Tu Xue was also confused when he first came to the Ghost Clan. During the teleportation process, his hat fell off. By the time he reacted, he was already standing in the middle of the road, receiving the judgmental gazes of a group of people.

The originally bustling street became silent due to his arrival.

A group of people looked at him - the top of his head. After Tu Xue realized it, he touched the top of his head.

Oops, the hat fell off.

"Damn it! There's a demon! Copy that guy! Beat him!"

The next moment, a group of people surrounding him picked up the things around him and rushed towards him with unkind expressions.

Some took stones, some dismantled the stalls and carried wooden boards, and some directly used the things on their stalls as hidden weapons, and they all greeted Tu Xue.

Tu Xue subconsciously wanted to use the magic shield to block it, but found that there was nothing in his body.

Tu Xue:? Where is his demonic energy?

In the end, he was beaten and fled in all directions, and was eventually arrested.

It wasn't until he was sent into the city lord's mansion by a group of people that Tu Xue realized that he had come to the ghost clan.

This race, which he had never even heard of before, seemed to have great malice towards the demons. Those eyes stared at him. If eyes could kill, he would have died countless times.

There is a woman sitting above the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion, who must be the City Lord mentioned by the ghost tribe.

Tu Xue lowered his head, his hands were tied behind his back, and his long gray hair hung down to his chest, making his face look even paler.

Outside the City Lord's Mansion, the onlookers stretched their necks to see what the City Lord would do to him.

"Raise your head." Yuan Xueying's voice was flat, with no emotion.

Tu Xue was aware of the current situation and raised her head obediently without making any more indifferent struggles, but she happened to meet Yuan Xueying's eyes.

Her flash of surprise was also captured by him.

What, does she know herself? Tu Xue was confused.

Following the normal interrogation process, Yuan Xueying asked several questions, such as his identity and how he got here.

Tu Xue answered honestly, but he really didn't know how he got here. He was brought in after grabbing Shu Jue's clothes, and he didn't know how Shu Jue was doing now.

Yuan Xueying did not immediately announce the result of Tu Xue's treatment, and only had him locked up.

Originally thinking that he would be put into a cell, Tu Xue hesitated for a while when he saw the room where he was imprisoned. Are the places where ghosts imprison people treated so well?

He didn't know he had an extra mother until Yuan Xueying came to him at night.

To be more precise, Dai Xueying is a consciousness that Yuan Xueying cast when she was bored, because just like the reincarnation of ordinary people, where she is born is random, so there is Dai Xueying in the inheritance tower.

Dai Xueying has all the memories of Yuan Xueying. Tu Xue was born to her back then, so she recognized Tu Xue the first time she saw him. This was the great son she gave birth to when she was a human being. .

Of course, the final trial ended in nothing. No one in Qianying Palace would doubt the city lord, they would only think that she had secretly executed the demon.

But the fact is that Tu Xue has lived in the City Lord's Mansion openly.

Hearing that he had a friend coming with him, Yuan Xueying also promised him that she would help him find out the news, but she just looked at this person whom she had not seen for a long time, and there was inevitably teasing in her eyes:

"You're so worried about her? You're not attracted to her, are you?"

Tu Xue immediately stood up as if he had been stabbed in the butt by a hedgehog, his pale face a little red: "No, I'm just very grateful to her."

She didn't dislike his half-human and half-demon identity and brought him out. She even treated him as a friend. Tu Xue had never met anyone like Shu Jue in his whole life.

"Really just grateful?" Yuan Xueying didn't quite believe it.

She followed him into the ghost clan just out of gratitude. Wasn't her cheap son a bit too naive? "Really." Tu Xue felt helpless. At the beginning, it was inevitable that there would be some throbbing in my heart, but when I thought of my identity, the small throbbing was suppressed.

He also knew very well that Shu Jue was not the kind of person who would indulge in love.

Tu Xue was naturally excited when he heard that Shu Jue had come to the city lord's palace in Qianying Palace. Yuan Xueying asked him to go with her, and he agreed without thinking.

Shujue and others were already waiting outside. When they saw Yuan Xuexing, they recognized her identity and saluted her.

"Are you Shu Jue?" Yuan Xueying's eyes were fixed on Shu Jue.

This girl seemed to be a few years younger than Tu Xue, but she looked very calm. Yuan Xueying liked her even more.

"Junior Shujue has met Senior Yuan."

Yuan Xueying waved her hand, "There's no need for these false courtesy, we can be considered acquaintances after all." She glanced to the side and found that Tu Xue was not here, and she immediately cursed in her heart, "You are an unlucky boy."

And Shu Jue was still wondering about her sentence of "they are considered acquaintances". It was obviously the first time they met, so how could they be familiar with each other?

Then Yuan Xueying waved, and the gray-haired boy walked out.

"Tu Xue?" Shu Jue was delighted.

Just when she was worried about how to find him, Song Ren helped her inquire about his whereabouts, but his whereabouts were never found, making Shujue think that he had not actually followed the ghost clan.

Seeing him here now, and thinking of the "acquaintance" Yuan Xueying just mentioned, she quickly reacted.

No wonder she couldn't find Tu Xue's whereabouts, it must have been concealed deliberately by Yuan Xueying.

"Long time no see, Shujue." Tu Xue pursed her lips, with a bit of excitement in her eyes.

"Okay, okay, you guys chat." They were all acquaintances. Yuan Xueying was casual in nature, so she didn't act like an elder. She was afraid that they would be uncomfortable if she was here, so she left directly.

Several people talked for a while, and when they finished talking, they realized that night had fallen.

Yuan Xueying had already sent people to prepare meals, and as soon as they finished talking, she would invite them to eat.

He knew in his heart that Shu Jue and Yan Beizhou were human beings, and the dishes on the table were specially prepared for humans to eat.

Yuan Xueying has not been so happy for a long time.

She had been a ghost for so long that she had even forgotten what it was like to be a human being.

When Dai Xueying first separated a trace of consciousness to reincarnate, her consciousness also dissipated after her death. It happened that the ghost clan was in chaos, and she didn't have time to take Tu Xue away.

When the clan was calmed down and the passage was closed, she never went out again.

Counting it this way, it seems that many years have passed.

and many more.

Yuan Xueying suddenly remembered what was wrong.

It's been hundreds of years, how come her son has achieved this level of cultivation?

"Er, how old are you this year?" Yuan Xueying didn't call him by his first name. Calling him by his full name was too unfamiliar, and calling him Xueer sounded like a girl.

Whenever this happened, she couldn't help but scold the demon who named him.

"I am nineteen this year."

nineteen? Yuan Xueying was stunned for a moment, this time... doesn't seem to be right?

The ghost passage has been sealed for hundreds of years!

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