Chen Shujin knew that he was different from others since he was a child. He could understand toad's words and see things that others could not.

His mother was a tofu seller and was called "Tofu Xishi" before giving birth to him. But after she became pregnant with him, everything changed - to be more precise, after he was born.

His mother didn't have a husband. I heard she was bullied so she had him. She worked hard to conceive for ten months and gave birth to him, only to find out that he was a monster that was neither human nor ghost.

It had a human face but a toad-like body. It was said that it scared the midwife who kindly came to help deliver the baby and fainted.

Later, people in the village clamored to burn the mother and son to sacrifice to heaven. Poor mother, before she was even out of confinement, she had to drag her weak body and her newborn child to flee.

"Later on, we went to many places. It wasn't until I was five years old and looked completely like a human that we settled down in the Miao Kingdom." Zhu Yun'er's eyes became less ruthless as he was caught in the memories, and he gently rubbed the beads. , the movements in his hands were incredibly gentle.

"After my mother passed away, I went to many places alone. I saw the people around me getting older, but I was still the same as before. I knew that I was different from ordinary people. After traveling all over the mountains and rivers of Miao country After that, I chose to practice at Yunyou Mountain in King Wu City and never be born again, but I happened to meet him..."

Speaking of this, Chen Shujin's tone contained a bit of hatred.

"That child who is a liar took advantage of my sympathy and trust. After learning my identity, he learned the evil method from somewhere. He trapped me in a statue and stole my merits as a gift. The barrier of their Duling Temple!"

"Where do you think his ability comes from? Of course it was absorbed from my body."

Chen Shujin put his left hand on the table with a little force, and the wooden table broke into pieces.

He stood up, strode towards Mr. Zhu, and kicked him in the calf. Chi Qingdie and others heard the sound of bones breaking. Chen Shujin gritted his teeth: "You must have seen it, right? The wishing pool in the Duling Temple, and the golden toad statue enshrined in the middle."

"It is said that most of the wishes made in front of the golden toad come true. Haha - this guy named Zhu and that thief Kunai sealed my body in the statue. With the blessing of my merits, can it be true?"

Chen Shujin turned to look at Chi Qingdie, his eyes swept over them one by one, and his face was full of sarcasm: "It's a shame that you, as cultivators of immortality, don't know right from wrong, so you believed Kunai's words for no reason!"

His words greatly shocked Chi Qingdie and others.

"But...didn't you harm so many people in the Zhu family?" Chi Qingdie thought for a while, then looked at him and spoke. "And weren't you also injured by the power of the talisman on him?"

She pointed at Chen Shujin's hand and then at Zhu Yufu, who was still half lying on the ground.

She saw with her own eyes that when Chen Shujin took action, Zhu Yufu emitted a golden light and hit him. It was the power of the talisman.

"Now that I have fallen into evil, the talismans drawn with merit will naturally damage me. But I didn't touch anyone else." Chen Shujin sneered coldly: "Except for this old guy, I didn't harm the others at all. As for this Zhu Yun'er... you should also thank me, it was me who saved her! Kunai, that thing with a human face and a beast heart, can actually kill such a small child!"

Now even Zhu Yufu, who was still struggling, fell silent.

"What? You immediately believed what Kunai said, but you didn't believe what I said at all? Do you still need me to provide evidence to prove that what I said is true?" Chen Shujin sat back in his seat, coldly With a face, he said without waiting for Chi Qingdie and the others to answer: "You want evidence, yes, it's inside the toad statue in Du Temple. I just want to see if you dare to smash the statue."

Chen Shujin raised his eyes and looked at them, with a bit of malice in his eyes: "Don't you like to rely on evidence in everything? Now I have evidence, but that statue is in the hearts of the entire Wuwang City residents. Bao, smashing the statue will cut off their financial path. I don’t need to tell you what the consequences will be. The reminder is so obvious, do you still dare?"

On one side was the master who seemed to be otherworldly, and on the other was the monster who dared to commit murder and provocation in front of them. Normally, they would have made the decision without even thinking about it, but this time, several of them hesitated.

After all, as Chen Shujin said, if you really smash the statue, it will be equivalent to offending everyone in King Wu's city, and they will immediately become street rats that everyone shouts about. But if what Chen Shujin said is true, then do they really want to allow a person who steals other people's merits and does such evil to be enshrined in King Wu City and live?

Within a moment, Yan Beizhou had already made a decision. He raised his head and looked at the other people, who were also looking at Yan Beizhou.

"Senior Brother Yan?"

"Is that what I think?"

Yan Beizhou nodded.

Chi Qingdie immediately gained confidence: "Since you said so, then naturally we have to seek the truth."

Anyway, we are already here, maybe we can get out after solving this matter.

The most important thing... is that they are really curious.

Kunai could even calculate that they were outsiders, so could it be calculated that they would attack the temple at night tonight?

As it turns out, the kunai didn't work out.

After nightfall, several people sneaked into Duling Temple.

The lamps were still burning in the Buddhist hall of the temple, and the young novices on night patrol were walking around, but they did not notice anyone sneaking in.

The golden toad statue is in a more conspicuous position in the temple. After nightfall, the toad's body emits a faint golden light that is visibly visible to the naked eye - that brilliance has nothing to do with gold, but is the light of merit.

Several people are practitioners, so they can clearly see the golden light flowing out from the golden toad, nourishing the entire temple.

"This..." Although they didn't want to admit it, when they saw this scene, they knew in their hearts that what Chen Shujin said was probably true.

"This kunai! It's a shame that we still trust him so much. Is he treating us like donkeys?" Ji Man, the swordsman in the team, immediately stopped working and asked them to take the talisman back with them, hoping to use them Where's Chen Shujin's hand?

"I'm going to smash this bastard's temple right now!" Ji Man drew out his long sword, flew into the air, and slashed down with his sword.

There was only a loud noise, and the sword seemed to hit something in mid-air, causing a burst of sparks.

The few people still underneath felt their soles shaking.

On the contrary, it was Ji Man who slashed down with so much force that even the man and his sword were thrown away, and he didn't know if he would be able to come back in a while.

Chi Qingdie looked at the barrier slowly disappearing in the air, and her jaw dropped: "No wonder you didn't stop it... Brother Yan, did you already know that the barrier had such a function?"

To be clear, this is related to the other half of the token, so the plot will be a little longer.

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