After converting to Qingqing Dao, my little junior sister went crazy

Chapter 211 Those who don’t know are not guilty

Tu Xue's arrival caused an uproar in Hongzong of the Qing Dynasty.

Especially when the competition is about to take place, there are more than just disciples of this sect in the Qinghong Sect.

Shu Jue walked around the sect with Tu Xue. Whenever a disciple saw Tu Xue, she would tell them Tu Xue's identity. The disciples had different expressions, either horrified or pitiful.

Finally, there were more people, and Shu Jue said she was tired, so she could only take Tu Xue back to her yard, let him go to the guest room, and then took out her communication jade.

Unsurprisingly, there was already a huge quarrel among the people above Chuan Yu about this matter.

Most of the Qinghong Sect disciples still sided with Shu Jue, but some people felt that Shu Jue, as the disciple of the sect master, should not have taken the lead in sheltering the demons.

Shu Jue thought for a while and typed a reply to that comment: "He is not a demon, he is just a human with demon blood."

Later, she made a separate post, telling the story of Tu Xue exactly. At the end, she added, "Those who don't know are not guilty."

In some ways, Tu Xue is even a victim.

If Dai Xueying in the inheritance tower had not been given to the demons as food by the humans, if she had not been bullied by the demons, she might have had a human husband who loved her and had a lovely human child.

But the demons and those people ruined all this. Even the demon village where Tu Xue was located regarded saving Tu Xue's life as a gift, but they didn't ask whether Tu Xue was willing to accept this gift, leaving him in a state of confusion. He grew up knowing it, then he hated it, but he had to accept his identity.

In fact, he could choose to die, but Dai Xueying suffered so much and still gave birth to him. What reason did he have to end this hard-won life?

Before that, she also asked Tu Xue, who didn't mind her exposing her past in front of everyone. In fact, when Shujue brought him back, some disciples tentatively greeted him after hearing about his identity. It already made him a little moved.

Maybe the humans in this world are not targeting demons as he thought? Maybe.

As soon as Shu Jue's post was posted, many people immediately viewed it.

The message jade jade ding ding ding dong dong, the news is endless.

Shujue opened the message bar and looked through them one by one.

Perhaps her status as a disciple of the sect master played some role. The following reply was much friendlier than what Shujue had seen before.

Most of the replies were words like "This guy is really miserable" and "So pathetic".

It is these mercy that Tu Xue needs now.

This is not mercy, it is his redemption.

Shujue also read those extreme words, but she did not reply.

Many disciples who came to Qing Hongzong to participate in the competition learned that Tu Xue was in Shujue's courtyard, and they all came to see him.

It was a very strange look, full of novelty and pity, but friendly.

"Is your name Tu Xue? My name is Xu Yan. My master said you are welcome to visit our Changxiangmen in the future."

"And me and me, my master also said that you are welcome to come and play in our Ten Thousand Beast Sect!"

"I am a casual cultivator. If you want to practice in the future, we can form a team together."

The unfamiliar faces said different things, but their purposes were roughly the same.

At this moment, Tu Xue felt as if her heart and head were light, and her face was hot, as if she were facing a flame.

His eyes were a little sore.

For the third time in his life, Tu Xue finally felt the kindness of strangers. The first time it was Shu Jue and the others, the second time it was Pei Xingmo, and the third time it was these strange disciples in front of them.

"Thank you." Tu Xue thought for a while, but finally got choked up and couldn't say anything.

Seeing this, Shu Jue curled up her lips and did not bother them.

Passed on from one person to another, and in one afternoon, countless people came over to see Tu Xue.

Tu Xue didn't think they were looking at novel species, because although they were indeed very curious, they all exuded goodwill. Some even gave him pills and talismans. After several years of cold treatment, he was still not used to this.

Fortunately, they didn't stay in the yard all the time. After all, there was going to be a competition soon. Half an hour more training than others would be considered time.

There were only a few people left in the courtyard, and they were the ones from Master Shujue's sect, except Chu Yunchen, who was currently accompanying Yu Mingli.

Shu Jue introduced her senior brothers and sisters to Tu Xue. Tu Xue was a little shy and greeted them with his head lowered.

Lin Nianjiao looked at him with maternal love. She looked at this great boy who was taller than herself kindly and said, "Junior sister has already taken you to meet our master, right? You can just stay here with peace of mind. It’s okay to treat this place as home.”

Speaking of which, the Qing Hong Sect is indeed like a shelter now. It has accepted the Lan clan, some disciples of the Dan Sect, and disciples from other sects who want to practice swordsmanship. Recently, many sects have come for the competition. people.

Originally, the sect's territory was quite large, but now it feels like the room is not enough.

I heard from Master that some small sects have recently been discussing the matter of uniting the sect, and some scattered cultivators have begun to organize themselves. There are small teams, and there is even an alliance of casual cultivators led by monks who have reached the middle stage of spiritual transformation.

Danzong's incident seemed to be a warning to everyone, and those who originally fought alone began to form a group.

But this is far from enough.

Today's human race is still divided into three forces: the world of immortality, the world of mortals, and the aristocratic family.

Only when everyone is focused on the outside world can the human race truly fight back.

The formula for refining the spirit crystal balls has been generously given away by Qing Hongzong a long time ago. Now many sects are equipped with spirit crystal balls, and it is difficult for demons and demon spies to sneak in. This time, the Qing Hongzong’s The elder checked all the disciples who came to compete and the elder who led the team, and no one had any objections. After all, the strict control now is for their own good.

Because each major sect had already screened them once before, Qinghong Sect did not detect many demons and demon spies this time.

Only five casual cultivators had problems.

The law enforcement elder waved his hand and locked the person up directly.

Now those demon spies are still waiting tremblingly for the Qing Hongzong's interrogation, but they don't know that they had no intention of interrogating them in the first place.

Anyway, even if you pry open the mouth, you won't be able to find out anything. When the time comes, blood will be splashed everywhere and you will have to clean it up.

Although it can be dealt with using magic, it is troublesome.

When Tu Xue learned about this, a trace of confusion flashed across his handsome face.

When asked what happened to him, he hesitated: "Actually, I know how to ask them." Tu Xue once saw the demon clan impose a ban on the human race. The city lord in the inheritance tower was placed a ban on the human race by the demon clan, but he himself was completely unaware of it. I don't know, I thought I was in a dominant position in the transaction between the two parties.

Shu Jue's eyes lit up, yes, why didn't she think of it? After all, Tu Xue is also half a demon and has lived with the demons! She looked at him with bright eyes. Tu Xue felt a little embarrassed and slowly told him how to unlock the restriction.

I wrote the wrong chapter number. After I sent it out, I found out that I couldn’t change it. I burst into tears.

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