Yan Jinlan took Shujue's hand and put the bracelet she had knitted on her. The bracelet was knitted crookedly, and one could tell at a glance that the weaver's skills were not very good.

But Yan Jinlan's age is here, and Yin Yue also said that her soul is incomplete and not as good as ordinary children in some aspects. It must have taken a lot of effort to make it up like this.

Shu Jue's heart felt warm. She was obviously just the child's nominal master and had taught her nothing, yet she was so fond of herself...

"Master, it looks great on it!" After putting on the bracelet, Yan Jinlan grabbed Shujue's wrist with both hands and shook it, looking at her with a pair of round black eyes: "Master, do you like it?"

"I like it." Shujue rubbed her head: "The bracelet made by Jin Lan is beautiful."

When Yan Jinlan was praised like this by her, she grinned, her eyes curved into small crescents, and a pair of small dimples appeared on her face.

Shu Jue couldn't help but reached out and pinched her face. The little girl's skin was soft and tender.

Yan Jinlan was not bothered by her pinching him like this, and he giggled at her.

"What is so funny? Telling it makes me happy."

As the emperor's voice came, Yan Jinlan closed her bared teeth.

She didn't dare to laugh in front of her father now. Last time, because she laughed at his stupidity, his father asked his master to assign her a lot of homework at once, and it took her a long time to finish it.

Not only was she not smiling, her mouth was pouting to the sky. The imperial concubine couldn't laugh or cry, so she gently pulled her mouth: "Why are you so unhappy when you hear your father's voice?"

"My father is a bad father!" Yan Jinlan pursed his lips and muttered in a low voice: "He will ask the master to give me homework."

"So that's it." The imperial concubine picked her up and kissed her little face: "Then let's go out and play, not with our father."

"Yeah!" Yan Jinlan nodded vigorously, resting his head on her shoulder and looking at Shujue: "Master, will you go out with us?"

"You guys play first, Master will be here soon."

"Okay, then master, you must come!"

The emperor who just came in couldn't help but feel sour when he saw his beloved daughter ignoring him. He deliberately coughed twice to try to attract her attention. Unexpectedly, the little girl ignored him and lay on her mother's shoulder. Just went out.

Emperor: "..." So he fell out of favor with his daughter?

"Have you been going well lately?" The emperor withdrew his gaze, sat on the edge and took a sip of tea.

He hadn't even finished approving the memorial, but he rushed over when he saw an urgent matter.

But now he was hesitant whether to talk to Shu Jue or not.

They have already helped Nanguo so much, wouldn't it be bad to trouble them again?

"It's okay. I've been safe during this period." Shujue noticed his troubled expression and asked casually: "What's bothering the emperor?"

"Yes." The emperor finally nodded, a little helpless: "I just saw a memorial presented by an official, saying that there seems to be a demon clan in the Liantang area."

"There is a village over there, and several animals died in several nights. Because the village is close to the mountain, the villagers thought they were wild beasts, but a villager died the day before yesterday."

"I originally thought that since everyone has already started practicing, it would be okay to let them solve this problem by themselves, but I was afraid that the demon was a ruthless character, and it would be bad if another city-destroying tragedy like Red Eagle happened. ." Although he was embarrassed to trouble Shu Jue and others again, his sense of responsibility as an emperor still made him shamelessly tell the matter, "Look, if you are free these days, can you help us find out what it is? Condition?"

"If they are demons that they can deal with on their own, then don't worry about them. If they can't deal with them, I have to ask you to help protect them."

"Okay." Shu Jue nodded and immediately agreed.

After hearing this, several disciples started vying to go with her. In the end, Shujue asked them to draw lots, and those who drew the long lot would go and those who drew the short lot would stay.

Liantang is an artificial river dug out by the emperor after he ascended the throne. After its opening, it made the lives of many people more convenient and made the cities along the river more prosperous.

The village where the demons were discovered this time was a village close to the upper reaches.

It was dusk when Shujue and the others arrived, and faint smoke came out of every house's chimney.

Because they came from Yu Jian, they had just entered the village's field of vision when villagers saw them. When a few people landed, they were surrounded by enthusiastic villagers:

"Immortal? Has Immortal had dinner? My meal has just been prepared. Does Immortal want to come to my house to have a rest?"

"Go, go! My food is good, I have meat, and immortals come to my house."

"I don't understand what you are arguing about. Immortals have long since gone off grain, and they still want your food? Immortals should come to our house. My family got some good tea a while ago..."

In the end, it was the village chief who came forward and rescued them from the crowd.

The village chief was an old man in his fifties or sixties, with dark skin and a strong body. Shujue and others could tell at a glance that the village chief was also a monk.

Knowing that Shujue and the others were here for the demon clan, the village chief led them to his home, poured them another glass of water, then sat down and briefly talked about the situation in the village.

There are about fifty households in the village, and basically every household raises some livestock. The first animal that was bitten to death was Aunt Zhou's house. A sheep in her sheepfold was bitten to death; the second one was bitten to death. It is the watchdog of Aunt Cai’s family: the third one is a spotted pig of Butcher Li’s family.

The dead animals had their blood sucked dry and died of excessive blood loss.

The villager who died a few days ago was an older widow in the village. She was usually a kind person and had good relations with her neighbors.

A few days before her death, she also told someone that she was wondering if someone was playing a prank and kept knocking down the shelves she had set up in the yard. This happened for several days in a row, which really made her a little annoyed.

She was a widow who didn't go out much on weekdays, and she had never offended anyone in the village. She couldn't figure out who was so prankster, so she told her neighbor that she wanted to see who was so boring at night.

But the next day, a neighbor found her cold body in her yard.

It seemed that Beishuo had smashed his head and left a lot of blood. His eyes were still open and his mouth was open. His expression looked like anger, not fear.

"Actually, we don't know if it's a demon or not, but we just don't feel at ease, so we reported the matter." Originally, we thought it would be best if someone came to take a look, but if not, forget it.

Who would have thought that the emperor actually knew about this, and he even asked these sect disciples to help.

"Did any animals die in your village later?" Shu Jue and several others looked at each other and asked.

"No, our village seems to be at peace after she died." The village chief thought for a while and answered truthfully.

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