The Zhu family was considered a wealthy family in King Wu City, and they hired guards to look after the house at the gate.

As soon as they saw the guard, Yan Beizhou and others noticed something was wrong.

The two people at the door looked normal, but there was a deathly air on their faces.

"Have there been anything wrong with those two people recently?" Chi Qingdie turned to look at Zhu Yufu, only to find that there was also a layer of death on his face. This discovery shocked her.

what happened? Wasn't it good when we were in Zuixinlou just now?

"There's nothing wrong." Zhu Yufu scratched his head, "Except for my parents and my sister, everything is pretty normal." Chi Qingdie and the others looked at each other, then nodded: "Take us in first to take a look."

You have to walk through a garden to get to the Zhu family's backyard, and then you get to the living area after passing through a winding corridor and a man-made lake.

"That's my parents' yard over there, my sister's over there, and mine over there." Zhu Yufu pointed in several directions.

Several people followed the direction of his finger and saw that the top of the yard where his sister was said to be was already filled with black air pressure.

"How are you, Immortal? Can you tell anything?" Zhu Yufu looked at the changes in the faces of several people and asked tentatively.

Chi Qingdie's face was not very good. She stretched out her hand, and a stream of spiritual power spread from her fingertips, dispersing the black air a little, but from a distance, it did not dissipate much, and the whole thing exuded an ominous aura. .

She withdrew her spiritual power and looked a little serious: "Did you offend someone?"

It's been a long time since a monster appeared in the world of immortality. I didn't expect that it would be such a troublesome thing when encountering a monster.

Zhu Yufu was stunned when he asked: "No, our Zhu family is a well-known kind-hearted family in King Wu City." His father is a well-known philanthropic person. At that time, there was a drought in the Miao Kingdom and the people were struggling to make ends meet, and the business of Zuixinlou was also extremely difficult. But even so, his father still helped many people.

"How could such a thing bother you if you haven't offended anyone?" The solemn look between Chi Qingdie's brows made Zhu Yufu's heart tighten.

In his impression, an immortal should have hands and eyes that reach the sky. With his current expression, it looks like that thing is very powerful!

There were a few beads of sweat on Zhu Yufu's forehead, and he was so anxious that he could not speak coherently: "Xianren, no, our Zhu family has really not offended anyone! If you ask anyone on the street, you will know that my father is a good man. Although I usually don't do anything serious, But I didn’t harm others either!”

Chi Qingdie didn't say anything more to him. She raised her hand and a ray of spiritual power gently brushed Zhu Yufu's eyelids, and the world in his eyes suddenly changed.

Zhu Yufu trembled when he saw the black air surrounding the roof.

Coincidentally, another female voice sounded next to him at this time, and he subconsciously followed the sound. The sight almost scared him out of his wits.

It was Zhu Yun'er who came, and she affectionately called him "Second Brother", but in Zhu Yufu's eyes, it was just a black aura in clothes calling him brother.

The black energy flowed, revealing a terrifying skull face, and even smiled at him kindly!

Zhu Yufu rolled his eyes and fainted.

"Second brother, what's wrong with you!" Seeing this, Zhu Yun'er quickly ran over and tried to help Zhu Yufu, who had fainted, but a long sword was placed in front of her.

Chi Qingdie glanced at her expressionlessly and said coldly: "Stop pretending and get out of Zhu Yun'er." "What are you talking about? I don't know, I'm just worried about my second brother! Who are you? Come to my house. What do you want to do?" Zhu Yun'er pretended to be scared and wanted to run back, but Chi Qingdie couldn't let her run away. He clamped her shoulders and yelled: "Do you want me to say it again? Hurry up and get out of Zhu Yun'er's body. Get out of there! Otherwise, when we drive you out, the outcome will be different."

"What are you doing! Let go of our young lady!" Before Chi Qingdie could do anything, a maid on the side rushed towards her like she was desperate.

The other party was an ordinary person. Chi Qingdie couldn't hurt her, so she had no choice but to loosen her grip on Zhu Yun'er. Unexpectedly, the moment she was about to retract her hand, a sharp tingling sensation suddenly came from the palm of her hand, as if there was something wrong. Something pricked her skin.

Before she could think about it, Zhu Yun'er fell weakly to the ground and looked at her with tearful eyes. She looked so innocent.

But in Chi Qingdie's eyes, it was just a mass of black energy trembling slightly.

Zhu Yun'er's maids were furious and surrounded Chi Qingdie and others, trying to get an explanation from them.

"We didn't hurt her. She's not your lady! Look clearly!" Chi Qingdie was a little angry. Spiritual power flowed from her fingers and passed through their eyelids, but there was no change in these people.

They opened their eyes wide and stared at Chi Qingdie and the others lifelessly.

The black pupils were like a pool of stagnant water, with no fluctuation visible.

"They are being controlled!" Yan Beizhou noticed something was wrong, "Let's go first."

Although these maids are controlled, they are still ordinary people after all, and they cannot do anything to these people at will.

Chi Qingdie gritted her teeth and glared at Zhu Yun'er, who was lying on the ground. She was being helped to stand up by a puppet-like maid. Seeing her looking over, the corners of Zhu Yun'er's mouth raised an obvious arc, and her reddish eyes were full of pride.

Several people swaggered in through the main entrance of Zhu's house, but fled out in embarrassment - before leaving, they took Zhu Yufu with them, who had fainted from fright.

When Zhu Yufu woke up, he was stunned at first, and then burst into tears.

Lao Zhu's family has never done anything evil. He finally got a sister, but she ended up like this. The sight scared him so much that he almost went to heaven.

Turning to look at Yan Beizhou and the others, Zhu Yufu directly kowtowed with a few bangs, without any hesitation: "I beg you, immortal, you must save my sister! You can spend any amount of money, as long as As long as my sister can recover."

Chi Qingdie and others looked a little embarrassed - this was no longer about saving his sister, it was about saving the entire Zhu family!

A few people on the way to "escape" just now calculated it together. The entire Zhu family, from Mr. Zhu to the guards at the door, is probably controlled by monsters. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why the Zhu family has become like this. Everyone else is worried. Without any knowledge, no one even stopped her from leaving home.

Just remembering what Zhu Yufu said before that she fell in love with a monk and often went to the temple, it made a few people even more confused: there are usually Buddha's light protectors in temples, and ordinary monsters don't dare to enter the temple, let alone She also fell in love with a monk? This sounds like a fantasy!

Chi Qingdie helped Zhu Yufu up and told him about the current situation of the Zhu family.

Zhu Yufu cried louder.

If this is the retribution for his lack of knowledge and skills in the past twenty years, then he will definitely learn from his father in the future.

Chi Qingdie comforted him: "Don't cry yet. There is room for change in this matter. Please take us to Duling Temple."

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