After converting to Qingqing Dao, my little junior sister went crazy

Chapter 206: Found a backstage in the ghost clan

Shu Jue: "..." Don't say it, really don't say it, she originally planned to steal it.

As a result, someone else's grave was dug.

After thinking about it for a while, she said: "It's not considered stealing, it's just that he gave me the pieces after a chance encounter."

My predecessor, the Ghost Emperor, threatened me, can I not give it to him?

Liu Qingfeng's life was considered worthwhile because he could still talk to his former master.

"But speaking of which, does Senior Yuan know Liu Qingfeng?" Shujue thought about what happened outside the auction house again, and intuitively felt that something was wrong with Liu Qingfeng.

"You can just call me Aunt Yuan. It sounds awkward for seniors to come and go." Yuan Xueying asked the attendants to prepare some refreshments and bring them to her. "Liu Qingfeng has something special. Let's sit down first and eat while we're here." chat."

I have to say that some of the food that has been used to dispel the ghost energy tastes really good. Even though Shujue and I have been fasting for a long time, they still can't help but eat more.

Yuan Xueying took a sip of tea and began to analyze Liu Qingfeng in depth.

When Liu Qingfeng was still a human, he seemed to be a top scholar. His mother died early and his father was missing. Only he and his sister depended on each other.

As a person with clear goals since childhood, Liu Qingfeng knew what he wanted at a very young age and was willing to work hard and pay the price for it.

He did some odd jobs, raised his sister, and studied on his own, becoming the youngest scholar at the time.

These are what Yuan Xueying heard from Tong Xun at that time.

As for the cause of Liu Qingfeng's death later, she was not very clear.

Some people said that he later got involved in the court and was framed. His sister was also imprisoned and died. Some people also said that he became a traitor and others couldn't stand him, so he acted for heaven.

No matter which way you say it, Liu Qingfeng is not a simple person.

To climb to a position that can stir up troubles in the court as an ordinary citizen without any background is enough to show that he is outstanding in all aspects.

Yuan Xueying had speculated before whether it was because of his excellent abilities that he was reused by the Ghost Emperor.

But these speculations can no longer be confirmed with the fall of the Ghost Emperor.

"Liu Qingfeng looks like a gentle young man, but he is actually quite ruthless."

The ghost clan also has its own laws, but this law is not based on what is promulgated by the Ghost Emperor, but is based on what is set by the rulers of the major cities as the final standard.

The laws in Centennial City are the most stringent, and the punishments for ghosts who commit crimes are also the heaviest.

After hearing this, Shu Jue didn't think there was any problem.

She didn't know why: "Wouldn't it be nice to be stricter? That way, no one would dare to commit a crime."

Yuan Xueying shook her head and looked at Shujue with the words "You are so naive" written in her eyes.

"It would be nice if it was just strict. Those punishments are equivalent to torture. Do you still think this is normal? And Liu Qingfeng, as the lord of a city, sometimes even carries out the punishment himself."

Yuan Xueying had seen Liu Qingfeng carrying out punishment before. He looked righteous, but in reality he looked cruel and cold. She even wondered if he was taking pleasure in this.

Theoretically, the strength among their several city lords is almost the same, and their relationship is very good. But Yuan Xueying rarely interacted with Liu Qingfeng, and she was a little afraid of him.

Because she had seen his dirty tricks.

For such people, Yuan Xueying would hide as far away as possible.

This is why Fengdu City and Baisui City are close to each other, but Qianying Palace is far away from these two cities. When Tong Xun was still there, they, as subordinates, often kept in contact with each other. Later, only the three of them were left among the Eight Great Guards, and they were immediately separated.

However, according to Yuan Xueying herself, Liu Qingfeng had never noticed that Yuan Xueying was deliberately alienating him, because she had always been like this and ignored everyone.

Yuan Xueying: I did it on purpose.

If you can't afford to offend her, can't you hide from her?

Shu Jue was stunned: "Aunt Yuan, if you ignore him, aren't you afraid that he will target you?"

"Oh, that's not the case, because I treat everyone the same." Of course, this is external, so naturally I treat my son and my son's friends differently.

Because of their blood relationship, Yuan Xueying could easily sense Tu Xue's attitude towards her.

Although she had been absent from his life for so many years, Tu Xue had no complaints against her, so she became affectionate to him.

If Tu Xue had any ill will towards her, then it would be fine if she didn't want this son.

"But then again, why are you so interested in his affairs?"

"It's not that I'm interested, I just think he's weird." Shu Jue retracted her gaze from the yard.

In the yard, Yin Yuezheng taught Su Yan how to use the two big hammers.

Although the hammer had shrunk a lot, it still looked quite inconsistent when Su Yan held it menacingly, and Shu Jue couldn't help but curl the corners of her lips.

After learning what Liu Qingfeng and Liu Wanwan did outside the auction house, Yuan Xueying was also a little surprised, and she also couldn't understand why he wanted to do such a thing.

"It can't be to test Su Yan's strength, right?"

"I don't think that's the case." Shu Jue shook her head, picked up the spiritual fruit on the table and took a bite.

Don't mention it, although the fruit has no special effect after eating it, it tastes really good, sweet and sour, and delicious.

"If you like to go out then, you can take two more with you." Yuan Xueying looked at her with a smile in her eyes.

Originally, he wanted to match up Zi Zi and Shu Jue, but now it seems that neither of them had that intention. Instead, he was overly preoccupied.

"Hey, Shujue, I heard that your mother left you when you were very young? I don't mean anything else. I just think that we are quite destined. Why don't you ask me to be your adoptive mother?"

"Ah?" Shu Jue paused while eating the fruit.

"Why, you're not happy?" Seeing how delicious she was eating, Yuan Xueying also took a piece of fruit to chew on, and said vaguely while chewing:

"I am in the middle stage of integration. I should be able to transcend the tribulation in a few hundred years. You will worship me as your adoptive mother. I will punish anyone who bullies you in the future. Not to mention the twelve generals of the demon clan, I can beat them all." Come on, at least five or six of them will be taken care of without any problem."

Shu Jue admitted that she was indeed moved, but the gap between the two races was still a problem.

How could Yuan Xueying not know what she was thinking, and waved her hands grandly: "You don't have to think too much about the rest. Just leave the ghost clan affairs to me. As for Liu Qingfeng... I'll help you keep an eye on it when I have time." "

"Besides, didn't you say that you hope that the ghost tribe will help fight against the demon tribe? Doesn't this mean that our two tribes will be partners on the same front in the future, and it doesn't matter if you become a godson, right?"

Shu Jue thought she was right.

As a senior brother, Yan Beizhou was also happy when he saw that his junior sister was so lovable and that the ghost clan had found a backstage.

In the end, Shu Jue and Tu Xue became sworn sworn friends. When they were teenagers, they suddenly had a brother.

Yuan Xueying was so happy that she picked up a daughter who liked her in vain and stuffed her with a lot of greeting and marriage gifts.

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