Chen Shujin was about to give up, but Yan Beizhou's appearance gave him some hope.

If there is no way to assemble a complete token, then destroy one of these tokens to avoid falling into the hands of people with evil intentions and causing the entire ghost clan to suffer disaster.

The current ghost clan can no longer withstand any destruction.

"So you are saying that you need us to help you find a ghost clan who has enough power to combine this token and establish a new emperor of the ghost clan?" Yan Beizhou heard the first few words in confusion, and finally But he grasped the key point.

Chen Shujin nodded: "I know you are not from this place, let me guess, you should come from the later generations?" Facing the surprised looks of the two people, he knew that he was right and continued: "

Although I don't know why your junior sister has half a token in her hand, don't you humans pay attention to the word 'fate'? She is destined to this token and also to the ghost clan. "

According to the normal development, Chen Shujin should have destroyed the token, but Shujue happened to be in another dimension and got the token by coincidence, and——

"Your junior sister has ghost energy in her body. Although it is not very strong, she must have had contact with the ghost clan. Am I right?"

After all, he was a generation of ghost emperors. Even though he had already fallen and walked around the human world, Yan Beizhou was still a little shocked by his keen insight.

He seems to know everything.

Chen Shujin looked at him and shrugged: "Don't look at me like that, it's all guessing." After saying that, his eyes fell on Shu Jue again: "I don't know where the ghost clan you are in contact with is. Not here? Or, did you sign a contract?"

Shu Jue was stunned.

Did he know all this?

"Nowadays, you need a medium to enter the ghost clan." Seeing the identical expressions of the two people, Chen Shujin's original serious expression became a little bit more unbearable: "Just like when you came in, I brought you in, and when she came in, even though she had The token acts as a medium, but I guess there needs to be some ghost energy besides the token.”

"Don't look at me like that. After all, I didn't bring those friends of yours in. With my ability, I can only bring you in. They should be in the ruins of King Wu City now, right? Don't worry, they are safe."

"There is no contract, she is my friend."

Shu Jue summoned the Moon Leading Sword and released Su Yan from the sword spirit space.

The moment he saw the Moon-Yining Sword, Chen Shujin's eyes froze for a moment. He took a careful look at Shu Jue's appearance, and after a while he said uncertainly: "Are you a descendant of the Shu family?"

Shu Jue was introducing him to Su Yan, and she was caught off guard when she heard him say: "I may know your ancestors."

Shu Jue: "?"

"You should have heard of your ancestor's name, right? Her name is Shu Yue, and the human monks seem to call her Lin Shuang, because she is famous for her frost sword skills." Chen Shujin's eyes were full of nostalgia, and he looked at Shu Jue. , but it’s like looking at another person through Shu Jue.

With a flash of white light, Yin Yue, who had white hair and white eyes, appeared next to Shu Jue. She seemed to be a little defensive. Her silver eyes stared at Chen Shujin with an unclear expression: "There is no Lin Shuang in this world. Back then, she She broke into the Demon King's Palace alone and severely wounded the Demon King at the cost of her own life. Now no one remembers her name."

In the vicissitudes of the sea, tens of millions of years are just a drop of time between the fingers. Linshuang's name and her achievements have long been submerged in the torrent of time. "I see... if it had been back then..." Chen Shujin lowered his eyes and frowned slightly.

"If not, that year has long passed. This is my current contract owner. She is the serious young mistress of the Shu family." Yinyue looked coldly and interrupted the nostalgic words he was about to say:

"I heard what you just said. I might as well tell you that the human race and the demon race are fighting to the death. If you choose to let them support the new emperor for you, then the ghost race's position will be..."

Yin Yue remembers the events of that year clearly.

A war broke out between the human race and the demon clan. The ghost clan became the lackeys of the demon clan after losing the Ghost Emperor, while the other clans were just watching the excitement and watched the human race being robbed coldly.

Regarding this former Ghost Emperor, Yin Yue could not say that she could treat him with peace of mind, nor could she say that she was resentful.

She was thinking at that time that if someone could persuade the ghost tribe, the human tribe would not be so isolated and helpless, and there would be no need for Lin Shuang to sacrifice her own life.

But now everything is over.

"You're right, so -" Chen Shujin made a strange hand seal, and then he saw a strange rune appear between his eyebrows, and a black bead flew out from the center of the rune.

The bead was only the size of a fingernail, surrounded by black mist, floating in the palm of Chen Shujin's hand.

As his thoughts moved, the black bead flew to Shu Jue, "This is a ghost bead condensed by my many years of cultivation. It can be used for the ghost tribe to practice. Now I will give it to you. If you meet a suitable ghost tribe, , you can give it to him, and it can also help him become the Ghost Emperor as soon as possible."

After the Kunai Incident, Chen Shujin's strength had been greatly reduced, but after all, he had also been in the position of Ghost Emperor for several years back then, so it goes without saying that the power contained in the beads was natural.

"Why give it to me? Aren't you afraid that I will embarrass the ghost clan in order to avenge Linshuang?" Shujue asked him instead of reaching out to pick up the bead.

"The ghost clan is already like this, how can it be any worse?" Chen Shujin waved his hands, as if he had smashed a jar, which made Shujue speechless for a moment.

What he said was indeed correct, the ghost clan was just like that, but why did it sound so weird when it came out of his mouth?

Seeing that she was still hesitating, Chen Shujin directly put the bead into her hand: "It doesn't matter if you don't want to support a new ghost emperor. When the time is right, you can take this bead and leave."

After the bead was taken away, Chen Shujin's body became a little weaker, as if it would dissipate in the next moment.

Shu Jue hesitated for a moment, but still held the bead tightly: "When did you say the time is ripe? Where are the other tokens? Also, what kind of strength do you think the new emperor must have to be ordered? Brand approval?”

Hearing her ask these questions, Chen Shujin's eyes brightened a little: "If you are not willing to collect tokens to support the new emperor, the barrier of the passage will be loosened once every three years, and the strength of your contracted monster will increase. The token fragments in your hands should be able to forcefully open the passage for a while."

"Now, in addition to what we have in our hands, the ghost clan also has three tokens, which are in the hands of the former ghost emperor's confidants. I am not sure whether they have established themselves as kings, or have any alien intentions. If you want to find it, you need to confirm Let’s talk about their attitude towards you and the ghost clan.”

"The last question. If the new emperor wants to be recognized by the token, he must at least have the cultivation of the Ghost King, plus extraordinary talents..."

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