Chapter 20

The group of spies had obviously thought of this question: It’s good that Shu Jue’s strength is so powerful, but what’s the point?No matter how powerful you are, you still can't break the chains, they still have to come.

"Fellow Taoist Shu Jue, after looking at it for a long time, you seem to be unable to untie this chain, right? Why don't you..." Without saying the word "give up," Shu Jue glanced at them lightly, then sat cross-legged on the ground and entered the state of cultivation.

To taunt you is to be arrogant, and to want to rob you is a matter of life and death.

Anyway, these people didn't have the courage to do anything in front of so many people, so Shu Jue felt relieved.Even if they really dare to take action, she still has the trump card of Yin Yue to show off.

Looking at the little junior sister who started to practice even if she disagreed, Lin Nianjiao felt like there was a young girl growing up in our family.

Ever since she was captured by her second senior brother from the Blackwater Pond, her whole person had been sublimated. She exuded an overwhelming charm, as if she could sweep away ten people with one stick.

Seeing that Shujue was really starting to practice quietly, some of the people who were originally interested in the magic sword became quiet.

They always felt that although Shujue looked like she was practicing, as long as they got close to the sword, she would immediately jump up and smash their heads off.

I'm afraid I'm afraid.

A strange phenomenon occurred in the huge open space: led by Shu Jue, the disciples began to practice cross-legged.

The demon spy looked left and right, and finally sat down to practice.

The scene was eerily quiet for a while.

Time passed day by day, and the executive elder who received the notice finally escorted Yu Qing back to the Qinghong Sect and took back all the injured disciples.

As soon as he landed, he immediately sent a notice to Elder Yue.

The little old man breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the executive elder's reply. Just as he was about to sigh that nothing had happened, the door of the secret realm trembled, and several disciples were kicked out of the secret realm like dumplings.

Shu Jue was the first to bear the brunt.

She finally reached the fourth level and cut off the chain. As soon as she got the sword, the secret realm began to shake like a madman. Before she could put the sword away, she felt someone kicked her butt and flew out with her head on the ground. The secret realm.

"?" Shu Jue looked confused, holding a sword in one hand, and turned to look at the already floating secret realm gate.

She hasn’t gotten the snow lotus yet!
It was obviously several days before it was time to leave the secret realm, why did he kick her out like this?
"Because your promotion has absorbed almost all the spiritual energy in the secret realm." Yin Yue said lightly.

The swordsmanship has entered the fourth level, and the cultivation has reached the peak of foundation building. Coupled with the big mouth of Binglinggen, this small secret realm is almost squeezed dry.

But seeing everyone kicked out, Shujue felt balanced.

As the people in the secret realm were "invited to leave" one after another, it became lively outside.

Especially the disciples who practiced with Shu Jue were the most resentful.

Is there anything more annoying than being kicked out of a secret realm while practicing?
Everyone cursed and complained until——

A snow lotus flew out from the secret realm and landed accurately in Shu Jue's hand.

So she had a magic sword in one hand and a snow lotus in the other.

Everyone smiled: There are indeed more annoying things. It’s really damned that Tangtang Secret Realm treats people differently.

The spirit of the secret realm sneezed wildly after being scolded: What can I do?I'm weak, helpless and pitiful, and I can't do anything to that old woman Yin Yue QAQ
Elder Yue accepted his fate and picked up his son to go home from school.

After counting the number of people, Qing Hongzong lost three outer disciples this time, including Yu Qing, four.

There are more or less disciples from other sects staying in the secret realm, but compared to the progress of the disciples' strength, those few lives seem to be nothing.

After all, survival of the fittest is the same in the world of immortality. Only those with weak strength will be left in the secret realm forever.The person who has made the most progress in the entire Qing Hong Sect is Shujue. From just entering the foundation building to the peak of foundation building, some people may need to practice for decades, but she did it in less than a month - and her strength It is stable and there is no frivolous image caused by the accumulation of pills.

In addition to her outstanding cultivation, the sword in her hand and the fire stick at her waist are also very eye-catching.

She is a delicate little girl, holding a heavy sword in her hand and a fire stick tied around her waist. On the left is a beautiful female nun, and on the right is also a beautiful female nun.

Seeing the two female cultivators talking and laughing with her, Elder Yue felt that her eyes were dazzled.

"Little Junior Sister Shujue, don't forget me when you return to the sect in the future."

"And me, Shujue." Li Yinyin shook the communication jade and poked it with her finger: "Remember to contact me!"

Shu Jue nodded: "Contact them all! Contact them all!"

Lin Nianjiao: "..."

System: "..." It was silent, and it wanted to go crazy: "Where is the male protagonist? Where did you leave the male protagonist? You should go and add him!"

"He must take the initiative to add friends!" The system can't see Yu Mingli's expression. If it could see it, Yu Mingli's face would definitely be full of disgust, "I won't do this kind of price reduction thing! "

"...Haha, you're right." But when you just added the heroine, you really laughed so hard.

Everyone goes back to their own homes and finds their own mothers.

Shu Jue returned to Qing Hongzong in Yunzhou. As soon as he landed, the magic sword that had been silent since it was unsealed suddenly moved.

While she was enjoying the admiration of her junior brothers and sisters, the soles of her feet suddenly became empty, and the air roared and pulled her black hair, giving her a few big mouths without mercy.

She, Shu Jue, the most beloved disciple of the Qinghong Sect leader, the genius junior sister admired by all the disciples, was dragged to the sky by a sword in front of a group of disciples...

Shu Jue: "..." It's hard to think about.

When she lowered her head and saw that everyone in Hongzong had turned into little ants, Shujue firmly grasped the hilt of the sword, she was quite tolerant.

"Whoa, whoa, help me!" She's afraid of heights!
"It's okay. It has no ill intentions towards you. Don't you want to learn the art of sword control? It's just enough to get used to it." There was a rare smile in Yinyue's voice.

Generally speaking, sword cultivators can wield swords after entering the foundation building, but Shujue went directly to the secret realm after establishing the foundation, and flying was prohibited in the secret realm.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Shu Jue went up and down the Qing Hongzong, entering and exiting seven times.

Everyone: "Junior sister is so amazing!"

Shu Jue: "The grandma from Baihua Valley is here to pick me up!"

After the magic sword settled down, Shujue suddenly lost weight and did not react. He gave a big salute and kowtowed to Pei Xingmo who came over after hearing the noise.

Pei Xingmo: "... Just come back, no need to be polite." He didn't want to notice the movement here. The disciple's voice was really too loud, and it was difficult to ignore it.

Several peaks away, her screams echoed in the valley and never dissipated.

Shu Jue glanced at the demon sword that was pretending to be dead, and his back molars were almost broken: "No, Master, if it weren't for Master's careful teaching, the apprentice would not be as strong as he is today. It's all because of Master's good teaching!"

Thinking about the sword-controlling technique that she had just plunged down with a sudden thrust and then suddenly shot up into the sky, Pei Xingmo didn't really want to admit that he had taught her the sword-controlling technique, although he had indeed never taught it.

But in order not to dampen the young apprentice's enthusiasm for cultivation, he still nodded: "Although cultivation is important, you must also pay attention to your body." It is a good thing for the apprentice to practice seriously, but he is really afraid that she will kill herself.

After the crowd dispersed, Shu Jue walked back to her small courtyard in vain. As soon as she entered the door, she threw away the broken sword and squatted beside it: Yue!
(End of this chapter)

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