those monsters and couldn't find my way around. I ran around blindly all night.

She was silent for a long time: "Where are we now? How will we get out then?"

Everyone fell into silence.

Yes, where did they come in yesterday? Is it this way? This way? Or here?

Damn it, there is no way to wield a sword here! Even if Edgeworth is as tall as an adult, what's the difference between this and walking?

After a long time, Yan Beizhou said: "At this point, we can only try our luck. Don't act alone and don't fall behind, otherwise it will be troublesome to find someone when the time comes."

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