What kind of elixir can't even be evaluated by Elder Jade for quality?

Everyone stretched their necks, not caring about the other disciples refining, their eyes full of curiosity.

I'd rather take out all those elixirs and show them to them!

After so many years of competition, this was the first time they saw a 100% elixir success rate in the elixir test. What does a 100% elixir look like?

Several other judges and elders came down to take a look, and the curiosity in their eyes instantly turned into astonishment when they saw the elixir.

The two of them looked at each other, then fell silent.

Pills floated out of the stove one after another, exuding an alluring fragrance.

But the surface was bumpy, like a muddy path after rain.


What is this.

Several elders discussed it and finally decided to find a disciple on the spot who was willing to take the spirit-restoring pill refined by Shu Jue.

Finally, a disciple of Qinghong Sect raised his hand and was willing to consume the spiritual energy in his body before taking the elixir.

Watching him swallow the pill, many people's eyes stayed on him.

During this period, many disciples also finished refining, and they were also looking here.

The disciple took the elixir, and not long after, changes appeared in his body.

Feeling the changes inside his body, his eyes widened: "This feeling..."

Everyone stared.

What does it feel like?

"All the spiritual power in my body has been restored!" The disciple suddenly raised his head and let out a surprised roar.

"What? How is this possible!" The elder standing next to him checked him in disbelief.

It turned out that his Dantian, which had been almost depleted, was actually full of spiritual energy.


Not to mention 100% recovery, at least 90% is possible.

At the very least, it is a top-grade Restoring Spirit Pill.

This is just for selling...

It was full of potholes and looked like a defective product.

Shu Jue also knew that the thing he made didn't look very good, but it worked pretty well, right?

"Elder, does this count as passing the first round? You see, although my elixir doesn't look very good, at least the quality is good."

"It's passed." Elder Yu was a little confused.

Shu Jue can pass the first round, which is something that many people did not expect.

After all, she had only been exposed to alchemy for a short time.

But it can be seen from the elixir's success rate and quality that this is a kind of talent.

It's really irritating to see people compare to each other.

Starting in the afternoon is the martial arts test, which is divided into individual competition and team competition. Participants can only choose one of the two.

Shu Jue chose a personal competition.

The competition is based on the order of drawing lots, and the two sides who draw the corresponding numbers are opponents. Because the number of people participating in the individual competition is an odd number, there is a bye in the lot.

"Now, everyone can choose the lot." The lot was placed on the open space in the center, and everyone used their spiritual power to draw it.

Shu Jue waited until everyone had finished smoking before taking one randomly.

After opening it, I found that the signature was blank?

Did she get a bye?

"I drew the fifty-fourth lottery, and I don't know who my opponent is." Lin Nianjiao ran over and waved her lottery in front of Shu Jue: "Little junior sister, what lottery number did you draw?"

"I got a blank lottery." Shu Jue showed her his lottery, which made Lin Nianjiao jealous: "My junior sister is so lucky!" "By the way, junior sister, I haven't congratulated you for passing the first round of the elixir test. Here!" Lin Nianjiao's voice was full of pride: "I know that my junior sister can learn everything quickly, she is simply a genius!"

Lin Nianjiao put her arm around Shujue's shoulders, and the two of them talked while walking.

There are too many things happening these days. Shujue was too busy talking about things a while ago that she didn't have time to exchange detailed information.

Only then did Shu Jue know that the reason why Yu Mingli was seriously injured was because they ran into one of the Twelve Demon Generals.

It turns out that a demon general has appeared over there?

There will be a free break during the martial arts test. Taking advantage of this time, Shu Jue went to find Shen Xingzhan and Li Yinyin.

Both of them passed the first round of the Dan test, while Li Yinyin is preparing for the solo martial arts test.

Recently, she had been in seclusion at Qing Hongzong and did not come out until last night.

Now she has reached the early stage of Jindan cultivation.

She was a little surprised when she saw Shu Jue: "Shu Jue, I saw the elixir you refined just now. Can you teach me how to refine it?"

She had never seen anyone making elixirs in that way.

Generally speaking, the medicinal materials need to be tempered one by one and then fused together, but it is said that Shu Jue directly stews all the medicinal materials in a large pot to make the elixir.

Such a refining method is unheard of, but the speed is much faster than ordinary methods.

"This..." Shu Jue scratched her head: "I don't know what to say. How about I refine it again and show it to you?"

Shu Jue followed the same method and made another batch of pitted pills.

The appearance is still not good, but from the fragrance of the elixir, you can feel that the quality of this elixir is definitely not low.

Li Yinyin looked at the pot of pills and silently pushed back the idea that she also wanted to learn.

There is indeed a difference between alchemy and alchemy.

Staying with Shu Jue, Li Yinyin seemed to feel less tired.

The three of them sat side by side, their legs dangling on the edge of the roof, as if they were back when they first met in the secret realm.

The dark night sky was like an airtight net, as if it was about to be pressed down at any time.

There was no moon tonight, and Li Yinyin leaned on Shu Jue's shoulder, "It would be great if time could stay in a peaceful moment." If she could do it over again, she would definitely practice hard and not let her master worry so much.

But there is no if.

"I also hope that I can always be at peace." Shujue put her hands behind her back and raised her head.

In her last life, she had been following Chu Yunchen and missed a lot of things.

Once she had it in this life, she was even more reluctant to let it go, so she could only move forward.

Retreating is an ocean and an endless abyss.

"Shu Jue, what are our chances of winning?" Li Yinyin was just as confused as Shu Jue back then.

Her master and the sect leader all died at the hands of the demons. People as powerful as them were killed by the demons, but what about them? Facing a powerful enemy, is there really a chance of winning?

"Yes, I think it's 100%." ​​Shu Jue stood up and patted the dust on her skirt, "We will win, Yin Yin, you know, in Phoenix Swamp I saw the past of the human race."

"Every step we take, every piece of land we step on, is paved with the flesh and blood of our predecessors."

"Now we will move forward along the road they paved, Yin Yin, I believe we will win. Because, we are not alone."

Lin Dingzhi, who is willing to bear the pain alone, and those hearts on the barrier of Phoenix Marsh, will not give their lives in vain.

The demons will one day pay for the sins they have committed.

"Yes, Yin Yin, no matter what time, Qing Hongzong will always be on the same front with you."

"And Yunhe Sect." A voice suddenly came from behind. Shujue turned her head and saw Mu Qianqian with a smile on her face: "Shujue, you are finally back!"

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