Tan Lin was very embarrassed when he returned to Feiyue Sect.

When fighting Shu Jue, Shu Jue stared at his face and struck hard, so hard that his whole face was swollen.

He touched his face and hissed in pain. He cursed and found some healing elixir and drank it. Then he straightened his clothes and planned to go see Zhu Yan.

Zhu Yan was still in the small pavilion, lying lazily in the soft quilt, his whole body sunk into the soft quilt, leaving only a smooth calf and a pair of bare, white jade-like feet outside. .

Even though he had seen this scene many times, Tan Lin would still lower his head subconsciously when he came, but his eyes kept glancing at those white and tender feet.

"You're back? How are things going?" Zhu Yan didn't even raise his eyelids, and there was a hint of charm in his voice.

Anyway, the Feiyue Sect had already broken up with the world of immortality, so they simply stopped disguising themselves and showed their original appearance.

Her misty blue hair hangs down along the soft edge like a waterfall. She looks very similar to Xue Miao. The difference is that Xue Miao is not as gorgeous as her. The ends of her eyes are raised like hooks, and she glances at them casually. Coming over, Tan Lin felt hot all over.

"Master, after the curse was finished, Shu Jue discovered it..."

Tan Lin lowered his head to prevent Zhu Yan from seeing anything wrong with him.

"Shu Jue? That little girl is really capable." Zhu Yan lowered his eyes and admired his white fingers, "You can ask him next time you see him. If she is willing to submit to the demon clan, I can treat her better than her master. She’s even better.”

From the time he arrived in the world of cultivating immortals until now, all the things that happened seemed to be accidental, but everything had something to do with that little girl.

But think about it, after all, with the surname Shu, can it be a simple role?
I just don’t know if she has any relationship with the previous Shu family member.

Tan Lin lowered his head, his teeth almost shattered when he heard her talk about wanting to recruit Shu Jue.

Where did that damn girl get such good luck to make Master worry about her for so long?

His face didn't reveal anything, he just nodded respectfully: "Disciple, I understand, master."

Taking this opportunity, he raised his head slightly and glanced quickly at Zhu Yan's face.

She closed her eyes as if she were asleep, and that face made Tan Lin's heart beat rapidly.

Thinking that when he had the heart to leave the Feiyue Sect, she actually talked to him in a gentle voice, Tan Lin felt light-hearted.

Although Master is quite strict with him on weekdays, he still has him in his heart, right?

Later, Zhu Yan gave him skills and some treasures, which further confirmed Tan Lin's thoughts.

The heart that was still a little depressed because of the changes in the sect was revived.

Anyway, they are all apprentices, so who should I worship? And if his master was really Xue Miao, he might not be so kind to him.

Now his status in the Feiyue Sect can be said to be unmatched by anyone except Zhu Yan. Some demons even greeted him respectfully when they saw him, which gave Tan Lin great psychological satisfaction.

"Okay, get out of here." Zhu Yan said these words lightly, as if he had fallen asleep completely.

As for what Tan Lin was thinking in front of her, she was not interested in knowing.

It was just a dog. How could she put so much thought into guessing what the dog would think?
Tan Lin, unaware of the contempt in her heart, bowed happily and left.

Originally, Shu Jue had cut off the matter, and he was still a little worried, fearing that Zhu Yan would scold him for this.

But he didn't expect that she didn't ask him for responsibility at all?
Tan Lin secretly rejoiced in his heart. Master would still be soft-hearted to him after all! Even if he was asked to recruit Shu Jue, he didn't really want to do it.

But it doesn’t matter. Anyway, it’s up to you to recruit or not. If the time comes to kill the person, the master won’t blame him, right?

When he thought of this, he felt a little depressed.

His cultivation level is obviously two levels higher than Shu Jue's, and he even has the golden elixir to Yuanying in the middle, but he can't beat Shu Jue?
This result was unacceptable to him. He went back to tidy up and decisively entered into practice.

The next time he sees Shu Jue, he will definitely kill her!

At this time, Shu Jue didn't know that he was still thinking about her. She went back and disposed of the man's body in the inn room, restored the room to its original state, and left some money before leaving.

In the world of immortality, spiritual stones are used for transactions, but in the mortal world, real gold and silver are used for transactions.

Shu Jue didn't have a penny on her when she first came here, so before leaving, the Queen Mother had someone prepare some for her, maybe she could use it.

I didn't expect it to actually come into use.

The next day the waiter came to clean up the house. When he saw the money on the table, he didn't think about it. He thought the people living here were in a hurry and left.

This has nothing to do with him, just pay the money.

But Shujue thought that it was still early anyway and nothing happened to Xiaoyi, so she simply walked around the city.

The screening was in full swing. She was walking on the street when she heard a burst of crying.

"I'm not under a spell! Let me go! Let me go!"

Shu Jue followed the sound and saw that there were already people on three levels inside and three outside.

She had no choice but to release her consciousness to see what was going on.

In the open space in the center of the crowd, another little girl who looked similar to her was struggling desperately. Next to her stood two attendant-like people, holding her firmly on the left and right, and would not let go no matter how much she struggled. Half a point.

The little girl kept crying, and her bun and clothes became messy due to the struggle.

Standing in front of her was a man in his twenties, squinting his eyes and looking at her maliciously: "You said you didn't get a curse, so you didn't get a curse? Take it back to me, and I'll check whether you have been cursed or not!" "

"Let go! Let me go! Dad! Mom!" She cried and looked in one direction with red eyes. Over there, a middle-aged couple looked away unnaturally.

The little girl was desperate and cried hoarsely.

Just because that man was the son of the county magistrate, there were so many people watching, but no one dared to stop him.

They gathered around and watched. Although they couldn't bear it in their eyes, they didn't say anything.

Furthermore, they really doubted whether she was under a curse.

After all, she hasn't checked yet.

Even though everyone knew that the test the man was talking about was not a serious test, they all remained silent.

The little girl was tired of crying and stopped struggling, allowing the two attendants to escort her away.

The son of the county magistrate lifted her chin with his fan, his eyes full of pride: "This is right, wouldn't it be better if it was like this earlier?"

After that, he looked around and said, "What are you still doing here? Are you doing nothing?"

The vicious threat suddenly made some people feel more fearful, and they all left in twos and threes.

Even the girl's parents looked at her for a few times and then gritted their teeth and left.

For a while, everyone on the street had almost dispersed, leaving Shujue standing still.

Seeing her, the county magistrate's son's eyes suddenly lit up: "And that one! Take it with me too, and go back and check it carefully!"

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