"We can't help your father." Yan Beizhou calmly pulled his sleeve out of Zhu Yufu's hand.

"You have heard what Chen Shujin said. Logically speaking, being half-human and half-demon is an existence that cannot be tolerated by nature, but he has meritorious deeds and should be blessed with great luck."

"Your father's actions are nothing short of digging his own grave."

Fortunately, Chen Shujin is still sane. If he completely falls into madness, not only the Zhu family, but also the entire King Wu City will suffer.

"Zhu Yufu, we can't save your father, and we won't save your father. Even if you sacrifice your life, you can't repay the sins he committed."

Zhu Yufu was completely stunned.

He didn't understand why things turned out like this.

Obviously at first he wanted these immortals to save his sister, but his sister failed and got his father involved, even letting him know such unbearable things.

Zhu Yufu felt like he was going crazy.

But Yan Beizhou and the others ignored him, shook their heads, sighed and left.

They also know that such a result is unacceptable.

Although some of them do not have a father, they have a master who is like a father. If it were them, they would not be able to accept it either.

And looking at Zhu Yufu's appearance, he was obviously proud that "his father was a good man", but he didn't expect that the good deeds his father did were just to atone for his sins...

This is really too ironic.

Before leaving, Yan Beizhou left a talisman on Zhu Yufu to ensure his safety.

Several people took advantage of the darkness and climbed over the wall into Zhu's house. As soon as they landed, a strange male voice sounded behind them: "Sneaking into someone else's house in the middle of the night, you cultivators really opened my eyes."

Ji Man was frightened by the voice, and turned around to see Zhu Yun'er standing in front of them.

To be more precise, it is Chen Shujin who looks like Zhu Yuner.

She has a female appearance, but the voice she makes is a clear and youthful voice, which seems weird, but fortunately there is no one else here.

Seeing that they were silent, Chen Shujin snorted coldly: "What? Are you guilty of me after confirming it? Show off the energy you used to question me at that time. They all act like mutes. It's really boring."

"I'm sorry." As soon as Chen Shujin finished speaking, he heard Yan Beizhou say a few words.

He said "Ah", thinking he heard it wrong.

"What did you say? I didn't hear it clearly." I really didn't hear it clearly.

"I said - I'm sorry!"

"Oh, I don't forgive you." Chen Shujin looked at him sideways.

The other people's apologies suddenly got stuck in their throats.

But after thinking about it, I finally said it all.

It's also their fault. They thought he was a bad person, and they almost hurt him with the talisman after listening to Kunai's words.

Chen Shujin rolled his eyes: "It's boring." After saying that, he turned around and left.

Yan Beizhou and others quickly followed.

living room.

Chen Shujin sat on his seat and lit up the oil lamps with a wave of his hand, his face showing an indifference befitting his age.

"So you followed me here, do you want me to let the Zhu family go?" He leaned lazily on the chair, and his voice seemed to come from his nasal cavity. It was not very loud, but Yan Beizhou and others heard it. Get clear.

"No, we came here to ask our seniors how to get your bones out of the statue."

This is the result of their discussions.

Because the statue seems to be protected by the light of merit, there is no way to break it from the outside.

"Are you guys okay with your brains?" Chen Shujin said something to make people angry to death.

In fact, you can't blame him, after all, he has lived for so many years and met many people who cultivated immortality.

There are many people who want to accept him immediately without asking the reason.

Even his half-demon body once caused him to be killed, which made him not have a good impression of the monks.

What's more, the two sides almost started fighting when they first met.

Now it's your senior and it's yours. If Chen Shujin can adapt to it all at once, then he will really be a ghost.

"We..." Chi Qingdie really didn't know how to answer him.

Isn’t this senior too difficult to deal with?

"If senior has doubts, we have nothing to say. After all, it was us who were rude first, but please believe us, senior. We sincerely want to take senior's bones out of the statue and bury them."

Yan Beizhou always said few words, but now he spoke a long list without even taking a breath, which made Chen Shujin look at him with a strange look.

Then Chen Shujin calmly withdrew his gaze.

"Okay, I believe you. The way to break the statue is to kill Kunai, so that even if the power of my faith cannot return to me, he will not be able to drive it."

"Tsk, isn't it easy? You should be able to do it, right?"

He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the wide-eyed group of people in front of him: "Kunai is just an ordinary person. Although he is protected by the light of merit and is invulnerable, there are many ways for an ordinary person to die, such as - next Poison, for example, just burn the temple to the ground with a fire, what do you think of my proposal?"

The slightly pressed gaze made Yan Beizhou sweat slightly on his forehead. When he met Chen Shujin's gaze, he could tell that what he just said was not a joke.

Seeing that they were both silent, Chen Shujin suddenly changed his expression: a wind blade swung out from his hand and struck towards Yan Beizhou's face.

"Since you can't do that, don't talk about taking out my bones or anything like that. Get out of here, you bunch of false people!"

Yan Beizhou dodged the wind blade and looked directly at him: "Senior, why do you do this? When ordinary people make mistakes, there are naturally laws in the world to restrain them."

"Law? Are you talking to me about the law? He is the enlightened monk in the hearts of those people. Who dares to speak the law in his youth? Who would believe what you say?"

Chen Shujin looked sarcastic and looked at them with sarcasm in his eyes: "It's not that I look down on you. Don't say that you are not immortals in the true sense. Even if the real immortals come, those who dare to say that Kunai is not will be punished. Tested on a fire stand."

"The reverence of those people for Kunai has reached the point of near madness. Are you sure you want to offend the entire people of King Wu City for me?"

Chen Shujin stood up and walked to Yan Beizhou. She was not as tall as Yan Beizhou, but she felt full of oppression.

At this point, he no longer expects anyone to stand in his shoes, believe in him, and think about him.

He originally thought that this kind of thing would never happen, but he happened to meet this group of young people who were like newborn calves not afraid of tigers.


Yan Beizhou shook his head after hearing his words: "Senior, you said something wrong because we never wanted to offend the people of King Wu City for you from the beginning to the end. We just wanted to let them know the truth."

Immortal cultivators all have their own ways, but there is no difference in punishing evil and promoting good.

"We don't want those people to be deceived for the rest of their lives, that's all."

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