The child is so thin that he looks like he is four or five years old. He is thin and dark.

The weather in King Wu City is hot during the day, but a bit cool at night.

The child was wearing a piece of clothes that had been torn off, with parts of his arms and legs hanging out, making him look like he was skin and bones.

Her hair was a mess and looked like it hadn't been taken care of in a long time.

There were several pieces of shabby clothes beside her, some of which she spread on the ground, and some of which she covered herself with.

"This beast, let such a young child sleep outside?" Ji Man almost couldn't help but slash the house behind him with his sword.

The people in the room were snoring loudly. How soundly did they sleep?

"Little girl, are you a child of this family?" Chi Qingdie squatted down and tried to make her voice sound softer.

The child just looked at her, eyes rolling, but she didn't speak.

"Answer my question, how about I give this to you?" She magically took out a piece of candy, which she had bought when she passed by the mortal world.

Nothing in the storage bag would break, so she thought of using it to comfort the child.

Sure enough, the little girl's eyes brightened a little when she saw the candy in her hand. She carefully glanced at the well-packaged candy bar, then glanced at Chi Qingdie squatting in front of her, and nodded hesitantly.

"My father and brother are inside, and they won't let me talk."

Her dirty hands rubbed on her clothes uneasily. Her eyes were glued to the candy and she swallowed.

"Be good, this candy is your reward." Chi Qingdie held her hand, put the candy into her hand, and rubbed it on her head.

The little girl shrank her neck and looked up at her again, as if unsure.

Upon seeing this, Chi Qingdie took out the candy in her hand, peeled off the candy wrapper, and stuffed the candy into her mouth.

The sweet taste spread in her mouth, and the little girl swallowed a big mouthful of saliva.

It's so sweet, your mouth is filled with sweetness.

"Why are you sleeping here? Isn't your house big enough for sleeping?" How can you let your children sleep in the yard while you sleep soundly in the house?

Chi Qingdie guessed what was going on in this family just by looking at the little girl's thin appearance, but she still asked her: "What's your name?"

"My name is Tian Duoduo." Her voice was a little hoarse, and her words were a little slurred with a big candy bar in her mouth. Tian Duoduo looked at Chi Qingdie: "Daddy said I'm dirty."

"Where's your mother?" Chi Qingdie originally thought that her mother should be sleeping in the house, but she didn't expect that she thought for a while, then pointed behind her: "My mother is sleeping next to the chicken coop."

Seeing that his sister squatting opposite him had stopped talking, Tian Duoduo immediately shrank back: "Dad and brother are in the house, are you here to see them?"

Hearing this, Ji Man's fists were hardened: "This Erzhuzi is a beast! His own daughter and wife are treated like this. Is this what they call reforming? Bah!"

Ji Man put away his sword and stretched out his hand towards Tian Duo: "We are not looking for him, we are looking for you. Is your father usually good to you?"

Tian Duo thought for a while, nodded, and whispered: "It wasn't good before, but it's better now. Now I can eat one steamed bun a day, instead of only one bun a day before, and the clothes I wear are newer than before." She stood up and turned around. One lap, show it once.

It was okay if she didn't turn around, but when Chi Qingdie and the others turned around, they found that her clothes were a lot too small, and they didn't seem to be clothes for a girl.

Several people fell into a brief silence.

Tian Duoduo didn't know what their silence meant. She felt the sweetness in her mouth carefully, and her eyes narrowed with happiness.

No wonder her brother always comes to eat in front of her every time he eats candy. It turns out that candy is so delicious. She thought like this, and suddenly thought of something, and blinked: "Sister, do you still have candy? I can help you." Can you give me another candy while you’re doing the laundry?”

"Eating too much candy is bad for your teeth." Although she said this, Chi Qingdie still gave her one, but she saw her take the candy, carefully put it into the lining pocket of her clothes, and said thank you while putting it away: "Thank you. Sister, where do you live, next time dad is not at home, I will go wash your clothes."

"No, sister's clothes can be washed by yourself. Why don't you eat this candy?" Chi Qingdie felt a little sour in her heart when she saw her putting away a candy like a treasure.

"Don't eat any more. This candy belongs to mom. I'll give it to mom when she wakes up tomorrow." She pursed her lips and smiled shyly at Chi Qingdie: "Sister, don't you need me to wash the clothes? I'll fold the quilt. Yes, I can also boil water and feed chickens..."

At such a young age, he has already learned everything.

"No need." Chi Qingdie held her hand and asked in a low voice: "Do you like your dad? If your dad is taken away one day, will you be sad?"

The touch in her hand was rough and full of bones. There were many scars on the back of her hand, which looked like frostbite that ordinary people would get from frostbite.

Tian Duoduo didn't know why she suddenly asked this. She thought about it and shook her head: "I don't want dad to be arrested. I heard people say that a house with only mom and no dad is not considered a home."

Although his father treats him badly, he is still her father.

"Sister, are you here to arrest my father?" Tian Duoduo glanced behind her. Yan Beizhou and others were standing beside her, as silent as a wooden stake from beginning to end. "Did my dad do something wrong, so you want to take my dad away?"

Children's intuition is sometimes keen. After Tian Duo knew that they were coming for her father, she felt that their relationship with her father was not very good.

"No, we are here to see you." Chi Qingdie reached out and rubbed her head again, and sighed again:

"I've finished watching you now, so we're leaving. But before leaving, can you promise us one thing? You can't tell anyone about what happened tonight, including your mother. That one You can't give her candy, you know? If you can do it, next time we come back, we will give you and your mother more delicious candy, okay?"

"Will you still come?" Tian Duoduo tilted his head, with doubts in his eyes: "My family is not fun, and I have nothing to give you. I can't take your candy for nothing. You can give it to me next time." Tang, can I just wash your clothes? The clothes I washed are very clean."

"...Okay." Chi Qingdie didn't know why she insisted on washing clothes.

After they left, Tian Duo happily fell asleep holding the candy.

But Chi Qingdie and the others had a dispute on the road.

They had different ideas before going to Tian Yudu. If Tian Erzhu's reformation was just superficial, then they would send Tian Erzhu to the prison cell.

They knew before they came that in Miao country, if you treat a child like this, you would be jailed.

But they didn't expect that even after suffering such treatment, Tian Duo still still had the position of father in his heart.

Ji Man did not agree with sending Tian Erzhu in. In her words, she wanted to beat him twice to teach him a lesson, but Yan Beizhou felt that Tian Erzhu could not be kept, and the two argued all the way.

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